Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Not “Dumb Dogs”: Bishop Aillet of Bayonne On Fiducia Supplicans

Bishop Aillet of Bayonne finds clear words about the Roman declaration Fiducia supplicans

From a Catholic Lady

On December 27, Marc Aillet, bishop of the diocese of Bayonne, Lescar and Oloron, released a statement on Fiducia supplicans, the Vatican declaration on the blessing of same-sex couples, calling on priests in his diocese to “prudence, the virtue of discernment.”  He encourages them to have a pastoral dialogue when dealing with so-called “homosexual couples”, but to reject couple blessings and, in conjunction with individual blessings, to call people to conversion and to “tell them clearly the truth that the Church teaches regarding their situation”.  He misses this clarity in Fiducia supplicans.

Bishop Aillet says what needs to be said.  The subtitle of his book Le temps des saints (The Time of the Saints), published in October, says it all: Let us not be dumb dogs.  In a time of faith confusion, he wants to strengthen believers by writing about the prophetic mission of the missionary Holy Church, the sacramental priesthood and the tasks and formation of the laity.  Neither excessive structural reforms nor adaptation to world developments are effective for the Church, but true priests in Christ and lay people educated through liturgy and catechesis are needed for a spiritual renewal of the Church, a “time of the saints” for the revitalization of Catholicism in Jesus  Christ.  (French book review here.)

His analysis of Fiducia supplicans is also based on one truth and grew out of “a time for reflection”.  In fact, his extensive writing testifies to a clear theological reflection on the meaning of blessings in the Church and gradually questions Cardinal Fernández's theological and semantic confusion, which “needs clarification”.

Associated with the French Community of St. Martin, the bishop is one of France's tradition-friendly shepherds.  Ordained a priest in Italy in 1982, he came to the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon from 1986 to 1992 and again in 1998, where Bishop Dominique Rey (sic!) appointed him vicar general in 2002.  Since October 2008 he has been Bishop of Bayonne, Lescar and Oloron.  In 2021, he reacted prudently to the Motu proprio Traditionis custodes, assured the faithful and priests associated with the tradition of his appreciation and confirmed the status quo for the celebration of the old Mass in his diocese.

He acknowledged that “the priests in the diocese of Bayonne who celebrate the liturgy according to the 1962 Missal are in full compliance with the Second Vatican Council, the legitimacy of the 1970 Missal, the expression par excellence of the lex orandi of the Latin Church,  recognize and cultivate a strong sense of ecclesial community […]” and particularly emphasized the young average age of the traditional believers, whose families “are very anxious to pass on the faith to their children”.

Only last autumn, at his invitation, the Canons of Lagrasse (Canons Regular of Our Lady of Lagrasse) established a new priory in the city of Pau.  The bishop explained that the canons living according to the rule of St. Augustine celebrate in the traditional Rite, but this does not conflict with Traditionis custodes, since the Church assigned to them within a newly established diocesan house is not a parish church and Masses are also held there in the Novus Ordo could be celebrated by other groups.

In the context of the publication of his current book, in which he also advocates liturgical peace, he recently expressed to the monthly magazine La Nef his “discomfort” caused by Traditionis custodes and emphasized that in his diocese “the liturgical difference between the two forms  “lived peacefully”, the priests and believers associated with the Vetus ordo are integrated into diocesan life and, above all, many young people find the sacrality they are looking for in this liturgy in a completely non-ideological way.

For many years, Bishop Aillet has repeatedly been a target by left-wing Catholics in his diocese who accuse the conservative bishop of being backwards and for whom priests in cassocks and Gregorian chant are anathema.  Added to this are Bishop Aillet's clear condemnation of abortion and euthanasia and the gay pride in Biarritz.

With his current statement, Bishop Aillet wants to act as a shepherd to care for his priests and faithful in the face of “stubborn ambiguities” in a “secularized society in which we are experiencing an unprecedented anthropological crisis”.  He gives clear instructions on how they should bear witness to the love and mercy of God in dealing with Fiducia supplicans in a pastoral attitude towards sinners, without abandoning the unchanging truth of the Church:

 - I invite the priests of the diocese to be welcoming to irregular couples or people who have a homosexual relationship: people should not feel judged but welcomed with a perceptive and listening attitude that promises them God's love.

