Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Sinister Thread That Links Fake Patriots

By David Martin

A sad commentary of our time is that we see loyal American conservatives turning to fake patriots for their “enlightenment,” the absurdity being that the sinister connection of these “patriots” is clearly manifest.

Glen Beck a Freemason?

For instance, people look to radio host Glen Beck as a champion of patriotism when in fact he bears the marks of Freemasonry. He has been photographed many times wearing Masonic jewelry and emblems, not to mention that he betrayed his Catholic Faith to join the Mormon sect. The Mormons as we know are tied to the communistic-one-world takeover which works conjointly with Freemasonry.

What Beck advocates is that Catholics leave the Catholic Church, which is what Freemasons advocate. Their objective is to drive loyal Catholics from the Church, and knowing the mindset of tradition-minded Catholics they’ll use the avant-garde changes since Vatican II—the very changes they generatedto try to drive good Catholics from their parishes.

Consider this clip from Glen Beck’s Fox News' radio program in which he urges Christians to leave their churches if they proclaim concerns for social justice.

"I’m begging you, your right to religion and freedom to exercise religion and read all of the passages of the Bible as you want to read them and as your church wants to preach them . . . are going to come under the ropes in the next year. If it lasts that long it will be the next year. I beg you, look for the words ‘social justice’ or ‘economic justice’ on your church Web site. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice, they are code words. Now, am I advising people to leave their church? Yes!"
Beck here is pretending to oppose the communistic teaching on "social justice," thus concealing his support for it, but what he is really doing is getting Christians—especially traditional Roman Catholicsto leave their institutionalized Church. Beck’s ploy is to ring the ears of conservatives by telling them what they want to hear. He knows that any true Catholic loathes this fake ‘social justice’ so he uses it as a lever to try to pry Catholics from the Church.

St. Paul spoke of "the operation of error to believe lying" (2 Thess. 2:10) that would bewitch the world in the last times and these fake whistle-blowers of the New World Order play a key part in this deception. Their assignment is to play the patriot in keeping with Lenin's strategy: "The best way to fight the [anti-communist] opposition is to lead it." Their trick is to gain the confidence of patriots through "conservative" rhetoric and then break their fight against the infernal powers that be.

Unfortunately, there are many such "whistle-blowers" waging these info-wars against our mind under the pretext of exposing them, and while they can be crafty, there is a common thread among them that clearly exposes their NWO agenda: they are libertarian, they relish hard-rock, they support LGBT rights, and they preach there is no such thing as secret societies. 

Alex Jones says he is “Real Illuminati”

For instance, pseudo patriot Alex Jones stated in his video post of January 10, 2016, that he is of the Freemasons, a satanic secret society committed to destroying the Roman Catholic Church. He emphatically states, “I come out of a classical enlightenment family of what you would call ‘real Illuminati,”’ and then breaks into a rant in which he tries to conceal the conspiratorial doings of the cult, saying, “There’s no secret society! There’s no secret messages! There’s no secret handshakes!” According to Jones, the Illuminati is all about building “a new civilization” and “a new system for all humanity,” i.e. a New World Order.

We know of course that the Illuminati is the satanic internationalist network committed to destroying Christianity and enslaving man under the tyranny of a borderless one-world government under the control of Grand Masters. This is the “new system” that Jones advocates, yet, like Beck, he comes off as a champion of American liberty. He calls himself a “libertarian,” but what he advocates are the Masonic freedoms, i.e. the freedom to be gay, the freedom to take dope, the freedom to bring down the government, etc. According to Jones, the very people he purports to expose—including Hillary and Obama—have every right to do what they do.  
Illuminati and Freemasons Work Together

It’s important to point out that the Illuminati and Freemasons work conjointly. Both have Talmudic roots and both labor for Lucifer under the pain of death, for which reason the Grand Masters of these secret societies call themselves “Luciferians.” Their work is to murder and enslave humanity for Lucifer,    whom they call God.

