Sunday, September 11, 2016

New Bergoglian Bishop of Tulsa Shuts Down Priestly Society of Exorcists

Edit: from Hirsch Files, Okie Traditionalist. He is shutting down the Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother, which has been operating in the diocese since it was established there in 2015 by the retired friend of Catholicism, Bishop Slattery.

[Hirsch Files] Remember how great and traditional everyone thought Bishop Slattery was? Well, he's retired now, and been replaced by one of Pope Francis' picks. A former college chaplain, Bishop Konderla is now the bishop of Tulsa.

Looking back upon my college experiences, I recall the university chaplains as having a superficial touch when it came to the depth of our Faith--which is to be expected, since on a university campus, you are surrounded by students blind to reality, living in an artificial world of unrealistic career hopes.

In any event, I've learned from some anonymous sources that this new bishop is likely going to be nothing like Bishop Slattery. Indeed, it seems that he is going to close up shop for the Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother, an exorcist society that includes Fr. Ripperger.


Supertradmum said...

As a member of that group's Third Order, I suggest not DOING anything as lay people, but merely praying and fasting. Sometimes the laity jump in and do more harm than good.

Anonymous said...

From Steve Skojec's Twitter

"Fr. R. has asked supporters to let him deal with this matter privately. Out of respect, I won't cover it for now."

I have Masses said for Fr. Ripperger regularly, I think I'll request another in light of this potentially bad news

Anonymous said...

For crying out loud, when are they going to run out of these types of guys to make bishops? What's next, he'll kick out Clear Creek Abbey?

Jim J. McCrea said...

I think that is the most worrisome thing about Francis - the men who he appoints as bishops. The whole Church will go into terrible decline if that continues for too long. With a liberal bishop, vocations plummet, and modernism is taught instead of the Faith, and the liturgy is stripped of the supernatural.

We're Going Preistless said...

Sounds like someone has big plans to merge the diocese with Oral Roberts U. and the Satanists down the road in OKC.

Anonymous said...

JUest pray for Francis to be gone soon. I do. When he is gone, the problem will be gone. His associates and agenda will be gone as well.
Damian Malliapalli

Anonymous said...

If you read the Vatican 2 documents,you will see Jorge Bergoglio is just living & fulfilling the Vatican 2 documents.

Bill said...

Anonymous: According to whose interpretation?

PaxTecum57 said...

Its past time for good Cardinals and Bishops to study whether Bergoglio was canonically elected or not. Its Bergoglio who needs to be in a monastery and not Pope Benedict XVl.

Anonymous said...

You are naive, Damian. Francis is stacking the College of Cardinals with heretics like him---so the mafia will retain power. What is in the air or the water that makes people so myopic about clear actions and evident intentions?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the laity grab their pitchcforks and torches and right things in the Church, in fact most every time.

Anonymous said...

I have listened to many of Fr. Ripperger's talks and have learned so much about the faith from him. With all due respect the good bishop must be out of touch. Pull up Drudgereport nearly any day of the week and you will see another story about a possessed person. It's widespread today and the Church needs more than a few exorcists. But if you don't have much faith in it to begin with, well you shut it down as something not needed.

Anonymous said...

He was not canonically elected if, as I read, there was a campaign on for him immediately before, and during the conclave. This is particularly forbidden in the instructions for a papal conclave, but apparently it was done. Even if some of Bergoglio's cheerleaders could not vote (Sodano, Re, Murphy-O'Connor, etc.) because of age limit, they lead the charge for Bergoglio from the sidelines....along with filth like the Hunduran cardinal Mariadiaga, who was inside the conclave.
Bergoglio will be 80 in 3 months. Hopefully he isn't here this time next year. (I didn't say dead though).
Damian Malliapalli

Anonymous said...

Fr. Chad Ripperger is no longer listed in the directory of priests in the Tulsa, Oklahoma, diocese.

According to Bishop Kondela’s facebook (to which the above reporters of the apparent suppression of the Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother referred people to express their comments to the bishop), His Excellency is off to Rome for a 7-day orientation with 140 other new bishops on how to be a good Bergolian bishop. In view of the above, he could teach them a thing or two.

PaxTecum57 said...

Damian Malliapalli, Many reasons have been pointed out as to why Bergoglio was not canonically elected. I take into consideration 3 reasons that have been pointed out. First, when there are more ballots than there are electors at a Conclave that ballot is to be voided and not even counted. Bergoglio was elected with one ballot more than there were electors even if that extra ballot was blank Canon Law remains the norm. Second, when a Pope is elected a canonical decree is issued within a few days of the election. Its been 3 years and 6 months since the Conclave and still no Canonical Decree on the validity of the election of Bergoglio. Third, Bergoglio is a Jesuit and all Jesuits make a canonical vow that if ever elected to the Papacy they will not accept. Bergoglio violated his canonical vow made to God. This is a serious violation which should mean Bergoglio's excommunication. Many more reasons have been pointed out and your reason is a major one.

