Monday, September 27, 2021

Cardinal of Guadalajara Abolishes FSSP Parish


The Cathedral of Guadalajara with Archbishop Cardinal Robles Ortega: Because of Traditionis custodes, an icy wind is blowing towards the Fraternity of Saint Peter.

Cardinal José Francisco Robles Ortega is Archbishop of Guadalajara, Mexico.  The Archdiocese of Guadalajara is one of the most thriving strongholds of the Society of St. Peter (FSSP) in Latin America.  On Twitter, the cardinal published the decree he had issued to implement the Motu proprio Traditionis custodes.  A tough decree.

With Traditionis Custodes, issued by Pope Francis on July 16, the Immemorial Rite and the communities and associations that are committed to it are to be strangled.  Cardinal Robles is implementing papal law with great rigor.

This is surprising at first sight. In 2007, when he was still Archbishop of Monterrey, the Mexican cardinal was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI.  elevated to the rank of cardinal.  It was also he who appointed him to the Archdiocese  of Guadalajara in 2011.  However, in contrast to Francis, the German Pope followed much more traditional practices when appointing bishops and cardinals, which limited his scope for decision-making.

Decree with which the quasi-parish was established in 2010

 Roble's predecessor as Archbishop of Guadalajara, Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, who headed the Archdiocese from 1994 to 2011, had established a quasi-personal parish for the Immemorial Rite on December 6, 2010 and entrusted it to the FSSP.  The church of Nuestra Señora del Pilar became its focal point.  In the twelfth year of its prosperous existence, the parish has now been eliminated with the stroke of a pen.

Hopes were placed in the FSSP in the Archdiocese of Guadalajara.  There, with the Casa Cristo Rey, a first step was taken towards the establishment of a seminary with Spanish as the language of instruction (until now there have been those with German, French and English as the language of instruction).  However, the project had stalled in recent years.  One reason for this can now be guessed at.

Cardinal Robles tolerates the appearance of the Pachamama in his episcopal city in a decidedly sacrilegious form.

As Pope Francis emphasized several times, most recently on September 12th to the Jesuits in Slovakia, the Motu Proprio Traditionis custodes apodictically assumes that all priests and believers who are connected to the traditional rite are "rigid", "rigid," " Pelagian”, “ideologues”..  That, so Francis justified, he had to fight.

However, the reality is very different: It is not just about the Rite, but about a different understanding of the Church, behind which there is a different theology.  Just as Protestants are primarily based on their demarcation from the Catholic Church, so the Novus Ordo and the underlying conceptual structure are primarily based on the rejection of the Vetus Ordo, which, through its mere existence, holds up a mirror to the innovators, which is unbearable for many.

The Pope postulated a premise to justify his intervention that does not exist in this form.  Seen in this way, Traditionis Custodes is a textbook example of a distorted perception of reality.  Rather, the motu proprio suggests an ideologized thinking of the ruling head of the Church, who flatly rejects the Immemorial Rite and its representatives and shows no willingness to respond to them and their concerns.  He considers their existence superfluous and disruptive.  The encouragement that is expressed in flourishing communities, full seminaries and congregations with many young families seems even more to be seen as an unbearable thorn in the flesh of the Church.  The grotesque stories that Francis tells to justify his actions, for example on September 12th against the Jesuits in Slovakia or on September 1st for the Spanish radio station COPE, which sound extremely embarrassing as an "argument" from the mouth of the Pope, does not hide this ideologized incitement, but makes it even more visible.

Cardinal Robles does not say in his decree what should happen to the allegedly “Pelagian” and “ideologized” believers in the quasi-parish that has now been repealed.  Their pastoral care and their access to Holy Mass and the sacraments seem to be of secondary importance.  They are being demoted to second class believers.

The text of the tough decree:

Title head of the decree of Cardinal Robles Ortega of September 21, 2021

1) The Mass according to the Missal of 1962 (Art. 2 TC) is allowed to continue with the readings alone being proclaimed in the vernacular using the translation of the Holy Scriptures approved by the Mexican Bishops' Conference (Art. 3 §3  TV).

 2) No further Masses may be added.  "When the time of the pandemic is over, their number will be checked again on a case-by-case basis."

3) The celebrations have to take place daily “exclusively” in the Church of Nuestra Señora del Pilar;  one mass on weekdays in the Cristo Rey chapel;  and on Sundays and public holidays in the parish church of San Francisco Javier de las Colinas (Art 3 §2 TC).

4) “The celebrations in the formation house or other houses of the FSSP in the Archdiocese are regulated according to the guidelines of the Congregation of Religious, whereby it should be noted that this chapel and similar chapels do not have the permission of the Archdiocese for public worship, but only the members of this Society  are reserved for those  in training. "

 5) The quasi-parish of San Pedro en Cadenas is also canonically abolished (Art. 3 §2, §5 and §6 TC).

6) The person responsible for the celebration and pastoral care of the participating believers will be announced shortly (Art 3 §4 TC).

7) According to the provisions of the Motu proprio Traditionis custodes, any other celebrations, in accordance with the Missal of 1962, must “obtain the appropriate permission on a case-by-case basis” (Art. 2 TC) and may take place “only in the assigned places”.

 8) The priests who should intend to celebrate with the Missale Romanum of 1962 must be "authorized case by case" in accordance with the norm of the Motu proprio Traditionis custodes:

 According to Art. 5, this applies to priests "who already celebrate according to the Roman Missal of 1962".

 Art. 4 stipulates that "the Apostolic See must be consulted" for requests from priests who were ordained after the publication of the Motu Proprio.

 "In both cases, each priest presents me with the corresponding handwritten request, justifying the motives for this request and having to explain it formally along with it:

 A) that it does not exclude the validity and legitimacy of the liturgical reform, the provisions of the Second Vatican Council and the Magisterium of the Popes (Art 3 §1 TC);

B) that he also recognizes that the only expression of the Lex orandi of the Roman Rite is that of Popes Saints [sic] Paul VI.  and John Paul II are promulgated liturgical books (Art. 1 TC);

C) that he undertakes, normally according to the norms of Popes Saint Paul VI.  and John Paul II to celebrate liturgical books promulgated, be it the Holy Eucharist, except in cases where the extraordinary permission is expressly given to follow the Editio of the Roman Missal of 1962, be it in the other sacraments in all cases without exception (since the preceding norms, instructions, grants and habits, which do not correspond to what is stipulated in this Motu Proprio, have been suspended, Art 8 TC).

Signed on September 21, 2021 in the Archiepiscopal Curia in Guadalajara in the 525th year of the first baptisms in Latin America.  Drawn by José Francisco Cardenal Robles Ortega, Archbishop of Guadalajara, and Don Javier Magdaleno Cueva, Secretary.  Protocol number A4660 / 2021.

