Sunday, September 13, 2020

SSPX Fined For Proselytism in Russia — Who Else is Going to Do It?

Edit: since Bergoglio and company isn’t going to do it, and probably couldn’t if they wanted to, the SSPX will he to step in.

Armin Schwibach is the editor of where this report originated. He's not a friend of the Society, but then he's a friend of Tradition. 

An illicit hotel room Mass was the basis for first known charge against a Catholic for violating 2016 law.

For the first time, Russia has prosecuted a Catholic leader for “illegal missionary activity.”.

Forum 18, a religious freedom monitoring organization, reported that Nikita Glazunov was fined 5,000 rubles (about $67) by a court in Kazan in the Russian Republic of Tatarstan. Glazunov, a member of a traditionalist Catholic religious group, the Society of St. Pius X, was charged for organizing a Latin Mass in a hotel conference hall. According to the charge, he invited a “foreign preacher” to celebrate the Mass, but the priest did not have written authorization to perform missionary activity. A witness testified that the preacher had “spoken of the truth of Catholicism in comparison with Orthodox Christianity, and that, after the religious service, [the defendant and another person] approached him and invited him to take printed materials to familiarize himself with their religious views.”

The Society of St. Pius X is in an irregular relationship with the Vatican.

Glazunov appealed his conviction on June 5, but was unsuccessful.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Silly as they almost alone upheld the Mass of Ages and valid orders. The Conciliar TLM using the SSPX only 1962 is now a huge community. Now at a Novus Ordo Missae, the youngest there is the altar girl.

  3. The SSPX has everything to contribute to the Catholic Church. However, I would say, in general, Russia's policy of arresting sects usually apply to Devil Worshippers, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses,Scientologists, Pentecostals, and Adventist garbage. Russia is following a traditional policy of maintaining and protecting an Orthodox State. Same as Catholics, Russia teaches that Church and State should ideally be one. We call that the Teaching of the Kingship of Christ King. The Orthodox don't mind us having this Teaching out in Catholic Countries. But they feel that they are the true "Catholic Church" in Russia. I am betting that these 2 guys showed up for Mass, arranged at the request of Catholic Traditionalists, which I guess is still ok, but crossed the line when these 2 guys were given a sermon hostile to the Orthodox and followed up with literature distributed to these guys who were Orthodox and not convinced of Catholicism's superiority. They probably later went to authorities to complain. The government currently is having political problems with NGO and foreign pro-globalist sponsored protesters and dissidents and by a pro Gay Rights and feminist leftist opposition.

    1. Simply put Russia is a Jewish country. Jews like to keep tabs on everything. It's what Jews do.

      America and the rest of Europe are different... only not that different. Same Jew control.

    2. The Catholic Church was persecuted much more harshly than this under the Czar, maybe its just a cost of doing business at this point? Depending on Father’s ministry, 5k is a small price to pay?

  4. Bob Ellis, to put it politely, what a completely daft comment. Back in your box now...

  5. Well done SSPX! Validly offering the traditional Latin Mass is exactly what should be happening throughout Russia and neighboring countries. Any positive law that criminalizes the Latin Mass is invalid and should rightly be ignored.

  6. SSPX has much work to do in conversion in North America.

  7. I have been in these countries before. Ukraine, Russia, much if Eastern Europe. In 2001, 2002, 2003, the Ukrainian government registered "approved" religions. But it was a problem when your religion does not fall neatly in its niche.
    The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church us a registered/approved faith. But the traditionalist Greek Catholics, called the Society of St. Josephat did not fit in as Orthodox or Catholic.
    In a nutshell, it is probably more of an issue of red tape and bureaucracy. It's too simplistic to say it's a "Jewish" thing. They tend to support the sexually liberating opposition that support lifting restrictions on gays, and transgenders, and live from NGO monies and globalist economics.

  8. CMRI have a few very small mission chapels in Russia.
    SSPX + CMRI are doing the Lord's work in Russia,may God bless both orders.

  9. The Orthodox churches belong to the World Council of Churches.
    Patriarch Kyrill is former KGB and various Orthodox Patriarchs take part in U.N. sponsored
    World religion days.
    The Orthodox are every bit corrupt + infiltrated as the Novus Ordo.
    God bless

  10. All churches and countries have been to some extent been infiltrated.Riots happen in Russia and Syria and Egypt, and the US, and everywhere else. All in the name of the "people". But its relative. Some places more infected than others. The more transparent the political and social and economic system, the more controllable to powerful outside forces. It's a myth that the more transparency in institutions means more power to small people. Because see the small people can see things, but still too small to do anything about it. Only leftist "Community" Groups can put resources together. Still, Russia insulates itself from much of what's going on. And it separated itself from the Orthodox Church, creating a separate church. It's no secret that this separation got Rome upset. Because Rome was trying to put all churches togetherinto a one World Church.The Russian Church does not love the Dali Lama.And the current Patriarch knows Coca Cola is not the "real thing".
