Saturday, June 5, 2010

FDA Wants to Drop Ban on Homosexuals Giving Blood

It's much harder to ignore reality when it comes to the undeniable results of immorality, and it's tragic that public health officials, infected with various false doctrines of liberalism, will make decisions effecting ordinary people.

There are prudential reasons for preventing homosexuals from entering the Priesthood, the Army and other positions of trust and there are prudential reasons that homosexuals should be prevented from donating blood. The most obvious of which is the greater likelihood of such individuals to suffer from incurable diseases like Hepatitis-C and, ideology to the contrary, again, the almost exclusively homosexual disease of AIDS (Unless you happen to get it from a blood transfusion).

Of course, there's also the public perception of trust in medical facilities to consider. Whatever propaganda occurs in the wake of this new effort to normalize something abnormal, people will undoubtedly view this for what it is: another attempt to force erroneous ideologies on ordinary people -- with the usual disastrous results.

Liberalism often ignores reality in obeisance to a gross error of one kind or another. In this case, the idea that homosexuality isn't immoral and punishable at least by nature if not by the civil law. There are diseases associated with homosexuality. This so happens because of nature, which liberals are at such pains to ignore in the service of their errors.

Gay men have not been allowed to donate since 1985

MINNEAPOLIS - Over 2,000 more pints of blood could be available each year if the federal government eases its restrictions on gay men donating blood. The FDA will reconsider the life long ban later this month.

When you go to donate blood you have to fill out a questionnaire. One of the question asked if you ever had sexual contact with a man, even once.

If you check yes, you can't donate blood, even if that contact was 10 years ago. Many people are calling this federal ban a form of discrimination and want the life long ban lifted.

Read further...

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