Sunday, May 23, 2010

Russia establishes new religious Holiday

As Patrick Hall has said, Obama's made June, National Perversion Month, so why can't Russia do something contrary?

Does the ACLU have any offices in Russia?

"Day of the Baptism of Russia" will be celebrated on the 28th of July

Moscow (www.kathnet/KNA) The Russian Parliament has raised the annual celebration of the Baptism of the Land to a National Holiday. 422 of 450 of the delegates voted yes, that the State celebrate "Day of the Baptism of Russia" effective 28th July as a Feast Day.

The celebrations on "Day of the Baptism of Russia" are financed by law according to the State. The Holiday goes back to a corresponding initiative launched by the Russian-Orthodox Church in 2008. They concluded with President Dmitri Medvedev and Minister President Vladimir Putin.

The Grand Duke of Kiev, Vladimir, was baptised on the 28th of July according to the Byzantine Rite and declared Christianity the state religion of Russia. The Kievian Rus is the predecessor of Russia, the Ukraine and White Russia. The tradition of the orthodox Church accorded St. Vladimir as the occasion of his marriage to Princess Anne of Byzantium. The Ukraine has celebrated the anniversary of Christianising as a legal Holiday since 2008.

Original, here.

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