Showing posts with label New Mercy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Mercy. Show all posts

Friday, June 5, 2015

Cardinal Kasper Denies His Theology is Approved by the Pope

Edit: thanks to another reader for pointing this out.  Kasper is a habitual liar, so who knows if the information he gives in any interview is correct.  Since he is supposed to have also said something disgraceful and heretical, I'd like to hear the full interview, unless someone else can fill us in till I go through the agony of searching the EWTN website and listening to Raymond Arroyo.

He does say that most of the bishops share his hackneyed theological view.  This is probably true.
Cardinal Walter Kasper has clarified that Pope Francis did not approve his proposal to allow divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Holy Communion after a period of penance. 
The cardinal made the remarks in an interview with EWTN during a visit to the United States. 
He said the Pope wanted him to “put the question”, and that afterwards he “expressed his satisfaction with my talk”. But he added: “I wouldn’t say he approved the proposal, no, no, no.”
Link to Catholic Herald.... 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"No Mercy Without Truth" -- Cardinal Müller on the Holy Year and the Synod of Bishops

Prefect Müller:  There are no secret pathways or shortcuts to
(Rome) The proclaimed by Pope Francis extraordinary Holy Year of Charity begins next December 8 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Virgin Mary. "The Holy Year is to serve the people to remember that mercy can not be without the truth," said Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Prefect of the Congregation. Man and the Church "are often tempted to separate one from the other," the cardinal said.
The love of God is closely bound up with the truth. The same applies to the so-called broken families, those who are in an irregular situation. They need  the attention of the Church,  not in new pastoral ways, but by the truth.  Cardinal Müller led a discussion with the Italian news agency ANSA about the upcoming Holy Year. Cardinal Müller belonged to the most ardent defenders at the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops last October, of the Catholic teaching on marriage. In preparation for the Ordinary Synod of Bishops on the family next October,  he  always returns to take a position on the world stage for the sacrament of marriage as it has been taught by the Church of Christ and how this is why the Church has taught it  for almost 2000 years.

God does not intervene to "keep everything as it is"

In an interview with ANSA, said the cardinal,  the extraordinary Holy Year must "include all." God loves, "as he intervenes in history through His grace." But this is not just a "favor" as the cardinal used the Latin expression. So this is not just a favor- or proof of sympathy, a privilege or an acknowledgment. God does not grab one, "to let everything be as it is", but that the people "experience a renewal, a conversion, so we ever renew our hearts and truly change our lives. Therefore, we must remember also in the Holy Year, that we can not speak of mercy without truth," said Cardinal Prefect Müller.
In view of the Synod of Bishops in October, the German cardinal added that this also applies to the family. "We must accept  all,  especially sinners, because we are all sinners, but according to the instructions of God and not by human considerations. Because sometimes people see things a little differently as God sees them."

"We can not preach the resurrection without the cross"

It was important to show that there "is still sacramental marriage" and that the lifelong, indissoluble marriage between a man and a woman is not only possible, it will be a boon for both spouses and their offspring. "The mercy of God accepts us as we are, but it will not leave us as it finds us," said Cardinal Müller.
Always with a view to the forthcoming Synod of Bishops, in the interest particularly to the question of communion being valid for the divorced and remarried, the cardinal said that the goal of any intervention of divine grace is "salvation", and the  path to repentance. "We can not preach the resurrection without the cross. There is no second or third way," said the Prefect of the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who made it to be understood so that there can be no short cuts on these topics or abbreviations.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Radiosanmartin
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Jesuit Dismissed from His Academic Position --- Kasper Faction Loses a Member

Cardinal Ezzati Shows Jesuits the Door
(Santiago de Chile) The "New Mercy" of Cardinal Kasper, which at present is generously supported by Pope Francis, has lost a not insignificant wheel.  500 Catholic priests in England and Wales have called for a clear affirmation in the Synod of Bishops for the traditional Catholic teaching on marriage and to match  pastoral practice with this doctrine. Almost simultaneously, Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Ezzati of Santiago de Chile in Latin America, dismissed the famous Jesuit Jorge Carrasco Costadoat from his professorship of theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. The Archbishop is Chancellor of the University.
As InfoCatolica reported the Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Fredy Parra, had asked the Archbishop to reconsider his decision again. There had also been a meeting. But the Cardinals politely showed the Jesuits  the door.

Synod of Bishops Keywords: Homosexuality - Remarried divorcees

Father Jorge Costadoat SJ
The reasons for the dismissal can be divided into two key words summarized of the Synod of Bishops in Rome:  homosexuals and divorced and remarried. Father Costadoat publicly supported the theses of the Bishop of Antwerp, Johan Bonny, who already worked for  Cardinal Walter Kasper when he was in Rome  still directing the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Bonny demanded that the church will grant full recognition of homosexual relationships and homosexuality.
The Jesuit Costadoat also sent clear signals for the "opening" to the divorced and remarried and demanded admission to the sacraments. Therefore, he tried Kaspers thesis of the "case by case" that rejects a fundamental rule. Father Costadoat represents the so-called theology of circumstances, which is by no means new in reality. He considers it "pastorally negative," to tell the person concerned the truth, that they are in a state of "grave sin" because "if I put myself in their shoes and I suffer, I feel humiliated." To deny remarried divorcees  Holy Communion, poses "a denial of the 'truth' of the Gospel," according to the Jesuit.