The testimony of Albert Pike (1809-1891) says it all and is typical of what classical Freemasons believe. He was the American high priest of Freemasonry elected in 1859 as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and who later became Provincial Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Royal Order of Scotland in the United States. He addressed fellow initiates with the following:

"To the crowd we must say: we worship a God, but it is the God one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors, we say this, that you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: all of us initiates of the high degrees should maintain the Masonic religion in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay, the God of the Christians [Jesus Christ], whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, his barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. Religious philosophy in its purity and truth consists in the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay.” (Albert Pike, as quoted in A. C. de la Rive: La Femme et l’Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, page 588.)

A Brief history

The cult of these Grand Masters goes back to the Pharisees with their practice of sorcery and their murder of the Christ. The written form of the Pharisaic tradition is the Talmud, penned by the descendants of the Pharisees, which forms the backbone of Judaism AD and which hurls the most hateful and pornographic insults against Jesus Christ, even condemning Him to hell to boil in His own excrement.

The Talmudic cult has come up through the ages as the key persecutor of religion, though in early times it wasn’t known by any particular name other than "pagan" or "infidel." The name “Illuminati,” signifying “light bearer,” was first used by a 15th century German sect that claimed to possess the “light” of Lucifer. 

The movement then assumed a more structured form in 1776 with the founding of the Illuminati in Germany by Adam Weishaupt, a Jewish philosopher and Talmudist. He supposedly converted and became a priest of the Jesuit order, but after being expelled from the ranks he harbored a vicious hatred against God and the Roman Catholic Church, and thence he was committed to founding a global system that would war against Christ and subjugate the world’s peoples to the authority of a world government run by a small financial elite. 

Meanwhile, Mayer Amschal of the Rothschild banking dynasty was in search of a way to establish world control through his financial empire, being a Talmudist himself. He knew that in order for his dark empire to succeed, the Catholic Church with its illuminating force would have to be destroyed. In 1773 he met with Weishaupt, and seeing his sinister ambitions he commissioned him to formulate a system that would advance his own aspirations, and in turn he vowed to financially support Weishaupt's war against religion. 

Hence we saw the birth of the Illuminati, which from that point, would labor incessantly to replace the institutionalized Order of God with its own. The Illuminati would be the foundation of all anarchist movements to follow, including the French Revolution of 1789 and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (1917), which was funded by Jacob Schiff and the Rothschilds in New York.

Their Success Hinges on Secrecy

The Illuminati banks on its secrecy for its success. When certain people started growing wise to their secret plotting in the 1800s, members found it necessary to camouflage their existence in order to keep the public in the dark, so they began operating under different names in different parts of the globe. 

The Council on Foreign Relations 

Hence was born the Council on Foreign Relations. Founded in 1921, the CFR is nothing more than the North American branch of the Illuminati. Their plan is to crumble the U.S. so that we will eventually be forced to merge with their new-world government, whereby our nation’s sovereignty is nullified. 

Admiral Chester Ward, a former Judge Advocate of the U.S. Navy, was a CFR member for sixteen years before resigning in disgust. He said: “The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence, and submergence into an all-powerful one-world government.”

The United Nations Drafted by the CFR 

It was the Council on Foreign Relations that drafted the United Nations in 1945. A group of CFR members in the State Department calling themselves the Informal Agenda Group conceived the idea of the U.N. They played their advantage knowing that the proposal of a “world peace-keeping organization" would go over big in the wake of all the heartbreaks of World War II. They drafted the original plan and secured the approval of President Roosevelt, a secret society initiate himself, who then made establishing the U.N. his highest postwar priority. At the UN’s founding meeting in San Francisco in 1945, forty-seven of the American delegates were CFR members. 

David Rockefeller, the long-time Chairman of the CFR had this to say in 2002 about his aspirations: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” (Memoirs, pg. 405)

Ted Cruz a Freemason?

Fake conservatives share in Rockefeller’s vision of a one-world utopia run by an all-powerful  elite, and this would include people like Ted Cruz. His professional aspirations were foreshadowed in a 1988 interview in which he was asked what his aspirations in life were.

