Thursday, January 4, 2024

Ireland Doesn’t Have Enough Problems of Its Own — Replacement


Edit: now that Sinn Fein has bowed to the population control agenda to murder unborn Irishmen in their mother’s womb, these feminist slags and Marxist puppets are advocating for the elimination of the Irish people right there in the Dáil. And apparently, Ireland doesn’t have enough miscegenation, crime, chaos and the political unrest and poverty of the third world. After centuries of fighting the Briddish, a new oppressor is in control of every aspect of Irish politics and culture.

It’s almost as if, unable to defeat the Irish, the English will win by replacing the Irish with a hodgepodge of immigrants from violent cultures abroad. 



Anonymous said...

She’s a socialist, then? That means she’s a Jew in her thinking. Therefore she will act like a Jewish revolutionary. We all know they are behind the Great Replacement.

Anonymous said...

Who? There were several women and a few “men” in the video.

Rory O'Driscoll said...

Overblown, fake news and confected hype. Room for improvement, Tucker.

BTW, it's not the Irish who have the big problems, it's the vast majority of Americans who, among other things, can't tell the difference between Socialism and Communism.
Evidently, it takes far too long to make the distinction.

Anonymous said...

Socialism and Communism are both Jew-inspired movements.
I do not need to explore their differences. They are both Jew-thought.

RO'D said...

"I do not need to explore their differences. ,,"

QED: You have no need because you don't have the foggiest idea about the difference..

"They are both Jew-thought." This is a meaningless, throwaway slogan that you have picked up from the resident intellectual bottom crawlers.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you could enlighten us with their differences.
I await with the glassy-eyed expectation of a fervent disciple.
Do not disappoint me.

Anonymous said...

Akschually, *coughs up soy* there’s a difference between Socialism and Communism. Even the average lager lout at a bar stool in Essex drunk out of his kind knows this.

RO'D said...

Nemos 2:43 PM and 2:57 PM (The 'Roads' Scholar and Tucker the Lard don't have a clue between them and illustrate just how profoundly ignorant Americans are about clear political, economic and social distinctions that the civilized world made over a century ago.

Anonymous said...

But, here is your chance to enlighten me on the differences between Socialism and Communism.
I am but a humble soul seeking answers that only higher intellectuals like you can offer.

Anonymous said...

Socialism is what comes between a free market economy (stop using the Marxian slur "capitalism") and authoritarian communism. It's a transitory period, by definition, not an economic system, not a form of governance.

Anyone claiming to be a "socialist" is either a useful idiot who never grew out of their college childhood, or they're a liar.

Anonymous said...

Éire has been the oligarchs’ test bed. Ohio got the most liberal abortion law following the template they first used here.

Anonymous said...

Socialism is like Communism, except there are two or three parties instead of one, and gays are not only legal, but almost as politically powerful as Js.

Anonymous said...

I’d love Communism, because Gaybrielle would be put in prison for being a moral reprobate.

Barnum said...

Anon 6:31, you win the award for the best observation this year.

And one'd think Gaybriel, the WonderPoof, who knows everything about everything, including what happened on every square inch of Ireland through all time, would have thought of this by himself. Well, again, is that not proof that sin clouds the mind?

RO'D said...

Christian communism is grounded in this text:

"The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common. And they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all according to their needs." (Acts 2: 44-45)

Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum rests Catholic Social Gospel on this principle which underpins the just Society which provides a safety net for all its citizens.

Communism began with similar principles but was seduced by the personal greed and rapacity that drives laissez - faire Capitalism.

Christianity is such a disappointment, isn't it chaps?

Barnum said...

After watching that video, I can only conclude that Chicago, New York, and Boston insane asyla have dumped their dregs back on the Ould Sod. Don't worry Ireland, your gay bishops and priests will defend ye.

Barnum said...

Christian sharing and communism are two quite different things, Gaybriel. No wonder you and your ilk believe that children are sexual beings. Little boys, in your case.

Anonymous said...

Slags is a wonderful word to describe these female (?)tools/fools. ANYONE claiming the Irish enjoy or have ever enjoyed any kind of privilege are liars of monstrous proportions. The idea is an obscenity, like saying a child seduced his/her adult rapist. One does wonder about Sinn Fein's odd accommodation to African/ME occupiers, rather than "Briddish".....

RO'D said...

Not only is the 'Roads' Scholar incapable of engaging with and sustaining a rational conversation but he is also unable to read a perfectly straightforward statement about Catholic Social doctrine and its origins both in Scripture and in the papal Magisterium of Pope Leo XIII which has been at the heart of Catholic teaching ever since. But no surprises there.

You're out of your depth here, Roadie.

Anonymous said...

Gaybrielle, not only are you a smug bog smoker, but have 0 integrity as well.

“Roads Scholar” was your gaffe, you vile hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Britbongs have no business presupposing any sort of intellectual superiority, especially when they have Prince Harry and Gaybrielle.

Barnum said...

You are the self-described "Roads Scholar" Gaybriel. You own it. And repeating lies and prattling about an encyclical does not make your gay commie utterances any truer. As an elderly boomer, you should know that. But the sin of homosexuality has clouded your mind.

Give us 750 words tying Rerum Novarum to the current homoglobalist-led, lackey Irish politician managed, self-destruction of Ireland.


Anonymous said...

I doubt Gaybrielle has actually read Rerum Novarum.

RO'D said...

The 'Roads' Scholar is bushed in his own steam of consciousness pointless prolixity, resentment and derangement.
Get help.

Anonymous said...

Gaybrielle is tragically and irrevocably consumed by self-loathing. He projects his many personal failings upon others.

Anonymous said...

It is rather funny to watch Irish politicians talk about 'white privilege' in Ireland, when they forget that white tribes from what is now Europe settled the country thousands of years ago and were in turn colonized and civilized by the Roman Empire, before being converted to Catholicism by St Patrick. Ireland was never a black or brown skinned country, until the EU globalists recently changed all that. As they say, politics is downstream from religion. It would certainly help the political situation in Ireland if, en-masse, the Irish re-embraced the Traditional Latin Mass and Traditional Catholic beliefs and values.

On another point, Catholicism is not socialist or communist in any way. Unlike atheistic worldly and utopian socialism or communism, Catholicism is a supernatural religion revealed by the Blessed Trinity where this world is for expiatory suffering and the end goal for each individual is to be united with God in heaven. The Catholic principle of subsidarity as explained by Chesterton and Belloc is a social organizational method by which most secular power is devolved to the smallest collective units of society, the family or the local village. Catholics (who can) are required in conscience to quietly keep on working and earning the food that they eat, according to St Paul. There are neither 'oppressors' nor 'oppressed' in Catholicism.

Harry Butler said...

Nemo 1:09 AM.

Thanks for the magnificent presentation of cognitive blancmange.

gm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gm said...

So, even the Irish have been infected by the mind viruses of CRT and Gender Identity Theory. To a Yank, that the Irish are a privileged and oppressor class beyond rediculous and laughable. That the educated Irish buy into to this garbage shows a failure in the educational system. Systemic idiocy and indoctrination is now wide spread accross Western civilization, or what remains of it.