A seminary of the Petrine Brotherhood for the Spanish-speaking world has for the time being moved into an unreachable distance in the Archdiocese of Guadalajara.

The full decree implementing Traditionis custodes in the Archdiocese of Guadalajara

 Text: Giuseppe Nardi

 Image: Wikicommons / MiL / Twitter (screenshots)

Trans: Tancred


Sunday, September 26, 2021

Covid Takeover — John Waters


Gay “Catholic” News Org Claims People Are Fleeing TLM

 Edit: I’ve always assumed that going to the Immemorial Mass of All Ages was right because of the kinds of sybarites who had objections to it. Even the eggheads who professed a personal preference for it, but claimed it was out of date, are worthy of scorn. 

Another thing which makes an impression  is the dishonesty and motivations of many of the “reformers” even going back to the 18th century. The errors of the Liturgical Jansenists are well-entrenched now as normative, even though when they they were introduced, they were abuses carrying the pain of mortal sin to the celebrant.

I don’t believe Virgil Michel or Pius Parsch, for example, are in heaven. The dialog Mass was an innovation to encourage a spirit of activism (leftist political activism and not charity or true peace) in the laity. 

Here’s a take by a self-appointed Jew who is still smarting for getting fired from Steubenville. 

Also, talking to a handful of ill-informed leftist people who affirm progressivist errors of feminism, race mongering and other precious concerns, isn’t the best sample.

Real Catholics love Franco!

[Car Floor Liner] Are millennials flocking to Latin Mass parishes? According to traditional-leaning Catholics, they are. Sick of felt banners and guitar Masses, young people are supposedly drawn to churches where the liturgy is beautiful, women wear chapel veils and everyone kneels reverently at the altar rail for Communion. And traditionalist parishes, we are assured, are thriving.

But even if some are drawn to traditionalist parishes and communities, others are leaving them. But those interviewed by NCR say it's not necessarily that they fell out of love with the liturgy. They withdrew due to the bigotry and toxicity in traditional parishes.

Sean Dailey of Springfield, Illinois, loved the beauty of the old Mass and began attending the old rite when the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter sent a priest to celebrate it in his parish in 2009. He even served as an acolyte at these Masses.


Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Synod Praxis — Consensus Building

 This is what the “synodal process” looks like.

“… don’t focus on what the ultimate product is going to be”.

Edit: this is an exercise in Marxist consensus building.  It’s an attempt to encourage people to go along with the predetermined agenda and identify any detractors and isolate them. They already have a pretty good idea who you are.

The people organizing it will already be fairly evil. I’d be interested to know if anyone has an approach any different from, raise your hand and let them know who you are?

[Mundanor] This means: everything is possible. Hagan Lio! 

Focus on the process itself and how the Spirit will guide the Church

This means: we expect you to propose all sort of satanic crap. Then we will say that it is “the Spirit” at work. 

This is a moment to be co-creators with the Spirit

This means: we are going to make everything new. Forget the Catholic Church of your Grandma. We are co-creators of the Church now. 

“The onus is on the diocese to really think through who is often excluded from our table. The Church needs to go out and invite people back in,”

This means: perverts, adulterers, and sacrilegious people of all sorts, unite! 

The document explains that the pandemic “has made existing inequalities explode” and shows that the entire human family is affected, requiring a unified response.

This means: we have lost the faith, but we still have Socialism. We are going to ram down your throats as much of it as we can. If you object, you make the work of the devil and there is no “Spirit” in you.


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Worldwide Petition to Stop Tradiotiones Custodes

 The "Stop Traditionis Custodes" initiative has published a letter to Catholics around the world - with a request to Pope Francis.

 A law that harms the common good of the Church is ineffective.  This is the result of efforts by well-known canon lawyer Prof. Georg May in connection with the Motu proprio Traditionis Custodes of Pope Francis.  We are now mobilizing for the withdrawal of this motu proprio.  French Catholics have published a "Letter to Catholics All Over the World".  Under the motto “Stop Traditionis Custodes” they turn to Pope Francis with the request to “reverse his decision”.

 Traditionis Custodes is the most radical attack on the traditional Rite and the communities and believers associated with it for almost half a century.  Since Pope John Paul II granted the first exceptions in 1984, the moto proprios Ecclesia Dei and Summorum Pontificum seemed to lead the way to the recovery of the traditional Rite and the understanding of the Church connected with it in a promising future.  This development of Pope Francis came to an abrupt end with Traditionis Custodes.  France's traditional Catholics are not willing to simply accept this.

  Their full request is:

  “As sons do with their father, we bid Pope Francis to reverse his decision to cancel Traditionis Custodes and to restore full freedom to celebrate the Tridentine Mass, for the glory of God and for the good of the faithful.  Better bread than stones."

  The “Stop Traditionis Custodes” initiative was supported by a number of well-known Catholics, including the former French Minister Philippe de Villiers and Charles de Meyer, President of SOS Chrétiens d'Orient, Jean de Tauriers, President of Notre-Dame de Chrétienté (Whitsun pilgrimage Paris  –Chartres), Peter Kwasnewski, Philip Lawler, Claudio Pierantoni, Monika Rheinschmitt, Henri Sire, Inge M. Thürkauf, Roberto de Mattei, Wolfram Schrems, José Ureta, Christian Spaemann, Martin Mosebach, Robert Hickson, Peter Stephan, John-Henry Westen , Taylor Marshall, Michael Matt, Timothy Flanders and many more.

 With its own website called, the “Letter to Catholics of the Whole World” is made public in various languages, including English.  At the same time there is the possibility of signing the request to Pope Francis and supporting the cause.

  The initiators write about the letter:

 “This open letter to Catholics around the world is written by dozens of personalities of personalities who were drawn to the traditional Mass (whether they are 'traditionalists' or not, and even whether they are practicing Catholics or not).  You can support this action, i.  H.  Leave your e-mail in the form above.”

 Click here for the support form.

  Text: Giuseppe Nardi

  Image: (screenshot)


Large Crowds Outside Rothschild Castle in Switzerland


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Greek Catholic Slovak Bishop Gets Serious Covid Symptoms After Meeting Bergoglio — Despite Vaxxtarding!

 Edit: maybe Bergoglio is a Typhoid (Or Covid) Francis?

Prešov Greek Catholic Archbishop Ján Babjak, 67, Slovakia, is in quarantine after testing positive for the coronavirus on September 18.

He celebrated on September 14 the Divine Liturgy with Francis. Although “fully vaccinated,” Babjak showed on September 17 symptoms of a cold.

