Friday, May 22, 2015

Biennale of Venice: Authorities Close Mosque-Installation into Church

Mosque into a Church
(Venice) The mosque installation in a Catholic church is closed. After two weeks of discussions and government intervention by law suits,  the Municipality of Venice said on Thursday the directors of the Icelandic Art Center and the Biennale had their  licenses withdrawn for the Icelandic Pavilion.
A document shows that the use of the church is possible through the owner, "except for initiatives against the Catholic Church". The Icelandic Pavilion, which is responsible for the installation of a mosque in the church of Santa Maria della Misericordia, thus did not have the necessary permissions to set up the "work of art" by the Swiss artist Christoph Büchel (see the Icelandic sacrilege Venice Biennale: Mosque in Church Installed - "Invitation to Islamists to conquer churches").

Iceland Supports Islamization

Muslims who have been immigrating to  Italy for 25 years have quickly appreciated the anti-Catholic provocation by the Republic of Iceland as an opportunity and the greeted the installation  "The Mosque" as a conversion into a real mosque. All with the benevolent support of the leaders of the Icelandic Pavilion and thus the Icelandic Ministry of Culture.
In the church, an Islamic mihrab, an Islamic prayer niche, was built and obscured all Christian symbols by panels with quotations from the Koran. Carpets were lain all over and all visitors were forced to take off their shoes.

"What respect dares Iceland before an Islamic cult einzuforden where it has zero respect for a Catholic place of worship?"

The art historian Alessandro Tamborini protested and filed a complaint (see Venice: art historian protests against "mosque" in the Church and calls the police ). He wanted to know from the responsible director of the Icelandic Pavilion, why he should take off his shoes. "Out of respect," said the latter. "Respect  what?" Tamborini asked."Because it is a place of worship? What kind of religion? By whom?" The person in charge refused to answer. For obvious reasons.
There is a pavilion at the International Art Exhibition, it could not be a place of worship itself. But if it is a place of worship, it is not Islamic, for one would have to take off their shoes, but a Catholic one."  What respect does Iceland dare to demand before an Islamic place, where Iceland has zero respect for a Catholic place of worship?" Said Tamborini to the press.
The officially Lutheran Republic of Iceland had illegally usurped a Catholic church and turned it into a mosque."Irreverent and as contemptuous of all religious feelings as it gets. Those responsible lack any decency," said Tamborini whose media appearance and  interest had thus increased pressure on the authorities.

Church was Profaned by Walling in a mosque

With the authorities, who had  remained tacitly silent through all, have engaged in negotiations with the Patriarch of Venice, since the sacrilege with the opening of the Biennale on May 9 was revealed. These negotiations which led to the closure, which put an end to the sacrilege.
The church of Santa Maria della Misercordia has been private property since 1973. Although privately owned, it was never profaned. At the time of its usurpation as a mosque, it was a holy place was desecrated by Büchel's installation. Use of the Church had been settled at the time of the sale and must not involve initiatives  where attacks are made against the Catholic Church and the sanctity of the place.

Administrative decision rather than political confrontation

Although this is only a preliminary injunction, which could be challenged, reopening seems doubtful. As inspections of police and firefighters report  the "Pavilion" was in a breach of   a whole series of provisions. The construction of the makeshift mosque didn't even include required toilettes, while access restrictions had not been respected and above all Islamic prayer events were carried out and have been announced, although it is not an Islamic place of worship.
The authorities are trying to clarify the matter with administrative issues, thereby avoiding  facing the real question: the question of the relationship between Islam and Christianity, between Islam and Europe and its laws and customs. This debate currently does not seem to be possible in Europe. So fundamental political, social, cultural and legal policy questions are being handled by administrative channels.
And what about the European auxiliary forces of Islam, such as the Republic of Iceland, which has also abused the hospitality in another country?

