Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How Will the Church Deal With Married Priests Like This?

Married priests? What happens in cases of domestic violence? In the picture the beaten wife of an orthodox priest.

Edit: at least in Orthodoxy, they can divorce. 
(Moscow) The Amazon Synod asked for a large majority of 75 percent of the synods to allow the admission of married men in the Amazon. But how will Church leaders respond to cases of domestic violence by married priests? At the same time as the final phase of the Synod, a concrete incident occurred.
Last Friday, October 25, a woman from Ryazan, a city of half a million people, contacted the press from some 200 kilometers southeast of Moscow.
The young mother of four children reported domestic violence. She also showed pictures of injuries inflicted on her by her husband. Her nose is broken, her left side of her face is purple and shows red spots. She told journalists present at the editorial office she is ashamed of her appearance.
The shocking thing about the case, according to the Internet newspaper, is the fact that the wife's husband is a Russian Orthodox priest, and his wife suffers from muscular dystrophy.
Her husband, the priest, is strong and very fit
The names of those affected by the Russian media are not repeated here, since a fundamental question is to be shown in the concrete example. The fact is: The priest WP is a drinker and violent offender against his own family.
The Russian Orthodox diocese of Ryazan responded to the media report and suspended the priest for a year. As justification, the diocese stated that the priest had "systematically violated the ecclesiastical order" through alcohol abuse and violence against his family. This affects above all his sick wife, but also the oldest child. The woman, described as tender and fragile, has difficulty walking. This condition gradually appeared after which the doctors diagnosed muscular dystrophy.
With proper treatment, the disease can at least be slowed down. So far, however, she has not received it because her husband refused to submit to any such requests. He said to her, "What do I do with a disabled woman?"
Her husband worked as a cook when they met and got married. His father was a priest in Ryazan. He urged his son more and more to become a priest, which he finally did. Since the first violent incident in 2013, everyone has been following the same pattern. The man would get drunk, come home, beat his wife, sleep off the intoxication, apologize and asked for forgiveness. She was afraid of losing her family. Both had wanted and received four children, who are today between 10 and a half years old.
Even the presence of the children did not stop him from beating his wife. When he also put his hand to his eldest daughter and she was so frightened that her mother had to tell her stories and console her till five in the morning, the woman decided to go to the police.
Now she stays with the four children in a secret place.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Monday, October 28, 2019

Canon 915: Priest in South Carolina Refuses Joe Biden Communion

Edit: how dare this priest politicizes the Eucharistic Meal! Obviously, we need a conservative canon lawyer to explain why this priest is out of line.

.- A South Carolina Catholic priest denied Holy Communion to  presidential candidate Joe Biden on Sunday, because of the candidate’s support for legal abortion.
Fr. Robert Morey, pastor of St. Anthony Catholic Church in the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina, denied Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden Holy Communion at Sunday Mass for his support of legal abortion, the Florence Morning News reported Monday.
"Sadly, this past Sunday, I had to refuse Holy Communion to former Vice President Joe Biden,” Morey said in a statement he sent CNA Oct 28.

Amazon Synod: "Humanly Speaking, It Must Be Said: It's Over"

