Seminarians Pray in the Church of the Brazilian Mother House of the "Heralds of the Gospel": Are they the next target of the Congregation of Religious? Too many vocations, too rapid growth, too pious, too friendly to tradition, too Marian?
(Rome) Has Pope Francis already assigned an apostolic commissioner for the next, "too pious" order?
The fate of the Franciscans of the Immaculate could soon befall the Heralds of the Gospel (Evangelii Praecones, EP). This lay community was founded as a youth movement by the Third Order Carmelite João Scognamiglio Clá Dias in Brazil. The inspiration for the name came from the encyclical Evangelii Praecones, which Pope Pius XII. published in1951 about mission.
The Heralds of the Gospel
João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, born in 1939, son of a Spaniard and an Italian, was a member of the Marian Congregation in Sao Paulo and in 1956 a member of the Third Order of Carmelites. He studied law and did his military service in the Airborne Ranger. Subsequently, he turned to the study of philosophy, theology and the right of the Church. At the university, he became a leader of the Catholic student body, which opposed the 1968 student protests.
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Heralds in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary |
The real development of the Heralds of the Gospel began at the same time in the 1960s, when João Scognamiglio Clá Días, Pedro Paulo de Figueiredo and Carlos Alberto Soares Corrêa gathered a group of young Catholics in Sao Paulo to pray in silence, deepen their spiritual life, and to discuss current questions in the Church and in the world. The goal was missioning and evangelization.
In the seventies the desire for a common life arose. The founder and two companions retired to a former Benedictine abbey to deepen their spiritual life in silence and prayer. Of the first companions, no one left, but new ones were added. They first arranged a Marian consecration, began to pray liturgy of the hours together and finally gave themselves a first rule. This resulted in the development of a community life for men and, in 1996, of women. The foundation stone was laid for a flowering male branch, the Societas Clericalis Vitae Apostolicae Iuris Pontificii Virgo Flos Carmeli, and a female feminine branch, Societas Vitae Apostolicae Iuris Pontificii Regina Virginum.
The Heralds of the Gospel were recognized in 2001 by Pope John Paul II as an International Private Association of Believers. They are thus the first ecclesial community to receive this recognition in the third millennium. The two societies of Apostolic Life were consecrated in 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI. canonically established with papal law.
The laity movement also led to the vocation of the priesthood. In 2005, the first priests were consecrated, including the founder of the Heralds himself at the age of 64 .
The Community is now active in about 80 countries, and only 12 years after the first consecration, has already 120 priests and about 20 deacons. The two societies of consecrated life have, after 20 years, more than 4,000 members, two thirds of whom are men, one third of women. Heralds of the Gospel are around 40,000 worldwide. Anyone who reads the figures of the past ten years sees the massive growth of the movement, which was begun under the pontificate of Benedict XVI. João Scognamiglio Clá Días is Superior General of the Heralds and the Society of Consecrated Life. Since 2008 he has also been an honorary fellow at the patriarchal basilica Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.
"Under Francis They Are Already Suspicious of Those Who Had Contact with Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira"
According to "an intimate, internal source", says Tosatti, a "task force" from the Congregation of Religious, headed by the Brazilian Cardinal João Braz de Aviz and the Spanish Franciscan José Rodriguez Carballo, was being assembled to investigate the Heralds. The group is to consist of a bishop, a religious and a church lawyer. "Nothing is known about the reasons for this initiative," says Tosatti, which recalls the Franciscans of Immaculata. Even after four years of the provisional administration, the Vatican has not yet given any reason for the drastic intervention of this traditional order, which had been flourishing until 2013.
It is obvious, according to Tosatti, that the founder of the Heralds of the Gospel, João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, was in touch with Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira to make him "suspicious". Corrêa de Oliveira, who died in 1995, was a mastermind and leader of the Catholic tradition in Brazil. Clá Dias worked for many years in the Brazilian Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Private Property (TFP) founded by Corrêa de Oliveira. On Corrêa de Oliveira's initiative, the Knights of the Gospel emerged, which Clá Dias led after his death, but led away from the social-political struggle and intensified religious life. This is a development expressed by the founding of the Societies of Consecrated Life and its own priestly members. Nevertheless, he calls Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira the "prophet of our time".
