Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Yet Another Modernist Priest Charged with Sexual Abuse in Boston: Thank you Cardinal Sean!

The gay friendly program which Bishops of the USCCB inaugurated called, "Talking About Touching" has scored another victory. It might help protect the Bishops from legal action and undesirable media attention in the future which might question what they've done to prevent abuse, but clearly, it doesn't stop heresy and it also doesn't stop abuse from happening when it occurs. In fact, it can be argued that it is a form of abuse in itself in that it challenges the right of parents to educate their children, does not teach Catholic sexual morality and robs children of their innocence.

Carol McKinley reports that Father Boutin from the Boston Archdiocese was arrested for assault at Canton Park, known as a homosexual meeting place. Father Boutin is an advocate of women's ordination, reads America Magazine, likes "Praise and Worship", moreover, he's a priest of Cardinal Sean who is turning out to be a Cardinal Mahony of the East.

1 comment:

TTC said...

"Cardinal Mahony of the East" -- that is a keeper!

I'm stealing it!