Thursday, May 21, 2020

Coronavirus Pretext: Does Spain's Left Dream of Dictatorship and Persecution of the Church?

Cardinal Canizares in the sights of a radical left that many Spaniards suspect are dreaming of dictatorship and persecution of the church – as in 1936.
(Madrid) In Spain, parts of the left yearn for the anti-church Popular Front climate of 1936. The pretext and instrument of Church persecution today is the Corona crisis. The left-wing government effectively repealed parts of the constitution, including the right to freedom of religion, thereby massively incorporating the public, social and private lives of citizens. It took a few weeks, but more and more people are realizing that Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez (PSOE) and other members of the socialist PSOE and radical left-wing Podemos government have justified the radical measures with absurd claims. Statements that were claimed to have been made by government representatives of other countries. The suspicion of central authorities and hidden puppet masters make the rounds. The result is increasingly vociferous protests throughout Spain, which the media in Central Europe do not report. This selective reporting, too, is increasingly aroused suspicion and mistrust. The lasnt barrel to overflow was brought on by the attack against Antonio Cardinal Canizares Llovera.


The political left has targeted Cardinal Canizares who is being accused of violating the Corona requirements. In 2014, shortly before the first Family Synod, Pope Francis promoted him to archbishop of Valencia and thus away from the Roman Curia. Previously, he was Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Order of the Sacraments by Pope Benedict XVI. Before Benedict appointed him to the Roman Curia, he was Bishop of Avila from 1992 to 1996, then Archbishop of Granada until 2002, and finally Archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spain until 2008. As such, he was called the "Blade of Toledo" because of his clear language.

The political left is crying out for an investigation into the Archbishop of Valencia, whose "crime" is to open the gates of a church on 10 May and to have blessed his episcopal See with a merciful image of Our Lady at the threshold.

Hue and cry was made that the Cardinal, called "the little Ratzinger" in his Roman time, had violated the Corona emergency measures imposed by the Socialist government.

The Archbishop's office replied that there had been no injury. Nevertheless, the Archbishop was reported and an investigation was launched by the city government.

Every second Sunday in May, it is a tradition in Valencia to celebrate the feast of the Mare de Déu dels Desamparats, according to the Catalan title under which Our Lady is invoked. In Spanish, the Virgen de los desamparados is  Our Lady of the Abandoned in English. She is the Patroness of the city.
The Cardinal with the festively dressed image of Our Lady on May 10, 2020

The year 1409

This devotion and feast date back to 24 February 1409, when the priest Joan Gilabert Jofré, a Mercedarian, saw children on their way to the cathedral mocking and tormenting a homeless mentally ill man. Father Jofré, who had been ordained a priest in 1375, had spent his life following the charism of his order, with efforts to buy Christians out of Islamic slavery. When he returned to Valencia, he saw another need. He recognized the double need for protection of the man who was harassed by the children. In his homily in the cathedral, he denounced the gratuitous, irrational and cruel persecution of vulnerable, innocent mentally ill people and decided to form a brotherhood to serve people like the man whom the children had mocked as "El loco" before his eyes.
In 2010, the Brotherhood celebrated its 600th anniversary
With his Society, founded in 1410, the Lloable Confraria de la Verge Maria dels Innocents, the "Blessed Society of the Virgin Mary of the Innocents", he established the world's first institution for people with mental illnesses and placed it under the special protection of Our Lady in 1414.

Father Jofré and members of the Society, which consisted equally of women and men, along with some priests, erected a chapel in the hospice in honour of Our Lady of the Abandoned. When the chapel was completed, according to tradition, three young men in pilgrim clothes came and offered to create a picture of Our Lady within three days, if they were given a room for it that no one was allowed to enter. This happened, but there was no noise from the room. When nothing happened on the fourth day, the brothers opened the door and found in it the honored image of Our Lady, at whose feet two innocent children can be seen. But the young pilgrims had disappeared. Then the blind and paralyzed wife of the fraternity member who lived in the hospital and had taken her in, was healed. The image of Our Lady with which Cardinal Canizares blessed the city, is therefore said to be el feren el àngels, it was "made by the angels".

Soon the Society also took care of street children, then also homeless sailors and prostitutes. The Fraternity institution became a model for similar foundations, the first of which was established in the Iberian Peninsula in 1438 in Barcelona and in Spanish America, in Mexico City in 1567. In Valencia, Father Jofré's hospital became the city's general hospital.

