Monday, March 16, 2020

Reported Seven Priests Succumb to Corona

.- A Catholic priest has died in Italy from coronavirus, and local Italian media reported Sunday the death of several others. No priests have previously been reported dead from the global pandemic, which has struck Italy more gravely than nearly any other country in the world.

Monsignor Vincenzo Rini was a priest of the Diocese of Cremona, close to Milan, and near Italy’s epicenter of the pandemic. Rini died Saturday.

Msgr. Rini ran Cremona’s diocesan newspaper for 30 years, and was at one time the president of the Italian bishops’ news agency. He was also a novelist, and a noted literary expert, who served as the Church’s liaison to the Cristina di Savoia Cultural Congresses, which aim to promote Christian culture in Italy.

In Avvenire, the newspaper of the Italian bishops’ conference, journalistic colleagues of Rini wrote that the priest “represented an open window to hope, the virtue that had always characterized his life.”


Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Saint Peter’s Square Shut Down to Tours

The Vatican has closed Saint Peter's Square and Basilica to tour groups amid expanding travel restrictions across Italy due to the coronavirus outbreak.

St. Peter's Square and Basilica have been closed to guided groups but individuals can enter the basilica to pray, the Vatican said on Tuesday, according to Yahoo News.

 The Vatican will close its post office in the square, as well as a bookstore and other tourist services. An employee cafeteria inside the Vatican will also shut down as a precautionary measure until April 3.


Monday, March 9, 2020

Priest With Chinese Plague Shakes Hands With 500 People at “Mass”

Edit: he probabaly has AIDS too. He certainly has spiritual AIDS! See what Liturgical Abuse gets you?
A DC priest who shook the hands of 500 worshippers during communion has announced he’s contracted coronavirus.
“BREAKING: A D.C. priest has Coronavirus. He offered communion and shook hands with more than 500 worshippers last week and on February 24th,” tweeted ABC7’s Sam Sweeney.
“All worshippers who visited the Christ Church in Georgetown must self-quarantine. Church is cancelled for the first time since the 1800’s.”


Coronavirus: A Globalist Scare Crusade

By David Martin

It appears that what we are seeing with the Coronavirus pandemic is a globalist plot to destabilize and spread fear. The increasing reports of bishops and priests imposing Communion in the hand on account of Coronavirus speaks of conspiracy.

45,000 people die from the flu each year in America, this having been the case for the past several years, yet there was no pandemic crisis, and now less than 20 deaths of the elderly from Coronavirus in our country suddenly transforms the praxis of Catholics rooted in 2000 years of tradition!

We know that Coronavirus was deliberately cultured by globalists, courtesy of billionaire donors like Bill Gates and George Soros, but what we're really looking at is not so much a created pandemic as a created fear crusade. Their plan is to create a state of emergency to strengthen internationalist control of the masses, e.g. to impose infected vaccines, to halt necessary imports, to rock the market, and also to control the Church. This is why we’ve been seeing U.N. globalists like Jeffrey Sachs in and out of the Vatican for the past couple years. They aim to put the Church out of commission by subjugating it to globalism.

Already we’re seeing the fruits this globalist infestation. Just this past Sunday, it was announced that all Masses in Rome have been cancelled until April 3 because of the Coronavirus epidemic. The Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes is now closed, many churches no longer allow holy water in the fonts and Communion on the tongue is now banned in several areas, including the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Why weren’t these precautions taken before when just as many people were dying each year from the flu? Why the sudden panic? The whole thing reeks of conspiracy.
To ensure that the public remains on edge about Coronavirus, there is every chance that globalists may soon increase the spread of this controlled virus and thus usher in part-II of this episode—a population control program wherein we might witness millions of deaths—but right now it's basically all bluff and scare, with a few deaths.

And what do the bishops do but roll along with this scare crusade like ducks on water! Prophecy has it that the day will come when the doors of the Church will close, so we may be seeing the first stages of this now.