 - Furthermore, I invite you to carry out a pastoral dialogue and to have the courage to tell them clearly the truth, for the good of people and with the appropriate sensitivity, without judging them and by involving themselves personally in the pastoral relationship,  that the Church teaches regarding their situation.

 - Finally, I invite you to give them a blessing when people ask for it, provided that it is individual for each person, calling them to conversion and inviting them to ask for the help of grace that the Lord  granted to all who ask him to bring their lives into harmony with the will of God.”

 Msgr. Marc Aillet, Bishop of Bayonne, Lescar and Oloron

 Bayonne, December 27, 2023

 On the feast of St. John, Apostle

 Image: Alliance des Coeurs unis (screenshot)

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com



Anonymous said...

RE: FS - "spiritual judo". I need to read more on his approach to post V2 events.

Anonymous said...

"In a time of faith confusion, he wants to strengthen believers by writing about the prophetic mission of the missionary Holy Church, the sacramental priesthood and the tasks and formation of the laity. Neither excessive structural reforms nor adaptation to world developments are effective for the Church, but true priests in Christ and lay people educated through liturgy and catechesis are needed for a spiritual renewal of the Church, a “time of the saints” for the revitalization of Catholicism in Jesus Christ."

Nowhere does he 'invite': "Go ye into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned." He is all directed to "renewing the Church" to "revitalizing Catholicism" (de)"formation of the laity." Where does he 'invite' his priests to preach that fornication, adultery and sodomy are mortal sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance? Where does he denounce the pope and curia for declaring that parties to mortal sin may be blessed?

"I invite the priests of the diocese to be welcoming to irregular couples or people who have a homosexual relationship: people should not feel judged but welcomed with a perceptive and listening attitude that promises them God's love." (God's love is a fact; this is Satan's empty 'promise.') [For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. For God sent not his Son into the world, to judge the world, but that the world may be saved by him. He that believeth in him is not judged. But he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the judgment: because the light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the light: for their works were evil. For every one that doth evil hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, that his works may not be REPROVED.]

The Baptist preached w/out being asked: "For Herod himself had sent and apprehended John, and bound him in prison for the sake of Herodias the wife of Philip his brother, because he had married her. For John said to Herod: It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife. Now Herodias laid snares for him: and was desirous to put him to death, and could not. For Herod feared John, knowing him to be a just and holy man: and kept him, and when he heard him, did many things: and he heard him willingly."

John did not listen to Herod. Herod listened to John. No dialogue as this VC2 death clapper 'invites': "Furthermore, I invite you to carry out a pastoral dialogue and to have the courage to tell them clearly the truth, for the good of people and with the appropriate sensitivity, without judging them and by involving themselves personally in the pastoral relationship, that the Church teaches regarding their situation."

Anonymous said...

"Finally, I invite you to give them a blessing when people ask for it, provided that it is individual for each person, calling them to conversion and inviting them to ask for the help of grace that the Lord granted to all who ask him to bring their lives into harmony with the will of God.”

"The bishop's office told FranceInfo that Aillet’s note had been misinterpreted. "It is not a question of conversion therapy, but of a reference to the Gospel (get that? he made a "reference" to the Gospel!) which invites all believers to change direction to take the right path," Aillet's office said. In a historic move, the Vatican announced on 18 December that it now authorises the blessing of "unmarried, divorced and homosexual couples"."


The Baptist is in heaven. Not sure where the plump bishop w/the voris hair will end up (not in jail or as a martyr if he can squirm out of it), but very sure JC ain't saying: "For this is he of whom it is written: Behold I send my angel before thy face, who shall prepare thy way before thee."

Anonymous said...

Aren’t you the wise one.

Mark 2:17

Yves Boismard said...

