Thursday, December 3, 2020

Bishop Schneider Calls Out the Rabid and Unjust Aberrosexual, Voris

[Gloria.tvBishop Athanasius Schneider commented on the fact that “from various sides,” the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) has been made a target of attacks in connection with cases of sexual abuse (, December 3).

In fact, it is only one side/website which attacks the SSPX, i.e., while constantly complaing that no Catholic website is jumping on that bandwagon.

[reading] Schneider received the impression as if the SPPX were "the only Catholic religious organisation which had to respond to such accusations.” Schneider also notices that it cannot be dismissed that some of the accusations [by] were conducted "in a biased manner.”

He underlines that in all dioceses and religious communities around the world there are shortcomings in investigating cases of homosexual abuse, maybe to the same or to a greater extent, and he warns [] that one cannot hold the SSPX responsible for crimes which members or employees committed AFTER they parted company with the group or were dismissed.

In this logic, Schneider explains, the Augustinian order would be responsible for the anti-Semitic statements of Martin Luther, their former member. [Of course, these kinds of statements are as unhelpful as they are absurd.]


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Sidney Powel and Lin Wood Live, Georgia Conference



First Concert in Notre Dame Since its Suspicious and Tragic Fire

The symbolic Christmas concert is broadcast on television - only the previous week did the government declare that the risk of collapse was averted thanks to the security work

Paris ( There will be a symbolic Christmas concert on Christmas Eve in Paris: The Notre-Dame choir will sing again for the first time in the cathedral, which was badly damaged in a fire a year and a half ago, announced the French archdiocese on Monday. 20 singers of the adult choir perform together with two soloists and one organist. The concert, conducted in compliance with strict health measures, will also be televised.

For the choir of the main Paris church, which had to move to other places of worship in Paris for a long time, this is the first home appearance after the devastating fire. There had already been several small masses in the cathedral without people celebrating, including at Easter. The traditional midnight mass at Christmas, however, was moved to a big top in the Bois de Boulogne park in the west of the French capital last year. Since the main organ is currently being restored, a small organ was specially rented for the Christmas event.

A milestone in the securing work for the more than 850 year old Gothic cathedral had only been reached in the previous week. With the dismantling of a 200-ton scaffolding on the vaulted ceiling, which was melted down by the fire, the danger of collapse has now finally been averted, said the public construction company. 40,000 individual parts of the scaffolding at a height of up to 40 meters had been dismantled since the beginning of June. "The threat posed by the scaffolding for the cathedral no longer exists," said France's Minister of Culture, Roselyne Bachelot. Notre-Dame is now "saved".

In the fire in April 2019, the roof and the spire collapsed. Both are now to be recreated based on the historical model, with work on the Summer Olympics in Paris in 2024 being completed, as French President Emmanuel Macron has promised. The schedule is considered extremely ambitious.

Trans: Tancred


The Amazonian Zaire-Rite

 The "Congolese Rite" as a preparation for an "Amazonian Rite" for the introduction of progressive innovations in Germany?

(Rome) The Vatican publishing house Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV) published the book "Pope Francis and the Roman Missal for the Dioceses of Zaire." A step on the way to the Amazon rite? Yes, says VaticanNews, the news portal of the Vatican. 

The book was published exactly one year after a “ Holy Mass for the Congolese Community,” which Pope Francis celebrated on December 1, 2019 in St. Peter's Basilica. At that time, the question was asked why the Pope used Italian in Holy Mass for bishops, priests and believers in the Congo, where French and Bantu languages are spoken, where the common Church language Latin is offered.

The foreword to the book comes from Pope Francis. Its subtitle suggests that it is about more than just the Congo:

"A promising rite for other cultures."

VaticanNews, the news portal of the Holy See, which provides interpretation to book: The Roman Missal for the Dioceses of Zaire is in direct connection with the so-called "Amazonian Rite" or Amazon Rite, which was all the rage in the last year of the Amazon SynodThe German section VaticanNews chose this as a headline:

The new book with a foreword by Francis

"Pope Francis: For a stronger inculturation of the liturgy."


The Spanish section subtitled , however:

"Pope: The Zairean Rite a 'Promising Path' for an Amazonian Rite."