Cardinal: Jesuit contrary to Holy Scripture, Magisterium and Tradition

There Cardinal Ezzati called upon  the plan that actually is considered very cautiously. The Archbishop then accused him of, among other things, of taking no account of the suffering and humiliation of the abandoned spouse and the marriage sacrament and to ignore that we are dealing with a divorce and a civil remarriage as the result of a deliberate and conscious breach.
These and similar statements and considerations brought the Jesuit theologians in complete contradition  to Holy Scripture, the Magisterium and Tradition whereupon Cardinal Ezzati took action in order not to feed the confusion. 
A circle of progressive theology students published a press release after the dismissal in which they represented the  action as an advantage, because now Father Costadoat would enjoy academic freedom to spread his "rebel opinion".

Abuse of Catholic Structures for the Dissemination of Personal Theories

As an entry shows in his blog, Father Costadoat seems to actually have not understood the meaning of the archbishop's action: "If we confuse the mission of a university with the needs of the Christian religion, it is the catholicity of the university, which is despised."
This prompted No Cristianofobia to write: Father Costadoat seems to have  "neither understood the blatant schizophrenia nor his still intolerable and cowardly fraud, inherent to his  actions,  using a Catholic institution, such as the University, to disseminate his own personal academic theories contrary to Catholic doctrine."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
image: InfoVaticana
Trans; Tancred

Monday, September 22, 2014

How Will I Manipulate the Bishops' Synod? -- Action Plan Against the Sacrament of Marriage

Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri Upon Receiving
His Red Hat
(Rome) The Vatican expert Marco Tosatti has reported a detailed plan for the manipulation of the Synod of Bishops for the purposes of Cardinal Walter Kasper's "New Mercy" approval of remarried divorcees to Communion. The definition starts from the civil aspect and is thus erroneous for the Church discussion. What  the state can call remarried divorcees, are adulterers for the Church.
Tosatti will not use the name of the senior church representative who divulged the plan in merry company. It was not  Cardinal Kasper, who would barely run with such frivolity  and would have no decision-making power in a simple Synod to perform procedural maneuvers.
Read from the context, and in light of his past and recent statements, there is some evidence for Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops.  Baldisseri is one of those Church leaders who have experienced under Pope Francis, sharply rising career. Francis made him a cardinal, and put him in an important position of trust. Assuming that Pope Francis is a key player for the softening of the sacrament of marriage itself and the Synod of Bishops is the central instrument for its implementation, then the General Secretary of the Synod has a key strategic role.
Marco Tosatti published its report in the daily newspaper La Stampa on 20 September.

Synod: how do I maneuver it ...

by Marco Tosatti
The Synod of Bishops will speak about many things, but the mass media will probably speak only about one: the opportunity for  married persons who are divorced civilly, whose marriage was not annulled by the church but still got married in a civil ceremony one more time, to be admitted never the less to communion. . And there is a plan to maneuver the Synod ...
It is already happening in a number of cases where priests, and "conservatives", consider the personal situation and take the responsibility to say: go to communion, but be discreet. So it has been  since the time of John Paul II.
Cardinal Kasper, who 20 years ago had his own idea in this regard, both in the pontificates of John Paul II., and Benedict XVI it was not accepted, saw with the rise Bergoglio the opportunity to re-submit this idea. Despite the fact that from Manila to Berlin, from New York to Africa, the vast majority of his colleague Cardinals reaffirmed the Church's teaching that - oh boy - is based on the word of Jesus. One of the few cases in which the statement unambiguously, clearly and definitely seems and is not even challenged by the professional  dismemberment pericopes in question ...
In short, the cause of Kasper & Co. does not seem to develop very well. But perhaps there is a way to help him. And to prevent the annoying votes against from being too loud.
The first point consists in the requirement that the contributions to the synod must be submitted in writing at an early stage. Which has already been put into action. Whoever wants to take the floor at the Synod, had to submit his text by the 8th of September.
Second: Carefully read all the posts. In the event that some should be particularly hot, then  another speaker shall be introduced immediately before the dangerous contribution by another speaker, the reply  which was prepared in advance to all or some points that are only raised in the previous presentation.
Third, if a post seems quite problematic, it will be censured,  and  not be granted, but that for lack of time, not all of the words will be included.  Of course, with the remark that he indeed accepted in writing and thus is part of the Synod files and he will of course take it into consideration in the drafting of the final document.
In fact, the Synod will not be of so much importance, but far more the summary that is worked in small groups and will bear as a "Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation" the signature of the Pope. It is very likely that there will not be a clear and definitive text, but a "fluctuating" interpretation, so that everyone will read from it what he wants.
Humble Note of a poor chronicler: But if one has such an elaborate and ingenious plan, why then would he talk openly in front of perfect strangers in a pompous dinner?
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Asianews
Trans: Tancred