This is all the more reason to exhort fellow Catholics to remain in their Catholic parishes since the need for true Catholic militancy assumes more importance now than ever before. The fact that churches are using Coronavirus as an excuse to impose Communion in the hand signals a real crisis, which certainly will not be solved if the good Catholics run away.

Catholics should confront their priests about their God-given right to receive Communion on the tongue and how ridiculous it is for priests to allow secular politics to run their Church. If they want to be bullies, they can bully the globalists, but their duty as shepherds is to guard the flock from these deceitful wolves. Priests should be reminded, too, that receiving Communion in the hand is far less sanitary and far more apt to spread virus than Communion in the mouth could ever be.

How is it that this political bullying from the secular powers-that-be has caused them to lose sight of simple common sense?

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Priest Might be Arrested in Italy for Saying Mass With 8 People

Father Antonio Lunghi, 88, celebrated Sunday Mass in Castello d'Agogna, Italy, despite a diocesan and State ban due to the coronavirus.

The bells rang and eight (!) faithful participated. The priest was reported to the police and risks a conviction for failing to comply with the public order.

Lunghi explained that he was not aware of the situation and is not familiar with the Internet.


Monday, March 2, 2020

Islamic Invaders Ransack and Loot Orthodox Church

Images are emerging of a Greek Orthodox church in Lesvos which was vandalised by refugees.
On Monday, more than 500 refugees grouped together to head down to the port of Mytilini from Moria camp.
The group were confronted by members of MAT (Tactical Police) along the way, and resorted to stoning the Greek authorities in order to continue in their journey, only to be met with chemical and flash grenades.
Residents on Lesvos remain united and are trying to maintain a strong front against the situation unfolding on their island.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Fasting During Lent!

What are the current rules for fasting and abstinence? How do I observe the traditional rules?  Both the current legislation and the traditional practices are given below:
Why do we make Penance?
“Unless you do penance, you shall likewise perish.” (Lk. 13:5)
Because we are sinners, justice requires each of us to make recompense to God for the honor we have denied Him by our sins. Because we have misused our goods, our souls and bodies—as well as those of others—the natural law requires us to strive to restore the order we have disturbed by our sins. Thus, the natural law and the Divine Law bind us in a general way to perform acts of penance. In order to help us fulfill this requirement, Holy Mother Church, knowing our weakness and laziness, binds us under ecclesiastical laws to perform works of penance at certain times.
Penance is also useful to obtain better control over our wounded nature. One may refrain himself from a legitimate satisfaction (food, sleep, entertainment, etc.) in order to oblige the body and the passions to obey the direction of the soul. Doing penance, making sacrifices are part of a needed ascetical practice to reform of our inner disorder, the heritage of the original sin. Practiced with the grace of God and prudence (conferring with one’s confessor), it becomes a great means of salvation.
Penance can also be a prayer, a sacrifice of a legitimate good, given to God as a way to recognize His power, to beg for a grace or to manifest one’s love by imitating and being united to Our Lord’s Passion.


Friday, February 28, 2020

New Humanism Advocates "Freedom" from God

By David Martin

As has been reported in the Catholic press, Pope Francis is calling upon the leaders of world religions and globalist agencies, as well as leaders in the world of politics, economics, science and education to be at the Vatican on May 14, 2020, for the signing of a Global Education Pact aimed at bringing about a “new humanism.”

In a videotaped message on September 12, 2019, in which the pope first announced his initiative, he said: "A global educational pact is needed to educate us in universal solidarity and a new humanism."

God “Withdraws” so we can be “Free”

Archbishop Vincenzo Zani, secretary of the Congregation for Catholic Education who has been tasked with organizing the event explains the theological vision behind this “new humanism,” saying that God “withdraws” in order that man might be free. Vatican Abp organizing Global Education Pact touts pope’s ‘new humanism’ where God ‘withdraws’

In an interview with LifeSiteNews Vatican correspondent Diane Montagna, Zani made reference to “God who gives man strength, liberty, and life but leaves him free. It is an encounter of freedom.”