He was present at several meetings with Francis. On the flight back to Rome, Francis poked fun at Cardinal Burke's Covid infection.


Only Vaxxtards Can Enter Vatican City


Sunday, September 19, 2021

Vaccinated People Should Be Quarantined

 Despite Professor Perronne’s extensive knowledge and experience of communicable diseases, vaccines, and vaccine policy at the national and governmental levels in France, he was quickly censored for speaking out on the subject of Covid-19 vaccines, their claimed efficacy, and their identifiable risks. In short, he was professionally sidelined, his reputation was attacked and his professional opinions were censored.

His interview last August with the UK Column has gained more attention after last night’s FDA hearing on the booster shots. Here’s an excerpt from his interview:

“Vaccinated people are at risk of the new variants and transmitted. It’s been proven in different countries so vaccinated people should be put in quarantine and should be isolated from society. Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous to others. It’s proven in Israel now, where I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel. They’re having big problems now; severe cases in hospitals are among vaccinated people. And in the UK also, you had a larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Bergoglio Exhonerates Creepy Aberrosexual Bishop

Edit: we saw this on kreuznet and there were a number of commenters saying he was innocent, despite the fact that he was presented with a hefty dossier showing him in comprising positions. Now Bergoglio is going to bring this lowlife back.

“He promoted the vermin of the Diocese”

[new daily compass]  From a canonical and ecclesiastical point of view, one cannot speak of a true rehabilitation, but from the point of view of public opinion and general perception, the rehabilitation is as full as it is disconcerting. We are talking about the “gay” Slovakian bishop Robert Bezák, deposed in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI and now effectively put back in the saddle by Pope Francis during the pastoral visit just completed in Slovakia. So much so that yesterday morning, as the apostolic nunciature informed the Slovak episcopate, he was among the bishops concelebrating at the Pope's final mass on Slovak soil.

Undoubtedly, the photo of the meeting at the nunciature on Monday between the Pope, Bezák and his family is destined to have a much greater impact in Slovakia than all the official meetings of recent days, which, moreover, have seen a much lower presence of the faithful than expected.

Monsignor Bezák's case is indeed controversial and the Pope's initiative reopens a wound that was struggling to heal after it deeply divided the Slovakian Church ten years ago.


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

SSPX Acquires Minorite Church In Vienna — An Old Center of Resistance and Restoration

The Vienna Minorite Church, one of the most important and oldest churches in the city, has become the property of the Society of Saint Pius X and has been used by them since yesterday.

 By Roberto de Mattei *

The Society of St. Pius X. (FSSPX) has announced that it has become the owner of the famous Minorite Church in the Inner City (First District) in Vienna.  The Society will be able to take over this church, officially called the Italian National Church of Our Lady of the Snows, for its sole use on June 3, 2022, the anniversary of its donation to the Italian community by Emperor Joseph II on June 3, 1784.

The importance of this message does not escape the Catholic historian.  The Minoritenkirche is not only one of the most beautiful and oldest churches in Vienna, but was also the heart of the Catholic resistance against revolutionary ideas between 1780 and 1815.  At that time, Jansenism, Gallicanism and Enlightenment - different and heterogeneous forces, which, however, brought together their hatred of the Roman Church - combined their efforts to destroy the Christian religious and social order in the shadow of the Masonic lodges.  Father Nikolaus Albert von Diesbach (1732–1798), a former Swiss officer who had belonged to the Society of Jesus before its suppression  (1773), founded an organization in Turin between 1779 and 1780 under the name Amicizia Cristiana [Christian Friendship] wished to oppose this subversive project by fighting it with its own weapons: the dissemination of writings and the secrecy with which the members of the association surrounded themselves


Writing by P. Nikolaus von Diesbach (1771)

Vienna, the capital of the Holy Roman Empire, ruled over by Joseph II of Habsburg-Lothringen (1765–1790), was at that time the European city in which the network of contacts and errors of the Church's enemies was most closely knit.  "In Vienna, which had become the capital of anti-curialism in the second half of the 18th century, Freemasonry and Enlightenment, Jansenism and liberal Catholicism sometimes seem to merge in one and the same person in order to wage the same struggle against the same opponents," writes  Historian Carlo Francovich in his History of Freemasonry in Italy. 2

As Pope Pius VI.  (1775–1799) decided in 1782 to travel to Vienna as “peregrinus apostolicus”, Father Diesbach, accompanied by his most important colleague, the venerable Servant of God Pio Brunone Lanteri (1759–1830), made contact with him a month in advance to plan the distribution of pamphlets for the reception of the Pope by Austrian Catholics.  The success of the trip was so great that Diesbach decided to move the center of his apostolate from Turin to the Habsburg capital.

In Vienna, the Catholic resistance had its center in the Minoritenkirche, whose prefect was Baron Joseph von Penkler (1751-1830).  Penkler, whose soul guide Diesbach and later Lanteri, had received his training from the Jesuits at the Theresianum in Vienna and had maintained close relationships with some leading figures of the Jesuit order such as the court astronomer Father Maximilian Hell (1720–1792) and the theologian Luigi Virginio (1756–1792).  He became the rector of the Minorite Church in 1805.  

This church was also a point of reference for a group of Italian exiles, including the Marchesa Maria Magdalena Capponi Frescobaldi (1771-1839), founder of the Passionists of St. Paul of the Cross, who also belonged to the Amicizia Cristiana.  Through Duke Ludwig Eugen von Württemberg (1731–1795), Diesbach also established close ties to the imperial court in the Austrian capital: he obtained the abjuration and became the spiritual advisor of Princess Elisabeth of Württemberg (1767–1790) and took care of the education of Archduke Franz, later Emperor Franz II, who married Elisabeth, the first of his four wives, in 1788.

Hofbauer memorial at the Minoritenkirche

When Joseph II died in the winter of 1790, Diesbach presented the new Emperor Leopold II with a memorandum that was a veritable “manifesto” of cultural and political action.  The historian Ernst Karl Winter (1895–1959), who was the first to recognize its importance, wanted to recognize in it the lines of the state romanticism that was to form the model of Austrian political Catholicism in the 19th century (Romantik, Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Kirchengeschichte, 21 (  1927), pp. 81-102).

 Finally Diesbach met the later canonized Redemptorist Klemens Maria Hofbauer (1751-1820) through Freiherr von Penkler in Vienna, whose philosophical and theological training he completed.  Hofbauer, to whom Diesbach owed his knowledge of the works of St. Alfonso Liguori, joined the Vienna Christian Friendship and later founded a similar association in Warsaw, the Oblates of the Most Holy Redeemer.  St. Klemens Maria Hofbauer, today's patron saint of Vienna, was chaplain of the Minorite Church from 1808 to 1813, which is why a memorial was erected in his honor in front of the Antonius Chapel there.