The community consists primarily of young people who are distinguished by their discipline. The members of consecrated life do not make vows, but commit themselves to celibacy and devote themselves entirely to the apostolate. They live in houses separated by sex. Their daily routine alternates between Liturgy (Holy Mass, Liturgy of Hours), Prayer (Rosary), study and especially evangelization. To this end they are called in dioceses and parishes, they are missionaries in the streets and go to prisons. The emphasis is on youth work. The religious dress, which is modeled on medieval heralds, is striking. It is equal for men and women, and represents the most visible continuity between the Knights of Corrêa de Oliveiras and the Heralds of Clá Dias.
The two societies of consecrated life are active in the field of art, culture and youth education, which is due to the fact that the founder Clá Dias sees a particularly suitable means of evangelization in music. In addition to activities in schools and universities, they are concerned with communities of elderly care, and they are mainly active in marginal areas, which is also to be understood geographically, for example, in the case of Feuerland.
Cardinal Braz de Aviz: "Throwing a watchful eye on new ecclesiastical realities"
"It is unclear for what reason this apostolic visitation will take place," says Tosatti. Cardinal Prefect Braz de Aviz had recently indicated that it was "appropriate" to raise a watchful eye on this "new ecclesial reality". Why? Because founders sometimes turn out to be "unsuitable," the Cardinal says, "to deal with the many vocations. In the case of the Franciscans of the Immaculate Heart, the Congregation of Religious, with the approval of Pope Francis, radically intervened, dismissed the whole order's leadership, and appointed Commissioners without mentioning any reason. The decision of the Order, founded in 1990, to return from the Novus Ordo to the traditional form of the Roman Rite in 2008, was the bone of contention.
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Priests of the Order |
After the Congregation of Religious failed to lay hands on the real estate of the Order with the help of the secular jurisdiction, the pressure on Father Stefano Maria Manelli, who had been deposed and held under house arrest, was recently increased to induce the lay associations to surrender the assets. At the same time, the Congregation of Religious does not shrink from threatening canonical sanctions against the implacable former Superior General, now 84 years old.
The Franciscans of Immaculata have been under the tutelage of the Papal Commissioner for four years. The Commissioner has just recently finished with the Institute of the Word of Flesh (IVE), an Order founded in 1984 in Argentina, which also attracts numerous vocations. Currently, the order includes around 800 priests, 2,000 religious women and more than 700 seminarians. It operates on all five continents, including the ballyhooed geographical and Catholic "periphery" such as Tajikistan, Papua New Guinea, Iceland, Palestine, Russia, Tunisia, Ukraine, Albania, Taiwan and Egypt. The order is divided into ten provinces, one vice-province and three delegations. In the Federal Republic of Germany, there has been a center of faith in the Archdiocese of Berlin since 2010, and since 2016, a branch with support of the pilgrimage church on the Mariahilfberg near Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate (Diocese of Eichstätt). The branch of the Order of the Virgin Mary, Door of the Sunrise, which includes parts of Central and Northern Europe, also has branches in Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
The Heralds of the Gospel do not yet have branches in the German-speaking world.
Tosatti's summary:
"Apart from more or less real problems and more or less justified accusations against the founders, these communities have three essential similarities: they are committed to the tradition of the Church (therefore, the more Thomas than Rahner supporters, are characterized by a strong worship of Our Lady of Fatima and are active in the right to life of unborn children), many vocations (which are more suspicious nowadays in church hierarchies and bishops) and have considerable financial resources. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Arautos do Evangelho (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
There can be no further doubt of the targeting of the traditional. You take down a high profile target and the little fish fall in line.
Needless to say, but I will anyway, this sort of info just pushes me over the edge as I'm sure it does most readers. In a nutshell, I think Frances' actions are evident that he has not the grace of the Holy Office. We shall see.
