Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Vatican Official Confirms Agreement with SSPX

Edit: it's comical to see Lawler embrace ideas he's always been resistant to. Some day I'd love to see him kiss Bishop Fellay's ring.

March 20, 2017

[Catholic Culture] The secretary of the Ecclesia Dei commission has confirmed that the Vatican is close to an agreement with the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) that would regularize the status of the traditionalist group.

Archbishop Guido Pozzo told the German newspaper Die Tagespost that the Vatican will ask the SSPX to endorse a formal declaration, resolving some remaining doctrinal issues. However, confirming what SSPX leaders have said, the Archbishop Pozzo acknowledged that the SSPX would be allowed to continue raising questions about some teachings of Vatican II. Over the years, the archbishop observed, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has answered a number of questions about conciliar documents, and “I do not see why this work of clarification and answers to doubts and reservations... could not be carried forward.”

Archbishop Pozzo said that, in interpreting the documents of Vatican II, one clear principle would be continuity: that if an understanding of the Council’s message involves a break with the constant teaching of the Church, “this intepretation must be rejected as false or inadequate.”

The archbishop suggested that the cause of reconciliation for the SSPX should be confided to the care of Our Lady of Fatima, as the Church approaches the 100th anniversary of the apparitions.




PaxTecum77 said...

That the cause of reconciliation for the SSPX should be confided to the care of Our Lady of Fatima would only be right. Sometimes I think its the Modernists in Rome that should seek reconciliation with the Society by signing a Doctrinal Preamble drawn up by the SSPX. Lets pray this does not fall apart. There are many Modernists who have interfered in the past, they could very well destroy this as they did before. Our Lady of Fatima Ora Pro Nobis!

Constantine said...

Cardinal Pozzo said that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has answered a number of clarifications. My concern is that if the Pope refuses to answer clarifications from his own Cardinals, what guarantee is there that a Pope would answer clarifications on Vatican II and other documents such as Amoris Laetitia coming from the SSPX?

Robbie said...

Unless Fellay has been promised a red hat (I'm sure that will never happen), I think it's a big mistake to reconcile now. The SSPX is at its maximum power. The Vatican has come to them.

Once the SSPX reconciles, they lose some of the standing they have. It also opens the door to Bergoglio's henchmen to do their best. Yes, I know most say Fellay could just leave again, but then the high ground on which the SSPX stands will be gone.

I would love to have an SSPX chapel in my area that finally operates with the full authority of the Vatican, but this current pontificate is not an honest broker in my estimation.

LeonG said...


Unknown said...

I will wait and see what's on the SSPX website...what Bishop Fellay has to say. I trust Bishop Fellay 100%

Anthony said...

The 'deal' will, I think, will stall as in the past. The Vatican will never agree to union with the SSPX unless the Society accepts all of the teachings of Vatican II without exception or compromise.
Fellay might accept that kind of a deal and play 'mental reservations' games but the more doctrinally entrenched members will never accept.

C.M. Drew said...

Well...That's where the modern "Profession of Faith" comes in. The last (non dogmatic) paragraph states:
"Moreover, I adhere with religious submission of will and intellect to the teachings which either the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops enunciate when they exercise their authentic Magisterium, even if they do not intend to proclaim these teachings by a definitive act." The "authentic Magisterium" refers to the person of the pope or the College of Bishops and "Amoris Laetitia" is a "teaching" of their "A.M." which they "do not intend to proclaim... by a definitive act."

GMUA said...

Food for thought about groups who were also "regularized":

What happened to Abbot Agustin Joly's Abbaye Saint-Joseph de Clairval in 1987?

What happened to Abbot Gerard Calvet's Monastery of Le Barroux in 1988?

What happened to the young seminarians of Ecóne who left in 1986 to found the "traditionalist" seminary Mater Ecclesiae at the behest of Ratzinger?

What happened to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter in 1988?

What happened to the Society of St. John Vianney in Campos, Brazil in 2002 and with Bishops Rangel and Rifán?

What happened to the Society of St. John in 2005?

What happened to the "Oasis of Jesus the Priest" of Father Pedro de la Inmaculada Muñoz Iranzo in Catalonia in 2007?

What happened to the Good Shepherd Institute in 2006?

What happened to the Papa Stronsay Transalpine Redemptorist Community in Scotland in 2012?

JayJay said...

SSPX exunt stage left. How about a little fanfare: Da da dadah. And the rimshot, drummer!!!

Unknown said...

Ok, what happened? Aren't some of those groups still around and still observing traditional Catholicism?

Unknown said...

I've heard only rumors and more rumors about this a long time ago...

Anonymous said...


coradcorloquitur said...

The Society of St. Pius X will be signing its death warrant as one of the few oasis of true Catholicism. They will be committing suicide to trust the present trickster occupying the throne of St. Peter.

Anonymous said...

Excellent questions. We know how they ended up.

Monsignor, pray for your spiritual sons and daughters!


Anonymous said...


Nicolas Bellord said...