An important larification from the Bishop of Bayonne-Lescar-Oloron on Fiducia supplicans and blessings of SS persons or others in irregular relationships:

“He (Bishop Aillet) specifically invites priests within the diocese to grant blessings to individuals if they request it. But he emphasizes that this should be done individually and should include a call for conversion. He said priests should alsoinviteto those who ask to seek the grace that the Lord offers so they can align their lives with God's will.”


Anonymous said...

Wonder if the opus devil "invites" his priests to overturn the legalization of sodomy and sodomite marriage in France or if he like the pope and the pope's curia believe sodomy should be legalized and the Church should be working for that. I notice dead silence on the opus dei blogosphere about sodomy being a social justice issue and human dignity demands that sodomy be permitted. Let's be clear who worked to legalize sodomy in the Western World: THE SODOMITE PEDOPHILE VATICAN II including PAUL VI, JPI & II, BENEDICT XVI and all the sodomites they appointed bishop and cardinal.

3. The delicate situation of some countries...The cases of some Episcopal Conferences must be understood in their contexts. In several countries there are strong cultural and even legal issues that REQUIRE TIME AND PASTORAL STRATEGIES THAT GO BEYOND THE SHORT TERM.

If there are laws that condemn the mere act of declaring oneself as a homosexual with prison and in some cases with torture and even death, it goes without saying that a blessing would be imprudent. It is clear that the Bishops do not wish to expose homosexual persons to violence. It remains vital that these Episcopal Conferences do not support a doctrine different from that of the Declaration signed by the Pope, given that it is perennial doctrine, but rather that they recommend the need for study and discernment so as to act with pastoral prudence in such a context.

In truth, there are not a few countries that, to varying degrees, condemn, prohibit and criminalize homosexuality. In these cases, apart from the question of blessings, there exists a GREAT AND WIDE RANGING PASTORAL RESPONSIBILITY THAT INCLUDES TRAINING, THE DEFENSE OF HUMAN DIGNITY (sodomy is dignified just like abortion (wow you people staying in the pews with the pervert catholics like biden, mikulski, pelosi, o'malley and on and on who are carrying out the sodomite pedophile pervert agenda; you're revitalizing catholicism and reforming the church all right, right along the lines of escriva the sodomite, commie pervert), THE TEACHING OF THE SOCIAL DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH (that now includes fornication, adultery, abortion and sodomy) and VARIOUS STRATEGIES (that we learned from the commies and sodomites) that do not admit of a rushed response."


YB said...

Nemo 3:25 PM has a very grubby, deviant and terminal bum fixation which he unloads on to others.

Fix up your own pathologies you nasty piece of work.

Anonymous said...


Ghana Cardinal Peter Turkson: It's time to understand homosexuality...Cardinal Turkson, the first-ever Ghanaian cardinal appointed in 2003, holds a prominent position as the chancellor of the Pontifical Academies of Sciences.



'I send the Pope a big kiss!': Transgender sex worker thanks Pope Francis for making her 'feel a bit more human' during lunch in Italy - after Vatican changed baptism rules for trans people

The temple prostitutes of VC2 are transgenders and sodomites--and that includes all the pants-wearing women reading from the lecterns and passing out 'holy' communion.

TERNI - In the Cathedral of Terni even homosexuals go to heaven. They do so in a painting created in 2007 on the counter-façade of the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta which represents a resurrection of the dead. At the center of the 16 by 9 meters of wall painting stands Jesus ascending to heaven dragging two fishing nets full of human figures. Below, from the holes that open onto the earth, other aspirants to paradise emerge; above, a cordon of humans defends the celestial Jerusalem; in the center you can glimpse an industrial and polluted Terni. The hand of God rests on everything. In the tangle of naked bodies, characters new to the Christian iconographic tradition appear. Among these, recognizable on the sides of the entrance door of the church, there are two transsexuals and a couple of men in erotic attitudes. But also prostitutes, drug dealers, veiled women, black men with sneakers and homosexuals with polka dot ties.
[[ge:rep-locali:repubblica:136237499]] This is confirmed by the author of the work Ricardo Cinalli, a popular Argentine painter who has lived in London for years. "Everyone can aspire to this celestial Jerusalem", he explains to Repubblica . "Homosexuals, transsexuals, thieves, drug dealers, prostitutes, tattooed criminals. There are two men holding each other: there is no sexual tension between them, but there is erotic tension. They are all people who do not necessarily , from a traditional point of view, they would have gained heaven."

