Edit: we've been told this is the fourth year this event has been going. It's strange no one's noticed and complained. What's wrong with these people? This event involves some serious defacement of the Cathedral portal, where an enormous ice ramp is constructed to serve as a conveyance for ice skaters to race down the lengthy track for competitive and amateur skaters alike. If that doesn't make things bad enough, the event is hosted by Red Bull, a company that sells a noxious, heavily caffeinated and probably toxic beverage that's now popular. This all takes place during Lent, no less, and "they're blocking Pope Jorge's portal of mercy," one reader asks, "how are people supposed to get the indulgence?"
This is what makes it hard to understand how a local ordinary with the Catholic faith would tolerate his cathedral being used to launch skaters down a ramp, but we're no stranger to that kind of dereliction of duty in Minnesota, either. Well, if you can't produce saints, you can at least make a lot of money?
This Archdiocese also hosts events like this at the the Basilica of St. Mary's in Minneapolis, where degenerate music acts perform on the parish grounds, and abortion and sodomarriage supporting sponsors use the church to earn money. It may be an event that's fun for the family, but in addition to its sacrilegious nature, supports the destruction of family. Did someone take the two minutes or so to do a web search and find out if there were any conflicts between Red Bull and the Catholic Church before signing on?
Naturally, Red Bull is an evil, Godless corporation that supports the immoral and unnatural depravity of aberromarriage.
There's even an idiotic Deacon participating. Apparently, he has no idea what he's doing or has no idea in what religion he belongs, and another priest skates haplessly along. The photos are from the Catholic Spirit. The Coadjutor Bishop looks on. Apparently, he doesn't see a conflict of interest, either.
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Deacon Michael Daly |
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Father Paul Shovelin |
From the website:
Saint Paul, Minnesota, has been a fixture on the calendar of the fastest sport on skates for the past five seasons, but in 2016 it will host the thrilling season finale for the first time.
The Minnesota event is contested on a track of around 1,600 feet in length with a drop of 12 stories in front of the Cathedral of Saint Paul. It draws in excess of 120,000 wild fans, so expect high stakes and big drama as the riders fight it out for the championship title.
Follow the top Red Bull Crashed Ice competitors as they prepare for the season finale in Saint Paul in the six-episode video series "4 Below Zero."
US fans can watch the Saint Paul event on FOX on Saturday, March 5 at 2:30 p.m. ET.

It doesn't stop Mass. It doesn't affect the Holy Door, which is the inner door of the Cathedral. The money goes to the Heritage Foundation to pay off the debt from the roof. The rector is one of the most traditional and orthodox pastors in the Archdiocese, and he knows the Extraordinary Form better than most. Red Bull builds it and dismantles it and nothing affects the Cathedral. What is more, among the many visitors, there have been opportunities for evangelization, which the rector has taken advantage of. He never shies away from promoting the Gospel. If that is a problem for you, kindly do not come by.
You're out of your mind.
I have a novel theory: Tancred is really Bishop Williamson, formerly of the Society of St. Pius X, using a nom de plume!
Tancred, Anonymous 1: 48 PM provides a set of calm, rational and transparent explanations and the best you can come up with is 'You're out of your mind.'
High praise.
An abomination. As I wrote earlier - follow the money trail. Nothing is more sinister to sees clergy, especially hierarchs fall into the clutches of debased capitalists. Can one imagine the Apostles cavorting with evil during the persecutions? Yet, here we are, under going a most sinister persecution, and what do we see? Collusion by churchmen with the destroyers of society.
As to what the money goes for: no man can do evil that good may come of it. Knows the ritual of the Mass? What about living it in its integrity? Do recall, Pius XI condemned social Modernism as rigorously as he did dogmatic Modernism. Indeed, social Modernism grows out of the dogmatic. The saying of the Old Mass in no way stopped the growth of corruption in the Church before it exploded during and following the Council.
It is profanation of a sacred building to turn it into a launching area for an ice-skating event. Even without the evil connections this behavior is utterly unacceptable.
Vincent: These are your rational explanations for defacing the HOUSE OF GOD?