But Amoris Laetitia does not teach anything heretical. It is merely a signpost or invitation to heresy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

With the exception of the Society of Saint John (which was run by a homosexual pervert names Carols Urriogoity who was thrown out of the SSPX for being a gay predator and then turned around and founded the Society of Saint John) I think the others still exist.
Neither the Abbaye of Saint Joseph or La Barroux have flourished as much since the resignation of Benedict XVI as they had before, but they are still there.
I think the "Mater Ecclesiae" seminary is gone.
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter is 3x as large as it was when it began since 1988.
No one ever hears about the Society of Saint John Vianney anymore, or the Apostolic Administration of Campos.
The Oasis of Jesus the Priest nuns still exist, but are rather stagnant. Perhaps if they dropped the Vatican II type long habit, and adopted a real habit they would grow.
The Institute of the Good Shepherd is still around, although there was a scandal there about their leadership.
The Transalpine Redemptorists became the Sons of the Most Holy Redeember, and live more like hermits on their island of Papa Stronsay, rather than the traditional Redemptorist life envisioned by St. Alphonsus Ligouri who founded the original Redemptorists which became a great, flourishing Order of over 10,000 before the disaster of Vatican II. Now they are barely 4,000.
But the Sons of the Most Holy Redeember struggle on with about 25 members...never growing very much.

I predict that if the SSPX is regularized in the Church, there will be such an explosion of new vocations both to it, and to all the Orders associated to it, with even more new Orders founded under it, that the Vatican would never, never attempt to persecute it or reign it in unless it wanted a full scale schism.
Then, seeing the flourishing of the Church with the SSPX, the very next Pope coming soon (and it won't be a Pope Francis style radical), will allow a complete return to all Catholic tradition and the Tridentine Latin Mass, allowed everywhere at any time...to the point that within 10 years, the Novus Ordo and all that went with it will be a shadow...the liberals hiding out in tiny pockets of the Church, cliniging to their "reforms" and whinning for Vatican II...which by then will be largely rejected if not officially, then in practice by the Vatican and the majority of the Church.
Damian Malliapalli

Anonymous said...

It is sad that all that seems to matter to some people is power and standing.

Tancred said...

A Cardinal's hat would offset a few things.

Athelstane said...

"Aren't some of those groups still around and still observing traditional Catholicism?"

They certainly are.

Athelstane said...

"The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter is 3x as large as it was when it began since 1988."

A bit more than that. The FSSP began with 12 priests in 1988. They have over 270 today, with over 150 seminarians. They will be ordaining (at least check) 24 this summer. They will hit the 300 mark next year.

I think one of the main reasons one hears so little from Campos is the language barrier. Very little from Portuguese language Catholicism makes into English language media.

The Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer get a steady trickle of vocations, but that's pretty much what was happening while they were still in the SSPX orbit, too.

Anonymous said...

Suicidal - plain and simple! BTW, Lawler and Mirus deserve each other.

philipjohnson said...

Damian.I agree with you.!The Liberals are 80 yrs of age -most of them-but Vat 11 still prevails.Let the Conciliar Church die and be done with.The Novus Ordo ...will be a shadow...Brilliant analysis and i hope it comes true.

STEPHEN - Roodepoort said...

Damian, stop dreaming

UnamSanctam said...

It damn well does Nicholas! Read thw critique of the forty-five theologians.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy this brief reprieve Ladies & Gentleman.
They will be destroyed from within based on EVERY 'traditional' order that has made deals with the noahide novus ordo judaizers.
We still have the true Catholic church being kept alive in traditional chapels throughout the World.
It could be worse but,if I belonged the SPX this would be extremely disappointing.
Not everyone in the SPX is happy about this latest noahide new order acquisition.

PaxTecum77 said...

Robbie, A Red Hat for Bishop Fellay can not be ruled out. In the late 80's It was in Conservative newspapers that St. John Paul ll planned the Red Hat for Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre but Modernists caused everything to fall apart. His Excellency Bishop Bernard Fellay certainly deserves the Red Hat. But if not he at least he would have the title of Archbishop as he would be the main Bishop of a world wide Diocese.

PaxTecum77 said...

STEPHEN-Roodepoort, Damian is not dreaming. Most of what he says, like The liberation of the Tridentine Mass is now Liturgical Legislation under Summorum Pontificum and cannot be changed. But liberals have been doing their best to block it. The explosion of vocations to the Traditional priesthood is only held back because young men who aspire to the priesthood have been programmed to fear they are turning against the Church if they go to a Traditionalist Seminary. With the recognition of the SSPX this real fear will be banished. Pope Benedict XVl prayed that Our Lady's Triumph come by the 100th anniversary of Fatima. We can't deny great things are starting to happen in Christ's Church. Through Heavens intervention things are certainly happening. Damian is not dreaming, he like many of us has great hope. A hope that God will not allow to be dashed.

susan said...

right....on both counts.

Anonymous said...

I'm not traddie, but my answer is : Do you really trust the BoR?

Winslow1191 said...


DonnaLiane said...

I don't think there's any point in accepting a deal with a non-pope. Ask Benedict instead.

Anonymous said...

For Bishop Fellay and Mons.Pozzo Vatican Council II( Cushingite) is a rupture with Tradition. It is a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(Feeneyite), it is a rupture with Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite). It is a rupture with the Nicene Creed ( Feneeyite) etc.It is heretical and magisterial.-Lionel Andrades

March 28, 2017
Bishop Fellay to condone Cushingism in exchange for Vatican recognition

Anonymous said...

There is no clarification from the SSPX. They usse Cushingism to interpret Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents.Since this was the error made by Archbishop Lefebvre. This is modernism.

Bellocian said...

Thank Almighty God for Bishop Williamson, Bishop Faure, Bishop Tomas, And soon to be Bishop Zendejas ....... They are Gods plan to save us from Judas Fellay

Unknown said...

SSPX does not need re-approval for what it's doing.It already was given the mandate by the Church with full
Apostolic Authority .
So,let's get on with it!!!