Among the various characters painted within the mystical network, Don Fabio Leonardis also appears - "naked" and with a heart tattooed on his biceps - and Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia supported by a beggar. They are the other two protagonists of this story. The Resurrection of Cinalli was carried out at the behest of Vincenzo Paglia, then bishop of the Terni-Narni-Amelia diocese, now archbishop and president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, and of the parish priest Fabio Leonardis, then director of the cultural heritage office of the diocese and secretary of the regional council for ecclesiastical cultural heritage. The work was inaugurated on the occasion of Easter mass in 2007, receiving little attention from the local press and provoking mixed reactions from parishioners.

Vienna cardinal regrets erotic Last Supper art...Protest has continued over the picture 'Leonardo's Last Supper, restored by Pier Paolo Pasolini' which showed cavorting Apostles lounging on the dining table and masturbating each other. It was supposed to be a highlight of the display.


Anonymous said...

Coccopalmerio was born in San Giuliano Milanese, Italy, where his parents were living during World War II, on 6 March 1938 and raised in Sernio, his mother's home town. He was ordained a priest on 28 June 1962 by Giovanni Montini (later Pope Paul VI), then the archbishop of Milan. He received a licentiate in theology in 1963....

On 10 April 1993, Pope John Paul II appointed Coccopalmerio an auxiliary bishop of Milan with the titular see of Coeliana. He was consecrated bishop on 22 May of that year. Within the Italian Episcopal Conference, he is one of the leading voices on legal issues and ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue. Since 2000, Coccopalmerio has been a member of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura...

Since 2008, at the direction of Pope Benedict,[3] one of his principal responsibilities has been the revision to procedures for handling clergy sex abuse and the applicable punishments. In 2014, he explained: "We want to make this delicate material more accessible, more understandable and easier for bishops to apply." At issue is "Book VI: Sanctions in the Church".[4]

At the Synod of Bishops on New Evangelization in October 2012, Coccopalmerio argued that ecumenical efforts to further unify Christians across sectarian lines could play a pivotal role in countering the ongoing "de-Christianization" of Europe by presenting "an extraordinary sign to Islam" of Christian solidarity.[9]...

In advance of that conclave, he said: "It's time to look outside Italy and Europe, in particular considering Latin America."[14]...

On 27 August 2014, Pope Francis named him to a working group tasked with speeding up the process for assessing the nullity of a marriage. Its work resulted in changes implemented by Francis in September 2015, which eliminated obligatory appeals, eased the dismissal of appeals in certain instances, and instituted a shorter process in some cases.[16][a]

Following the first session of the Synod on the Family held in October 2014, he expressed disappointment that not all the participants addressed the pastoral needs of those "who are suffering through problems connected to their relationships" and instead "showed that they simply wanted to reaffirm the doctrine". He provided an example:[17]

In January 2015, Pope Francis named Coccopalmerio to a new board of review within the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that reviews appeals from clergy found guilty of sexual abuse of minors.[18]


Once police were inside the apartment, they said they found multiple men engaged in rampant drug use and homosexual activity.

They then arrested the priest — an aide to one of Pope Francis’ key advisers — after taking him to a clinic to detox from the drugs he’d ingested.

Coccopalmerio had recommended the secretary for a promotion to bishop — but his prospects aren’t looking good following this incident and two previous alleged drug overdoses, according to an International Business Times report.


Anonymous said...

You delete my comment that quick - oh wow! no epiphany for you all - you are deaf dumb and blind to your own cooperation with evil

Anonymous said...