Shortly before the turn of the century, on January 2nd, 1799, the "Wiener Zeitung" reported the death of "Nikola Freyherr von Diessbach, secular priest and ex-Jesuit on December 22nd, 1798 at the age of 60 in the city, Seizergasse 460".  The death of the former Jesuit was shrouded in mystery: his students led him back to the consequences of an attack on his way back from Prague to Vienna, where he had gone in October 1798 to meet with Archduchess Maria Anna (1770–1809), the daughter of Emperor Leopold  II. to discuss plans for a new congregation for women in the Ignatian spirit.  The Archduchess, together with her two cousins ​​Maria Luisa and Maria Leopoldine, formed the first nucleus of the Dilette di Gesù (The Beloved of Jesus), an institute from which three religious congregations were to emerge: the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Sacré Cœur Sisters) of  Magdalena Sophie Barat (1779–1865), the Institute of the Sisters of the Holy Family by Leopoldina Naudet (1773–1834) and the School Sisters of Agathe Verhelle (1786–1838). 3

Father Diesbach finally found his final resting place in the romantic cemetery of Maria Enzersdorf near Vienna, where the remains of his friend Maximilian Hell were already lying.  His Viennese students Virginio, Penkler and Hofbauer were to be buried next to him.  After his death, the legacy of Christian Friendship was renewed by Hofbauer, who after his return to Vienna in 1808 gathered a group of respected converts, including Friedrich Schlegel (1772–1829) and his wife Dorothea Veit née Mendelssohn (1763–1839) , Adam Heinrich Müller (1779–1829), Zacharias Werner (1768–1823), Johannes (1790–1854) and Philipp (1793–1877) Veit, sons of Dorothea Schlegel.

The Hofbauer circle exerted considerable influence on the Austrian Catholic restoration, particularly during the Congress of Vienna (1814/1815).  The historian Rudolf Till describes 1808 as the decisive year for this Catholic restoration.  In August of that year Friedrich von Schlegel (1772–1829) arrived in Vienna, in September Hofbauer: “Schlegel”, writes Till, “was the head, the spirit, Hofbauer was the heart of this circle” (Rudolf Till, Hofbauer and His Circle, Herold, Vienna 1951, p. 68).

 In 1810 Friedrich von Gentz ​​(1764–1832), secretary and most important collaborator of Prince Metternich, transferred the editing of the Vienna newspaper “Der Österreichische Beobachter” to Count Joseph Anton von Pilat (1782–1865), who was in close contact between the Chancellery and the Hofbauer  Circle.  The patroness of this circle was Princess Karoline Auguste of Bavaria, who married Emperor Franz I (1792–1835), a widower of three in 1816.  Caroline was to be surrounded by the party of the “pious of the court”, whose religious and political model was that of Father Diesbach: the ideal of a monarchy that freed itself from all remnants of Josephinism and returned to the medieval and counter-Reformation sources of the dynasty.

The Minorite Church was at the center of these events.  The handing over of this church to a religious community that fights against progressivism with the same force with which the Viennese Catholics fought against the errors of the revolution two centuries ago appears to be symbolic.

 * Roberto de Mattei, historian, father of five children, professor of modern history and the history of Christianity at the European University of Rome, President of the Lepanto Foundation, author of numerous books, most recently in German translation: Defense of tradition: The insurmountable truth of Christ, with  a foreword by Martin Mosebach, Altötting 2017 and The Second Vatican Council.  A previously unwritten story, 2nd exp.  Edition, Bobingen 2011.

Books by Prof. Roberto de Mattei in German translation and the books by Martin Mosebach can be obtained from our partner bookstore.

Or his book on Pius V available at

The Minorite Church, which dates back to 1224, is in the immediate vicinity of the Federal Chancellery and the Hofburg.

 Translation: Giuseppe Nardi

 Image: Wikicommons

Trans: Tancred

1 Cf. Roberto de Mattei: La Biblioteca delle “Amicizie”: repertorio critico della cultura cattolica nell'epoca della rivoluzione 1770–1830 (The library of “friendships”. A critical repertory of Catholic culture in the age of the revolution 1770–1830),  Bibliopolis 2005. P. Diesbach, who came from one of the noblest and richest families of the Reformed Bernese patriciate, had converted to the Catholic faith.

 2 Carlo Francovich: Storia della Massoneria in Italia, La Nuova Italia 1979, p. 241.

 3 Eva Fontana Castelli: Marianna D’Asburgo Lorena, protagonista di una storia rimossa, (1770–1809) (Maria Anna von Habsburg-Lothringen, protagonist of a repressed story), Gabrielli 2016.


No Vaxx No Work

Edit: “they’re going to keep putting something in your body till something goes wrong.”

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

“Good” Freemasonry, “Bad” Freemasonry

The power of the Freemasons, using the example of Italy: From the left the symbols of the Grand Orient of Italy, the Grand Lodge of Italy and the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy.

 By P. Paolo M. Siano *

In June 2021, the Chiarelettere publishing house from Milan published the 751-page book “Potere Massonico”, “The Power of Freemasons.  The 'brotherhood' that commands in Italy: politics, finance, industry, mass media, justice, organized crime ”, by Ferruccio Pinotti.

Aldo Cazzullo (journalist des Corriere della Sera like Pinotti) already mentioned the myth that there is good Freemasonry and bad Masonry ... Among the famous Italian Freemasons (the "good" ones, like  I assume) Cazzullo also counts Giosué Carducci, Giuseppe Garibaldi and Gabriele D'Annunzio (see p. IX).  In addition, he is of the opinion that Giuseppe Mazzini's membership as a Freemason is now largely ensured  (see p. IX).  Certainly Freemasons were men of the (anti-clerical and anti-papal) Risorgimento such as Aurelio Saffi, Nino Bixio, Count Camillo Benso of Cavour (see p. IX).  Freemasons were also philosophers such as Fichte, John Locke, Proudhon, Voltaire ... (see p. IX).

 After listing the "good" Freemasons, Cazzullo wonders why Freemasonry is associated with "strong powers" and organized crime ... (see p. Xf)

There are three major and leading Masonic estates in Italy: the Grand Orient of Italy (GOI), the Grand Lodge of Italy (GLDI), and the Regular Grand Lodge of the Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Italy (GLRI).  But there are also over 200 irregular or bogus Masonic Lodges that create covert lodges that are often conspired with or infiltrated by crime.  If you add up reliable numbers, there are over 40,000 Freemasons in Italy (see p. X).