"Well my aspiration is to, oh I don’t know, be in a teen tit film…. Well, other than that, take over the world, world domination, you know, rule everything, rich, powerful, that sort of stuff." (Huffington Post, 1-24-16)

Given his support for open borders and Islamic “refugee” migrants, it should come as no surprise that Cruz was filmed displaying the Masonic "hidden hand" gesture in public.

This is not to mention the "April Fools" tattoo that Cruz unveiled on Fox News on April 1, 2014, which is telling, since the tattoo was of Winston Churchill who was initiated into Freemasonry at Studholme Lodge #1591, London, in 1902.

What is especially telling is Cruz’s affiliation with the CFR. Ted Cruz even hired convicted CFR senior Elliot Abrams to help craft his own foreign policy, who in turn said of Cruz: "I would not hesitate to back Cruz as the [presidential] nominee."

Cruz Family tied to JFK Assassination

We’ve heard the story of how Rafael Cruz, the father of Ted Cruz “fled” communist oppression in Cuba seeking “asylum” in the United States, when in fact Rafael was sent to the U.S. by Fidel Castro to assist in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.  And why? Because Kennedy had exposed the conspiratorial doings of the CFR and was in the process of placing this private interest group under U.S. jurisdiction, which the communists resented. 

What is noteworthy is that Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi is a former a five-year CFR member and VIP who co-authored the infamous blueprint for the North American Union, entitled, Building a North American Community, which outlines the internationalist plan for dissolving America’s sovereignty and placing it under U.N. jurisdiction. Like Castro and the globalists, Heidi is about dissolving our borders, and there is Ted assisting her work.

Trump Haters
Another common thread among fake conservatives is that they hate Donald Trump, despite their feigned allegiance to him. For instance, Ted Cruz went on a blistering rant against Trump on the day of the 2016 Indiana Primary, calling him a “pathological liar,” a “serial philanderer,” and a “narcissist,” and he even echoed Hillary’s accusation that Trump likes to “bully” women.

This came just hours after Trump had repeated a report tying Cruz’s father to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Clearly, Trump was on key about this. Were it otherwise, Cruz would have refuted him with no problem, but the best he could do was to resort to irrational name calling.

Beck Supports Trump Assassination?

And we all remember Glen Beck’s statement about “stabbing” Donald Trump. During a TV monologue about Trump’s debate performance on March 3, 2016, Beck expressed his disappointment that conservatives across the country weren’t up in arms over Trump.

“I don’t know what I would have done if I was sitting in Cruz or Rubio’s shoes,” Beck stated. “I can’t say it that way. If I were on the stage, I would have said, ‘have you been listening to him tonight? Have you been listening to what I say about him? I believe these things.'”

Beck went on: “If I was close enough and had a knife, the stabbing just wouldn’t stop.”

Glen Beck was suspended by SiriusXM satellite radio in June 2016 for agreeing with one of his radio guests that someone should stop Donald Trump via assassination. During an interview with author Brad Thor on June 1, Thor asked hypothetically "what patriot will step up" to forcibly remove Trump from office if he was elected president and overstepped his authority.

"And I don't think there is a legal means available. I think it will be a terrible, terrible position the American people will be in to get Trump out of office, because you won't be able to do it through Congress."

Beck responded, "I would agree with you on that … we've been talking about this off-air for a while."

Archbishop Viganò Identifies “Gay Mafia” Figures From Hiding

Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio and Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia belong to this group, according to the former nuncio in the USA.

Edit: the Archbishop has had to hide. He’s
got the goods on Francis!

Washington D.C. ( Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Ambassador to the United States, argued in an interview with the Washington Post that the "homo-mafia" in parts of the Catholic Church's leadership prevented the problem of sexual abuse from being seriously addressed by clerics. The problem of homosexuality in the priesthood is well known, but even the word "homosexuality" did not even appear in one of the recent Vatican documents on abuse. According to Viganò the "gay mafia" among the bishops prevents appropriate reforms, who want to protect themselves.

According to Viganò, Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio and Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia belong to this group. This was already rumored in the  media a few months ago. The former head of the Pontifical Council for Pope Francis' legal texts and close associate was said to have been present at the drug and sodomite party a few months ago, in which his secretary, Luigi Capozzi was arrested in 2017. Archbishop Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, commissioned a mural in his cathedral during his time as bishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia, depicting naked and half-naked people, including homosexuals and transsexuals. [He himself appears in the depiction of an orgy.]