The Holy See refers to the country as Zaire, although this name, which was only in use for a short time anyway, was dropped as early as 1997. The Kingdom of the Congo dates back to the late 14th century. Nzinga a Nkuwu, the fifth Manikongo, as the king was called, was baptized by Portuguese missionaries in 1491. As João I, he became the first Christian king of the Congo and initiated the Christianization of the country. The country was internally shattered by internal power struggles and the slave trade. From 1877 it began to be divided among the European colonial powers. The lion's share was secured by the Belgian King Leopold I, the smaller part by the French Republic. To Portugal, the discoverer of the country,only a small stretch of coast remained. The Belgian Congo (from 1908), which comprised 87 percent of the Congo and is almost as large as Western, Central and Southern Europe combined, became in the course of decolonization in 1960, the Federal Republic of the Congo and in 1964 the Democratic Republic of CongoThis was in 1971 under the dictator Mobutu "Africanized' to Zaire, but again in 1997 it returned to DRC.

The Congo Basin was already mentioned in the course of preparations for the Amazon Synod was as a possible expansion zone for the Synod results. In his foreword and the video message circulated yesterday, Pope Francis speaks out in favor of a “stronger inculturation of the liturgy”. The head of the Church praised the Congolese Rite and promoted its own "Amazon rite".

Francis had already added the Synodal propoal in his Post-Synodal Letter Querida Amazonia.

In an analysis of Querida Amazonia wrote the Chilean lawyer José Antonio Ureta, founder of Right to Life and Civil Rights Organization Fundación Rome and a member of the international movement Tradition, Family and Private Property (TFP):

“A separate 'Amazonian Rite' was proposed at the synod. That is reason enough to remain vigilant, especially since the author of the document is known to be cunning."


So Ureta said Pope Francis, revolutionizing the Church teaching on marriage in his post-synodal letter Amoris laetitia had packed in a footnote. Also Querida Amazonia contains such a footnote No. 120 where Francis succinctly mentioned.:

"At the synod a separate 'Amazonian Rite' was proposed."

The papal mass for the Congolese community on December 1, 2019 in St.

Such vague formulations offer a lot of leeway, as Francis loves it.

VaticanNews trying to steer with his articles the attention and thinking, referred in the context of the new book that is from the Congo, but the Amazon said, but did not mention that the Amazon is in reality just a cipher for Germany.

Right from the start, the Amazon Synod was backed by ultra-progressive groups in the German-speaking area, from Erwin Kräutler to Fritz Lobinger to Paul Suess. The detour via the Amazon was the only reason taken targeted for some more since the Second Vatican Council, which points to realize the progressive agenda. On July 4, 2019 a few months before the Amazon SynodAustria's bishops declared: What will be decided in the distant Amazon will also be implemented in Austria. It sounds like a gamble where a blank check is signed. In fact, the trend-setting hierarchs of the German-speaking world and the surrounding district were so well informed about what was going to happen from the Amazon and during the Synod in Rome thousands of kilometers away, because the Amazon agenda in reality is a German agenda.

The "Congolese Rite" or "Zaire Rite" is a building block along the waterway that allows the Congo to flow into the Amazon and the Amazon into the Rhine and Danube.


 Video of the Mass for the Congolese Community (2019) 

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: (Screenshots)

Trans: Tancred


Does Anyone Doubt That Shea Would Be an Informant in Revolutionary Russia?



Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Orban's Lockdown and The EU-Crisis


Viktor Orbán's exchange of blows with George Soros, whom he calls "one of the most corrupt people in the world".

By Roberto de Mattei *

This agreement provided for the free movement of people, goods, services and capital within a “Europe without borders” and the creation of a “euro zone” with a central bank and a new common currency. In order to be part of this euro zone, a Stability and Growth Pact was adopted in 1997, which imposed two strict parameters on the member states of the European Union: a budget deficit of less than 3% of GDP and a national debt of less than 60% of gross domestic product. The Lisbon Treaty of December 13, 2007 defined the political powers and goals of the European Union.  As we approach its thirtieth birthday, but perhaps also the dissolution of the European Union, it emerged from the Treaty of Maastricht on 7 February 1992.

In almost thirty years, neither the political nor the economic goals of the Union have ever been achieved, and the artificially created supranational institution in the Dutch city has embarked on an inexorable process of decay that found sensational expression in the UK's Brexit on January 31, 2020. In more or less the same days, a storm struck the European Union and nullified its principles. The penetration of the coronavirus into the global geopolitical scene has forced European states to severely restrict the free movement of their citizens. Boundaries, which until recently were seen as an obstacle and an element to be overcome to divide,have proven to be irreplaceable factors in the defense and protection of citizens. Europe has torn down bridges internally and externally and rebuilt walls.

