Thursday, March 31, 2016

Vatican: "All Bishops Should Prepare the Faithful for the Post-Synodal Letter

(Rome) The publication of the post-synodal letter is imminent. All the bishops of the world  will be prompted via e-mail by the Pontifical Council for the Family  to prepare the faithful and the public for the adoption of post-synodal letter of Pope Francis on Marriage and Family.
As reported by La Croix , the daily newspaper of the French Bishops' Conference  the electronic notification comes from Curial Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family . He urged all bishops to convene a press conference - if possible everywhere at the same time, namely, simultaneously, with the press conference in Rome - to present the post-synodal letter of Pope Francis about the family.
The letter is the result of double Synod on marriage and family, which took place in 2014 and, 2015. It is to replace the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio  (1981) by Pope John Paul II. During the double synod at the Vatican, there had been violent conflicts between the members of the synod who defended the sacrament of marriage and the Christian moral teachings, and a beneficiary of Pope Francis' minority, Cardinal Walter Kasper, who wants to enforce a change in the Church's teaching by way of a change in practice.
The "Kasperians" have called de facto, for a recognition of divorce and homosexuality. Curial Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, a member of the Community of Sant'Egidio , stood on the side of the Kasperians.
Paglia's invitation to the bishops stated that the idea of ​​the post-synodal letter  recommended that the press conference should have "an expert on family ministry" done primarily by "a theologian or a pair" who are capable of speaking "to a large audience."
According to leaks, the post-synodal includes a good 200 pages. The probability that it will be read by a wide audience is therefore extremely low. What   overall impression it will give, therefore, is highly dependent on the presentation, the keywords which will be stressed and their playback from the media.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: La Croix (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred


Anonymous said...

Whatever Francis declares will never have any bearing on the church. He will not and can not undermine that which has already been declared through out the Churches History and what Pope John Paul II has made clear. It's about time true Catholics tell him to repent and believe in the Gospel, not tree hugging!

Unknown said...

BS----whatever happens will become the law in the vat 2 church. I can't believe wasted all this time in what I thought was the Catholic Church. If it wasn't for a sedevacantist chapel, I would have gone back to Protestantism or just given up. The vat 2 church is a freakin joke and Frank is the jester.


UnamSanctam said...

The Catholic Church now resides only in those who are validly baptised and hold to the integral Catholic Faith. Rome has fallen.

As only a tiny minority remain, ipso facto we can only be living in later Apocalyptic times.

Wolverine said...

Everyone needs to relax. There will be nothing new in the Exhortation. Just a mixture of truth and falsehood, which will allow all sides to claim victory. Chaos, chaos, chaos....nothing new.

Wolverine said...
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Unknown said...

And falsehood in "church" exhortation makes you relaxed. Interesting.


Unknown said...

I'm the only Catholic in my family. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed.

Johnathan Simmons said...

Count me among the millions of Catholics who are confident that the Pope will give us beautiful Catholic teaching through his Apostolic Exhortation. He has given us beautiful Catholic teaching as relates to the family. He won't stop now.


susan said...

Johnathan, you forgot to post your middle name: Son-of-satan-father-of-lies.

Athelstane said...

Well, we can always hope.

Ivan said...

In a real sense we can relax. The Church is indestructible. The Rock of the Church continues no matter the Pope's opinions. The tragedy lies in the millions that will be duped.

Patti Day said...

Kim, See Steve Kalovich entry (below).

Patti Day said...

Kim, See Steve Kalovich entry (below).

Anonymous said...

You seem very sanguine that you will not be held accountable for the millions of souls that will be duped into hell for all eternity.

Anonymous said...

some of pope's 'beautiful' teaching on the 'family'

Surely, as Susan states, JS, you share the pope's father: Satan.

Roseanne said...

If you can find it on the net somewhere, read Thomas Merton last speech at the Bangkok conferences he participated in on Dec10, 1968. He states the Church may seem to disappear, and that, we may have to all stand on our own two feet.And an hour later they found him dead.

Wolverine said...

The cabal of infiltrators will go to the edge of the cliff, but not over. Just more confusion but nothing leading to schism. Nothing we haven't already experienced these past 50 years.

Wolverine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TLM said...

There is (or was) a petition circulating a while back that did just that. It respectfully said: 'Change direction or resign'. H and I signed it a few months back.

Unknown said...

Thank you Roseanne. This I would very much like to read.

Anonymous said...

Is this what you were thinking of?

Anonymous said...

The dogma of the faith will remain in Portugal. This is Fatima. Our Lady really was trying to warn us. Why are we surprised ? Read Fatima, get to know it, pray the rosary and do the first five Saturdays. Penance, Penance, Penance.

Anonymous said...

If Bergoglio does anything less than supporting marriage with canonical sanctions for those who walkout on their marriages and those who support them, especially clergy, then he can place it where the sun never shines!


Kathleen1031 said...

We have Jesus, we have Our Lady, we have the Latin Rite, the Sacraments, we have each other. These are downright discouraging times. I admit, I'm feeling it. We can't seem to catch a break on anything. The church is a mess, the culture's a horrible mess. Geez, I'm depressing. lol

Kathleen1031 said...

I don't think so. We can't panic, that's not going to do anybody any good. It's not up to us. God is in control.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

While all the bishops of the world are assembled for this thing, maybe the Pope could consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and actually do the will of God.

Anonymous said...

Really? That's not what Peter and John said to their high priests. Of course, they died martyrs (i.e. witnesses).

Anonymous said...

Is this what you were thinking of?

Anonymous said...

Please check this out:

Please get the book by Siscoe and Salza. This book is essential reading for all Catholics.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I posted it twice. Mea culpa.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely! Things will get worse until the Vatican reveals the Third Secret of Fatima (I.e. the exact words of Our Lady of July 13, 1917 which follow: "In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved..."

That's the first step on the road to restoration. After that comes the Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Holy Father in union with all the bishops of the world.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us!

Anonymous said...

Please God,

Ivan said...

Let's get real. Pius XI should have Consecrated Russia when the formal request was made in 1929. Pius XII had a chance to do it as Heaven showed him the Miracle of the Sun from the Vatican Gardens. The long shot was Benedict XVI. Pope Benedict leaned toward Fatima, but in the end, he chickened out and gave way to the Jesuits.

Anonymous said...

Edward said...


Edward said...

Christless 'Christianity.' Read the Gospel and get some decent Catholic catechesis for a change.

Anonymous said...

And traditionalists are not prepared!

Pope Benedict, Cardinal Kasper's false arguments for Synod Report : Vatican Council II agrees with the dogma extra ecclesiam nullas salus as it was interpreted by the 16th century missionaries

Pope Benedict's heretical interview to Avvenire prepares Catholics to receive a sacrilegeous Synod report after Easter

John J said...

Curious about the word "replace" as it relates to Familiaris Consortio. Did this come from the Vatican or someone in the church hierarchy?

susan said...

that caught my eye too.....that's just wrong on every level. They are building their own church, and it is the enemy of the Catholic One.

Gabriel said...

'They' are simply correcting Ausgustine's latent Platonism and voluntarism, favoured by JP II, with St Thomas's doctrine of free will, the primacy of conscience (especially the virtue of prudence, 'epikeia,' and the integrity of the internal forum which have been standard Catholic moral theology for the past eight hundred years. Nothing new is being proposed.

Tancred said...

Too bad more people didn't go to Harvard Divinity back then.

susan said...

yeah Fr. Gabriel jazz-hands....guess that gets satan off the hook, eh? Not to mention luther, muhammed, and hitler.

heretical putz.