Trans: Tancred

Yellow Vest Priest Faces Charges for Opposing Evil Macron

Edit: a priest leads a chant against Macron inside his church. He’s wearing a beautiful baroque chasuble, but we’re not sure of the propriety of this. Is it a Yellow Vest Mass? Anyway, the priest now faces criminal prosecution, but has appealed to Rome for defense. As the commentator notes, however, this priest certainly has legitimate cause to rebuke Macron and his policies since the Muslims being brought into France are vandalizing churches across the nation. It seems intentional as Macron himself was laughing as Notre Dame burned.

The story about the priest is around, 2:05:


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

August 1984: The Church Workgroup on Pedophilia in Belgium (II)

The Promotion of Pedophilia in the Church in Northern Belgium

On May 25, 2019, the first part of this article appeared  about the Church's "Ecumenical Working Group on Pedophilia" in Belgium. On August 9, 1984, it published an article in the official Northern Belgian Church Gazette, in which it reported on its actions and promoted interested parties.

By Ferdinand Boischot

The response to this really, blatantly vile ad was almost zero.

At that time the Catholic Church in Belgium was already in an unprecedented situation, and the once very Catholic Flemish population was totally uninterested in the Church and in Christian morality.

Belgium had become the sick man of Europe in the 1980s: economic decline, very high unemployment, exploding public debt, very high inflation, overpowered unions and decades of government coalitions of almost mafia-like Christian Democrats and Socialists strangled the country.

At the same time, there was a tremendous sexualization and decatholization of Flemish society, para- and post-conciliar.

The two prime ministers, Wilfried Martens (already an advocate of a "Progressive Front" as early as 1971 and the unification and quasi-fusing of the free Catholic education system with state schools, later introduced one of the most liberal abortion regimes in Western Europe in 1990, later left and liberal in the European Parliament) and Jean-Paul Dehaene.

The Flemish nationals, formerly very Catholic, had split in 1978 on the occasion of the Egmont Pact and split into a leftist-freethinker and modernist wing and a right-wing conservative (Vlaams Blok); the latter was isolated and muzzled by the media. 

Obviously, hardly a reputable person has read this very boring Church paper (the number of subscribers has dropped by more than 80 percent with a continuously decreasing tendency) or found it offensive.

As I said: at that time there were about 1.5 million readers with a total population of 6 million Flemings, of which about 60 percent were more or less Christian / Catholic.

One of two Flemings knew about it

Institutionalized pedophilia in the Church was considered normal.

In the early autumn of 1984, a worried mother (A.C.) contacted the ominous Church working group on pedophilia. The answering letter as follows:
"If your son (son) or daughter (daughter) feels the connection with the pedophile as pleasant / funny ('fijn'), ​​do not break this connection."

"The reaction of the neighborhood is often much more harmful than the events themselves."

"Many convinced Christians still have much to learn from pedophiles."

"It should be preferred that a trusting relationship develops between the pedophiles and the parents."

The big offensive of the pedophiles was launched.

In October 1984, the worried mother wrote to Cardinal Godfried Danneels, Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Primate of Belgium.

There was no reaction.

Danneels did what he always did, nothing, and kept everything going.

He succeeded all the easier, till the worried mother had become a member of parliament for the right-wing conservative Flemish national party in the meantime.

Promoting pedophilia in the Church as part of the modernist agenda

Not a year later, in 1985, Danneels in Antwerp established the CPRL (Centrum voor Priesters op rijpere Leeftijd) as a seminary for late-career workers. This seminary soon became the hottest gay meeting spot in Antwerp (in 1999 the CPRL was closed due to too many homosexual scandals and AIDS deaths due to strong pressure from the Roman Congregation of the Faith and Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger).

The ex-Rector of the CPRL, M. Gesquiere, severely burned by the scandals, was caught up by the pedophile bishop Vangheluwe in the diocese of Bruges. He became a Dean in Kortrijk and committed suicide in January 2011 after a torrid affair.