Art historian filed charges against Swiss artist and Icelandic Foreign Minister

The pugnacious art historian Alessandro Tamborini is thus not satisfied. He reported on Thursday there will also be charges against those responsible for the sacrilege and the mosque installation of Swiss artist Christoph Büchel and against the Icelandic Foreign Minister, which was carried out by the Icelandic Pavilion, an official body of the Scandinavian country, for the desecration of a Catholic church.
With the fall and the relations with Iceland,  the Italian Parliament will soon have to deal because of urgent requests were introduced to Prime Minister Matteo Renzi (Democratic Left Party) and Interior Minister Angelino Alfano (New center-right).
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Nuova Venezia (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred


Anonymous said...

The Church will have to be reconsecrated after that sacrilege - and then deconsecrated, if it is not going to be used exclusively for Catholic worship.

jac said...

Here is how the Icelandic lutherians are considering ecumenism with their Italian catholic brothers. Instead of welcoming italian lutherians inside that church, they prefer to have muslims practising their idolatric cult.

Damask Rose said...

I'm sure I read somewhere that the Protestants were allies of the Moorish armies battling Catholic forces at one time.

Is it a case for Protestant Iceland that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'?

My, the Muslims were quick to move into the Church, weren't they.

(This is probably happening because the Catholic Church is weaker now.)

Anonymous said...

Weaker and weaker with Pope Francis and company.....but maybe that's his (their) game plan all along.

Boniface said...

Yes Damask but Catholic France once allied with the Moors as well so both sides played that game.

The crazy thing is, since Muslims have once worshipped in this place, from their point of view it is now - forever - a mosque.

Damask Rose said...

"Yes Damask but Catholic France once allied with the Moors as well so both sides played that game."

That's interesting, Boniface. What with the on-going Islamisation of France, is it a case of 'what goes around comes around'?

It's awful how Catholicism has virtually collapsed in western European countries/states. What do you blame, the Enlightenment, Napoleon, or just plain old bad Catholicism? Did the Catholic Church take the people's faith for granted and become lazy and complacent? Or have the clerics always struggle with sex,,, whichever way...?

Boniface said...

Ataturk was a secularist, enamored of western ideas. He wanted to move Turkey away from Islamic fundamentalism. That was the "mood" in the Middle East from 1917 until after World War II - building Islamic democracies on the secular western model. It was the secularization in many of these countries (like Turkey, Iran, Iraq, etc) that prompted backlash from the more religious Muslims as we see today. Ataturk may have made Hagia Sophia a museum, but Muslims still consider it a mosque. Muslims consider it "rightfully" to be a mosque and are pushing hard for it to be reconstituted as such.

Damask - Yes, definitely what goes around comes around.

Tartar said...

I wouldn't be too quick to blame all or even any Icelanders or Lutherans for this circus*, because the article does not identify the owner and explain his connection to Buchel and the Icelandic Ministry of Culture. hmm... Transgressive "artist;" "arts" ministry; unnamed owner.... why doesn't it suit the Italian and Euromedia to report the identity and the links? Hmmm...

BTW, I believe that Venice is now, through their eyes, officially a Moslem city because a mosque has been established there.

*Iceland has some Moslem problems of their own.

Anonymous said...

According to the Catholic Church Islam/Islamism is not a path to salvation

According to the Catholic Church Islam/Islamism is not a path to salvation and their members need 'faith and baptism'(Ad Gentes 7,Lumen Gentium 14) for salvation ( to avoid Hell).
Vatican Council II on Muslims

Mohammad in Vatican Council II

USCCB statements on Vatican Council and Islam omits Ad Gentes 7



Muslim professors must know exactly what are the teachings of the Catholic Church about Islam and other religions, before and after Vatican Council II

-Lionel Andrades

Unknown said...

Catechism of the Catholic Church
841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."

Catechism seems pretty clear to me. If Isis comes a knockin we can all just convert to Islam and keep our heads ---safe in the knowledge that the plan of salvation is extended to Muslims .