-It's no trouble to us (we can "still have mass" while 120,000 wild fans fight it out for the championship, i.e. thumb their noses at God and go to hell?)
-MONEY: We don't have to pay for the roof (They pay!)
-Red Bull builds and dismantles the ramp (no trouble to us)
-among the many visitors, there have been opportunities for evangelization (but far more for scandal as the priests sell the house of God for money!)
Maybe they charge them to have orgies (or whatever) in the transgender cathedral bathrooms.
Sounds calm, reasonable and oh so vc#2 traditional!
The prods who come to shout about the "whore of Rome" are going to win more converts than we will.
Wait? Did someone say that John Yubel was one of the most traditional priests in the Archdiocese?!
Vincent, Tancred doesn't do calm, loves dramatic rhetoric e.g church 'Prostituted in Sacrilege to Evil Corporation'
Indeed, Father Ubel is orthodox and traditional. He knows the Extraordinary Form better than most priests of the Archdiocese and really was the reason why one of the best Catholic schools, St. Agnes, was saved from being shuttered. He is orthodox but also is a good administrator, which is a rare thing, unfortunately. To suggest otherwise in public, without knowing the man, is rather scandalous and uncharitable. This priest loves Cardinal Burke, Latin, and reverence. The Red Bull event does not have any impact on life at the Cathedral and it provides funds to help pay off the massive debt incurred from fixing the roof. But if all of this is too much for you, then by all means, use your free will and go elsewhere. But save the hyperbolic language and uncharitable words.
Traditional 'priests' who 'love' everything but God and His law surely do expose their flock to sin for money. Who asked him to be a 'good administrator'? He is a disgrace to God. Why doesn't he just go ask Herod and Herodias or Bill & Melinda Gates to fund the roof (for real!)?
It's not Catholic to promote a life of frenetic intemperance ("wild fans" "fighting it out"), but to promote lives of sober watchfulness (be sober & watch). Catholics don't promote disrespect for God (mingling sacred and profane), wildness & disorder--they promote Jesus Christ.
I have nothing but respect for Father Ubel and have seen the reverence and mystery he has brought back into the Mass at the Cathedral. I agree that if you do not know this good and holy priest it would be best not to comment. Further, this may be a position of a Bishop that oversees the diocese. While I have mixed feelings of the event itself I have no doubt as to Father Ubel being one of the best we have...
Careful, there, for your post is starting to tread into false accusations and detraction. Father Ubel was not the one who brought in this event. It was already in place before his arrival. Do you even know the man? Do you even know anything about the Cathedral parish? This is a good priest, in good standing, and loves tradition more than most priests in the area. Why libel a good priest? What is to gain here? I have attended Mass at the FSSP parish at All Saints. I love tradition and embrace it. And I recognize that this priest is a good priest who is an asset to the Archdiocese. It saddens me to see such ignorance and hatred directed at him and the Cathedral parish. Perhaps if folks like you who seem to hate this idea so much would raise the several million dollars to pay off the debt from the repairs performed on the dome, then the Cathedral would not have to host such an event. It is either that, or the Cathedral defaults and is sold off. Is that the goal here? Careful what you wish for, because the Basilica would become the Cathedral, and I know how many here feel about the Basilica. One thing is for certain, All Saints will not become the Cathedral. Stop tearing down good people, priests, and parishes to further some sort of agenda. This is not a Cathedral event. It does not take place inside. It is an event that happens beyond its doors...you know, the place where the laity practice their ministry. Want to do something about it? Then come down and evangelize. After all, "spreading and defending the faith" is part of your duty as a Confirmed Catholic.
If he doesn't personally get out there tonight and put an axe to this absurd monstrosity, I guess the Archdiocese is in trouble.
If he tolerates this absurd, vulgar defacement of the Cathedral, what good is he? I dare say this is fairly typical Yubelese going along to get along.
I guess we should be there too so that we can watch for Tancred and his "axe" attempting to thwart St. Paul cops and security so that he can destroy a source of fun for people and a source of funding for the Cathedral? I mean, if you're calling out a good and holy priest for not doing something you think he should do, and then do not do anything about it yourself, methinks this is just grinding an "axe" for the sake of it.
