Showing posts with label Bishop Germay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bishop Germay. Show all posts

Thursday, September 13, 2012

French Bishop Criticizes Government's Policy Attacking the Family

The plans of French Government for the introduction of gomorrist marriage were an attack on one of the pillars of society. It is wrong to promote a relationship that is sterile by nature in the same way as marriage.

Ajaccio ( / LSN / jg) Olivier de Germay, Bishop of Ajaccio in Corsica, has spoken out against the plans of the French Government on the introduction of gay marriage. This was an attack on one of the pillars of society, he writes in an article on the diocesan website.

With the introduction of same-sex marriage, according to de Germay it is not about equality, but privileges. It makes no sense for any state to grant a partnership that is "sterile by nature" the same benefits as marriage. The permanent connection of a man and a woman with the purpose of having and raising children is not the invention of a particular type of society, but deeply inscribed in human nature. The State has an interest in protecting marriage, because this is the natural shelter for children and contributes in this way to build up society, wrote the bishop. The ideological background for the introduction of gay marriage, which is gender theory, the sex that reduces the identity of the person concerned to the biology. Gender theory contributes to the destruction of the family and would ultimately lead to the dissolution of the person himself, writes Bishop de Germay.

© Photo: Diocese of Ajaccio