The power of the Masons

While a few years ago some Catholic sociologists and some Freemasons claimed that Freemasonry was weak and didn't count for much, Cazzullo admits otherwise:

 "The 'Brothers of Italy'1 are in excellent health.  And their power network is stronger than ever.  The problem is when the lodges become business circles, instruments of the Mafia's infiltration into the real economy and money laundering, centers for political-mafia counter-deals, clergy that determine the fate of judges, job advertisements at universities, political careers and awarding high military ranks and determining institutional positions ”(p. XI).

Before I go into Pinotti's text, I would like to make a few comments on Cazzullo's foreword.  While one tries from a "secular" or legal (civil and criminal law) point of view to differentiate between a "good" and a "bad" Freemasonry, from the point of view of the Catholic faith "good" Freemasonry is also incompatible with the Church.  That being said, some of the “good” Freemasons listed by Cazzulo leave a lot to be desired.

Giosué Carducci, winner of the 1906 Nobel Prize for Literature, wrote a “Hymn to Satan” in 1863, which was published in 1869 in the information sheet of the Greater Orient of Italy (GOI), which was already a secular and esoteric Freemasonry at that time.

Giuseppe Garibaldi, Grand Master of the Grand Orient, 33rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (AASR), high degree of the Memphis Misraim Rite (Freemasonry, which sees itself as the guardian of the magic and esotericism of ancient Egypt), was also active in the French spiritualism  (the spiritualist Garibaldi is also mentioned by Massimo Introvigne).

In the book “Mazzini.  Freemasonry, World Revolution,”Regensburg 1901, the Jesuit Father Hermann Gruber portrays Mazzini and Garibaldi as the “leading heads” or “military arm” of the anti-Catholic revolutionary party that led to the capture of Rome in 1870.  Leaders of the Italian Ancient and Adopted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry between the 19th and 20th centuries such as Lemmi, Nathan, Tamaio, Riboli etc. boasted that they were disciples of Mazzini and Garibaldi (see p. 4f).

In the Massoneria Oggi magazine No. 1/1999 of the Grand Orient, Attilio Mazza shows in his article "D'Annunzio esoterico" (Esoteric D'Annunzio) that the famous poet, soldier and Freemason of the 33rd degree of the Ancient and Adopted Scottish Rite of  Piazza del Gesù 2 Gabriele D'Annunzio loved magic, occultism, talismans (he had one in the shape of a horned flickering devil) and alchemy (see pp. 17–24).

What can we say about the philosophy of Locke (empiricism), Proudhon (atheism and socialism), Voltaire (Enlightenment and Deism) and Fichte (Idealism), which is hostile to the harmony between Catholic faith and reason?

So let's take a look at Ferruccio Pinotti's book.

Pinotti claims that "the great Italian newspapers have always been and are full of Freemasons" (p. 6).  Some examples.  The Corriere della Sera was founded by the Freemason Eugenio Torelli Viollier.  Freemason Carlo De Benedetti is historical editor of the Repubblica Espresso Group (GEDI Group since 2016).  The Freemason of the Grand Lodge of Italy was the oil company boss and publisher Attilio Monti, founder of the Monrif Group, who owns the QN brand (with the daily newspapers Quotidiano Nazionale, Resto del Carlino, La Nazione, Il Giorno, Il Telegrafo).  Eugenio Cefis, chairman of the board of ENI, was also a Freemason and he was free to use the daily newspaper Il Giorno (see p. 6).  The Freemason industrialist Gaetano Semenza (1826–1882), was the founder of the leading business daily Il Sole 24 Ore3 and a friend of Garibaldi and Mazzini.  Another Freemason is Silvio Berlusconi, who controls three large private television stations, the daily newspaper Il Giornale and the publishing group Mondadori, in which has been incorporated as the publishing house Rizzoli (see p. 7).

Pinotti affirms that Freemasonry "commanded Italy from the beginning" (p. 8) 4.  "It tacitly dominates politics, economics, finance and business" (p. 8).

“Freemasonry is actually the 'strong power' par excellence, which for more than three centuries has linked the high offices of the state and key positions in politics and economics, the invisible binding agent that unites seemingly distant and even contradicting figures, the element that supports  domination of one of the world's most coveted realities, both domestically and internationally, is crucial: a country that remains, regardless of political views, the cradle of Western European civilization;  the historic seat of the first world religion, Catholicism;  the second largest European and seventh largest world producer;  the place that produced geniuses like Enrico Fermi (also a Freemason) and Nobel Prize winners like Giosué Carducci and Salvatore Quasimodo (also "initiated");  the place where 65 percent of the art treasures that make up the World Heritage Site are concentrated;  a central hub in the European Union and in the Mediterranean ” (p. 8f).

 Pinotti continues:

 “Freemasonry has always moved around these gigantic interests, a reality of enormous complexity, but also one of the most stable power networks - from the early 18th century to the present day - in balancing power and creating alliances, sometimes even criminals  , with other powers: from the secret services to the mafia and terrorism, from high-ranking banking to wild financial speculation […] ”(p. 9).

Pinotti distinguishes “a double level” (p. 9) of Freemasonry:

 “There is the official level, full of symbols and references to personalities of high rank;  a world rich in philosophical, social, humanitarian and internationalist values ​​whose contribution to issues such as freedom, equality, religious tolerance, and resistance to political and religious dogmatism is difficult to deny ”(p. 9f).

He mentions Carducci, Garibaldi, Mazzini as "high-ranking" Freemasons (p. 9, footnote 4).

Pinotti reports on an interview he was given for life by the then senator Francesco Cossiga (1928-2010), Italian President from 1985-1992, who was always a great admirer and defender of Freemasonry.  Pinotti asked Cossiga about box P25.  Cossiga replied:

 “The real story of the P2 is that it was an American creation.  […] The P2 consisted only of ultra-Americans, of personalities who were very close to the American world ”(p. 118).  According to Cossiga, the P2 was a "philo-American and transatlantic" operation (p. 118).

 I come to the fifth and last part of the book, in which Pinotti "after reconstructing the long red thread of Masonic power in Italian institutions and politics" (p. 581) undertakes a "journey" into the three most important Italian Masonic affairs:  the Grand Orient of Italy (GOI) by Grand Master Stefano Bisi, the Grand Lodge of Italy in the Palazzo Vitelleschi (GLDI) by Grand Master Luciano Romoli (it is a mixed Grand Lodge, ie also with women) and the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy by Grand Master Fabio Venzi  (GRLI).

Pinotti states that Venzi has been a grandmaster for “twenty years without a break, a rule for life, so to speak” (p. 581), and expressly repeats that Venzi's tenure as grandmaster, from 2001 to the present day, “is of a very long duration” (p  . 665).

Fabio Venzi is indeed the only Grand Master in Italy who has lasted that long, but that's not surprising when you consider that the Regular Grand Lodge (GRLI) is strictly pro-English and in partnership with the United Grand Lodge of England (  UGLE), whose grandmaster has been His Royal Highness Edward George Nicholas Paul Patrick, Duke of Kent, (born 1935) since 1967.

Grand Master Bisi (Grand Orient) wants dialogue with the Catholic Church and speaks of “common values” and “reconciliation between the Church and Freemasonry” (p. 589).  Bisi denies that Freemasonry is “an enemy of any church” and hopes that (his) Freemasonry will one day he could celebrate with a Pope, the breakthrough of Italian troops near the Roman city gate Porta Pia (1870), i.e. the downfall of the Papal States  ... (see p. 590, footnote 7).

Pinotti also elicits critical statements of former Freemasons of the Grand Orient: 1) Amerigo Minnicelli (pp. 594–614), lawyer, 18th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, which was excluded by the Grand Orient because it prevented the Calabrian Grand Orient from infiltrating the Greater Orient  'ndrangheta 6 and the "' mafia-like dynamics' which have also established themselves at the national level in the voting modalities within the Grand Orient" (p. 594).  Minnicelli had his own website, www.goiseven, which has then closed;  2) Lawyer Francesco Guida, who switched to the Traditional Italian Masonic Order (OMTI) (pp. 615–626).

The following excerpts from Pinotti's interview with Alessandro Meluzzi (pp. 627–633), “Sleeping Freemason” (p. 631), former member of the Grand Orient, psychiatrist are very interesting.  Pinotti asks the following question:

 “Freemasonry is religious in its own way.  It admits the existence of a great builder of the universe.  For the Freemasons, part of this reality is Lucifer, who is also sung about in a hymn by the Freemason Giosué Carducci.  What do you think of the accusations of anti-clericalism traditionally made against Masonic lodges? ”(P. 630).

Here is Meluzzi’s answer, who factually confirms it ...:

 “Every interpretation is partial because it is individual.  I can tell you what Freemasonry was to me, but my point of view is not unanimously recognized.  I believe there was a moment in history when urbanization and industrialization exposed the divinity of man in a way so blasphemous that it had to be addressed to a higher authority.  Whether that is Lucifer or not, everyone has to decide for himself ”(p. 630).

 Again Pinotti-Meluzzi: "Do you know of any sulphurous infiltration in the Vatican, for example by cardinals of Masonic conviction?"

“There are many unsuspecting people in the Masonic lodges.  There are those who stick the symbol on the lapel of their coat and those who do not want to reveal their membership.  As for the Catholic Church, I would be more concerned now about who is pulling the strings of Vatican politics ”(p. 631).

The chapter devoted to Grand Master Venzi's Regular Grand Lodge (pp. 653–675) is noteworthy and reveals two approaches of the Catholic world by Freemasonry.  According to him, there is the “official” approach, that of “high hierarchies”, which considers the incompatibility of Church and Freemasonry from the “doctrinal” point of view (“deism”, “relativism”, “gnosticism” ...).  The other approach, which is typical of the "members of lower rank", attributes a "satanic", "heretical" character to Freemasonry, which is devoted to "Satanism or Luciferism" (cf. p. 667).  In this context, Venzi refers to his book "L'ultima eresia" ("The Last Heresy. Church and Freemasonry: Three Centuries Between Satanism, Gnosis and Relativism"), in which he, according to his own conviction, describes the "complete lack of stability" of the " relativistic or Gnostic components” of Freemasonry (see p. 667f).

I, however, take the liberty of affirming the incompatibility between the Church and Freemasonry and therefore refer to some of my articles.

On the regular grand lodge:

Short answer to a Grand Master of Freemasonry

On the Grand Orient:

Initiation and gnosis await those who knock at the Freemasons' Union

On the Grand Lodge:

 "Lucifer, the Light Bearer" - Lecture of the Grand Lodge of Italy (2014)

 In the book "The Power of Freemasons", the statement of an anonymous former Freemason from the Grand Lodge, who was contacted by Ferruccio Pinotti, is also very interesting.  Among other things, he asks him: “One enters a lodge in order to have the opportunity to forge extended personal relationships that pay off on a material level: but do other kinds of relationships arise?” (P. 696).

 In his response, the former Freemason says at one point:

 "[...] If you mean relationships between men and women within the lodge, I can tell you straightforwardly that there is a ...!  Every now and then, Eyes Wide Shut-style parties were organized that bordered on an orgy, at any rate they were clear opportunities for sexual encounters ”(p. 697).

 Pinotti remarks: “Strong and cutting comments, which, however, are followed by deep reflection: From this point of view I understand and share in a certain way why women are excluded from Masonic orders.  I can understand the Grand Orient of Italy which, in accordance with the type of initiation it practiced, does not allow the reception of women ”(p. 697).

 Licio Gelli (1919-2015)

In addition, according to "Alessia" (the fictional name of this former Freemason), Freemasons "finally adopt a 'masculine' 'and authoritarian style" (p. 697).

I come to the end.  Assuming there is a "good" Freemasonry, then I wonder to what extent it would be able to contain and defeat the "bad" Freemasonry ... Let us not forget the esoteric theory of the necessary unity of opposites ... Sephiroth and Qliphoth ...

Even the former prosecutor, member of parliament and current lawyer Carlo Palermo appears at the end of a video (duration 1 hour and 40 minutes) with the title “Dalla P2 ai Rosacroce” (“From P2 to the Rosicrucians. There is a Masonic lodge for world government  works "), seems to share the myth of a “good” Freemasonry:" We have to understand the non-evil nature of Freemasonry ... In the whole part where it is only a cultural activity and an activity of historical reconstruction of human thought [...] "  .

 I allow myself to repeat that the principles of this “good” Freemasonry (anti-dogmatic humanism, religious relativism, esotericism, initiation, gnosis ...) do not in any case allow the reconstruction of man and society according to the heart of Christ.

 * Father Paolo Maria Siano is a member of the Franciscan Order of the Immaculate (FFI);  The church historian with a doctorate is considered one of the best Catholic experts on Freemasonry, to which  he has dedicated several standard works and numerous essays. has published them:

Freemasonic Europa Movement

Brother”, Steignitz of the Grand Lodge of Austria 

Lucifer for Austria’s Freemasons

Monsignor Weninger’s Masonic Doctoral Thesis at the Gregorian University 

Was Karl Rahner a Freemason 

Translation / Footnotes: Giuseppe Nardi

 Image: GOI / GLDI / GRLI / MiL (screenshots)

Trans: Tancred

 1 Allusion to the first words of the Italian national anthem, which was composed in 1847 by the Freemason Goffredo Mameli and has been the unofficial Italian national anthem since 1947 and the official Italian national anthem since 2017.  In 1849 Mameli took part in the revolutionary uprising led by Giuseppe Garibaldi against the papal government in Rome.  Shortly before the collapse of the “Roman Republic”, Mameli was unintentionally injured by a like-minded comrade.  On July 7th, 1849, at the age of 21, he succumbed to a wound infection in the pilgrims' hospice Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini, whose church is today the Mass location of the FSSP in Rome.

 2 The two main obediences of Freemasonry in Italy are also named after their historical seat in Rome: Piazza del Gesù (Grand Lodge) and Palazzo Giustiniani (Grand Orient).  These designations were retained, although neither the one nor the other obedience has its seat either  in the named places.  The two directions emerged from a split in the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree of the Grand Orient in 1908. The reason for this was a dispute over the attitude towards the Catholics, who were then just organized in the Italian People's Party (PPI), for the first time since  Destruction of the Papal States in 1871 by the new Italian state to participate in political life again.  While the minority of the Freemasons, who organized themselves in the Grand Lodge after the split, took a more moderate line, the majority in the Grand Orient demanded the continuation of an inexorable enmity.  Irony of fate: the Generalate of the Jesuit Order is located in the Piazza del Gesù.  After the Second World War, the party headquarters of the Democrazia Cristiana (DC, Christian Democrats) was also located there.  Palazzo Giustiniani, also called the “Green Vatican” or “Vatican of the 33rd” by the Freemasons, alluding to the 33rd and highest degree of high degree freemasonry, is today the seat of the President of the Italian Senate, the second chamber (upper house) of the Italian Parliament,  the Senate Administration and the Senators for life.  After Freemasonry was banned in 1926, Benito Mussolini made the palazzo available to the Senate.  The building was shared by the Senate and Grand Orient from 1945–1985.

3 Until the merger with the newspaper 24 Ore in 1965, only Il Sole.

4 What is meant is the Italian state proclaimed in 1861, which emerged from the Risorgimento, the Italian national movement and the wars of 1859–1870 that began with it.  First as the Kingdom of Italy (House of Savoy), since 1946 as the Italian Republic.

 5 The Masonic Lodge Propaganda Due (P2) was founded by Giuseppe Mazzini in 1877 in the Grand Orient of Italy in order to protect the identity of the leading Masons within Freemasonry because of the large number of people in the lodges, the new power center of the young state.  The name of the lodge was an allusion to the Vatican congregation Propaganda Fide (today the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples), which was supposed to be the Masonic counterpart Propaganda Due.  In 1925, Lodge P2 was also dissolved because of the ban on all secret societies by Benito Mussolini.  After the war it was rebuilt together with the Grand Orient and was directly subordinate to the Grand Master.  It was only revived later.  In 1970 Licio Gelli became the representative of the grandmaster in the P2, from 1975 its chair master.  Gelli, an entrepreneur from Tuscany, had fought as a fascist, called up by Mussolini, as a volunteer in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the nationalists, served as a liaison officer to the Wehrmacht during the occupation of Yugoslavia in World War II and, after Italy's change of front in September 1943. Affiliated  with anti-fascism.  In 1963 he was accepted into Freemasonry.  Lodge P2 came into the focus of public attention when, in 1981, during a house search in Gelli's villa, for a completely different matter, the financial police seized a list of members of Lodge P2 with over a thousand names, including that of the chief of the financial police, General Orazio  Giannini.  What happened in or through Lodge P2 between 1970 and 1981 or was subsequently attributed to it was the subject of investigations by public prosecutors and parliament, but is lost in a thicket of truth and disinformation.  The fact is that Gelli, which was obviously his intention, had formed a powerful team of representatives from finance, business, politics, the media, the police and the military in order to gain influence in the state against the background of a possible Communist takeover.

6 Organized crime in Calabria (the Calabrian mafia).


Voris is Sympathetic to Perverts Too

Edit: it’s evident that in his desire to destroy the SSPX which he believes hides predators, Voris seems to want to be particularly unmerciful toward one who has been to prison already. It’s an opportunity for him to accuse the Society of trying to move a predator around, instead of shunning him altogether. 

What about Milo whom Voris now works alongside and has defended clerical pederasty in the past? Like Milo, does Voris have a penchant for minor males? Should we shun Voris too? Why doesn’t Voris apply the same standards to himself and Milo that he levels against he SSPX?

Kreutzer here spends a lot of time complaining about Voris’ retreat cruise and Easter retreat, which aren’t particularly interesting to us, but she has Voris dead to rights when it comes to his unjust characterization of the Society with respect to a mere chapel goer, Smitherman.

Never mind that Church Militant friend, Father Petronne housed and protected numerous accused predator clergy. Not a word about that as far as we know. 

What say ye, Budgie?

 [Les Femmes] I have to shake my head over the hypocrisy of Church Militant. Let's go back once again to their April 20, 2020 hit piece on the SSPX. The title, as you may recall, was SSPX: Sympathetic to Perverts. The title appears to have come from a letter an SSPX parishioner wrote to Bishop Fellay about layman, James Simmerman, a convicted child abuser who spent four years in jail for molesting two young girls in the congregation. A wealthy man, Simmerman also settled a $3 million lawsuit with the families involved. CM quotes from the letter to Fellay including the "sympathetic to perverts" comment that became the title of their Spotlight:

Does the SSPX really want to be known as sympathetic to perverts of this nature? Couldn't this type of policy be seen as a magnet to other predators?


Monday, September 13, 2021

Bannon Tried to Help Jewish Pederast Look Less Creepy

 Edit: remember what David Cole of Takimag said of Bannon?

Doesn’t he look a lot like Betelgeuse?

Just goes to show you can’t trust Pederasty endorsing ponces no matter how much they talk trad. Some people just pretend to be traditional for years and years, not for the lols, but for the shekels.

Pay up goyim!

Former Chief Strategist in the Trump White House,Steve Bannon, has been accused of serving as a media coach for disgraced financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in the months before he was arrested.

Ahead of a planned interview with 60 Minutes that in the end would never occur, Epstein was sitting in the study of his New York City mansion with a camera aimed at him, practising for his broadcast appearance.


Wahmen Swiss Guards Coming

Edit: will they be able to pass the PT test?

Are you going to be a Swiss Guard respecter?