Just to correct the clumsy translation, IVE is the Institute of the Incarnate Word (Instituto Del Verbo Encarnado), founded by Fr. Carlos Buela. They have been a Novus Ordo conservative group and pastor churches in some parts of the US, including Our Lady of Peace in San Jose, California. They actively give Ignatian retreats and seem especially appealing to pious youngsters. Their second order is the Sister Servants of the Virgin of Matara (SSVM), usually called the Servidoras. Two of Prof. Robert Miolas daughters are Servidoras. IVE are very missionary in their orientation and pastor churches in threatened areas in the Middle East, in Iraq, Syria and Gaza. Although there were questions about Fr. Buela's activities, my intuition tells me that the real reason that the Vatican cracked down on them was because Fr. Buela had had close ties of some kind with some of the more famous clerical right wingers in Argentina, including Fr. Julio Meinvielle and Fr. Leonardo Castellani, neither of whom would have been well regarded by Bergoglio. The Heralds may be suffering from some of the same Latin American settling of scores, not just from Brazil, but I have seen writings from some very hard line TFP people in Argentina, again, not likely to have escaped Bergoglio's eye.
The Praecones have a 'spirituality', training and ideological socialization parallel to those of the National Socialist Party youth league in the 1030s-40s.
They are in the process of fragmenting anyway just like the SSPX.
Destroying holy orders that are blossoming in religious vocations is exactly the aim the Devil is pursuing since the beginning of the Church.
Oddly enough that's exactly what this Pope is carrying on with zeal.
do they have lots of money #FFI #KOM?
what a coincidence from the god of surprises!
Why be surprised? Since there is no speech nor act from him that does not contain a scandal!
For example, recently... Who dares to say that God is only Love?
Does that not imply when God is ONLY Love(?!), then is He not the Almighty, the True, the Just, the Righteous, the Judge?!
"God is a just judge, strong and patient: is he angry every day?
Except you will be converted, he will brandish his sword: he hath bent his bow and made it ready."
(Psalm 7,12-13)
"God, who is glorified in the assembly of the saints: great and terrible above all them that are about him.
O Lord God of hosts, who is like to thee? thou art mighty, O Lord, and thy truth is round about thee"
(Psalm 88,8-9)
"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true adorers shall adore the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father also seeketh such to adore him. God is a spirit; and they that adore him, must adore him in spirit and in truth."
(John 4,23-24)
They didn't have Socialists in the 11th century, Gaybriel..
And in the current year they're doing considerably better than Weakland's Benedictines or Radcliffe's Dominicans, for example.
Their success is what has slated them for destruction by the Pope's gay cohorts.
I wish one morning soon, I could wake up, thrun on the TV and all over CNN, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and FOX would be the sudden, surprising news that Pope Francis was gone.....either dead or resigned. It doesn't matter....just gone.
Damian Malliapalli
Rumors, Card.Sarah fired, the BoR offered him a suburbican Basilica, but he refused, and went back to Africa.....to be continued
How odd, when orders go back to tradition or rather just being plain old Catholic, the money flows in from the faithful to the order. Huh, wow, what a coincidence.
Cardinal Prefect Braz de Aviz chillingly asserted ¨we are investingating 70 new Religious Orders foundations.¨
This is just the beginning. Aviz and his liberal circle seem to hate the Blessed Mother and devotion to her. They will crush more Orders if time permits.
This sect isn't what you thing it is. They're not tradicionalist, simply romantic. Do not let your right position against this disastrous pontificate turn your eyes blind to a fake traditional organization. They don't contribute at all to the restauration of the catholic identity.
Cardinal Prefect Braz de Aviz chillingly asserted ¨we are investingating 70 new Religious Orders foundations.¨
Stalin is looting the church. Same is going in all the dioceses as the sodomites sell off all the property (churches, seminaries, nursing homes, hospitals) and/or contract out to developers--always say it is to pay off lawsuits if any questions are asked (let no crisis go to waste). Who is going to stop these sodomite locusts when it is God Himself who has released them from the pit?
Deals involving religious properties of all denominations reached $1.5 billion last year, up from $690 million in 2011, according to real estate research firm CoStar Group.