01.25.23 Pope Francis Says Homosexuality Is Not a Crime

11.9.2023. Vatican Says Transgender People May Be Baptized
Statement is the latest sign of Pope Francis’ conciliatory approach to LGBTQ Catholics

11.9.23 Pope Francis Calls for the Inclusion of Trans People in Catholic Church Practices

11.23.23 Pope invites transgender prostitutes to dinner at Vatican Transgender people sent a “big kiss” to the pope.


11.27.23 A prominent Ghanaian priest, cardinal Peter Turkson of the Roman Catholic church has spoken against criminalizing homosexuality, challenging the proposed bill in Ghana's parliament that seeks severe penalties for the LGBTQ+ community... Cardinal Turkson, the first-ever Ghanaian cardinal appointed in 2003, holds a prominent position as the chancellor of the Pontifical Academies of Sciences.

CM video of Turkson saying sodomites can be god parents, blessed etc.

In the Resurrection of the Cathedral of Terni even gays and trans people go to heaven
Painted in 2007 by the Argentine painter Ricardo Cinalli, it represents characters who break away from sacred iconography such as prostitutes, drug dealers, transsexuals and homosexuals, in the act of ascending to heaven. It was commissioned by the then bishop Vincenzo Paglia....Among the various characters painted within the mystical network, Don Fabio Leonardis also appears - "naked" and with a heart tattooed on his biceps - and Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia supported by a beggar. They are the other two protagonists of this story. The Resurrection of Cinalli was carried out at the behest of Vincenzo Paglia, then bishop of the Terni-Narni-Amelia diocese, now archbishop and president of the Pontifical Council for the Family,



Vincenzo Paglia (born 20 April 1945) is an Italian prelate of the Catholic Church. He is the president of the Pontifical Academy for Life and grand chancellor of the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences.

Paglia was president of the Pontifical Council for the Family from 2012 to 2016 and Bishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia from 2000 to 2012. He was also a co-founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio in 1968. Paglia was the postulator for the cause of canonization of Óscar Romero and of Felix Varela.[1]


Anonymous said...

4.11.08 Is a depiction of the Last Supper as a gay orgy art or blasphemy?

Vienna cardinal regrets erotic Last Supper art

5.22.14 Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the Archbishop of Vienna, has congratulated the cross-dressing Austrian winner of the Eurovision Song Contest.


9.14.15 Springtime Update: "Stable gay relationship is better than a ‘temporary’ one, says Cardinal Schönborn"

1.30.19 Cardinal Schönborn: “I find it touching that same-sex couples want marriage”

3.25.21 Austria's Cardinal Schönborn: God will not deny same-sex couples a blessing


Former Papal Nuncio to the U.S. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò told LifeSiteNews recently that Ratzinger’s secretary of 19 years while at the CDF – now Bishop Joseph Clemens – is believed to be an active homosexual during his time serving Ratzinger.

Prior to Clemens’ episcopal consecration when he left his secretary position, investigations found serious allegations he was a homosexual. Viganò told LifeSite that, at the time, Ratzinger was warned about Clemens’ homosexuality and that he nevertheless consecrated him a bishop.

Another source in Rome told LifeSite’s Dr. Maike Hickson: “The fact that Josef Clemens was and is an active homosexual is well known among us here in Rome.”


Gänswein Poses With Infamous German Gay-Activist. Update: Gänswein wrote to the journalist Maike Hickson that he was not aware that the man who took the picture was the gay propagandist David Berger adding that he is often asked to pose for photos.


Anonymous said...

Why do you keep deleting that it is the catholic church working to decriminalize sodomy? What is your justification?

01.25.23 Pope Francis Says Homosexuality Is Not a Crime

11.9.2023. Vatican Says Transgender People May Be Baptized
Statement is the latest sign of Pope Francis’ conciliatory approach to LGBTQ Catholics

11.9.23 Pope Francis Calls for the Inclusion of Trans People in Catholic Church Practices

11.23.23 Pope invites transgender prostitutes to dinner at Vatican Transgender people sent a “big kiss” to the pope.


11.27.23 A prominent Ghanaian priest, cardinal Peter Turkson of the Roman Catholic church has spoken against criminalizing homosexuality, challenging the proposed bill in Ghana's parliament that seeks severe penalties for the LGBTQ+ community... Cardinal Turkson, the first-ever Ghanaian cardinal appointed in 2003, holds a prominent position as the chancellor of the Pontifical Academies of Sciences.

