Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Congress Pushing to Make Criticism of Jews Illegal

Edit: they’re taking a further step in making free speech illegal. Judaism and Jewish Culture are no longer topics of rational discourse, and Jew is not a term that can be approached without deep religious veneration. 

Imagine if Catholics were protected by such a law. I’d warrant people would become very sick of it.

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09) issued the following statement after voting in favor of H. Con. Res. 57 – “Expressing the sense of Congress supporting the State of Israel.”  This resolution was presented after members of Congress, including Rep. Jayapal, engaged in hateful antisemitic speech and labelled an entire nation as “racist” because of her strong hatred and antipathy towards the Jewish people:


“It is a sad day in Congress when we must address the vile, anti-Semitic hatred expressed by certain members.   Israel is not a racist state and I strongly condemn the recent anti-Semitic and hateful remarks made by Representative Pramila Jayapal.  Israel, the nation, was created as a safe haven for the Jewish people immediately following the Holocaust.  Israel is the historic, and current, home of the Jewish people.  The nation of Israel has every right to protect its sovereignty, its borders, its people, and doing so does not make it “racist.”


There is zero room in our society for these vile, hateful and bigoted comments in the Halls of Congress.  As our strongest ally in the Middle East, I will never shy away from my long-standing support for Israel. The anti-Jewish and anti-Israel statements by members of Congress must be condemned,” stated Congressman Gosar.


Here’s Gosar complaining about Nick Fuentes and Ye like the meanie principal in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.



Anonymous said...

Wasn't the 11th commandment, "Thou shall not whine" ?

Anonymous said...

Israel first!

Anonymous said...

Open borders for Israel!

Anonymous said...

"Israel has every right to protect it's borders" Gosar says, but not the U.S?
Guess the U.S. border is "not his concern" same as Pence.

Anonymous said...

If we look at US Federal Tax Law, every year I notice that Jewish descendants of Holocaust " survivors" get tax deduction. Even great grandchildren. This is a form of "restitution". Similar to the ones wokes want gays and blacks to have.

Drake's Place said...

Congress passed the resolution that Israel isn't an apartheid, racist state and later the same day Israel launches missiles at Syria. Uh-huh.