Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Voris backs down

It seems today there is no greater indication of cowardice than cowering to charges of racism.   Today, Gary Voris apologized multiple times for calling the Archbishop of D.C. The African Queen.

Is he that nervous about being called a racist or did his underpaid attorney, Budgie Niles get to him?



Patrick said...

Gary?? Is that some kind of joke?

Tancred said...

@Patrick that's his given name. Yet it is somewhat, umm, comical.

P. O'Brien said...

Is Michael Voris in more trouble for mentioning the obvious, that Archbishop Gregory's ancestors came from Africa, or for suggesting that he is a homosexual?

Tancred said...

I think gays trump blacks in the special protected victim class deck cards.

James said...

Homosexuals are "intrinsically disordered" from the git-go.
Behold the chest-thumping,hysterical style while wearing that ridiculous affectation on his head.
Plainly, the guy is not all there most of the time.
My guess is that he knew Miss Wilton from his former days as a bar and bathouse slut.
Wilton got word to him to knock it off or the considerable resources of the Archdiocese Of D.C would change "Church Militant" to "Church Closed".
(I have noticed that his expose' of Rossi has done nothing to budge him from the Basilica.)
This probably has little to do with race. It has the marks of a hair-pulling,nail-scratching, homo cat-fight.

Fr. VF said...

Saying "our blessed Lord" and "God love you" does not make one Fulton J. Sheen.

Patriot said...

Just when I thought we had something going...

Anonymous said...

What a coward. So much better to trash Gregory, Francis, and their gay crowd, than to trash the SSPX like Voris and company have been doing.

Damian M. Malliapalli

Tancred said...

As James implies, it seems that globohomo has more powerful lawyers and resources than the Society.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps his former lovers have compromising pictures? Hence his cowardice.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who to support anymore. My scorecard is all filled up and I can't be bothered anymore. CM and Michael Voris did some good, I know they did. They brought up topics nobody else was discussing. It never led anywhere, but they didn't know that at the time, and they went for it. I'm grateful to anyone who publicly slams the church for it's pederasty and homosexual dissidents. Oops, guess after Gorsuch's "findings", that type of comment will be illegal.
We are supposed to be on the same side, but there are no sides anymore. There is the great, big, huge crushing elephant of the Left, and the tiny, mouse-like squeaks and infighting of, whatever we are.

Tancred said...

Let’s not pretend to a false unity.

Voris is controlled opposition.

Anonymous said...

Could it be that, in his gay days, Voris preferred black men/boys?

Biff said...

That’s a really gay looking picture of Michael. Christine, on the other hand, never looked so hot. 🔥

Jonah said...

There are a lot of really big black guys in Detroit. I'd call it prudence:

Anonymous said...

I get it. Yes, Christine Niles looks and sounds like a parakeet, but is it necessary to assault our eyes with images of bird porn?


dxv515 said...

If SpongeBob Squarepants is now gay....Gary must be too! LOL!

dxv515 said...

Let keep things in perspective:

Gary born in 1961

Admits to being a homosexual from adolescence up until his mother died in 2004

That's about 35 years of sodomy

Gary claims he gave up the gayness when he was 43!

In just two short years after his mother died Gary founded a Catholic apostolate.

Gary never did years of pray penance and mortification for his 35 years of sodomy. He just went out and founded a Catholic apostolate to charge others to hear the catholic faith preached to them.

What do spiritual writers tell us about such folly?

Frank Hill said...


From St. John C. to EMJ, they’ve said a lot!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to dissent from the popular Voris-bashing fest here, but maybe he didn't do such a bad thing by apologizing.

None of us are infallible. While there have long been rumors of Gregory's SSA and he is of African dissent, one could argue that it is not especially adult or Christian to resort to such schoolyard name-calling as Voris has engaged in. Whether an attorney or Voris himself took up the idea of apologizing, it takes humility to do so. Voris has done a lot of good, so why don't we focus on saving our disdain for a true ENEMY of the Church and transform that disdain into LOVE by praying for his/her conversion?

Tancred said...

I like how Saint Thomas Becket called the French knights attacking him “whoremongers” and “bastards”. That was based!

Voris is a fagala, so he should piss off and stick to hairdressing or whatever it is those people do to support himself.

Mike. said...

Ever notice how Voris never recruited anyone from his old days in Secular TV?
They know he’s living a lie.

Anonymous said...

Voris is kissing black butt today

Fred Utz said...

Today he’s saying BLM is anti-Catholic. Guess he doesn’t want the Tim Gordon treatment for calling them terrorists.

dxv515 said...

Did any of you know that the "great prince" Michael and the Church Militant crew live stream their Masses?

You'll notice that none of the militants KNEEL for the Rosary.

They also pray the Luminous Mysteries On Thursdays

Anonymous said...

Exactly Voris is a TV clown who exploits the outrage of faithful Catholics at the daily abuses and sacrileges of the V2 "church" while being very careful to please his Opus Dei modernist paymasters. Memo to Opus Dei members nothing we do merits salvation only the passion of Our Lord and grace from the sacraments freely given to us by the mercy of the Blessed Trinity will bring us eternal bliss and life.

Anonymous said...

Not surprised. Anyone know if they’re into Divine Mercy?

Tancred said...

Very likely.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Have been thinking about trying an SSPX Mass, but the hatred and venom dripping from the comments here frightens me. You all are no better than the people you are hating on.

I am in despair of finding a safe haven.

God help us all.

Tancred said...

I was thinking of going to an FSSP Mass this weekend but all the hate and venom from Virus and Budgie has led me to consider actuall Seventh Day Adventists or maybe even black Israelites. They’re just so much more loving!

Anonymous said...

Budgie Niles has issues