CM video of Turkson saying sodomites can be god parents, blessed etc.

In the Resurrection of the Cathedral of Terni even gays and trans people go to heaven
Painted in 2007 by the Argentine painter Ricardo Cinalli, it represents characters who break away from sacred iconography such as prostitutes, drug dealers, transsexuals and homosexuals, in the act of ascending to heaven. It was commissioned by the then bishop Vincenzo Paglia....Among the various characters painted within the mystical network, Don Fabio Leonardis also appears - "naked" and with a heart tattooed on his biceps - and Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia supported by a beggar. They are the other two protagonists of this story. The Resurrection of Cinalli was carried out at the behest of Vincenzo Paglia, then bishop of the Terni-Narni-Amelia diocese, now archbishop and president of the Pontifical Council for the Family,



Vincenzo Paglia (born 20 April 1945) is an Italian prelate of the Catholic Church. He is the president of the Pontifical Academy for Life and grand chancellor of the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences.

Paglia was president of the Pontifical Council for the Family from 2012 to 2016 and Bishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia from 2000 to 2012. He was also a co-founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio in 1968. Paglia was the postulator for the cause of canonization of Óscar Romero and of Felix Varela.[1]


Hans Eisner said...

Say again, I'm not really clear on what you are getting at, Nemo 8:04 AM, 8:50 AM, 9:10 AM and 9:11 AM
While you're doing that, you might just clean up those telltale little indications that you are plagiarizing material without acknowledgment. That's a very lazy boy.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you restored the posts - my faith in Tancred is renewed! Not sure about the rest of you yahoos monitoring/contributing to this blog.

Anyway, revisiting because wondering if you saw this twitter by your 'ero emjones (that's one of the few things I question about tancred - not sure if hans eisner is a friend of emjones also, but he doesn't provide any sources for his work at all):

No matter what Tucho has written privately, his position on blessings in Fiducia Supplicans is theologically sound. Blessings do not condone the sins of those in irregular situations. It is the document we have to judge in this instance, not the man. As to Bergoglio, I prefer him as pope rather than Michael Voris, John Henry Weston, Michael Matt, and all of the other wicked schismatic pretenders to the throne of Peter. All of them have ignored the plain sense of the document. As Father Harrison has pointed out, Fiducia Supplicans closes the door to gay marriage by affirming the traditional teaching marriage is between a man and a woman. The more recent Tucho porn moral panic is an attempt on the part of Taylor Marshall, John Henry Weston, and Michael Matt to distract everyone's attention from the fact that they could not refute what Cardinal Fernandes said about the blessings of people in irregular situations in Fiducia Supplicans.


These 'blessings' give unofficial (de facto) recognition to sodomy, adultery and fornication--official (de jure) recognition will follow (what people do in practice becomes the law). Jones like the bishop are thinking they can go along with this, but Jones isn't even protesting a little bit and doesn't care if the author is a deeply disturbed sex pervert (probably because jones himself like all hard core opus devils are deeply disturbed sex perverts)--all he cares about is saving his own skin ("the church"/priests and congregations who follow them) from being persecuted and martyred over this issue. The church is not just there to reaffirm doctrine while blessing its denial in practice--the church (congregation and priests) is there to announce the Good News of Christ. Jones also ignores that Tuchi and the rest of the sex perverts are working to legalize perversion so they don't go to jail for their crimes, but are welcomed into the society and church (abbot, and cardinal, and pope no longer their pedophilia and sodomy). Faithful Catholics will be persecuted and martyred and many will be raped to death like in Genesis and Judges 19 until all who made excuses and went along with blessing evil will be destroyed with the rapists like at sodom and gomorrah. Maybe Jones believes 'the church' (priest and congregation) will escape earthly destruction by this 'sleight of hand' - but what about eternity?

«This Declaration remains firm on the traditional doctrine of the Church about marriage, not allowing any type of liturgical rite or blessing similar to a liturgical rite that can create confusion». One acts in these situations of couples in irregular situations «without OFFICIALLY validating their status or changing in any way the Church’s perennial teaching on marriage» (Presentation).