Saturday, September 12, 2020

Cardinal Says Archbishop Lefebvre Will be Doctor of the Church

September 11, 2020 (Catholic Family News) — Professor Armin Schwibach, a teacher of philosophy and Rome correspondent for the Austrian website, has reported on Twitter that a cardinal has recently made to him some supportive comments about Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the deceased founder of the Society of St. Pius X.

On August 21, Schwibach wrote: “As a cardinal recently stated: Archbishop Lefebvre will one day recognized as a Doctor of the Church. Therefore, ‘others’ have to measure up to him.” Catholic Family News reached out to Professor Schwibach, and he confirmed that indeed these words have only recently been spoken to him by a cardinal of the Catholic Church. On another occasion, according to Schwibach, this same cardinal added that Lefebvre was “prophetic.” However, the cardinal spoke these words privately and does not wish to say so in public.

This reliable fact, as revealed by Schwibach, is of great importance for the Catholic Church since it shows that there are other high-ranking prelates besides Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and Bishop Athanasius Schneider who are seeing the validity of Archbishop Lefebvre’s own sustained criticism of the Second Vatican Council, of aspects of the post-conciliar Magisterium, and of the Novus Ordo Mass.



  1. Bishop Thuc,though he made bad decisions like the rest of us,and the specific history surrounding his life post 1975 are extremely clandestine,made prophetic statements especially his 1982 document declaring the Holy See vacant.
    Bp's Lefevbre + Thuc both made mistakes but no one is perfect. Without these 2 Bishops we wouldn't have apostolic succession.
    Various traditional Priests kept the Holy Sacrifice and
    Catholic sacraments available before and outside the influence of these 2 Bishops but,they ordained and
    consecrated using the Trent Rite of Holy Orders.
    Thank our Blessed Lord for both of them and Bp.Mendez for consecrating Bp.Kelly.
    God bless

  2. In a time of holiness and justice (if we're even granted that again) he will be named a Dr. of the Church. His writings are brilliant...truly "C"atholic, and his life was saintly.

    Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre....PRAY FOR US!!!

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  5. sure not a doctor of bergoglio's church...that award will no doubt go to Tucho 'Kissy' Fernandez.

  6. O Padre Pio nunca disse isso. E Dom Lefebvre tinha razão, obedecer antes a Deus do que aos homens!

  7. Any articles about Lefebvre really bring out the NO demons.

  8. Do you think CFN knows the name of the cardinal? The only ones who have ever said anything positive about the SSPX are Hoyos and Ranjith

    1. CFN doesn’t know, but as the article says, Armin Schwibach knows.

  9. “If the Church” what? Alex I’d like a vowel for $200

    Making deals

  10. Whilst not an adherent to the SSPX I do believe that Marcel Lefebvre was instrumental in keeping alive in the Church (which I love) the Latin Mass (which I also love). I do, when necessary, attend Ordinary Form Masses quite willingly but it must be said that some extremist priests have really almost destroyed the true meaning of the Mass as the unbloody sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Their 'clown' Masses and the like must have done untold damage to Holy Mother Church & to the souls of those they attracted to these blasphemies. Benedict XVI did a wonderful service to the Church by freeing priests to celebrate the Latin Mass without recourse to their bishops - some of whom were vitriolic to the celebration of the Usus Antiquior. Thankfully many of the more recently appointed bishops are much more accepting of the Latin Mass & indeed some (including our own bishop) actually celebrate it publically. Without Archbishop Lefebvre such a situation would not (IMHO) be possible. If God wills it Marcel Lefebvre will be recognised as a force for good within Holy Mother Church.

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    1. They have the buildings we have the Faith.

  12. Why is the moderator purifying the combox so often? What does he fear?

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