The homosexuality of Gesquiere was stubbornly denied by the ecclesiastical side in the diocese of Bruges (the then bishop was Jozef De Kesel, whom Pope Francis made archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, primate of Belgium and cardinal), until the membership card and photos of a Sado-Mas-Club in Antwerp came to light. As a result, much of the homosexual and pedosexual network in the modernist "Church" of West Flanders came to light.

It is very puzzling that at that time (1984-1993) the good and close friend of Cardinal Danneels, Roger Vangheluwe, who committed a crime against his 11-year-old nephew, and he did not bring it to the bishop of Bruges a year later (1985).

In those years, too, there were huge abuse scandals by the West Flemish missionary Eric DeJaegher OMI against the Inuit in Baker Lake and Igloolik, Canada, who organized atrocities at the Broeders Van Dale (Tordale) and the Broeders van Liefde (FC), the Affair Roeach3, the machinations of Roger Borremans.

The editor-in-chief of Kerk & Leven, Felix Dalle, died shortly afterwards.

Subsequent editor-in-chief became Mark Vandevoorde in 1987, previously press officer with the pedophile bishop of Bruges, Roger VanGheluwe. Vandevoorde climbed high in the North-Belgian Christian Democrats and brought him to the adviser (adviser) of the Prime Minister Yves Leterme and Herman Van Rompuy (later Chairman of the Council of Europe and strongly enthusiastic Mason) and the Minister Stefaan van Ackere.

Vandevoorde still fought in the defense of Vangheluwe (2010) and Danneels (2011) and writes to this day for Kerk & Leven and the related website Kerknet.

Toon Osaer followed in 2010 as Editor-in-Chief: Osaer, at that time was also press officer of Cardinal Danneels, who attempted to intimidate and silence the mother and leader of the True Catholic Resistance (Ms A.C.) in 1996 with a telephone call during the affair Roeach3.

Osaer was immediately dismissed by the respectable new Archbishop André Léonard. The northern Belgian bishops and Christian Democratic politicians caught him up.

Since then, Osaer has led the ecclesiastical, modernist and spiritist publishing house Halewijn in collaboration with Kerk & Leven and the Kerknet website in northern Belgium.

By the way, Jef Barzin  was not “pastoor" (Vicar) in 1984 but "onderpastoor" (Assistant), became nevertheless "pastoor" in 1988 with 13 parishes at the end. For this he was appointed Dean in 2007 (first in Antwerp-South, then he was transferred to Antwerp North after protests) and thus received a seat in the Bishop Council.

Barzin was protected by the Bishop of Antwerp (incidentally from West Flanders) Johan Bonny  Bonny is very homo-friendly (see his sensational interview in De Morgen, 26.12.2015).

When the newspaper De Morgen reported on Barzin and his pedophile activities in April 2008, Bishop Bonny commented that "the report (in De Morgen) had forgotten to see this advertisement in the spirit of the times."

Insight zero.

Precisely because of this lack of insight and absence of empathy, Bishop Bonny was then sent to Rome as the representative of the Belgian bishops and "expert on family issues" in 2015 for the second family synod (under Pope Francis).

The diocese of Antwerp is spiritually and morally totally in the swamp.

Bonny shows very little. He prefers to perform with Jef Barzin and his assistant Selleslaghs, who is eager for women's priesthood.

The Dutch-born, Protestant (Calvinist) pastor Th. Weerstra was a predecessor in Brussels and a figurehead of the Protestant churches in Belgium.

Shortly thereafter, he retired to the Netherlands, where he later died.

His widow was connected at the beginning of the century to this pedophilia.

The aged widow replied by e-mail that she would like to be spared further inquiries.

Mr L.P.G. who is obviously from the Netherlands,  used to live very skillfully from a canonical point of view, not far from the Belgian-Dutch border.

In the Christian field, he has not been publicly noticed since the ad.

Six years after the publication of the aforementioned article, in 1991, the religious book series Roeach was introduced for secondary education in northern Belgium.

The third volume, Roeach3, contained illustrations and texts that could appeal to 13- and 14-year-old students as a call for pedophilia.