Wrong battle. Wrong person. This is not the Basilica Block Party. It is a different group who uses the front steps of the Cathedral which does not have any effect on the functions of the Cathedral itself. In fact, inside the building, you would not even know it was there. This entire piece is absurd.
You're either too stupid or too wicked to see the travesty and hypocrisy and probably both. It's kind of hard to ignore what with the 130,000 boozy fans, the publicity, and the four story wooden ramp leading up to the cathedral door.
Sir, I forgive your ignorance of the actual event. Mass ends each Saturday night with the Cathedral closing for the evening. This Saturday is no different. After Mass, the building is closed. Have you been to the Cathedral for Mass lately? You can't see the ramp from inside the building, nor can you hear anything going on outside. And besides, there won't be Mass during the event.
Tancred, give it a rest. This post was a mistake. It would be far better to abandon it than to try and defend it.
People like you might not be able to pimp your female relatives off to eager buyers, but have no problem selling off your Mother, the Church.
Annnymous 913, how much is your financial situation improved by prostituting a sacred edifice to a Godless and aberrosexualist corporation?
Quite frankly, that was unhinged, Tancred. No one is selling anything. They built a ramp off the steps and offered money to do so, and the process, effect nothing regarding the Cathedral and provide money to fix the roof, which did not come from the Eponymous Flower blog. To boot, they treat a good priest with respect, unlike what I have seen here. If anyone is throwing mud on the Church, it is you.
I took a poll. Most people agree with me so far.
"To boot, they treat a good priest with respect, unlike what I have seen here. If anyone is throwing mud on the Church, it is you."
The devil takes care of his own.
"It is an event that happens beyond its doors...you know, the place where the laity practice their ministry."
EXCUSE ME? The Catholic Church rents out the Sistine Chapel or a cathedral in MN and it's the laity's responsibility? It's outside the doors? You are no one to judge a lover of tradtion, since you are a Vc#2 member and probably an employee of the diocese if not the Cathedral. Stop trying to pull the wool over the sheep's eyes!
Clearly a Grima Wormtongue for this this sad sack excuse for an Archdiocese..
I just wonder if there is legal recourse for how Father Ubel and the Cathedral Parish has been libeled and distorted here. It is well-known that the owner of this blog has a name, and what that name is. I think it would be far more Christian to abandon this ridiculous and absurd post, saying nothing of the rather unhinged and uncharitable comments from this known-by-name blogger.
Exhibits A & B of the "positive" and "joyful" traditionlist. *Sigh*
jeeeeeeeze anonymous, give it a rest. It's his blog...you don't like it, go home.
Go for it.
The basilica of Notre Dame in Montreal has a laser light show. I was so enraged I snuck in through the exit having never paid to enter a Church in my life. The little wench taking money caught us and came running after us. Just an American in Montreal I wasn't sure about going to jail then sneaking back across the border so I didn't put up a fight. It's a mess though, a complete disgrace. Also, they let people who want to pray into a tiny corner of the Basilica which is walled off with plexiglass.
Indeed, one of the very few sober, sane, right thinking bishops in the world today.
I would have no problem with it if it were on the Church grounds and nothing immoral but right up next to the Church building is no good. If one thinks to the Cathedrals of our ancestors in Europe, just outside the building was a trade and commerce zone (usually tax free or low tax) where the profits of some of the commerce went to the construction of the building. This usually angered kings and local governments who were annoyed at losing tax revenue but they could do nothing about it.
careful now Tancred loves 'weeding out' evil critics this blog is just for Tancred's friends
Keep fightin for the faith, Tancred - no matter how the diocesean sows who belly up to the trough try to intimidate and threaten you. I mean really does this person think they are doing fr ubal a favor? What if someone dies from drinking red bull in the ice cold after over exerting himself? Will they sue red bull or the Catholic Church or both?
PS Maybe if there weren't so many sex abuse suits to pay, the church could afford to pay for the roof.
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