Monday, September 14, 2020

Communists Posing as Catholics Write Petition Attacking Trump on Seamless Garment

Edit: here they are defending their false religion and hypocritically attacking a political figure on the badly tailored and tacky Seamless Garment from the 60s. Evil Pedophile Cardinal Bernardin would be so proud! You don’t need to imagine that Fishwrap, US Catholic, Commonweal, Patheos and other Communist publications that mis-represent Catholic teachings and attack Catholic ones, would be authoring a screed demanding the separation of Church and State if another group of actually Catholic theologians and religious signed a similar petition opposing Biden for advocating the murder of the innocent unborn, which he does.

 Perhaps they should?

 (RNS) — A group of Catholic theologians, activists and nuns has signed an open letter to Catholic voters urging them to oppose President Donald Trump, who they argue “flouts core values at the heart of Catholic social teaching.”

More than 150 Catholics, including former staffers at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, signed the letter, which was organized by Faith in Public Life Action, a faith-based liberal advocacy group.

“While neither political party or candidate reflects the fullness of Catholic teaching on every issue,” the letter said, “President Trump’s character, policy decisions and cruelty toward anyone who challenges him demonstrates a fundamental contempt for what it means to be a Christian.” [As if they’d know.] 



  1. Let's all congratulate this blogsite!

    After 10+ years they now have OVER 50 regular readers and although it's apparently not monetized, the owners still obsessively spend loads of time posting articles and scouring the combox for purity! Not a big big big waste of time! Says something sad about the blog owners, yeah?

  2. 12:13
    But, you don't have to read it, do you?
    Chew some TUMS.

  3. James' dad says....

    Thanks lil Jimbo! You really care about me!

    1. PG, no one here asked anyone to pass love notes to someone else’s children without the parent’s approval either.