Catholic dioceses and other religious organizations are turning to property sales to make up for shortfalls in traditional income sources, such as school tuition and offerings during services, said James Hudnut-Beumler, a professor of history and divinity at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. 10/28/16
German Bishop: Death of Church is “Sign of Vitality” Paderborn Archdiocese is very big with over 1.5 million Catholics, 950 diocesan priests and 700 parishes. The parishes are in the process of being reduced to 120. The number of priests and faithful will dramatically shrink in the near future. But the Archdiocese is very rich. It owns a patrimony of 4 billion Euros, of which 3.6 billion are financial assets. It further receives yearly around 370 million Euros from the German church-tax.
Bring out your dead.
Almost all of these JP II/ Benedict XVI new ecclesial movements are fundamentally flawed in a number of critical aspects: they have little or no respect for or pastoral connection with the local Church; they are organisations which are predominantly centered on the cult of the founder and the magisterium of his/her words and finally, they are so heavily shaped and formed by the culture and social environment of their founders that they have little or no sense of 'catholicity.' They are essentially sectarian and will go the way of all sects.
What I do not understand is this. Cardinal Braz de Aviz was made a bishop by "Saint" John Paul II. He was brought to Rome and made a cardinal by Pope Benedict. Do they not check out whom they are promoting?
Well, ++Raymond Burke slipped through the cracks somehow, didn't he?
Activism in and of itself is not Christianity but a "tinkling symbol". John Milton said it in "On His Blindness". They also serve who only stand and wait.------In this papal environment, Fulton J. Sheen would have been seen as outdated and sent to clerical Siberia. Oh wait! That is exactly what Francis Cardinal Spellman did when Sheen made him feel guilty for his pedophilia with altar boys. In retaliation, he wanted Sheen's money and when the Vatican backed Sheen, Spellman had him sent to Rochester which is a modern version of Siberia.
And what is that "crack" supposed to mean? Burke came from Lacrosse to St. Louis when Rigali went to Philadelphia for the red hat. He was ultra traditional and antagonized pro abortion Catholic politicians. They had enough clout to go to the Vatican to have him removed of which I have proof from the chancery.-----I went to the farewell Mass and was privy to a supernatural event which proved that he was right. PF is pushing his "Amoris Laetitia" agenda and already the successor to Burke, Robert Carlson, is involved.-----There is no sin and no need for the Redemption. There is a modern day Judas in the Vatican and Burke was the only one who knew enough to "blow the whistle".-----How about backing up your flippant comment with facts?
Fiscal facts are reality. Judas was the money man for the Apostles. Sex abuse payouts are the result of acts of the devil.------"Amoris Laetitia" would appear to condone that devilish activity. Can you imagine Fulton J. Sheen saying some of the "garbage" emanating from the Vatican? The mural associated with Archbishop Paglia in his home cathedral is an absolute "slap in the face" to those who believe in the Lord.
They don't have much time, tick tock, tick tock, the clock is ticking faithless bishops. A woman clothed with the suun with the moon under her feet won't be delayed. Tick tock, time is short.
Damian as I recall your posts from the past, you've gone from genteel and magnanimous to just downright ornery against Francis, and I LIKE it.
The clinical term is neurotic obsessive.
".... backing up your ..... comments with facts?"
Lead the way.
One could say the same of all the great religious orders, especially the Jesuits, at their auspicious foundings.
JBQ, in many respects, those in power now have not only exiled real Catholic firebrands to Siberia, but sent Catholicism itself to Antarctica. The population of that remote and barren place is just about the real population of actual Catholics in the United States, or at least, that's the way they'd like it if they had their way.
Everybody knows +++Burke was kicked upstairs after St. Louis, through the intervention of the illuminist boards of Catholic "healthcare", among others.
If the Heralds are a religious Order, which I doubt, they should adopt a more normal religious habit, or at least lower the hem of their tunic to the floor and get rid of those insane boots. Wear sandals, like friars. Who ever adopted a crazy costume as that for a habit.
