Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The German Kampf Against Catholicsm is a Social-hygenic Problem

That celibacy for priests ostensibly misleads, to procure through secret and unnatural relief of sexual drives, has been a trusted argument for more than 200 years.

[] At the end of June Journalist Patrick Bahners reported in the 'Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung' on a book by the Historian Manuel Borutta.

This was a dissertation about 19th Century Anti-Catholicism.

They were treated by the Berlin Historian Jürgen Kocka (69).

In the study, Borutta demonstrated, according to Bahners "a constancy, almost a complete invariance of historical points", which amaze the discourse of historical research.

That is to say: "That the celibacy of the priest misleads, in order to procure the secret and unnatural relief of sexual desires, has been a trusted argument for more than 200 years."

The Catholics do Not Feel the Common duty toward Reproduction

It is one of the services of Boruttas, to explain the perfidy of the historical arguments.

Borutta portrayed the Church in the Anti-Catholic polemic as a contrast to the liberal ideal of Civil Society.

He cited the Anti-Catholic German virologist Rudolf Birchow (+1902). For such was the nature of the Church's organization in its unnatural inclination

For the Church restrained a man from fulfilling his common natural inclination and self determination, activity and reproduction.

In reality Catholics have more children than other social strata.

Chief Ideologue Virchow

Virchow brings his authority as a Doctor and Natural Scientist into the mud-wrestling match against the Church.

He coined the concept of "Kulturkampf".

Already in 1848 the Virologist had determined that during the typhus epidemic, the poor, uneducated Polish Catholics would rather call their priest than a doctor.

"The construction of a causal Nexus between ecclesiastical power, collective ignorance and the transmission of infectious diseases appears to make the separation of State and Church as a social-hygienic precaution".

Manuel Borutta: "Anti-Catholicism". German and Italy in the Age of European Kulturkämpfe, New Edition, Volume 7. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2010. 488 pages., Abb,., Price 60- Euro.

Manuel Borutta: „Antikatholizismus“. Deutschland und Italien im Zeitalter der europäischen Kulturkämpfe. Bürgertum, Neue Folge, Band 7. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2010. 488 S., Abb., geb., 60,- [Euro].

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