Seattle Kim

James said...

"What do you blame, the Enlightenment, Napoleon, or just plain old bad Catholicism?

## Blame Roncalli, Montini, Wojtyla, & Ratzinger. Those are the people who vomited the Judas Council onto the Church, allowed the Faith to be betrayed, the priesthood to be falsified, the Mass to be Protestantised, the Church to lose hundreds of millions of members (as it still does), trens of thousands of priests to betray their vows, predators to flourish, abuses of the liturgy to spring up and multiply, heresy & schism, superstition, witchcraft, Satanolatry, Mohammedanism, Judaising & Protestantism all to flourish & abound & multiply like Japanese knotweed, the missions to be neutered, millions of Catholics to be betrayred to Communism - and that is just the beginning.

These sons of perdition are worse than Hitler, Stalin & Mao combined - abortionists & paedophiles are better than they. These men aborted not bodies but souls, forced the Immaculate Bride of Christ to carry on like a whore, committed contraception against her (not of the body but of the soul). She whom they found the fertile mother of many these men left forsaken, abandoned, rotten with corruption, confused, poisoned, on the way to death. To call these men holy is utterly unspeakable.

They cannot escape the blame, for they have universal jurisdiction in all causes over every Catholic on earth. And they have no judge or superior on earth. So all changes in the Church's life are ultimately their responsibility. So they cannot squirm their way out of being answerable for the ruinous state of the Church.

James said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James said...

Not his, so much as Paul VI's ( may God forgive him, for I certainly can't).

susan said...

I assume this is sarcasm (?)

A summer reading suggestion..."It's all about Muhammed"...a great, GREAT book. Oh, we most certainly do not worship the same God. Ours is a God of life and love; theirs is a God of death and torture.

susan said...

just....just..........yeah. sigh.

Anonymous said...

Catechism of the Catholic Church
841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."

Yes the plan of salvation would also include the Muslims when they convert into the Catholic Church.There is no contradiction here with Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.

susan said...

....with this caveat; I think Benedict tried. I think he fought (philosophically) Ratzinger. I think, by grace, the realization of what the council unleashed upon and into the Church hit him like a ton of bricks, and his part in it all no doubt weighed heavily on him. I think he knew the juggernaut he was up against, and always appeared to me to be a little 'scared', for lack of a better word; always appeared that he was looking over his shoulder with trepidation somehow. No doubt his former confreres who turned a very dark corner (Kung et. al.) when he kept walking mostly straight, had knives, and daggers, and 'baggage' against him...hence his first loggia prayer. I think Benedict tried.....but he ran; and turned us over to the wolves. I still love him and pray for him....I pray for them all; even the wolves. Truth is, I just can't make sense out of much that's going on anymore......hagan lio, eh?

susan said...

I agree with your last paragraph Lionel, but do you know the background of islam? Long story, but bottom line is the black rock in the cube of the kabah, that every muslim must at least once in their life bow down to, is the 'chief god' of the 360+ rock gods that the Quoraish tribe (muhammed belonged to) worshiped. After meeting heretic Jews and Arians in the dessert, he appropriated (and perverted to his benefit) some of the teachings; one being monotheism, so he kept only the chief 'god' (the black meteorite' whose proper name was/is 'allah'...different from the Arabic word for God, Ilah).

Their 'allah' teaches that muhammed is "the perfect man, worthy of all imitation" (we see ISIS imitating muhammed to a tee...every foul, evil, torturous, demonic thing they're doing, he did). Their allah claims that Jesus is merely a prophet, not divine, and did not die on the cross, nor resurrect; that muhammed is given the fullness of revelation that Jesus merely began; that Jesus is in reality a muslim and at the end of time will slay those who worshiped Him; that calling God "Father", and holding a Trinitarian understanding of God is the highest form of idolatry, worthy of death; that paradise consists in every sick, perverted, foul sensual and sexual pleasure you wish to indulge in.

