Saturday, June 5, 2010

Blaspemous, homosexual play entitled "Corpus Christi" Canceled

STEPHENVILLE, Texas — [America Where Are You] The performance of a play that portrays Jesus as gay has been canceled at Tarleton State University amid what school officials say are “safety and security concerns.”

Critics say the Terrence McNally play “Corpus Christi,” which premiered in 1998 in New York, is blasphemous. But the Tarleton student who was directing the production said he chose it to help gay youths who may be struggling with their faith.

Security concerns were cited in prompting the university to initially change the start time and restrict attendance for Saturday’s production. Then, on Friday night, the school put a statement on its Web site saying the professor decided to cancel it due to safety and security concerns. The school said the production will not be rescheduled.

Stephenville is about 70 miles southwest of Fort Worth.

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