Thursday, May 16, 2024

Slovakian Prime Minister Refused to Sign WHO Treaty

Edit: makes you wonder what kind of payouts were given to “Catholic” media influencers like Mark Shea to attack and vilify people who didn’t fall in line with the current thing.



Richie is joined by Paul Craig Roberts. Paul is a renowned journalist, author and geopolitical analyst. He came on the show today to discuss the shooting of Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico and who might be behind it, the growing unrest in Georgia, US student anti-genocide protests, mass migration and much more. Read Paul Craig Roberts (and support him) here:


Phinnpoy said...

I doubt that Shea is getting any payoffs. He was always begging for money in the past. And have you ever seen a picture of his house? It's a ramshackle wreak, and the rest of the property looks illkept as well.

Anonymous said...

Like lots of other progressives Shea is motivated by ideology not cash.

Anonymous said...

Maybe so but as the Red Sea Pedestrians say: “Rich or poor, it’s nice to have money”

Anonymous said...

Skojec also promoted COVID and the gene syrum, to the point that he could no longer show his face among Catholics anymore and was forced to publicly apostatize. Pressure was coming from somewhere.

Anonymous said...

You give Skojec too much credit. No one was pressuring him to leave the Church.
He just stamped his little fat feet and threw a hissy.
And he found out that after a few months, no one cared if he was there or not.

Anonymous said...

To hear Holy Steve tell it, it wasn’t his decision at all but all the trads who made him mad and made fun of him every chance they had.

That's what happens said...