Don Alfredo Morselli: "The spearheads of modernism are advancing with the Amazon Synod".
(Rome) Don Alfredo Morselli, one of the first signatories of the Correctio filialis against the spread of heresies in September 2017, is a man of clear words. Consecrated as a priest in 1986, he has since celebrated as a diocesan priest uninterrupted in the Immemorial Roman Rite. However, he was removed from teaching as a fundamental theologian, Exegete and Classical Philologist, and had to change the diocese when the climate became too oppressive. He has been incardinated in the Archdiocese of Bologna for more than a quarter of a century. He has remained faithful to his line. Last summer he said he could not rule out that Pope Francis was surrounded by people "who are heretics". Now the theologian took the position that the Amazon Synod Position is "a controversial meeting full of controversial ideas".
It is important to distinguish different aspects of the synod.
"First of all, Instrumentum laboris, which according to some bishops and cardinals contains heresies. Then the pagan spectacle of those days in Rome. Then the work of the modernist avant-garde, which wants to take the opportunity to change the Church. And last but not least, the Holy Spirit, who will certainly set limits to the mess."
The fundamental theologian calls the distortion of the category of the theological place as the "worst" aspect of the Instrumentum laborisWhat has hitherto coupled the conviction in the religious experience of our faith in the high, will now become the immanent source from below.
"The cry of the poor is claimed as a theological place. In fact, the real place is the supernatural revelation. It leads the social doctrine, which contains the principle to do justice to the poor."
Don Morselli also recognizes the face of modernism in Instrumentum laboris:
"In hatred of the categories of Western thinking (eg substance, nature, form) that must be eliminated according to Instrumentum."
John Paul II said in Fides et Ratio the opposite and named the reason for this:
"The Holy Spirit has instructed the Church to use these categories of thought because they are universally and permanently valid. According to these categories, knowledge - including faith - depends on an external object to which it is aligned. For the modernists, on the other hand, knowledge is inherent and therefore faith is a product of the subject that creates it: the diabolical do-it-yourself religion."
Don Morselli also encounters the "sad spectacle of pagan rites in which the Holy Father participated".
The incident, though somewhat reminiscent of the participation of Father Matteo Ricci SJ (1552-1610) in ancestor worship in China, had the fundamental difference that Fr. Ricci made it clear that it was a bourgeois rather than a religious ritual.
"This distinction is completely absent in the sad Roman shows of these days."
Asked about the efforts to admit married priests, the theologian laughs "not to cry".
"Those who speak of the 'New Paradigm of the Church of Pope Francis' and make such suggestions, repeat a greasy déjà vu. Paul VI. had already rejected the hair-splitting of pastoral charity, according to which the admission of married men to the priesthood is necessary in order not to deny the sacraments to anyone. This pope answered that twelve were enough to spread Christianity all over the world. Priests will be few in number in the world. It is not the number which is important, but the task of making oneself Christlike, because that is exactly what is required of a priest, to be an other Christ."
The situation of the Church is, considered soberly, very serious.
"The work and coalition of modernist spearheads pick up on the legacy of historic modernism and wield it like a trophy of victory. If it were not for the promise of Jesus 'non prævalebunt,' one would have to say: 'It 's over'. Instead, we can say, 'Start over,' I do not know how, I do not know when, but the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart will put an end to this destruction."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Youtube / Dogma TV (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Archdiocese Denies it Owns Latin Mass Chapel Where Occult Event Was Set to Take Place

Edit: We just received an e-mail from someone associated with Santa Fe Archdiocese. Apparently, the occult event planned for that Latin Mass site has nothing to do with the Archdiocese:

The Archdiocese neither arranged for nor approved this event; indeed, we were only made aware of it this morning when e-mails came streaming in.
The Archdiocese no longer owns or directly controls the chapel of San Miguel; rather, it is now cared for by a private entity which states that there was some miscommunication with those who proposed such an event.  They assure us that the event is indeed canceled.

Blessings to you,
Fr. Glenn Jones

It’s the oldest still-standing Catholic church in the United States.
It dates back to 1598 — when it was built over an ancient sacred “kiva” (spot for Indian spiritual ceremonies).
It is the San Miguel Mission in Santa Fe.
The origiImage result for San Miguel Mission in Santa Fenal church can still be glimpsed through holes in the wall and altar floor and this place, at least to some, has more of a spiritual feeling than any other in the city.
On the altar is a statue of the Archangel Michael, who is also represented on a 400-year-old buffalo skin, and in the back, beneath a sloping choir loft, is a large bell that was imported from Spain and constructed in the 1300s.

Spirit Daily...


Sunday, October 27, 2019

Francis Closes Synod with Ecological Lecture

By David Martin

There were no wood-carving idols displayed in St. Peter's Basilica for the closing Mass for the Amazonian Synod that convened at the Vatican Oct. 6-27, but the idol of globalism was certainly placed on a pedestal.

The historic synod indeed brought to fever pitch its globalist design to "repair" to "Mother Earth" for the "sins" committed against her. Its final document calls for the ordination of married men in the Amazon region and an "ecological conversion" for the entire Church.

In his sermon of Oct. 27, Pope Francis denounced exploitation and "predatory models of development" that plunder the poor and wound "sister Earth."

"In this synod we have had the grace of listening to the voices of the poor and reflecting on the precariousness of their lives, threatened by predatory models of development," he said.

If Francis listened to the poor, why doesn’t he restore to them the jewels of holy tradition that they’ve been robbed of? And why doesn't he fill their spiritual hunger by nourishing them with the pure waters of orthodoxy? His flock is starving for the truth so why doesn’t he heed Christ’s command to “feed my sheep?” (John 21:17)

In an apparent dig against those who proselytize the Faith, the pope said that throughout history people who have considered themselves superior to others have "made other people feel rejected" by "considering them backward and of little worth."