The modern Church fostered the pedophilia by their staff

The "Mafia of St. Gallen" (Cardinal Danneels) is a benevolent protector of pedophile abuse on a massive scale.

Only in 2004, 16 years after the infamous article in Kerk & Leven, when the pedophilia scandals came to light in northern Belgium and Danneels came under increasing pressure, the Flemish satirical weekly, t Pallieterke published a photo with the original article and a discussion of this mess.

The official Church in Belgium and its press organs are still in silence: reaction zero.

In smaller publications and on the Web, this heinous story became known, especially abroad:

The Vatican and the nuncio in Belgium have been informed several times, as have bishops and cardinals abroad.

The Belgian press noted in 2008 that "Flemish arch-conservatives intensively tried to blackmail Cardinal Danneels at the Vatican to force their candidate, the reactionary bishop of Namur Léonard, to serve as future archbishop."

Bishop Léonard was not reactionary at all, not even conservative. [He was steadfastly hated and attacked by his staff and the media.]

The modernist-sexual revolution with openness to pedophilia and homophily, as the central point of the mafia of St. Gallen, was publicly defended in 2008-2009 by the formerly Catholic and now syncretic mainstream media

The protagonists of the pedophilia promotion are still sitting unmolested in the ranks of leadership.

Incidentally, ever since the pontificate of Francis, it has been stronger than ever.

Previously: the first installment appeared here.

Text: Ferdinand Boischot
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
article appeared

Maltese Knights Ban Immemorial Mass of All Ages

The bizarre order of the Order causes heated discussions within the Order

Rome ( Fra 'Giacomo Dalla Torre, the 80th Grand Master of the Order of Malta, has forbidden that the "Old Mass" will be celebrated at the official Masses of the Order of Malta. In the letter of June 10, the Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite is to be banned at religious celebrations of the Order, which is currently causing fierce discussions in-house. The Extraordinary form is basically allowed since the Motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum" of July 7, 2007 in the Catholic Church. In England, among other things, members of the Order appreciate the "Old Mass".

Edit: I once attended a semi-reverent NO with the Ordinary parts of the Mass sung in Latin at the Maltese Chapel in Vienna during the week. Like most NO liturgies, it was a lackluster, perfunctory affair, which was only highlighted by the fact that the sacristan not only failed to genuflect as he walked out into the nave after Mass was concluded, but insisted on politicking (He was probabably SPÖ) with some people he recognized for some time, despite the surprising presence of a few Catholics trying to offer their thanksgiving afterward... if I thought it was street-level kabuki drama before, the idea of theatrical production was only heightened, based on the bald sacristan’s careless secular demeanor which had the effect of destroying the meditative qualities of the beautiful baroque chapel.

A kind reader of the blog also sent the letter:


Monday, June 10, 2019

Prominent Jesuit Compares Salvini With Judas — Bergoglio-Church Takes Another Hit in Polls

Pope Francis with P. Bartolomeo Sorge SJ.

(Rome) The former editor-in-chief of the Roman Jesuit magazine La Civiltà Cattolica comes to his successor's aid and compares Matteo Salvini, the de facto leader of the European sovereignty movement, with Judas.

Matteo Salvini, leader of the Lega, Italian Home Secretary and Deputy Prime Minister, has been the "EU superstar" superstar since last May's EU elections. He has succeeded in forging a cross-party alliance. The sovereignty movement provides, which probably only Steve Bennon thought possible, more than a third of all MEPs, which is concealed by the media as much as possible, because this strengthening is not desired. Of course, the Alliance must first prove how closed it is on individual issues and how well it can get involved in the European Parliament. The first option is the appointment of the EU Commission President.

With 29 seats, the Lega is represented after counting all votes even with the same number of mandates in the EU Parliament as the Brexit Party by Nigel Farage and CDU and CSU together. Farage and Salvini represent the two strongest single parties.