I could go on for days, but tell me, how is this the same God? No doubt there are muslims of good will who despite what islam teaches and commands, worship the Creator in their hearts, but they would be called "bad muslims" by the muslims who actually follow the tenets, demands, and dogma of islam. islam is a demonic totalitarian-political system straight from the bowels of hell, and the koran is satan's bible. period.

Psalm 95:5

Like I said, I agree fully with your last paragragh, but would add the caveat; when they convert into the Catholic Church, they will be denouncing and leaving the god of islam behind.

susan said...

...ooops; Psalm 96:5. sorry.

Anonymous said...

Yes when they are in Heaven they would be Catholic.There are only Catholics in Heaven.

jac said...

Vatican II teaches that Islam isn't a path to salvation, yes, while a lot of modernist priests and bishops are teaching the contrary.

Damask Rose said...

Seattle Kimmy and Catholic Mission

"Catechism of the Catholic Church
841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."

Who the flip wrote this...?

Catholic Mission, I see your point with regards to the 'plan of salvation' when they convert to the Catholic Church that you mention, but this is within Catholic understanding so to speak.

The paragraph 841 is ambiguous and soft-pedals to Muslims and Jews. It mentions Creator and God regarding their salvation and judgement, which incidentally, is all perfectly fine for them. But, and apologies beforehand if I quote Scripture non-verbatim, did God the Father not say at Jesus' Baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist: "This is my beloved Son, listen to Him." And did not Jesus say: "None can come to the Father, except through Me."

So should not this document that para 841 comes from, a document produced by the Holy See, an office of the Pope, Peter on Earth, should this document not witness to Christ the King and say something like this:

841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, that they will come to profess that Jesus Christ, is Son and equal to the Father, Creator and Holy Spirit and together with us they will adore Jesus Christ, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."

Essentially Catholicism is about Jesus Christ as God and importantly as Messiah whom we believe will come on the last day. 841 eschews mention of that to these people that we really ought to be converting.

Damask Rose said...

Interesting comment there Tartar at 9:07pm.

"BTW, I believe that Venice is now, through their eyes, officially a Moslem city because a mosque has been established there."

Personally I blame Enrico Dandolo, 42nd Doge of Venice who tricked and blackmailed the Crusaders in 1202 to sack Constantinople for his own personal motives instead of aiding the Crusaders to sail onto Egypt and finishing the job there.

Muslims and Jews forget nothing in history.

"*Iceland has some Moslem problems of their own."

I'm amazed at how many Muslims there are up North. All those poor women getting raped in Sweden. These are the lands of the fearsome Norse and Vikings for goodness sakes.

Anonymous said...

What about Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, his parents and the whole extended family? Not only were they not Catholics, they were not even Christians. They were born Jews, lived as Jews and died Jews.

Damask Rose said...

Susan, I went through a whole plethora of emotions when Benedict resigned and thought 'Quo vadis, Petrus', but what with the Kasper/Marx unbelievable push for Communion for adulterers and homosexuals and the membership of this advisory G8 (or 9?) group Francis has set up (with Mahoney and Radcliffe in the corridors), I've come to realise how gayed-up the Catholic Church must truly be. It's an assumption on my part, but gay-Church must have put excruciating pressure on Benedict that he's now living in an ex-Convent in the Vatican gardens.

Anonymous said...

I am a farmer. As a child I would herd the sheep and cattle to neighboring pastures to graze. I once fought with all my strength against a pack of wild dogs using just the garden hoe that I carried to chop out weeds. I was only twelve. I expect at least this much corage from my pope. Benedict fled the wolves. There is NO excuse for that. None.

Anonymous said...

It mentions Creator and God regarding their salvation and judgement, which incidentally, is all perfectly fine for them.

There is one Creator and not two. We all have the same Cretaor.
However Hell exists.
Muslims are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church ( Nostra Aetate, Ad Gentes etc)

Anonymous said...

