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Celebration: In the Sistine Chapel, Pope Francis celebrates before the Last Judgement versus Deum. The People's Altar Was Removed by Pope Benedict |
(Rome) Pope Francis celebrated also in this year's Feast of the Baptism of the Lord versus Deum. The feast is traditionally celebrated in the Sistine Chapel, where the Pope each year offers the sacrament of baptism to some newborn children.
Pope Benedict XVI removed the mobile "people's altar" and celebrated at the high altar below the representation of the Last Judgment versus Deum. For his first Holy Mass as pope, which Francis celebrated with the Cardinal's collegium on the day after his election in the Sistine Chapel, the plywood altar was again set up, which was feared to be a backward step. However, this remained the only exception.
Since then, Pope Francis has been celebrating this year in the presence of God for the faithful. Thus, the argument, which has been widely held since the first liturgical form of 1965, that the "people's altar" would have to be celebrated toward the people, because it would otherwise be rude to "turn your back to the people". To be precise, the argument was stupid then just as it is now. The change of the direction of celebration away from God to the people was a result of Martin Luther's Reformation-Revolution and was premiered for the first time in 1536 in the recently converted Strasbourg Cathedral.
In 2016 Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Roman Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, called to all priests worldwide to return to actual direction of celebration of the Church ad orientem or versus Deum . He firmly called upon them to make the appeal concrete and to do so from the First Day of Advent.
The Cardinal Prefect was publicly criticized by those circles close to the pope and "corrected" by the Vatican Press Office "no" liturgical changes were provided. Cardinal Sarah, who had been appointed by Pope Francis himself, has since been "left in the cold". He has been strongly isolated in his own Congregation, thus limiting his scope for action.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Vatican.va (Screenshot)
Image: Vatican.va (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
"Pope Francis Celebrates Mass in the Sistine Chapel Ad Orientem"
Brilliant!!! We can all relax now, he's clearly completely orthodox now!!! Phew...
The geography of the chapel ie. Altar fixed to wall means he has little option to celebrate ad orientum unless he brings in a table altar.
Note also the 7th candle over the crucifix. Good job Msgr Guido Marini!
I see this image and it gives me a little bit of hope. Not for Francis, he is a train wreck, but if he were to die soon and a more sound pope be elected, there may still be enough momentum from the Pope Benedict years to get a "Reform of the Reform" back on track.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that there's no other way to celebrate it in there....the alter is against the wall and the priest can't stand behind it to celebrate versus populum (?) If this is on fact the case, this is a non-story, (other than from the standpoint that bergoglio hasn't had it torn down yet or sold it off).
Too little too late
Are you kidding us, aren't you?
I wish I could share your glimmer of hope regarding the next pope, but notice how this devil of a pope is stacking the college of cardinals with his ilk: Cupich, Tobey et al. It will take divine intervention to have a Catholic pope again---and this is both possible and to be hoped for. But in purely human terms, most unlikely. The horror of blind obedience has done its foul work: Catholics simply sit back and accept anything that comes from the "Holy Father." Tomorrow Bergoglio could declare the most heinous heresy, they would remain silent and compliant. We no longer have a visible Catholic Church but a papolatrous sect, a cult of silly, blind followers who are convinced that their "obedience" to the "Holy Father" makes them a shoo-in for Heaven. John Henry Newman saw it coming with the declaration of the doctrine of papal infallibility---which he both believed in and feared.
Good job as I am stupid & didn't even notice this fact.
Your comment is an example of why we need smart people
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Yes, he's kidding. Smile.
Speaking of changes whether genuine or out of necessity (the above altar being an example) I have noticed the tone & choice of words amongst a very famous Catholic writer.
If my instinct is correct,this individual may be an unofficial sedevacantist.(which is good from where I stand)
If I am wrong or right remains to be seen but lately I have started to read between the lines when listening to or reading material from famous personalities.
One example is Alex Jones.While I am not a fan of his and his somewhat *controlled opposition* tendencies,his talk of "international finance" "infiltration of academia" "control of the media" is his own way of talking about (((the tribe))) without being specific.
This is ridiculous and a waste of time for good Catholics to get excited over Francis celebrating Mass ad orientam.
Considering what he has said, did, and by his actions and statements degrades and insults Catholic tradition and those attached to it, it is a violation of valid judgment to get excited and "all happy face" about Francis.
It means absolutely nothing to him, or his associates.
Damian Malliapalli
It means what it means and nothing more.
Sound advice.
Muhammad Ali used this tact, it's called rope a dope, I noticed Francis when he's heavily criticized or backed into a corner on something does this to pretend tradition.
Cdl Cupich did at St. John Cantius for an ordination Mass. I guess he couldn't let the ordinands to this Latin Mass order lie prostrate without throwing in a spiteful NewAmChurch monkey wrench.
If you watch the video, you will notice that Francis turned to face the people, as instructed in the Roman Missal, to say “Orate Fratres”. If following instruction, he should have turned back to face the altar for the prayer over the offerings and preface, which he did not do.
If you’re going to do it, please do it correctly and don’t make things up.
Sign your comments, Mr. Knowitall.
This post was from last year, you moron.
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