In 1489, the image of Our Lady was transferred to the city's cathedral. In 1652, the construction of his own basilica in his honour, which was consecrated in 1667, was established directly adjacent to it. The Basilica of mare de Déu dels Desemparats, a collegiate monastery, is connected to the Cathedral of Valencia by a bridge. In 1923, the image of grace was crowned in the presence of King Alfonso XIII and the Apostolic Nuncio on behalf of Pope Pius XI. In the unofficial anthem of the city, the Mother of God of the Abandoned is sung.
The Basilica of the Mare de Déu dels Desemparats, built for the image of Our Lady

The Rage of the Socialists

On the second Sunday in May, on her feast, a procession from the basilica to the cathedral, a distance of 200 meters, traditionally takes place with the great participation of the people. Because of the coronavirus, it had to be cancelled this year. Cardinal Canizares therefore celebrated the Mass behind closed doors, but at the end of the celebration he stood with the image of Our Lady at the threshold of the basilica and blessed the city, while a canon sang the national anthem of the Autonomous Community of Valencia.

That was enough to turn the left-wing city government against him. It launched an investigation to determine whether the cardinal had violated the Corona regulations. Video footage of the event shows that the cardinal did not leave the basilica with the image of Our Lady. Meanwhile, rumors were spread in the city, which could be refuted by the archdiocese thanks to the direct video transmission. But it was of no use. The Socialist City Councillor Aamen Cano (PSOE), responsible for civil protection [Public Safety?], accused the Cardinal of "fraud" because he had blessed the city, even though he had no "permission" to do so. The Cardinal had acted "irresponsibly" by opening the basilica. This was particularly serious because he acted "with intent and treason."

On the instructions of the city government, the basilica was closed by the city police.

The Cardinal's Opinion

Cardinal Canizares responded with clear words. In a statement, he asked the city council:

"Why are you lying and complaining?"

What law or provision prohibits opening the door of a church?

"In all clarity, truth and firmness, and with the freedom that you seem to want to restrict and suppress, I am sorry to tell you that you are lying without mitigating reasons, while at the same time informing you that legality has been faithfully respected and strictly kept by the Church."

The Cardinal informed the city council and its comrades:

"If you had been in the basilica [what Cano would have been able to do as a city councillor] or if you had watched the broadcast of the Mass on television, you would know what happened and what I said."

And further:

"For my part, you are forgiven, and I am sure that the Virgin will forgive you too, because you did not know what you had done on this occasion, and I ask the Valencians, most of whom are not with you, to forgive you and to ignore your words and gestures. The damage you wanted to do has been done against you, even if in some media the damage and slander persists and the lie is spread: this does not contribute to the common good, which has to be the basis for every policy and everyone in politics. This creates damage and hatred."

And even more clearly:

"I note that Marxist ideology is still at large: lies are a political weapon based on the motto: the worse, the better."

And a serious reminder:

"Do not forget that in the countries of our region and in almost all the countries of the world, an inalienable fundamental right is recognised, which is also guaranteed by our Spanish Constitution: the right to religious freedom, which you seem to disregard because you want to dictate what you can and cannot do in a church. Think about it and learn to respect this inalienable and inviolable right."

Das Year 1936

For those who do not know what happened in Spain in 1936, a brief review: on September 14 of that year, Pope Pius XI received 500 Spanish refugees who had to leave their homeland because of the persecution of the Church by the Popular Front. The Pope expressed his sorrow at the persecution and his admiration for the persecuted and the mistreated, especially for those Catholics who had suffered martyrdom.
Manuel de Irujo, Christian Democrat, Basque nationalist, 1937 Minister of Justice of the People's Front
In order not to let the opposite side of General Franco, who is still hated by the political left today, be quoted as Manuel de Irujo (1891–1981), a Catholic from Navarre, representative of the Basque National Party, who was Minister of Justice of the Republican People's Front government in 1937. On 7 January 1937, in Valencia, because of the struggles at that time in the capital of Republican Spain, he presented a memoir:

"The de facto situation of the Church throughout the pro-government area, with the exception of the Basque Country, is as follows:
– All altars, paintings and cult objects were destroyed with a few exceptions, most in a vile way.
– All churches have been closed for the cult, which is totally and absolutely reviled.
The majority of the churches of Catalonia were set on fire, as if it were a normal thing.
– The institutions and the official organs of the state have confiscated bells, chalices, ciboria, candelabra and other cult objects, and material has been extracted from their melting for war or industrial purposes. 
All monasteries were evacuated and the religious life in them was eliminated. The buildings, the cult objects and goods were looted, burned, occupied or demolished.
The priests and religious were arrested, imprisoned and executed, thousands of them without trial. These are facts that continue to happen today, not only in rural areas where they were hunted and brutally killed, but also in cities. Hundreds of arrests have been made in Madrid, Barcelona and the other major cities for no reason other than being priests or religious.
– An absolute ban was imposed on the private expression of religious representations and cult objects. The police carry out house searches, turn apartments upside down and dig into intimate, personal and family life, destroy statues, pictures, religious writings and everything associated with or reminiscent of the cult with ridicule and violence."
Call against Pedro Sanchez's left-wing government: "No to oppression. No to dictatorship"

Meanwhile, "freedom, freedom" calls are making protests against the government's radical measures, the restriction of fundamental rights, the persecution of the people, and the impression of remote control by the vaccination cartel around Bill Gates. The media in Central Europe do not report on this. In Spain, there is concern that parts of the political left are once again dreaming of dictatorship and the persecution of the Church.

A video of the protests against the government's radical measures:

Text: Giuseppe
Nardi Picture: MiL/Wikicommons/Youtube/Twitter (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred


The Crank Who Wrote Play Accusing Pius XII of Not Doing Enough for Jews Has Died

Edit: of course the Communards at the NYTs are engaging in hagiography. If anything can be said of Pius XII, we think he probably did too much:

Update 5/22: It's interesting to note that Rolf Hochhuth was quite close to David Irving and has not, at least to our recollection, denounced Irving's historical work in World War II German history.

By Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim May 20, 2020

Rolf Hochhuth, a firebrand German writer whose play indicting Pope Pius XII for his silence about Nazi crimes led to riots in theaters and an international furor but also greater transparency in the Roman Catholic Church, died on May 13 at his home in Berlin. He was 89.

The death was confirmed by his son Martin.

Mr. Hochhuth examined the moral culpability of Pius in “The Deputy,” which had its premiere in West Berlin in 1963. Confronted with evidence of the mass killings of Jews, the pontiff had shrunk from a public condemnation of Hitler, and in a 65-page commentary that was appended to the published play, Mr. Hochhuth wrote, “Perhaps never before in history have so many people paid with their lives for the passivity of one single politician.” 

 Interesting fact about Corina: "In 2000, after finishing her Ph.D., she moved to Jerusalem where she lived for four years with a keen interest in converting to Judaism."


Judge Forces the Resumption of Public Masses in France

Reims Cathedral: The French government gave the French government eight days to lift the ban on public services.
(Paris) In France, the judges restore public celebrations. The Supreme Administrative Court opposed the government, which announced numerous easings on May 11, but still wanted to ban services. 

The situation in France is similar to that in Italy. On May 4, the government also announced “Phase 2” of the Corona measures on the Apennine Peninsula. While the curfew was lifted and many things were allowed again, the re-admission of public Mass remains excluded. There was discontent and hectic behind-the-scenes negotiations. Pope Francis himself had to intervene with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. Finally, public Masses were re-opened on Monday, May 18th.

Comparable easing came into force in France on May 11, but the public Masses were excluded. For weeks, the government of President Emmanuel Macron, led by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, was deaf to the wishes of the Catholic Church. The appeals by the bishops and 67 members of parliament faltered. Now the State Council repeated the request and did it not as a petitioner, but with the authority of a supreme court. The Conseil d'État ordered the government to lift the general and absolute ban on church services.

Édouard Philippe and the Laicité

That the Christian faith plays no special role for the French elites, but rather is marginalized, is part of the state doctrine. So it is not without irony that the scolding comes from the State Council, the institution where Édouard Philippe began his steep career.
Edouard Philippe
He sees himself as an intellectual frontier worker, others see him as a careerist. 1995-1997 he graduated from the elite Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA) where in France, its innermost circle of public servants is formed. The red carpet to power was rolled out to him. His political affiliation is dazzling. However, this only applies if one measures politics according to party labels and less according to content. In the 90s he was a member of the Socialist Party (PS) and sympathizer of the left wing around the ENA graduate Michel Rocard. In 2002, the Gaullist and ENA graduate Alain Juppé raised him to the top as a full-time party official for the civil start-up UMP, whose liberal wing included Philippe. With the political ticket of the bourgeois president and ENA graduate Jacques Chirac (UMP), he received a director position in the state-owned group Areva (today Orano) in 2007. They had noticed him.

In 2011 he participated in the program to support young scientists of the French-American Foundation, the French equivalent of the German Atlantic Bridge, which included the association of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). In 2012 he was elected to the French parliament for the UMP. Since the Socialist Hollande became president, Philippe squeezed into the opposition benches. Formally, he was only one of 577 MPs, and also an opposition figure who was not noticed in the parliamentary committees or in the plenary. Nevertheless, he was destined for higher tasks. Backbencher Philippe was invited to the Bilderberger conference in 2016. The Socialist and ENA graduate Emmanuel Macron, who was then Minister of Economics in the Hollande government, had already been invited to this exclusive meeting in 2014. It was an unmistakable sign. Indeed, for in 2017 Macron became President and made Philippe Prime Minister. Macron, who'd conveniently disposed his Socialist party credentials, put himself at the top of the opposition, En MarcheFor Philippe, who at the time already changed his party alignment for a fourth time, at last joined the Republican (Les républicains), in a barely credible way, so he was no party. This digression was necessary to briefly introduce the real political system in France.

Federal Court Boxes Government's Ears

The Supreme Administrative Court, which examined the objections of Catholic movements and organizations, came to the conclusion that an even longer suspension of public Masses "in a serious and apparently illegal manner" violates religious freedom and should be replaced immediately by a less restrictive measure. The Federal Court gave the government eight days to do this.
The Palais Royal, the seat of the French State Council (Conseil d'Etat)
The government's current provision was "disproportionate to the goal of maintaining public health." Rather, it questions a fundamental freedom that "also includes the right to participate in ceremonies collectively".

The verdict is a resounding slap in the face for Prime Minister Philippe, who also wanted to maintain the ban on worship in the so-called "phase 2" of the Corona measures and announced that it could be eased by June 2 at the earliest.

The French Bishops' Conference welcomed the verdict. In their comments, they pointed out that it was entirely in line with what they had written to Philippe in a letter on May 15 without being heard. The bishops now expect the restrictions to be lifted within the next few days. Archbishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, the President of the Bishops' Conference, had already hoped for the resumption of the Masses with the end of the "phase 1" of the Corona measures and informed President Macron via video conference that church life "will be back on May 11th,  and fully restored to a community character.” With government decree of the 11th, the Federal Court has now led the government back to common sense in its own way. At the same time, it put additional reins on the Macron government by banning the use of drones by the police to monitor citizens' compliance with corona measures. Corona measures of this kind have also sparked a discussion among the French public about the danger of an authoritarian regime.

This had also contributed to worrying attacks, some of which involved the church when some armed police invaded the Paris church of Saint-André-de-l'Europe in Paris and required its immediate termination, although in only a handful of people were present. Monsignor Michel Aupetit, the Archbishop of Paris, reacted with unusual clarity:

"There were no terrorists in the church! It's time to put an end to such scenes. Otherwise we will speak and speak. "

Such attacks on the church would have to be avoided, "otherwise we will be very loud," said the archbishop.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred


Chicago Prelate Reads Creepy Bedtime Stories to His Diocese While Militant Aberrosexual Rules

Edit: Cupich defers to the militant and autocratic aberrosexual mayor of Chicago who even posted guards outside Catholic churches in the diocese to keep people out. He's eager to carry out the work of Globohomo.


The Church of Nice Plans to Defy Its Master on Chinese Flu Restrictions

Edit: While grocery stores, liquor stores and big box department stores have been packing people in for months, Minnesota Catholic Churches will remain mostly empty according to the Progressive Governor's easing of restrictions. That Catholic bishops will continue to do what they're told, or pro-actively serve the power of the state, even when it adversely impacts their own authority and the sanctity of their flocks, is practically guaranteed. The Catholic Church has a habit of losing in conflicts like these.  Catholic Bishops are pleading with the governor for the right of public worship much as they have acquiesced for decades ceding areas to the consensus which should have been bastions of Catholic authority ever since the fateful days of Vatican II.  The Catholic hierarchy is  programmed to lose in all of its conflicts with the state and cultural leaders.

From the Catholic Bishops of Minnesota
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Catholic Bishops of Minnesota, along with many people of faith [cringe], were disappointed in Governor Walz’s May 13 announcement that he would end the Stay-at-Home order to allow more commerce but prohibit religious gatherings of more than ten people. We have attempted to work collaboratively with the Walz Administration up to this time, seeking the guidance of the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Public Health to help us strengthen our specific safety protocols based on the statewide plan. Along with some Lutheran colleagues, we submitted a plan to the Governor on May 8 that detailed the sanitation measures we would take and proposed a cap on occupancy limited to 33 percent of building capacity. Our proposed protocols are based on the work undertaken by a group of national medical experts and theologians, the Thomistic Institute, and they are consistent with the practices that have already been put in place in many dioceses throughout the United States. We continue our willingness to make any necessary adjustments to our safety protocols upon review.

The Life of Faith is Essential

Edit: if there's a perception on the part of the godless elected officials and lab coats that the public practice of religion isn't essential, that's a perception that has been cultivated for decades by Church officials themselves for one thing, by making many of the prescriptions of Catholic religion optional for "Catholics in good standing" for years, even before the Council. This malaise touches everything from salvation (Non-Catholics can be saved) holy days of obligations, days of fast and abstinence, matrimony, penance and the reception of Communion. (There are even Mass options that allow for the godless humanist to feel more at home at a Catholic Mass, if Catholic Mass it is.)  In some cases, the actual practice of Catholicism is opposed by those who have taken oaths to protect it. Witness Dr. E.Michael Jones' public witness in opposition to abortion that led to him being fired from his job.   

Given our willingness to coordinate with the Governor, we are especially disappointed that his most recent order (20-56) does not address both the vital importance that faith plays in the lives of Americans, especially in this time of pandemic, and the fundamental religious freedom possessed by houses of worship that allows our country to thrive. The Governor’s remarks today further underscored a failure to appreciate the role of our Church and other faith groups in serving the community. The human cost to this pandemic has been extraordinary, not just in terms of lives lost to the virus but the rapidly growing problems of job loss, depression, crime and violence, and substance abuse. As Pope Francis has said, the church must be a field hospital, ministering to all, but especially the poor and vulnerable. He has cautioned that overly drastic measures that limit church life will have a disproportionate impact on “the little ones” and those who have no one to rely on.

The bishops of Minnesota are united in our conviction that we can safely resume public Masses in accordance with both our religious duties and with accepted public health and safety standards. We can worship in a way that reflects both the love of God and the love of our neighbors (cf. Mark 12:30-31). Therefore, we are giving our parishes permission for the resumption of the public celebration of Mass on Tuesday, May 26, which will give us time to be ready for the celebration of Pentecost on May 31. Parishes will be required to follow the strict protocols we have published for sanitation and social distancing and will have to limit attendance to one-third of the seating capacity of the church. No one will be obliged to attend, as the bishops of Minnesota will continue to dispense from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Francis Celebrates Ad Orientem at Tomb of John Paul II for Centenary

(Rome) On Monday, Pope Francis celebrated the first Mass since the re-admission of public services in Italy - and that versus DeumIt should also be the last to be broadcast on the media due to the Corona crisis.

Among all the measures that have been taken because of the Coronavirus by the Church,  this was Pope Francis' most radicalIn his diocese of Rome he had all services suspended on March 8th and all churches and chapels closed on March 12th. No diocese worldwide has gone this far. After only 24 hours and an impending uprising, the priests rowed backAt least the parish churches were reopened, all other churches and chapels remained closed. The Pope's diocese remained on the most radical path. The corresponding decrees were signed by Cardinal Vicar Angelo De Donatis, who heads the diocese on behalf of the Pope. The cardinal vicar is formally an auxiliary bishop who acts as vicar general. Cardinalatial dignity has been associated with this since 1558. De Donatis indicated that the order had come directly from Francis. No other would be conceivable. No vicar general would take such a drastic and historically unprecedented step on his own. Since the Vatican had hermetically sealed itself at the beginning of March, Pope Francis also celebrated without the people in the past ten weeks Only two or three priests, a religious and an organist took part in the morning celebrations in Santa Marta. In return, the Pope's morning mass was carried over the world through direct channels. The Mass last Monday morning was the last to be broadcast because public services have been allowed again in Italy since the same day.
Franziskus at Sebastian's Altar (St. Peter's Basilica)
The direct transmissions were not concluded from Santa Marta, but from St. Peter's Basilica, namely from the Sebastian chapel. It is located in the north aisle in front of the chapel. The tomb of John Paul II has been under the altar of this chapel dedicated to the proto-martyr, since 2011. The remains of the Vatican Grottoes, the first burial place, were brought to the beatification. The canonization took place three years later, on April 27, 2014.
At the Sebastian's altar above the tomb of the Polish Pope, who ruled the Church from 1978 to 2005, Pope Francis celebrated the last of the morning Masses that were broadcast. The occasion was the 100th birthday of John Paul II, who was born on May 18, 1920 in the Polish town of Wadowice. Here Pope Francis celebrated versus Deum . It's a direction of celebration that gives his House Liturgist, Andrea Grillo, a flush of anger.
Pope Francis had already celebrated at the Sebastian Altar in the past and in each case versus Deum as an alternative to the direction of celebration that was taken for granted in Church tradition, in the direction of the rising sun, towards the returning Christ who would come from the east.

For the first time, however, the celebration was broadcast by the media on Monday, which is why the unusual direction of celebration since the great liturgical reform of 1969/70 was given special visibility. Photos of the celebration were also distributed by international press agencies such as AFP.
The tomb of John Paul II has been under the altar since 2011
It is said that the Pope celebrated "with his back" to the people, as the actual direction of celebrations has been discredited for half a century, because the previous way of things were adhered to. In plain language: There is no "people's altar" in the chapel of St. Sebastian. Another inaccurate claim, because in the past it has been demonstrated many times over how quickly a portable altar can be set up at any location. Pope Benedict XVI had one removed from the Sistine Chapel, where John Paul II usually celebrated. For the Thanksgiving Mass with the Cardinals, his first mass as Pope the day after the election, Francis had it brought back to the Sistine Chapel.

The unusual orientation for Francis  was no tribute to John Paul II. Be that as the people's altar was shuffled into the Sistine Chapel, undoubtedly the celebration versus populum is preferred.

Liturgical gestures by Benedict XVI. paid special attention because Francis knew how serious the liturgical question was to him. The media rush to judgement. Probably for the exact opposite reason of his predecessor.

Gestures that cannot really be classified are an essential feature of the current pontificate.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: MiL

Open Letter to the President

Mr. President:

Upon reading your newest executive order, I must respond by saying that while due distancing, use of face masks, and the providing of proper medical equipment and medicine has wrought the greatest good during the coronavirus crisis, your March state of emergency empowering governors and state officials to assume iron-clad power in forcing the closure of businesses, agencies and churches has wrought irreparable damage to our country.

Simply put, none of this was needed, but this unfortunately was forced on you by globalists like Dr. Fauci and Governor Newsom who are just using COVID-19 as an excuse to shut down our great nation.

Therefore, know that the rapid reopening of America and its churches is what will work the greatest good for our country right now. This is the political ventilator and shot in the arm that will quickly bring America back to life. Outside of this, nothing else will work.

Therefore, we ask that you issue an executive order of juridical nature that states in clear, unambiguous terms that, from thence, all states, counties, and cities of America are hereby forbidden to force the closure of any businesses, parks, agencies, or churches.

It's a quick and easy fix, so please implement this lest we lock into a permanent form of slavery, because we are now witnessing the prelude to a world goverment that restricts the freedoms of the people. Act now while we still have life in us, and you will see this country spring back to to life, which in turn will be a powerful campaign plug to help ensure your victory in November.

David Martin

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Consecration of Russia Needed to End The Red Plague of Socialism

By David Martin

In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic that has imperiled the West, it has become evident that globalists have used COVID-19 as a tool to tank the economy and place the West on lockdown. With the forced closure of parks, businesses, and churches via orders from the state and the imposition of draconian rules upon the people, we are witnessing the prelude to a world government that restricts the freedoms of the people.

While we generally attribute this ensuing world government to internationalist groups like the United Nations or the Rockefellers, we seem to have lost sight of the fact that Russia is the secret agent that is working behind the scene to bring about this communistic one-world government. Communism is a major tentacle of the global octopus that now seeks to enslave the world.

It didn’t happen overnight but has resulted from years of careful planning on the part of the “northern enemy” that has been stalking the West. Our Lady at Fatima warned in 1917—the year of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia—that if we didn’t heed Her requests to procure Russia’s conversion through the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, the errors of that nation would spread throughout the world fomenting revolution, strife, and a major persecution of the Church. (Look what’s happening now to the poor underground Catholics in China!)

Unfortunately, Our Lady’s requests were not heeded and thus, Russia did not convert, and as such, the deceptive influence of Communism is actively at work today in the world. The "operation of error to believe lying" (2 Thessalonians 2:10) has all but bewitched the West, the major lie being that Communist Russia collapsed in the early 90s. The Church's failure to consecrate Russia is what has permitted Russia to grow into the mega-deceiver it has become.

Communist Ruse

Russia’s strategy is to conceal its plan for world control under the guise of a power collapse, in keeping with Lenin’s strategy: "When you are strong, feign weakness." As they finalize their plan for world conquest they don’t want the world to suspect what they’re about to do (invade the west), so the bear has been playing dead while secretly building its strength against its archenemy the United States.

Consider Mikhail Gorbachev’s famous speech to the Soviet Politburo in November 1987:
"Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. They are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep. We want to accomplish three things: One, we want the Americans to withdraw conventional forces from Europe. Two, we want them to withdraw nuclear forces from Europe. Three, we want the Americans to stop proceeding with Strategic Defense Initiative."
Acclaimed author Christopher C. Horner was on target when he said that "the Reds of yesterday are the Greens of today." Russia’s strength has never been more evident. If the world believes that Communism died, it only testifies to the great power that Russia presently exerts over the western mind. Both Fatima and the Bible foretold how in the last times the northern enemy would deceive the world with this "operation of error." The beast of the Apocalypse is staging this disappearing act in the anticipation of the greatest assault ever to befall the human race – World War III and the annihilation of billions!

The Bible

This insidious ruse is recorded in Holy Scripture. In Apocalypse 17 it speaks of the beast of the last days that "was, and is not," and then returns from the bottomless pit to "go into destruction" so that the deceived inhabitants of the earth "shall wonder, seeing the beast that was, and is not." (17:8)

Communist Russia [U.S.S.R.] is the beast that "was, and is not." That is, it appears to not exist right now, but the red bear will soon re-emerge onto the world scene and go forward with her destructive plan so that the inhabitants of the earth indeed "shall wonder," seeing the reappearance of the superpower that everyone thought had collapsed.

The present world condition is a solemn reminder of the Church’s duty to Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart. The Consecration is needed to neutralize this diabolical force of Communism so that the red beast can be tamed. One day must be set aside in which the pope in union with the world’s bishop officially entrust Russia to Our Lady through this collegial Consecration. The Church must lay hands on the Soviet beast as it were and pray for Russia’s conversion, that it might cease from its path of deception and become an instrument to help spread the True Apostolic Faith.

Without the Consecration of Russia the world will be doomed. And while a presidential order to reopen America might avail us temporary relief from the present political lockdown, it is sure to return with a vengeance if Russia isn’t consecrated.

Since Fatima, Our Lady has asked that we recite the daily Rosary, so in our Rosary intentions let us always remember Her intentions for the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, that peace may ensue.

Norma McCorvey Lashes Out One Last Time at Pro-Life Movement for Hulu Special

Edit: she was a troubled woman who felt exploited and unappreciated as she attempted to scrounge a living from Pro-lifeianity. She has taken this last opportunity to lash out at people she despised as she wasn't really very happy with her income and was working at trying to increase it. Never the less, she lashed out at people, including Father Frank Pavone, who tried to help her. It'll be interesting to see how Pavone tries to steer her legacy despite this. The Hulu special should be out soon, but why anyone would be surprised by it is beyond me. I suppose most people in the Pro-Life movement didn't see McCorvey's abusive, alcohol fueled rages. Of course, Lefties will be pleased at the defection by this obvious plant.
In its final 20 minutes, the documentary film AKA Jane Roe delivers quite the blow to conservatives who have weaponized the story of Jane Roe herself—real name, Norma McCorvey—to argue that people with uteruses should have to carry any and all pregnancies to term.

McCorvey, who died in 2017, became Jane Roe when, as a young homeless woman, she was unable to get a legal or safe abortion in the state of Texas. Her willingness to lend her experience to the legal case for abortion led to the passing of Roe v. Wade in 1973, which legalized abortions in all 50 states (though red states do all they can to get around this; recently, several have even used the COVID-19 pandemic to make abortions functionally impossible to procure). But conservatives had a field day in the mid '90s when the assertive, media-savvy pro-choice advocate and activist McCorvey became an anti-abortion born-again ex-gay Christian with the help of leaders of the evangelical Christian right, Reverend Flip Benham (of the infamous Operation Rescue) and Reverend Rob Schenck. A conservative film, Roe v. Wade, starring Jon Voight and Stacey Dash, will dramatize McCorvey’s “conversion.”

But those filmmakers, and the rest of the pro-life evangelical community, have another curveball coming. In the final third of director Nick Sweeney’s 79-minute documentary, featuring many end-of-life reflections from McCorvey—who grew up queer, poor, and was sexually abused by a family member her mother sent her to live with after leaving reform school—the former Jane Roe admits that her later turn to the anti-abortion camp as a born-again Christian was “all an act.” Link to Beast... AMDG

Monday, May 18, 2020

President of the Catholic Medical Association Says Hand Communion is More Infectious Than Communion on the Tongue

Prof. Filippo Maria Boscia, President of the Catholic Medical Association: "Hand Communion is more dangerous than oral Communion".

(Rome) Numerous Episcopal Conferences around the world, including those of the German-speaking area, have forcibly introduced [sacrilegious] hand Communion in Novus Ordo. They justify this with protective measures against the Coronavirus. This is contradicted by the President of the Association of Catholic Doctors, Prof. Filippo Maria Boscia.

The usefulness of state radical measures is increasingly being discussed. The same applies to the proportionality of episcopal requirements, which have been made a condition for the re-opening of public Masses.

The doubts range from a distorted re-discovery of the Ostiarian [Porter] to the registration requirement and disinfection, to masks in the sanctuary. Concerns revolve not least from a climate of fear and insecurity that is fostered by this, with which the Church runs the risk of dragging fearsome people even deeper into a spiral of fear, instead of using reason and moderation to correct the out-of-control standards.

At the centre of the criticism, however, is the compulsion to communion in the hand, which was decreed by the bishops. Over the past 50 years, there has been a real re-education in the German-speaking area when it comes to receiving communion. In 2020, many Catholics no longer know that the proper form of Communion is on the tongue. Hand Communion is only a tolerated exception, which was at first initiated by the German bishops against the Holy See with open arrogance, similar to what is happening today with de facto recognition of divorce, second marriage, intercommunion and the blessings of aberrosexuals. The result is numerous sacrileges and disturbing scenes, such as the Requiem for Bishop Kurt Krenn in 2014 in the Cathedral of St. Pölten when a believer knelt down to receive Communion, and the priest who was dispensing Communion told her not to "flaunt herself".

Under the pretext of the Corona crisis, the bishops made a formally tolerated exception a compulsion and completely got rid of the normative form of receiving Communion. If there is a lack of understanding among the faithful, it is because the clergy have already lacked it. The Church is understood hierarchically, which is why the crises start from above, not from below.

Prof. Filippo Maria Boscia, President of the Association of Catholic Doctors in Italy, disagrees with the bishops. Hand communion is by no means safer, but on the contrary, more contagious, according to the well-known physician.

He was very glad that public Masses were allowed again. It is right and important to protect health. Now, however, a discussion about the distribution of Communion has broken out.

"The problem that worries us all, we doctors first, is the spread of viruses. What is certain is that the hands are the part of the body that is most exposed to viruses because they grasp everything from infected things to money. There are people who are obsessed with the idea being infected and getting sick. I would like to tell you an anecdote about this:


At the beginning of my career, a fellow doctor handed me an elegant fountain pen so that I could sign a certificate. He didn't want it back because I had touched it and he gave to me. Since the situation embarrassed me, I bought him another fountain pen, but he didn't want it either, because it would probably have been touched by many before me and him. So I now had two elegant fountain pens. But he contracted a virus and died, perhaps because he lacked the antibodies."


Now to the question of receiving communion.

"Communion on the tongue is safer than hand Communion. The hands, as I said, touch everything. Hand Communion is therefore definitely more contagious. In Africa, I performed interventions in an operating theatre on a dusty road. No favourable conditions, but no one got sick. It wasn't a risk for these people.'


At the moment, many voices are heard, even the proposal to introduce tweezer Communion from Germany.

"Yes, I read that about the tweezers. Also the proposal to distribute the Consecrated Hosts in small envelopes to take away. Seriously, after the Spanish flu, we continued to practice oral Communion, and it was all the same as before. I think we are crossing the line of common sense. We should not be chasing certain things. Yes, health is important, no question, but no to exaggerations and extravagances. As a doctor, I am convinced that hand Communion is less hygienic and therefore less safe than oral Communion. Apart from that, are we not told every day not to touch everything, to wash our hands, to disinfect, not to let our hands touch the face, the eyes, in the nose? We have to follow some healthy rules that are helpful. We have no fears and speculations, let alone chasing commercial interests."

The so-called Corona deaths in Italy are on average 80 years old. In some countries, even a little older.

"Fragility has always accompanied the last stage of our life, in which our health is more vulnerable. I do not want to go through a court case in terms of the treatment of patients. If I were to make criticisms, I would address them to the families. Many of the dead have died in retirement homes. In many cases, the families have deported their loved ones there. I wonder: Why didn't you keep them with you? At a certain age, people need far more humanity than any treatment. Unfortunately, there is a tendency to outsourcing and hospitalization. In doing so, we have sterilized and standardized the transitional rites, but dehumanized them and thereby lost the sense of compassion for the pietas in the true sense of the word."


Text: Giuseppe
Nardi Picture: LFQ

Trans: Tancred


Saturday, May 16, 2020

Viennese Pornokardinal Schönborn Complains About John Paul II

Edit: being a specialist at covering up sexual abuse in Vienna, promoting Islamic invasion, promoting Freemasonry, selling porno and running the Church down, he's not one to talk. has it right about John Paul II. He had terrible appointments. 

[] Vienna's Cardinal Schönborn, who could not praise John Paul II enough in his lifetime, attacked him for his 100th birthday.

Talking to the Vienna diocesan newspaper, he criticized John Paul II’s choice of bishops and his “inability to cope with the abuse scandal." Schönborn was made a bishop by John Paul II.

He complains that John Paul II sometimes appointed bishops "bypassing all institutions," although, with Francis, whom Schönborn adores, this has become the rule.

Schönborn concedes that this method has also led to "great bishop personalities". As an example, he names the anti-catholic Milan Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini (+2012).

John Paul II appointed almost exclusively modernist and occasionally neo-conservative bishops. The latter - for example Schönborn - are loyalists without convictions who adapt their ideology to the respective regime.