Vatican II teaches that Islam isn't a path to salvation, yes, while a lot of modernist priests and bishops are teaching the contrary.
They use appparition theology.
For instance Nostra Aetate mentions that the plan of salvation includes Muslims. So modernist priests and bishops assume that there are Muslims known in the present times who are saved without the baptism of water and so they are exceptions to the dogma. Salvation in Heaven is visible on earth. People dead are visible exceptions. Apparitions.

It is assumed that these Muslims are saved in invincible ignorance etc and without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church and they are personally known in the present times to be exceptions to the dogma.
First they presume that the dead-saved are visible and then then infer that these visible cases are explicit exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They can see apparitions of the dead! This is a rejection of the dogma. It also changes the Nicene Creed. It is liberalism.
This is the new theology. It is based on being able to see the dead.This is how Vatican Council II is intepreted also by the Society of St.Pius X, the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the sedevacantists CMRI,MHFM etc.

Damask Rose said...

Dear Farmer. God bless you, I know what you are saying.

But sometimes I think that by Benedict resigning he made gay-Church 'come out.' Basically, what we are experiencing is the full on cess-pit that has been festering underground in the Catholic Church for decades and rampant in its seminaries. What with the Church openly declaring the rights of abberro-families during a Family Synod and Communion for hardened mortal sinners, Benedict has forced the Catholic Church to fight for its life. Terrifyingly, I think we are beginning to see how many are damned. If Benedict had continued in his Papacy, perhaps gay-Church would have just continued to nefariously undermine the Church from within to become just another pagan entity.

Honestly, I don't think I know what is going on, but my reason is scared enough to consider that Revelations is being played out. Jesus, the Son of God died to bring mercy to the World, and brought about a New Covenant, but I think that God the Father is damning the apostates, right here, right now.

But then again, is God the Father damning them? Is not Our Lady still holding up St Michael's sword that he is supposed to smite the World with? Roll on 2017. Then I think maybe we will know...

Anonymous said...

The Catholic Church began with Jesus who founded a Church. It continued with the Apostles and the Early Church to the present times. The doctrines of the Church are still the same. The first community of Christians were Catholics. They were the Early Catholic Church.
St.Peter was a Jew and also a Catholic. Our Lady and St.Joseph were also Catholic. John the Baptist was the prophet preparing the way for Jesus and His Mystical Body the Catholic Church.We cannot separate him from Christ.

Gabriel said...

Lionel, just because you proclaim your version of private reality it doesn't mean that it is objective reality.
You inhabit the comfortable word of the 'ens rationis.'

And, contrary to your own dysfunctional privatized logic, you are NOT God, Lionel.
This may come as some surprise to you.

Barnum said...

Yeah, Lionel, I must agree with Gaybriel, you're not God. Gaybriel, who inhabits his own comfortable world of "ens wationis," and always starts his chains of logic with false or irrelevant premises, is. At least Gaybriel barks thus.

Barnum said...

Gaybriel, forgot to ask: which of those 3 guys in the photo are you? Just trying in an exhaustive search to find premises supporting your theological conclusions, right?

LeonG said...

Now we have to remember who it was inspiring the content of the new church catechism which in places appears to contradict the catechism I was taught The Roman Catholic faith with many years ago. The Mahomatens, or followers of Mahomat were cited as one religious group who were outside the pail of salvation without Our Blessed Lord. Is St John's an Epistle of straw too, these days?.
There resides the difference between the anthropological phenomenology of the postmodernist post-conciliar papacies and the more reliable and consistent teachings of The Roman Catholic Faith founded on Sacred Tradition and the authoritative interpretation of Sacred Scripture.
In the modern new church psychology mosques, churches, temples and synagogues are more or less similar in their orientation, while the wide diversity of belief between the various religions on the Earth can be reduced to the element of "good" and "truth" within each being construed on the same level plane.
Oh my God! What an unsightly mess!