I am sure the group which really is a religious Order, the "Flos Carmeli", do wear a traditional habit.
But these people look like a marching band. Adopt a traditional habit guys, cause as it is now, those short skirts and boots look ridiculous.
Damian Malliapalli
by "clinical" you assume of course that psychology is not a pseudoscience.
Damian is a classic troll.
It's only 'pseudo' for those who are terrified about what it can reveal about them.
Why? 'cause I know what looks wrong? I was/am a model, and one of the biggest in some fields for 2 1/2 years. I know what looks really foolish...like the Heralds of the Gospel outfits. I think they were thinking of the Pallio, in Italy (marching bands for that festival that dress like that).
I like to consider myself a historian of sorts....I know a lot about some periods...and not too much about others. Give me Ancient Egypt, Classical Greece , Rome, early India, Mogul India, Imperial China and Japan, and the Incas any day. Also Medieval and Renaissance Europe. More modern times? Forget it. Too depressing, too many wars, religious wars, religious oppression, etc.
But in studying history, I realize that people who try to re-capture an epoch or period (even for just for fun), get it wrong. I've been to Renaissance Fairs where people dress in clothes from the 12th century.....when their supposed to be recreating the 16t-17th. I saw a Civil War re-enactment, where the women who were supposed to be nurses wore such wide hooped skirts that they coult not get thru doors, or sit down. Women of that era never had such exaggerated skirts!
And no where in Medieval times did people dress like the Heralds of the Gospel (that's what period I think they're trying to imitate).
The best example of a recreation I ever saw is in Arizona, were a small bunch of scholars, artists, fans, buffs, and to be truthful, fanatics, have tried to re-create an authentic ancient Egyptian town, complete with a river, fields, papyrus reeds growing on the riverbanks, palm trees, and a temple. There's about 250-350 people who live in the authentic houses(facades anyway....not the insides)and dress and try to act like they are in ancient Egypt. They're fooling themselves of course, when planes fly overhead (HAHAHAHA), and their a bit of a cheat with their modern interior of the houses( only ancient Egyptian furniture, but also toilets, showers, fridges, stoves, cellphones etc.) They even have a clinic (ancient on the outside, modern pharma inside)! But at least they admit it.
The Heralds are downright fake in vesture, and if they try to pass themselves off as traditional, but don't use the TLM...then they're doubly fake for sure.
Damian Malliapalli
They're successful while most "normal" orders with their minimized or completely absent habits and clerical discipline are withering away atop multi-billion dollar concerns.
I heard Madama Blavatsky has got some tarot cards that will get you the same/better results.
^^^ lol!!
Fr Castellani was the finest Thomist Argentina ever produced. Of course Bergoglio would disdain him.
No,he's not a troll.
He Cares about the Church and is discovering the truth.
Pray for him and stop the insults.
Someone who posts as much as him obviously cares and needs our prayers.
Pray our Blessed Lord gives him the key answers and ultimately serenity of the Soul.
Bitterness,anger,lack of empathy/sympathy,
Intellectual pride are the 21st century scourages.
Obsessive compulsive narcissist is closer to the mark.
Your website is really cool and this is a great inspiring article.
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The Heralds have done a disservice to the conservative movement within the Church by going way off the reservation with personality cult to their founder and his dead "Master" Plinio. Their fanatical belief in an imminent apocalypse and they very self-centered view of the universe (including the Catholic universe) sets them apart as a dangerous institution, very adept at lying when necessary. "The end justifies the means" is probably their main motto.
Your hatred for the Heralds is consuming you, Alfonso. You could at least give credit where credit is due, and they deserve much credit. Their desire for the salvation of souls is admirable, as is their lifestyle. Be careful that you do not find yourself collaborating with he who desires NOT the salvation of souls. The good will always be attacked and maligned...it is the way of the world. Efforts to destroy the Heralds of the Gospel only make this truth more evident. The Heralds are amazing and drawing more and more people all the time. Their churches are full, the confessional lines are long their counsel is sought, they are loved by the people because of their love of God and the desire for the good of all people.
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