Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Old Mass: Some Will Force Hand Communion

Editor: refers to hand Communion as being sacrilegious, we don't.

As expected the German Bishops are attempting to construe the generous allowance for the Old Mass with "arbitrarily and restrictively".

( "Even in the community there have been those set apart, because faithful -- who apparently have come with the purpose -- to force communion in the hand on the Old Rite."

This is according to the famous Paster Henrick Jolie from the Diocese of Mainz on the 20th of May in an interview with the German website ''.

The horror of Communion in the Hand at the Old Mass

Fr. Jolie would have liked that the Pope would have introduced the question of hand Communion in the recent instruction on the Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pntificum'.

Because: "There are Diocese in which hand Communion is given at the Old Mass".

Individual Bishops had even instructed their priests -- in contravention to the Liturgical norms--, not to refuse the sacrilegious communion in the hand.

Bishops react with Arbitrariness

Fr. Jolie is pleased that the Instruction insisted that the stable groups, which can request the Old Mass, don't have to come from the same Diocese or Parish.

That is for him an indirect criticism on diverse Diocesan "implementation regulations", which have been published in the wake of 'Summorum Pontificum':

"Here is where completely arbitrary restrictions are decreed."

They have attempted to define "narrowly and as expected, restrictively" the size or the composition of these groups of believers.

There's no relying on Rome

Fr. Jolie views has skepticism that the faithful have been offered the possibility of appealing their right with respect to the Old Mass to Rome:

"We know, how the Roman Community have dealt with the court of appeals over liturgical abuses."

Because: "The Canons have changed nothing."

[another article follows this one, soon]\

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