 [scmp] The new barracks of the Vatican Swiss Guard, the elite and colorfully dressed corps that protects the pope, will be designed to accommodate female guards even though they are not yet allowed, a Swiss newspaper reported on Sunday.

Nearly all of the guard are single men who live in a communal barracks just inside the Vatican gates. The commanders and married members live in separate apartments. All members are Swiss citizens.

The 50 million Swiss franc ($54.49 million) project for a new barracks is due to be completed by 2026 and will upgrade the guards' quarters to single rooms with private bathrooms, Swiss newspaper SonntagsZeitung reported.


Sunday, September 5, 2021

Stalin’s Jews

 Edit: ironically, providentially, many of them got what they had coming to them.

[ynetnews] Here's a particularly forlorn historical date: Almost 90 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in the midst of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war, Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka. 


Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB. 


We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags. 


Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, "opposition members" who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself.


In his new, highly praised book "The War of the World, "Historian Niall Ferguson writes that no revolution in the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained appetite as did the Soviet revolution. In his book on the Stalinist purges, Tel Aviv University's Dr. Igal Halfin writes that Stalinist violence was unique in that it was directed internally. 


Lenin, Stalin, and their successors could not have carried out their deeds without wide-scale cooperation of disciplined "terror officials," cruel interrogators, snitches, executioners, guards, judges, perverts, and many bleeding hearts who were members of the progressive Western Left and were deceived by the Soviet regime of horror and even provided it with a kosher certificate. 


All these things are well-known to some extent or another, even though the former Soviet Union's archives have not yet been fully opened to the public. But who knows about this? Within Russia itself, very few people have been brought to justice for their crimes in the NKVD's and KGB's service. The Russian public discourse today completely ignores the question of "How could it have happened to us?" As opposed to Eastern European nations, the Russians did not settle the score with their Stalinist past.


And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."


Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star", Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.


Stalin's close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the "first Stalinist" and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao's terror in China, did not move Kaganovich. 


Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist. 


In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a "carnival of mass murder," "fantasy of purges", and "essianism of evil." Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history. 


The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses (In the Soviet Union and abroad) and who at times led them, did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and "Soviet people." Therefore, we find it easy to ignore their origin and "play dumb": What do we have to do with them? But let's not forget them. My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things. 


Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of "our hangmen," who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment. After all, others will always remind us of their origin.,7340,L-3342999,00.html


Saturday, September 4, 2021

Another Bishop of Ebbsfleet Comes to Rome

 Edit: we’d reported on an earlier Bishop who came to Rome, Andrew Burnham. Now one of his successors, another Bishop of Ebbsfleet, is coming. Bishop Goodall is resigning in part because of women’s ordination. 

[Anglican Mainstream] The Archbishop of Canterbury has, with regret, accepted the resignation of Bishop Jonathan Goodall after eight years as Bishop of Ebbsfleet, following his decision to seek full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.

Archbishop Justin said, “I am deeply grateful to Bishop Jonathan for his ministry and many years of faithful service. My prayers are with him and Sarah, both for his future ministry and for the direction in which they are being called in their continuing journey of dedicated service to Christ.

“With regard to the see of Ebbsfleet, we will be starting a process of consultation with colleagues and others — including the parishes to whom Bishop Jonathan ministers — to determine what the next steps will be.”

Bishop Jonathan said, “I have arrived at the decision to step down as Bishop of Ebbsfleet, in order to be received into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, only after a long period of prayer, which has been among the most testing periods of my life.


Friday, September 3, 2021

Evil Bugnini is In and Siri Out — +Marini Exiled to Tortona

 Pope Francis has appointed the Pontifical Master of Ceremonies Msgr. Guido Marini as Bishop of Tortona.  A signal.

 (Rome) Pope Francis has appointed the Papal Master of Ceremonies Msgr. Guido Marini,  Bishop of Tortona. It’s a step that is in line with the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes.  He will succeed the Bugnini ring bearer, Msgr. Vittorio Viola, who was appointed to the Roman Curia by Francis last May.

Speculations about the removal of Msgr. Marini from his office had already existed immediately after the election of Pope Francis.  Since then they have flared up repeatedly.  Msgr. Marini is, however, sociable, reserved and adaptable, after all, after being ordained diaconate, he served three archbishops of Genoa as secretary for 15 years.  In 2007 he was called by Pope Benedict XVI.  to Rome as his master of ceremonies to have a man in this position who suited his liturgical sensibility.  Yesterday his appointment as Bishop of Tortona was announced.

The castling that takes place at the head of the diocese makes it clear that Francis wants to pick up the pace in the area of ​​liturgical changes.  The previous bishop of Tortona was the Franciscan Msgr. Vittorio Viola.  Both Viola and Marini are proven experts in liturgical questions, but belong to different schools.  While Msgr. Guido Marini, not to be confused with the eponymous master of ceremonies of John Paul II, Piero Marini, comes from the school of Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, Msgr. Viola belongs to the school of Annibale Bugnini, the grand architect of the Novus Ordo, which was born in 1969  and introduced by Paul VI.

On May 27, Francis called Monsignor Viola to the Roman Curia and appointed him secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Order of the Sacraments.

A paradigm shift can be seen in the two personnel decisions for the diocese of Tortona: The Siri student Msgr. Marini is removed from the Vatican, while the Bugnini student Msgr. Viola is brought to the Vatican.  In short: Bugnini is in, Siri and tradition out.

The year 2021 is thus marked by a series of papal decisions on the liturgy:

—  the dismissal of Cardinal Robert Sarah as prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship;

—  the appointment of Bugnini ring bearer Msgr. Viola to the Congregation for Divine Worship;

— the promulgation of the Motu proprio Traditionis custodes against the traditional rite;

 — the dismissal of Monsignor Guido Marini as papal master of ceremonies.

And the year is not over yet.  The appointment of the new Pontifical Master of Ceremonies is eagerly awaited.  The master of ceremonies heads the office for the liturgical celebrations of the Pope and also plays a role in the conclave, the most important of which is the proclamation of the extra omnes and its implementation.  This means that all persons who are not allowed to vote for the Pope must leave the Sistine Chapel before it can begin.  After the extra omnes, access to the conclave is cordoned off.

Anyone who is appointed by Francis as the new master of ceremonies ensures that nothing of what happens in the conclave gets out.  In the age of digital technology and certain loosening, this is a central function, because Francis works to ensure the election of a successor that suits him.

The diocese of Tortona, which looks after almost 270,000 Catholics, in Liguria, is the home of the previous papal master of ceremonies.  He is thus a suffragan of the Archbishop of Genoa.

 Tortona Cathedral

 Text: Giuseppe Nardi

 Image: MiL / Wikicommons

Trans: Tancred