Quite the contrary, the Church throughout history has always sought to raise the indigenous to the awareness of their true dignity by assuring them that they are made in God's image and that they are made for better things than the jungle of this world. But Francis looks upon the holy missionaries with a disparaging eye.

"They despise their traditions [idols], erase their history, occupy their lands and usurp their goods," he said. They indeed despised their filthy idols and disregarded their pagan history, since this is the work of God. Since when are missionaries supposed to dignify pagan traditions?

"How much alleged superiority, transformed into oppression and exploitation, exists even today," he added. Indeed, the faithful today have had their traditions overrun as globalists have come in to exploit the Church for the advance of their own wicked designs. Under the pretext of defending the denigrated, the pope denigrates this suffering Church while mocking those men of tradition who labored so selflessly to convert the primitive from indigenous ways.

Francis quotes Scripture out of context, citing the Gospel of St. Luke in which the Pharisee prays thus, "I thank you God that I am not like the rest of humanity," while the tax collector prays for the mercy of God.
"The root of every spiritual error, as the ancient monks taught, is believing ourselves to be righteous," he warned. The insinuation is that the Church of old is pompous and self-righteous,  but he is forgetting that the Church as instituted by Christ is always right. It's mission is to instruct the world on salvation that all peoples may leave their religions and idols and be converted to the Faith.
The Pope said that the Pharisee was "brimming with self-assurance about his own ability to keep the commandments" and was focused only on himself, forgetting to love God and his neighbor. This is true, but when we place our own ecological teachings over God's Commandments we too focus on self while forgetting God and neighbor. Francis forgets that the Pharisee did not keep the Commandments but only pretended to, just as we pretend to honor God when we bow to our new-found "traditions of men."

In a word, Francis’ sermon was a well-constructed rant against the One True Church that Christ left us. He's saying that the Church is not superior and has no right standing above man. Under the guise of loving the poor, he lashes out, suggesting that the old Church is a self-righteous bully that attempts to impose its high-minded agenda on the poor when it is Francis who is imposing a new religion on the poor.

If Francis had any love for the poor he would convert them from the jungle of this world and bestow upon them the riches of Christ [Tradition] and he would stop bowing to their idols, but instead he robs the poor while abetting the high-minded and self-righteous Pharisees at the U.N. who are committed to oppressing, perverting, and murdering the poor. The U.N. proposes that we make "Mother Earth" a safer place through population control (abortion), and unfortunately Francis has made their globalist religion his religion.

Yea, he has handed the Church's evangelical mission over to the United Nations, telling them, 'you are now the pastors of the flock,' and he tells the flock, 'the U.N. representatives are now your pastors. When they speak, it is your duty to obey.' Consider his discourse from a September 10 press conference on route to Rome from Madagascar.

“When we acknowledge international organizations and we recognize their capacity to give judgment, on a global scale—for example the international tribunal in The Hague, or the United Nations—If we consider ourselves humanity, when they make statements, our duty is to obey … We must obey international institutions. That is why the United Nations were created.”
What is alarming is that the Amazonian Synod closed on the feast of Christ the King, which appeared to be a classic Masonic move, since it concealed its true design to mock Christ the King.

The Synod indeed marked a historic attempt to dethrone Christ and secularize the Catholic Church. It was about uniting the Church with the world and being one with the planet, not with God. It called upon the Church to bow to a planetary idol, not to its Crucified Savior and King on the Cross.

This perfidious attempt was captured live on film in a deplorable scene inside of St. Peter's Basilica—a nude Mother Earth idol along with Pope Francis and various cardinals chanting, dancing, and praying before the statue. Vatican rep denies claims that alleged ‘pagan’ statue is the Virgin Mary

It was for reason that Cardinal Raymond Burke blasted the Amazonian Synod as a direct attack on Christ, saying, "The working document of the Pan-Amazonian Synod is a direct attack on the Lordship of Christ. It says to people, ‘You already have the answers, and Christ is just one among many sources of answers.’ This is apostasy!" (First Things, Sept. 27)

The good thing about the synod is that it has opened the eyes of many, even moderates and liberals, where they are beginning to consider that something is not right with this pontificate. Hopefully, an episcopal committee with convene soon to take a closer look at Francis’ election.