Tom said...

A prophetic remark from an August 25, 2015, comment by a piokolby to the post "Voris’ SSPX / Novus Ordo Conniption" at :

Fr. Chad Ripperger is no longer an active member of the FSSP that speaks volumes for those who know him. Fr. Chad Ripperger has gone deeper into new church and my prediction is that he will get burned for doing so. I could be wrong we will wait and see. I hope he does well. Bottom line Fr. Chad Ripperger is not with the FSSP anymore the way he once was

Anonymous said...

Do you have any links for the canonical decree issue and the Jesuit vow not to accept the Papacy? I'd like to read more about those issues.

Anonymous said...

Bill read lumen gentium and Nostrae Aetate.

A Daughter of Mary said...

Tom, I'm sorry to say that your comment that Fr. Ripperger is no longer a member of the FSSP seems to imply that there was some sort of unpleasantness in his leaving. Starting rumours like this is not charitable. If you have some concrete knowledge please say it, but don't leave comments like yours unsubstantiated and hanging...

Kathleen1031 said...

Silence enables the bad guys to enjoy a nice quiet win.

Kathleen1031 said...

Only the Cardinals seem able to take any of this on and there has not been one indication any Cardinal has even a tiny spine left, let alone take this effort on. I'd love to be wrong, but this all seems very unlikely to ever happen.

Boo said...

With regard to the claim that Jesuits take a vow to never accept the papacy, I'd be interested in concrete evidence because I can't find any. I've found though that there is however a vow Jesuits name to never seek a higher office, but this doesn't prevent the acceptance of higher posts if the request comes from above. Also, it seems that once a Jesuit is asked to become a bishop permission is asked of the Jesuit's Superior general and if this is granted (usually is) the Jesuit is canonically dispensed from vows that bind them specifically to the order although not of course vows to the priesthood. This on its own would make a Jesuit Pope rare but not impossible. But if there is evidence of a Jesuit vow regarding refusing papacy please supply and I'll happily stand corrected!

Boo said...

Obedience to the bishop in all matters other than directives to sin will ALWAYS trump going off on one's own, (even if/when said bishop is wrong). The example of the saints show us this time and time again. Likewise many great orders have experienced similar struggles and suppressions. Fr Ripperger is obviously responding with obedience which is the perfect response. And if this good priest requests the laity refrain from contacting the bishop about this, then he obviously has a good reason and we should obey his request. We don't know the whole picture after all.
Don't forget God's Will has allowed this, God will sort it out. And Tradmum is on the money, prayer and fasting folks! That's going to be far more efficacious than all else.

Mark said...

In the grand scheme of things it does not matter. Prayer and fasting. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Prayer and Penance - not legalistic bickering. Please Pray for me. Yours Faithfully. Mark - a sinner

Unknown said...

Can I have Fr. Chad's email address. I'm from India

Boo said...

Try which is the email address on his Sensus Traditionis website (where you can get his talks/books). He also states the following:

Contact Information
Note: Due to Father Ripperger’s busy schedule, he is not able to take any questions on Theology or Philosophy, or current affairs within the Church at this time. Please do not send questions on these subject matters since he will not be able to respond.

Hope this helps, God bless you

Anonymous said...

What if something was off with Slattery? Why would the monastic community he began with Dom Mark suddenly leave Tulsa for Ireland? Now Rosalind Moss is sent away. What if something was off from the beginning? Examine all sides in this story.

Anonymous said...

Anonyous, what if the problem is not so much Slattery or Konderla, as the liberal, anti-trad powers-that-be in the Tulsa diocesan presbyterate. Ask yourself how much the clerical establishment really supported Slattery celebrating Mass ad orientem, and trying to found, what is it, FIVE religious communities dedicated to the Latin Mass.

Consider also the possibility that Francis-appointed Cupich--the new bishop-maker for the US--took a look at the Tulsa diocese, and decided it needed a new bishop to reverse all these traditionalist restorations.

I am a fighter to what is true said...

I am from Sydney and my friend Fr Rizzo trained under Fr Ripperger!! This new bishop doing what he's just done is the plan of Satan. Satans plan that precedes the coming 3 Days of Darkness- is to cause confusion within the Chuch and Clergy! Am not surprised and he prob isnt either!! My oldest sister is the Mother General of Tyburn - and now more than ever have they experienced more Diabolical attacks!! This is only the begining! Keep vigilant and just pray