Showing posts with label Sandro Magister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sandro Magister. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2013

Ricca case, case Sucunza and "Bergoglio's style of government" - "Let us hope that Francis Meets No More Riccas"

The beach of Montevideo:
"Hopefully we will not encounter any Riccas" 

(Rome / Buenos Aires) In Argentina, the traditional page Pagina Catolica commented on the homo-revelations of Msgr. Salvatore Mario Battista Ricca, who is the personal representative to the Vatican bank IOR appointed by Pope Francis, and Director of the guest house Santa Marta. The Vatican expert Sandro Magister has miscalculated Pope Francis. Had Magister followed the case of Bergoglio, say from the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, he would have known that the current Pope would not yield even under pressure. Vicar General Joaquín Sucunza was involved in a trial for adultery in 2010 that ended in divorce, as had been requested by the Court of the betrayed husband.

Since the court records protect privacy rights and are under lock and key, details are not known, but there is little doubt in Buenos Aires that the auxiliary bishop and vicar general was the reason for the divorce. Nevertheless, Cardinal Bergoglio held fast to his subordinate. Monsignor Sucunza was conducted after Cardinal Bergolios' election to the papacy to the Administrator of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires,\ until the appointment of the new Archbishop Poli and is still holding his previous offices.

Magister wrote on the 5th of July when he brought attention to the case of Ricca ​​on his blog, two weeks in advance without detailed mention that Pope Francis was informed by the Nuncio Bolonek  about Riccas's scandalous behavior in Uruguay. Pope Francis had been confirmed by various sources of the information. The Pope was deeply disappointed, but also determined to rectify the situation that has arisen, said Magister. However, nothing was then done. On the 19th of July Magister finally published in Espresso with the unveiling of numerous unsavory details.

Also presented in this article,  Magister represents Pope Francis as deceived, who had been linked, because the dark past had been withheld from Ricca's personnel file at the Vatican and had been cleared of all allegations of his immoral infidelities.

The fact is that Pope Francis, despite knowing the facts, let two weeks pass by, which Magister left him to preemptively resolve the matter. Leo Matzuzzi, the new Vaticanist of Il Foglio tweeted the Ricca case: "Father Lombardi: Pope Francis had the opportunity to consider whether the allegations against Msgr Ricca were true or not." And again: "Father Lombardi: Pope Francis is presented with accusations raised about Monsignor Ricca raised, but decided to leave him in place. "

"Bergoglio's Own Style of Government" Jeopardizes Credibility

What that means, but quite independently of "Bergoglios own style of government" as Pagina Catolica wrote, referring to Buenos Aires: Since the allegations are true, the Pope could credibly convince them that Battista Ricca has radically changed his lifestyle? Or is Pope Francis indifferent to concerns that a person of his confidence, which he entrusted with special powers in such a highly charged area as the Vatican bank IOR, throwing covetous glances at the numerous pages, starting with the U.S.? And what can be interpreted of the reaction to the case of Sucunza Ricca? Is the zero tolerance for pedophiles to "marriage" for the gay lobby in the Church, as one might ask, in continuation of such unspoken thought process of the historian Roberto de Mattei? Will they in the Church for decades anyway, serious damaging disobedient laissez faire-clergy and laity do what they want even more so?

If it is indifference, then it does a blow to much of a playful Pope Francis' credibility. What would remain of the credibility of wanting to clean up where it needs cleaning? What cleaning would the Pope perform in the Church, when he makes a sodomite his confidant and after becoming aware of the scandal, clings to him? He can do it, then Father Lombardi, however, should make a statement.

De la Cigoña: The only thing missing is that Ricca march "half naked along at a Gay Pride"

Other considerations on the subject are given by the Spanish Catholic Church Historian and Blogger Francisco de la Cigoña. He comes to the conclusion that Pope Francis deals so astonishingly closely with financial issues and the Vatican Bank, two new Commission and its associates for which he has used Ricca because of the financial and economic sector is ultimately the least important area for the Church. Here the Pope could therefore, as de la Cigoña says, especially in a media-friendly way, demonstrate his resolve to reform and drill on the patient without anesthesia. Whatever the Pope decides in this area, will not ultimately be of particular importance for the Church, but find extensive media coverage. The same applies for the appointment of the eight member Cardinal Council. Much media coverage, much applause, but hurry, it seems the Pope does has the body that will only meet half a year after his appointment for the first time.

So far, Pope Francis has taken only two specific, internal personnel decisions to the Roman Curia and both times scheinem the decisions have been taken directly from the Pope, possibly alone. "Pope Francis seems so fascinated by the now famous guest house Santa Marta that he continued to live not only there, but also of the way in which it is held, that he decided Msgr Ricca was his man in the Vatican Bank. Done thinking. Either the Pope has no one consulted or when he consulted someone that knew nothing or would not by a cold shower to cool the enthusiasm of the Pope. And so it was that he appointed a homo-assets, the only thing missing in his biography that he was half-naked in a Gay Pride marched along, "said de la Cigoña.

The veracity of Magister revelations he does not doubt: "Sandro Magister is finally no ignoramus in ecclesiastical affairs." But what will do now Pope Francis, the Spanish church historian asks.

For de la Cigoña, the "real reforms" will start with the appointment of a new Cardinal Secretary of State. "Let us ask God to enlighten him there and that we must not encounter any more Riccas. Or rather, that Francis not meet them, says de la Cigoña. Since the second personnel decision of the Pope, the appointment of the Spanish Opus Dei priest Don Lucio Ángel Vallejo Balda, the current secretary of the Apostolic Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See's Secretary of the newly appointed Commission for the Financial and Economic Affairs, which is "very good", is resulting in the current stalemate on the personnel decisions of the Pope with the Roman Curia: "Except for the pope canceled his own goal" with the appointment of Ricca.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Italian Historian Says Homosexuality Destroyed Rome

Editor: They've done quite a job on the Catholic Church already.

Does anyone remember when Richard Nixon discussed one of the redeeming features of the Soviet Union as being its antipathy of homosexuals when he was talking in his office about Archie Bunker, said exactly the same thing? [Warning, fowl language, blasphemy]  At first he starts demurring, saying he has no moral objections to homosexuality, then goes on to say that the immorality actually destroys societies.  It's also interesting that Nixon's off-color comments are made much of when figures like Gandhi and Voltaire get away with it.  Of course, apologists for Richard Nixon won't defend what Nixon was saying, they'll just argue that times, and morals, have changed, and if you know anything about principles, it's an indefensible position to take, but anyway.

Of  course, never mind Richard Nixon, despite the fact that he's correct.  Let another voice speak by way of a message from Bminormass on '", who said in his book, "Life is Worth Living" on P. 260, where he quotes the sociologist, Dr. Sorokin, who said:

''Those families among us who frequently change husbands and wives, who fail in their duties to their children and adopt the moral code of the gutter, are pushing us along the road to chaos. Greece, in the 3rd and the 2nd centuries before Christ, brought sex into the open. We know because there were men in those days too, who prided themselves on their objectivity as they calmly recorded the destressing picture of whole families getting together to indulge in promiscuous behaviour.  Adultery and prostitution were so common that those who indulged were regarded merely as interesting fellows.
But, such a society was not able to summon the backbone to resist in the face of war , or to endure the austerity programme that might have salvaged that overblown economy.  Soon, the glory that was Greece was over and the mighty  Acropolis was only a hillside strewn with ruined marble.'' 

 Roberto de Mathei  is a Traditionalist Catholic and was in the news earlier this week when he was critical of the current Pope and Vatican II as reported by Sandro Magister.  He has also blamed the disasters besetting Japan on the wrath of God.

More recently, the Vice President of Italy's National Research Council, has angered many Italians for comments they consider to be insensitive, namely, blaming Rome's fall on the collapse of its morals and infestation by homosexuality.  According to the article by the Telegraph, more than 7,000 people have signed a petition asking for his resignation. 

Various Catholophobic voices spread their hate filled opinions for all who would listen.
"His homophobic and extreme views are offensive to the organisation he leads," said Massimo Donadi, a senior member of an opposition party, Italy of Values, adding that he would refer the affair to parliament.

Anna Paola Concia, an MP from the main opposition Democratic Party, said: "A fanatic such as him cannot remain vice-president of the council in a country that has at its heart culture, human rights and respect for diversity. He is nothing other than a homophobic fundamentalist on a par with Iran's president, Ahmadinejad." Prof De Mattei, who was awarded an order of knighthood by the Vatican in recognition for his service to the Catholic Church, has previously caused controversy by speaking out about gay rights, the contraceptive pill and the alleged persecution of Christians by Muslims in Kosovo and Lebanon.

Link to telegraph... 

Modified, 4/10/2011 to include quote from Bishop Sheen

Monday, January 17, 2011

Purgatory Still Exists, Says Pope: Chiesa

ROME, January 17, 2011 – In illustrating the life of Saint Catherine of Genoa, at the general audience last Wednesday, Benedict XVI took the thought of this saint as a point of departure to explain what purgatory is.

During the second half of the 15th century, the time of Catherine, the contemporary image of purgatory was like the one depicted above. It was the mountain of purification sung of by Dante in the "Divine Comedy."

That purgatory is a physical place is a very ancient conviction, which endured until recent times.

Read further at Chiesa...

Friday, January 22, 2010

How to Paint a Homily by the Rules of Art

The terrible quality of many Sunday homilies damages the Church's message all over the world. An alternative way is that of explaining the Gospel with the masterpieces of Christian art. In three magnificent volumes, Timothy Verdon shows how


by Sandro Magister

ROME, January 21, 2010 – A stir was made recently by Bishop Mariano Crociata's criticism of the shoddy quality of many Sunday homilies.

Crociata is the secretary general of the Italian bishops' conference. Speaking at a conference on the liturgy at the end of the year, he called many of the homilies given from the pulpit every Sunday insipid "mush," almost an "inedible dish," and in any case "hardly nourishing."

Read further...