He said that the teaching on Creation – which he says is not exclusively a Christian one – places the focus on man. “It’s the centrality of the person. God creates but then withdraws. He leaves man, saying, ‘Go!”’

Montagna interjected: “Pardon me, but is this really the Christian idea of man’s creation? As Christians we do not believe in a God who leaves us alone. We believe in His supernatural action in the world.”

Zani responded, “Yes, but in the moment when God creates man, he gives him intelligence, heart, and the capacity for activity, and he tells him: ‘Go!’”

That glaringly contrasts Christ's appeal to "Come, follow me." The idea that "God withdraws" to allow for the possibility of human freedom is purely a Masonic idea. It implies that if God doesn't withdraw we are not free. It implies that our freedom consists in being away from God. It advocates the Masonic freedoms.

Our Freedom is in God

The Church teaches that God is the source of our freedom, outside of which there is no human freedom. Our freedom is in Christ, which is why He is called Savior, since He saves or liberates us from the slavery of sin. This He does, not by withdrawing from us, but by moving closer to us. The closer he moves the freer we are, provided we let him rule us. (Psalm 22)

It's like a fish in a bowl. The more surrounded it is with water, the freer it is. And if we are surrounded with an infinite ocean of crystal blue majesty wherein we breath and have our life, we are truly free, but if that ocean casts us onto the shore and recedes from us, we are left to die, with no freedom, no happiness, no life.

Now atheists, modernists, and Freemasons see God as a “boogie-man,” and accordingly, they see His Commandments as oppressive rules that we need to be "liberated" from. Their idea of freedom is to escape God and live in their own hellish zone.

Accordingly, they maintain that there is no eternal damnation after death. [Ring any bells?] It calls to mind an often-expressed line of the Freemasons that “hell is nothing more than being away from God and what's so bad about that!”

Now these snakes of the modernist school infiltrated the Second Vatican Council and they managed to gain considerable control of the conciliar drafting commissions, whereby the conciliar documents often reflect this idea that personal liberty takes precedence over God.

The Vatican II document on religious liberty, Dignitatis Humanae, is particularly pronounced in this, since it advocates the selfish rights of man, as if modern man is now a little god who can think for himself without a divine chaperone. Consider the opening paragraph:
A sense of the dignity of the human person has been impressing itself more and more deeply on the consciousness of contemporary man, and the demand is increasingly made that men should act on their own judgment. [1]
Again, we read:
God has regard for the dignity of the human person whom He Himself created and man is to be guided by his own judgment and he is to enjoy freedom. [11]
Hence, what we’re really seeing with Pope Francis’ “new humanism” is the plan of Vatican II coming to a head.  

Unfortunately, secular humanism is condemned by the Church, since it attaches prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of man and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems without divine guidance and help. Humanism seeks unity with man, not unity with God. 

The Global Education Pact seeks to indoctrinate man with this secular humanism aimed strengthening his allegiance to the planet. The pope says an alliance is required "between the earth's inhabitants and our 'common home,' which we are bound to care for and respect.”

What about our alliance with God? Has Francis considered the admonition of the Apostle James, who says that “the friendship of this world is the enemy of God” and that “Whosoever therefore will be a friend of this world, becometh an enemy of God?” (James 4:4)


Concerned Catholics have cited the hypocrisy of the pope’s education pact, arguing that it makes no reference to the prerogative of parents to be the primary educators of their children. At a time when the educational system has become nothing more than a political forum to pollute the minds of the young, the pope has a duty to exhort parents to assume the responsibility in educating their children themselves, i.e. to homeschool them.

Instead he subjects the children to the wiles of globalists that seek to educate them in the ways of Satan. The mere fact that the global education pact will receive an estimated $26 billion a year in funding from pro-abortion globalists like Bill Gates and George Soros is enough reason to decry this to the heavens.

Why is Francis colluding with globalists?