In addition, in March 2020, the European Commission suspended the Stability Pact in an unprecedented decision to allow countries like Italy to borrow and add liquidity to their economies. European economic and monetary policy has burst, and now EU Economic Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni is calling for the possibility of the stability pact remaining suspended until 2022 ( La Stampa, November 11, 2020). In addition, the European Union has provided a debt plan for the states to cope with the new situation caused by the pandemic, which is based on a seven-year budget of 1.15 billion euros and a recovery fund of 750 billion euros. However, this proposal requires unanimity for approval, and two states, Hungary and Poland, which Slovenia later joined, vetoed and blocked the project. The reason for the Hungarian and Polish veto lies in the fact that the grant plan introduces a mechanism that allows the Commission to block the disbursement of funds to countries who do not respect the rule of law or who “violate fundamental values such as freedom, democracy, equality and respect for human rights, including the rights of minorities.” That means activating infringement procedures and convictions for those who do not follow the policy of opening up to new rights, from abortion to unrestricted immigration that the European Union wishes to impose on its member states. The European Court of Justice has already condemned Hungary for its laws on the non-governmental organizations providing prison for assisting migrants arriving illegally in Hungary and for the so-called "anti-Soros legislation," which introduced a number of restrictions on foreign private universities in Hungary, such as the Open Society of Hungarian-American pseudo-philanthropists. In a guest article published by the business newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore on November 20, Soros defined the Hungarian and Polish veto against the EU proposal for a reconstruction fund as "the desperate step of two serial perpetrators". The two criminals were according to Soros, the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the Polish Deputy Prime Minister de facto but actual Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

 Orbán responded promptly 1 ,  to George Soros threatening Hungary and Poland:

“A long line of politicians, journalists, judges, bureaucrats, political agitators disguised as civilians is on George Soros' payroll. And although the billionaire himself accuses each of his enemies of corruption, he is himself the most corrupt person in the world. Whom he can, he bribes and buys. If this does not succeed, he compromises, humiliates, intimidates and ruins them with the help of the terrible weapon of the network, the left media background. "

Soros has countless politicians "in his pockets" who now want to blackmail Hungary and Poland for access to EU funds.

And Orbán continues:

“ The Soros network, which is thoroughly interwoven with the European bureaucracy and political elite, has been working for years to make Europe a continent of immigration. For the states of the European Union the greatest danger today is the Soros network, which proclaims the global open society and wants to liquidate the national framework. The goals of the network are obvious: to create open societies with mixed ethnicities and multiculturalism with the help of the acceleration of migration to dismantle national decision-making and hand it over to the global elite."

Numerous high-ranking EU bureaucrats are working with the network of George Soros to create a unified empire. They want to develop a system of institutions that, under the aegis of an Open Society, wants to impose a unified way of thinking, a unified culture and a unified social model on the free and independent nations of Europe. In doing so, they deprive every people of their right to decide their own fate for themselves. Its proposal, called the rule of law, also serves this goal, which in reality does not recognize the rule of law, but the law of the mightiest."

The aggression of the so-called “strong powers” against Orbán began in 2012 when the new Hungarian constitution came into force, which defines the family as “the basis for the survival of the nation”. “Hungary is understood to protect the institution of marriage as protecting the conjugal union of a man and a woman” and proclaims that “the life of the fetus is protected from the moment of conception” (Roberto de Mattei, Radici Cristiane, No. 72 - February / March 2012). Orbán is not Catholic, but, as Giulio Meotti writes, there is “a lone defender of persecuted Christians in Europe: the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, whom the mainstream media likes to tease and attack. No other European government has imvested so much money, public diplomacy and time into this topic" (Giulio Meotti, Gate Stone Institute , December 15, 2019).

Of all European heads of state and government, Orbán is the one who fights the dictatorship of relativism most fiercely and is therefore a thorn in the side of the globalists' lobbies, who today accuse him of defying their plans by taking advantage of the Corona emergency. In fact, he imposed a lockdown last March, which gave him full powers in Hungary. In November, he announced a new state of emergency that should last until February 8th. The LGBT complex accuses him of passing a law ths year preventing transsexuals from legally “changing” their gender and trying to take advantage of the Coronavirus, to pass new laws in defense of the religious and national identity of his people. At a time when everyone is trying to take advantage of the pandemic, Orbán has used the "health dictatorship" as an effective tool to contain EU plans. In Hungary, therefore, the lockdown turned out not to be an instrument of globalism, but a means to oppose the globalist revolution that seeks to impose planetary chaos, to oppose the globalist revolution that planetary chaos seeks to impose.

The effects of the coronavirus also include the collapse of the European Union, the return of nation states and the opportunity for European politicians who want to defend natural and Christian values to have their voices heard more clearly.

Perhaps it is necessary to look in the events, besides the plans of the people, also for the plans of God, which always intervene in history in a mysterious but effective way ...

Roberto de Mattei , historian, father of five children, professor of modern history and the history of Christianity at the European University of Rome, President of the Lepanto Foundation, author of numerous books, most recently in English translation: Defense of Tradition: The Insurmountable Truth of Christ, with a foreword by Martin Mosebach, Altötting 2017  (Not available in English yet) and The Second Vatican Council. A Previously Unwritten Story, 2nd exp. Edition, Bobingen 2011.

Translation: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: Corrispondenza Romana1 The exchange of blows between Georges Soros and Viktor Orbán, a private person and a head of government, has a European dimension, as Soros mobilized his networks for it. Il Sole 24 Ore is part of the Project Syndicate, a media network of Soros. Selected members of this syndicate published the text of "their Lord" in various countries. Orbàn sent his answer to the Hungarian ambassador. The German newspaper Tagesspiegel, who as Project Syndicate-Member printed the Soros tirade on November 19, but refuses to publish Orbán's response. That is the understanding of equality and information of the "quality press". The German version of the reply of Tichy's insight was therefore published on 30 November. The quotations are taken from this version. An English summary is available on the website of the Hungarian Prime Minister. It is likely that Orbán also submitted his reply to the Sole 24 Ore, but like the Tagesspiegel as this Project Syndicate -member, it refuses to publish. In any case, neither of Orban's answers to Sole 24 Ore  was published in another Italian medium. It's an attitude that confirms Orbán's criticism and the dubious one-sidedness of important media, if not their dependence on Soros (note Giuseppe Nardi).

Trans: Tancred


Republican Representative Calls for Withholding of AZ Votes for Biden Because of Massive Voter Fraud

Edit: From Gateway Pundit again:

Mark Finchem 

 Arizona state representative Mark Finchem (district 11) on Monday issued a call to withhold the state’s Electoral College votes for Joe Biden because “he believes there is enough significant evidence of fraud to invalidate the state’s votes.”

 President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Trump campaign senior legal advisor Jenna Ellis appeared before Arizona state lawmakers in a public hearing on Monday.

The hearing was chaired by Representative Mark Finchem with a number of House and Senate members on the hearing panel.


Monday, November 30, 2020

The Massive Scam

Witnesses Testify as Poll Watchers on Election Day

President Trump's legal team arrived Monday in Phoenix to hold a public hearing and with key members of the Arizona legislature, trying to learn more about some apparent irregularities in the Nov. 3 presidential election and draw attention to the Dominion Voting Systems machines used in the balloting. 

Rudy Giuliani, the president's personal attorney and leader of most of the campaign's litigation efforts, opened the hearing by saying he and his team are on a "fact-finding" mission and to give a presentation on the Dominion machines, whose security and function have come under scrutiny. 

Giuliani said he's been "having dreams about internet surveillance" after reading the Dominion user guide and that he's determined that using one is akin to "having an open computer."


Saturday, November 28, 2020

Twitter Ignores Incitements to Murder: "Burn the Priests" -- "Kill the Unborn"

 Burn the priests is a call for murder that Twitter did not consider objectionable.

(Berlin) Berlin's increasingly established government bloc made up of CDU / CSU, SPD and Greens - some are already ruling, others are already ready for it - wants more than a billion Euros in 2021 (where do you get all that money from, not determined by your wallet) to spend on the "fight against the right". Even the Left is delighted. However, the operation has two negative sides. In itself it is more than dubious and overlooks far more real threats.

What was once a niche product that was clearly ideologically located on the far left is now regarded as a kind of unwritten "state doctrine" due to the left-wing turn of the Union under Angela Merkel, which was heavily influenced by the GDR. The neutrality of the state, which was recently loudly demanded, is no longer valid than the aim of using this slogan to push back the influence of Christianity. In reality, real socialism has always been more dogmatic than the Christianity, at which the left is so fond of pointing the finger.

The planned tax of billions for a dubious, yet politically transparent project, is intended to support a whole armada of even more dubious associations, institutions, institutes, documentation centers and "Esperten." With one billion euros lives, in fact, a whole army of blind rage, of course tight left anti-rightist activists, sorry , "experts". Through the back door disguised in this way, the taxpayer is supposed to finance the left networks without being asked.