The AfD had felt the headwind of the German Bishops' Conference under Cardinal Marx. An unusual scenario, since for decades the Church has rejected any partisanship as downright indecent, as if such things had never happened.
In Italy, the pressure against Salvini and the Lega was even more massive. Almost verbatim attacks by Church representatives against the AfD and the Lega suggest an ordered, but at least concerted party take. On the Apennine peninsula, however, everything was still a bit more emotional, aggressive and unconditional. In the Federal Republic of Germany it was a Protestant pastor who was caught destroying AfD posters. In Italy, however, it was Catholic monasteries that issued anti-Salvini banners.

The politicization of the Church, initiated by Pope Francis six years ago, has taken on an irritating course.

This includes a message from P. Bartolomeo Sorge SJ, who joined the Jesuit order in 1946 and was ordained a priest in 1958 for the Order. He was born on the island of Elba. His German surname was brought by his ancestors, who arrived in the 18th century to Sicily, whether still under the Habsburgs or already the Bourbons, is no longer known. The origin of the family Sorge, which is at least clear, is found in the Lower Franconian region and is located in the province of Zealand in the Netherlands today.

The seven-years-older P. Sorge was counted, like Fr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio among the group of brothers who were promoted by the Jesuit General Pedro Arrupe. Under Arrupe P. Sorge became the editor of Civiltà Cattolica, the most important Jesuit magazine in the world. At the time, Sorge was already a political strategist of "democratic Catholicism": he advocated a strong Christian DemocraticParty that was to be left-leaning, while rejecting "integralist" Catholic directions and organizations. The opponent for Sorge was on the right. Thus, in the 1970s, he struck the political nerve of the time when the Western European Communists proclaimed "Euro-communism" to emphasize their independence from the Soviet Union, and when in Italy the left wing of the Christian Democrats sought the "historical compromise" with the Communists.

According to a book published in 2017 by journalist Stefania Falasca, Pope John Paul I seriously contemplated P. Sorge in 1978 as a possible successor to the Patriarch of Venice, although he was "associated with some, somewhat suspicious, Catholic currents," as the then Pope himself in a personal letter to the Archbishop of Milan, Giovanni Cardinal Colombo, noted. General Arrupe had already given a positive opinion of Sorge. Resistance came, however, from Antonio Cardinal Poma, the Archbishop of Bologna and then President of the Italian Episcopal Conference. Reason was the public support on the part of Sorge for a "dialogue" with the Communist Party of Italy (PCI). The pontificate of John Paul I lasted only 33 days, and under John Paul II, P. Sorge was no longer eligible for the Patriarchal Office or another episcopate.

Sorge who will turn 90 this October is mentally fit and does not keep his opinion behind the mountain these days. In February 2018 he described his satisfaction with "myChurch  between Martini and Bergoglio". These are the two Jesuit Cardinals Carlo Maria Martini and Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who were also candidates for the papal throne. Cardinal Martini failed at the first attempt in 2005, but Cardinal Bergoglio was successful in the second attempt in 2013. A quick success, considering that only in 2005 the first attempt was ever made in the nearly 500 years of religious history to make a Jesuit Pope.

Father Antonio Spadaro SJ, acting editor of the Civiltà Cattolica, has not been squeamish with Salvini and the Lega in recent weeks. P. Sorge, his predecessor, intensified the tone after Salvini's election victory. The Democratic referendum aroused the Jesuit so much that he drew a drastic comparison:

"Italy is leghistic, not Christian anymore. The Lega follower says, 'The Italians First', the Christian says, 'The Excluded First'. It is not enough to kiss Jesus in public, that's what Judas did. "

Already in advance, bishops, theologians and Jesuits had loudly heard who chose Lega, "is not a Christian.” Something similar was already to be heard from episcopal mouths in Germany.

A Tweet from P. Sorge, in which he compares Salvini  with Judas. Salvini himself spread the anathema from P. Sorge on Twitter to add his answer:

"See what this theologian writes ... All that is missing is that someone demands my excommunication so that we have experienced everything ... Forward: with faith, respect and modesty!"

It is unclear what benefit Santa Marta expects from such a confrontation. Because of the unconditional Refugees Welcome line has lowered approval ratings in Italy for Pope Francis before the EU election even lower than its previous low, according to a survey by opinion pollsters Demos.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred