Showing posts with label Bergogliades. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bergogliades. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

"Communion on the Tongue is In the Gospels -- No Bishop Can Deny That"

 The three churches at the Capuchin Monastery of San Giovanni Rotondo. In the middle church, the Archbishop of Manfredonia expressed his "dangerous considerations".

Repeatedly, bishops try to ban Communion on the tongue under the pretext of combating corona and only allow communion in hand. However, there are clear legal, liturgical and theological hurdles that doom any attempt of this kind to failure.

Legally, the situation is clear: Communion on the tongue is the only fully valid form of receiving communion, and that in the entire world Church. After the Second Vatican Couoncil, at the urging of the bishops of the German-speaking zone, the bishops' conferences were given the opportunity, if they considered it "opportune", to allow an extraordinary form of Communion in addition to the ordinary form of receiving Communion, namely Communion in hand. Both forms are, where permitted, equally permitted, but not equivalent. Oral communion is and remains the proper and legitimate form of receiving Communion. The fact that in some countries and dioceses this fact is systematically concealed and the impression is created that Communion in hand is the current form of receiving Communion, whereas Communion on the tongue is an outdated form that no longer really applies today does nothing to change this. But especially, according to the overall impression created, one no longer has to take this “old” form into account. But this is not the case. 

A ban on Communion on the tongue is unthinkable under canon law, but communion in hand at any time, which clearly defines the hierarchy of these two forms.

In Corona times, reference is made to the protection of health in order to prohibit Communion on the tongue. That smells like an excuse and it is. It lacks any hygienic or medical logic. Doctors have pointed out that the oral Communion is no doubt safer than Communion in the hand (see also "Oral Communion Guarantees Best Health and Hygiene"). If the priest disinfects his hands before giving Communion, any contamination is excluded, since the consecrated Host only passes through his hand. In the case of hand communion, however, there are many hands.

In addition, in the 14 months of the alleged corona pandemic, there has been no known case of transmission of infection through receiving Communion. In Austria, although recently Kronen Zeitung tried to concoct a connection between attending Mass and infection, but proved both cases, on closer inspection to be of dubious journalism. Indeed, it is grotesque to think that the saving body of Christ could be the vector of disease. The bishops in the German-speaking areas are not setting a good example with their Corona measures when it comes to real presence.

The Manfredonia case

The Archbishop of Manfredonia-Vieste-San Giovanni Rotondo, Msgr. Franco Moscone, Chaplain of the Somascans, is entertaining "dangerous thoughts," so says the Vatican expert Marco Tosatti. The archdiocese comprises two historical dioceses and has been part of the ecclesiastical province of Foggia since 1979. However, it retained the rank and dignity of an archdiocese. It includes the famous Archangel Michael Sanctuary of Monte Sant'Angelo and the city of San Giovanni Rotondo, in which the stigmatized Saint Pio of Pietrelcina spent 50 years of his life and is also buried. The saint has been one of the patrons of the archdiocese since 2002. 

Msgr. Moscone was appointed to the archdiocese by Pope Francis in 2018. He was born in 1957 and comes from the city of Alba in Piedmont. Last January 3rd, during a Mass celebration, he expressed a fundamental rejection of Communion on the tongue, which he dressed in the drastic and many to believers disturbing words:

"Communion on the tongue is an abuse."

Since then, the discussion about it in the diocese has not come to a standstill. The statement is too clear to be misunderstood or to falsely attribute intentions to the Archbishop that are far removed from him. According to Msgr. Moscone, Communion on the tongue is fundamentally wrong, which is why his contradiction, as he himself emphasized to the press, is not only due to the Corona virus.

For his irritating statement, the archbishop chose, which is no less irritating, the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in San Giovanni Rotondo. This is the "middle church" of the large Capuchin complex, which was added to the small monastery church of the Capuchin Convent in the late 1950s and consecrated in 1959. The many pilgrims who come to the grave of St. Padre Pio are expected to do a lot. In the new church, which was consecrated in 2004 and in whose lower church the grave is located, the kneeling of the faithful has been forbidden. If the archbishop has his way, Communion should now also be taken from them. It is astonishing how a bishop can come to a view that a practice always practiced by the Church and never given up could be fundamentally wrong.

Don Bux: “Communion in the mouth is documented in the Gospel. No bishop can counter this"

Don Nicola Bux, internationally renowned liturgist, friend of Benedict XVI. and himself a native of Apulia, commented on the archbishop's statement. His answer is also addressed to the other bishops who want to restrict communion in the mouth with or without Corona. The liturgical scholar is no less clear in his reaction than Monsignor Moscone:

“The bishop made a mistake. From the examination of the Greek Gospel text it cannot be inferred at all that the body of Christ was placed in the hand. "

The use of a paten would make no sense if Communion in hand had been practiced. "At most," said Don Bux,  it could be claimed they were using the Purple Code of Rossa from the fifth century, as believers of antiquity would have the Host taken by mouth from their palms, "but never with the fingers of the other hand." It is more likely that the Codex Purpureus Rossanensis only a few decades earlier, was based on a  judgment earlier introduced by St. Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem (348-386).


He called for “the hands to be formed into a throne, not in order to receive communion in hand, as is falsely claimed today, but in order to hold the hand formed in this way directly under the mouth and thus when receiving the Eucharistic ' to bite 'to prevent the smallest particle from being lost."

St. Cyril's invitation was an anticipation of the godfather, but not Communion in hand.

Archbishop Moscone, however, referred to “take and eat” in his sermon, which he interpreted as evidence of Communion in hand. Don Bux said:

"The Gospel of John clearly states that Jesus gave Judas a 'bite' at the Lord's Supper, and a bite is something that you put in your mouth." 

As early as May 2020, when other dioceses took action against Communion on the tongue with reference to the coronavirus, Don Bux said that the Gospel of John speaks of an immersed morsel (cf. Jn 13, 26-27). In the Douay standard translation says:

“Jesus replied: It is to whom I will give the morsels of bread that I will dip. Then he dipped the bread, took it and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot."



Don Bux on this:

“This form is still Common today among the Orientals and in the Eastern Church when giving communion. A bite of dipped bread cannot be put in the hand, only in the mouth. "

Today in the vernacular translations of the Missale Romanum used for converting words "take" are in Greek and in Latin the word λάβετε / accipite again, the not reflexive meaning "take" but "receive" means in terms of "to absorb” and “to take”.

“The bishop is making a clear mistake in believing that 'to take' means to take with your hands. No, the Host is 'received', in this specific case with the mouth. I think of the reaction of St. Padre Pio if he had heard a bishop speak like that!"


Text: Giuseppe di Nar-
image: Wiki-com-mons

Trans: Tancred

Recommended reading on the topic:

Fr. Martin Lugmayr FSSP: Hand Communion: A historical-dogmatic investigation, with a foreword by Prof. Robert Spaemann, 2nd edition, Dominus-Verlag, Augsburg 2020 .

Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider OCR: Corpus Christi. Thoughts on Holy Communion and the renewal of the Church, with a foreword by Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, 2nd edition, Dominus-Verlag, Augsburg 2014.


Monday, February 15, 2021

Battleground Swiss Diocese of Chur Handed Off to Opus Dei Prelate

Msgr. Joseph Bonnemain is the new Bishop of Chur.

(Rome) Msgr. Marian Eleganti, the auxuliary bishop of Chur, was retired today by Pope Francis. At the same time, the Holy See announced the appointment of the new Bishop of Chur. The diocese has been deeply divided for decades.

In 2019, the Benedictine Msgr. Eleganti, although only 63 years old at the time, offered Pope Francis his resignation in the course of the retirement of Bishop Vitus Huonder. While the diocese of Chur was vacant, Francis left the former abbot of the Benedictine abbey of St. Otmarsberg in office. With the appointment of a new diocesan bishop today, the Pope accepted Eleganti's offer of resignation.

The diocese of Chur is the oldest and largest diocese in Switzerland. A struggle for control of the diocese has been raging since the late 1980s. Therefore, towards the end of his episcopate, Bishop Johannes Vonderach (1962–1990) asked for a bishop coadjutor with succession rights. This was granted to him in 1988 in the person of Wolfgang Haas. The resistance against Msgr. Haas was so strong that in 1997 he was sent to the Archdiocese of Vaduz, which was set up especially for this purpose. Up until then, the Principality of Liechtenstein had belonged to the Diocese of Chur. The conflict flared up again with each new appointment. Through the interaction of non-church media and progressive church circles, a priori image of the bishops was drawn and the development of their work was severely impaired.

In 1999 Marian Eleganti was elected Abbot of the Mission Benedictines of Uznach. In 2010 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him. at the request of Bishop Vitus Huonder as auxiliary bishop of Chur. Among other things, Eleganti acted as the Rector of the Chur seminary and episcopal vicar for the religious. Media remote from the Church and progressive church circles repeatedly put the two bishops under pressure and publicly pilloried them.

Because of such discrepancies in the Swiss Bishops' Conference about the October 2018 Youth Synod convened by Pope Francis  Msgr. Eleganti resigned in 2018 from his position as youth bishop of Switzerland. He had accused the Synod Director of "contradictions and not being inscribed by the Holy Spirit."

The auxiliary bishop of Chur and the Austrian philosopher Joseph Seifert exercised 2,019 sharp critique of the Abu Dhabi document on the "brotherhood of man", which Pope Francis signed with the Grand Imam of al-Azhar in the United Arab Emirates as the "heresy of all heresies ”. 

Msgr. Marian Eleganti: The Benedictine has been auxiliary bishop of Chur to this day

The controversial post-synodal letter Amoris Laetitia -actuated critical remarks by Eleganti in defense of marriage and family. He was the first and only Swiss Bishop who signed the Commitment to the Inalienable Truths of Marriage Sacrament, which had been presented by Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider and other Kazakh bishops at the end of the 2017.

In the course of the so-called Corona pandemic, he created a spiritual dimension to the events and called for penance and conversion. In early March 2020 he regarded the development with  plain words and drew heavy criticism on himself because certain opinions are barely tolerated. He criticized the fact that the Church's answer to the Corona crisis was largely limited to hygiene regulations, which was tantamount to "capitulation". He also emphasized that receiving Communion could not pose a risk of infection. With their provisions on Holy Communion, the bishops would say that receiving the body of Christ could make one sick. However, it was more important for the Swiss bishops to keep step with the government. Even bishops from the neighboring Federal Republic of Germany kept their distance from Msgr. Eleganti. The Apostolic Administrator of Chur, Msgr. Peter Bürcher, issued a de facto ban on speaking to Eleganti in the matter of Coronavirus on the grounds that the auxiliary bishop would cause “confusion among the faithful and in public”. The official Corona narrative, which is known to be supported by most governments, but which is not known who invented it, were not to be disrupted.


The new bishop of Chur

Almost two years after the retirement of Bishop Vitus Huonder, Pope Francis today appointed a new Bishop of Chur. The appointment of the shepherd of such an old diocese takes place according to proper law. According to this, Pope Francis should have received a three-way proposal from the cathedral chapter and the 22 canons, should have chosen the new bishop. In November 2020, however, the cathedral chapter waived this privilege because no one could agree on a candidate. In this way, as in the more recent bishops, Francis made it possible for himself to make the decision that fell on Joseph Maria Bonnemain, priest of Opus Dei and himself a member of the cathedral chapter.

The Pope preferred a temporary solution, since Monsignor Bonnemain is 72 years old and has to offer his resignation in three years. Even in the event that the Pope should leave him in office beyond the canonical age limit, his term of office is likely to last for a maximum of five years.

Bonnemain is the son of a Swiss from the canton of Jura and a Catalan, which is why he was born in Barcelona. He studied medicine in Zurich and then philosophy and theology in Rome. In 1978 he was ordained a priest for Opus Dei, now a personal prelature. At the University of Navarre he studied canon law and worked since 1981 as a Church judge for the diocese of Chur. From 1983 to 1992 he was a member of the Delegation of the Holy See to the WHO in Geneva. 2002, he was appointed Swiss Bishop Conference of the Secretary for the Commission of Sexual AbuseSince 2003 he has been a member of the Chur cathedral chapter. Most recently he worked as an official of the diocese and hospital chaplain.

The diocese of Chur is the only diocese in the world that has its own episcopal vicar for the matter of the traditional rite. This task has fallen since June 2015 to P. Martin Ramm from the Pristly Fraternity of Saint Peter. 

Until the enthronement of the new bishop, the diocese is headed by the Apostolic Administrator Msgr. Bürcher. He announced that he would announce the date for the episcopal ordination and the inauguration as soon as possible.

Text: Giuseppe di Nar-
image: MiL

Trans: Tancred


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Pope Francis: "Traditionalism Can Be Cured"


The CNS will be 100 years old in 2020: When the Pope received him, Francis looked deeply.

(Rome) Pope Francis receive representatives of Catholic News Service (CNS) on Monday, the press agency of the American Bishops' ConferenceHe likes to “joke”, as some in Rome want to suggest. But even if Francis is joking, assuming he was really joking, he does it in a cryptic way. In this case, too.

The occasion for the reception was the hundredth anniversary of the CNS and its predecessors since 1920. First of all, the head of the Church warned the media brokers of divisions, because these would lead “nowhere”. It is also the task of the media to overcome divisions instead of fueling sensationalism and scandal. 

"A divided church is not the Church, it is not the true Church." 

 "I think so. You think that way. We can discuss it, but with the same heart. Support the unity. Encourage you, no cleavage, because journalism has four major sins, namely: disinformation, slander, defamation and Coprophilia" as Rome Reports reported. At the same time, Francis praised the work of the Church in the United States, calling it "brave, generous, and humble."

He also said what he meant by that:

“She welcomes immigrants. What the church does for immigrants is huge, isn't it? She is generous because the Church in the United States has many economic opportunities and is generous in helping. " 

Francis went on to say:

The Church in the United States “is very much alive, very very much alive. There may be traditionalist groups, but we also have them here in the Vatican. That can be cured."

Disruptive factor "traditionalism"

The most important criterion of a "living" Church is therefore, according to Francis, a policy of unrestricted mass immigration. Francis promotes this as a main agenda of his pontificate since July 2013, when he for visited the Italian Mediterranean island of LampedusaThe head of the Church has not yet named aspects that restrict a “right” to immigration.

The scientific theorist and former President of the Italian Senate, Marcello Pera, a personal friend of Benedict XVI, therefore raised the accusation against Francis in July 2017 of “hating” the West and wanting to “destroy” it.

Francis named “traditionalist groups” as a disruptive factor for a “living Church”, but traditionalism “can be cured”. What Francis put in a joking tone was actually a deliberate degradation of that part of the Church. Once again he made it clear who, above all, he dislikes. The negative tone of the statement is exacerbated by the comparison with other statements of the Pope. He implied that "traditionalism" was something that needed to be cured, in short, something sick. When did a Pope talk like this about bishops, priests and believers in the Church?

The allusion to the media representatives of the American Episcopal Conference receives special significance, since Francis this Bishops' Conference took on years ago the battle for control. In contrast to the western states of Europe, the culture war between left and right, conservative and progressive, has not been decided in the USA. Francis is aware of the importance of this fact to the rest of the western world and the world as a whole. He wants to grind this bastion and intensify the fight against the "religious rightists" in the USA after the election of Donald Trump.

Then Francis joked about his sciatica problems. His doctor told them: 

"But go to the Angelus so they don't say you are dead."


Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: CNS/Youtube (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sorry, Francis Hasn't Been Arrested by the Caribinieri After Blackout

Edit: I would love it if they arrested Bergoglio as Lin Wood is claiming right now, but it appears to be false. It's not the first time a secular authority has arrested a pope.  Remember Philip the Fair having Boniface VIII arrested in 1303?  A lot of current historians suggest that Boniface had overstepped his bounds.  They don't seem to have been fond of his infallible Bull, Unam Sanctam, once again defining the ancient dogma, No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church.  But this is Bergoglio we're talking about, is he even a pope?  He often goes out of his way to indicate he rejects the essence of the papacy and all that office is supposed to defend, and that's why the world loves him and despises Boniface VIII.

I received so many links to videos and articles about how a huge sting was underway. There was a gunfight. The Vatican was surrounded by military and police. And the pope was arrested and being held in an Italian prison waiting for the FBI to arrive. 

Now, I love a good conspiracy as much as everyone. You might remember when I posted the video of smoke rising over the Vatican.

That video was shown in newscasts all over the world. It was actually a fire at a nearby tire shop. I’m in Snopes now thanks to that one. But a gunfight at the Vatican and the pope being held by the FBI.. what?
Bergoglio getting ready to "pray" the Angelus:

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Bergoglio Receives Transexual Prostitutes Arayed in Their Bawdy Getups -- Gives Them Money

Edit:  Does anyone think any of these catamites arrayed in their immodest outfits, as if for a triumphalisticn rainbow parade, have any intention to amend their lives? Did the sinful woman come to Christ proudly attired as a prostitute with no intention to reform her life? It looks like they're agitating for Globohomo to us.

[Gloria.tvFrancis supported again the about 30 male transvestite prostitutes” of Torvaianica, Rome, whom the Italian Francis media call coyly with the English term "sex workers."

Francis sent a Vatican ambulance to provide the prostitutes with free Covid-19 tests and free flu vaccinations.

This initiative was initiated by the local parish-priest, Father Andrea Conocchia who complained with the papal almoner, Cardinal Krajewski, that the prostitutes could "no longer work" and were living in fear because they didn't know whether the "few remaining customers" were healthy.

In August 2016, Francis wrote in a prologue of a book by Father Aldo Buonaiuto that prostitution is a "horrendous crime" and that "any form of prostitution is a reduction to slavery, a criminal act, a disgusting vice that confuses making love with venting out one's instincts."

In April 2020, Francis offered money to the Torvaianica prostitutes.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Pope Cancels Publicly Honoring the Mother of God, In Order to Do it "Clandestinely"

Pope Francis surprisingly visited the Marian Column on Spanish Square yesterday with a "semi-clandestine" action.

(Rome) Pope Francis made two program changes within a short period of time. Both are justified with the corona virus, although they lack consistency.

Just before the recent Cardinal naming became known, first, Pope Francis was to go directly from Santa Marta this year on December 8, not to make the traditional homage to the Mother of God on the Spanish Steps. The reason given was the corona situation. Shortly afterwards, the Vatican press office announced a shortened version of this Marian honor on video, always with the same reason: The Corona situation does not allow any gatherings.

The head of the Church thus received considerable criticism. The homage on this day is one of the few traditional moments of the year when the Pope unites in a special way with the people of Rome. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former apostolic nuncio in the USA, criticized the papal decision in a comment for the daily Libero. The “indifference of too many bishops towards the Virgin Mary” is painful, all the more so is the rejection of the Pope “of the traditional homage to the Immaculate Conception”.

On yesterday's solemn Feast of the Conception of Mary, Francis went to the Marian Column in the Piazza di Spagna early in the morning. The Vaticanist Marco Tosatti spoke of a "semi-clandestine" action. Francis hurriedly let himself be driven in front of the Marian Column, appeared there with a face mask, although there was no popular participation and [other reports say he walked there] he said nothing, laid flowers there and hurried away again. No prayer, no union with the believing people, the Tota pulchra es Maria , one of the oldest Marian prayers in Christianity, was neither prayed nor sung. [He later went to Santa Maria Maggiore to say Mass ad orientem.]

It was not the first time, said Tosatti, that Francis behaved “disrespectfully” towards the Blessed Mother. Last year, he named a "Mischling", to strike a bold bow to the today's migration agenda of the political-economic establishment  which should lead as Francis sees humanity as affirmative, in a "Mestizentum". 

Tosatti does not accept the reason for the program change:

"If Bergoglio truly fears the risk factor of crowds for Corona infections, why did he take part in the international October 20 Interreligious Meeting at the Community of Sant'Egidio, also in the State House, meeting 'representatives religions and of politics, including Italy's President, the Freemason Sergio Mattarella in the spirit of Assisi? "

After all foreign trips have been canceled, Pope Francis travels to Iraq

In early September, when the corona situation was much less dramatic, according to government data than is currently being claimed, Santa Marta let it be known that Pope Francis  will undertake no foreign ravel in 2021. This unusual decision was also justified with the coronavirus.

While the governments of Italy and other states are regulating the upcoming Christmas season with ever stricter measures - in Italy people are not allowed to leave their region, on December 25th and 26th, Christmas Day and St. Stephen's Day, they will not even be allowed to leave their community - Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni (Community of Sant'Egidio) informed the stunned public that Pope Francis would visit Iraq in early March 2021. The journey to a land of persecuted Christians is an important event.

It was said that the travel plans took into account the alleged "health emergency" due to the coronavirus, so a cancellation cannot be ruled out, but the two papal decisions do not really fit together: Why was the cancellation first, then an announcement? Why taking part in a politically correct event at the State House, which seemed like a step on the way to a unified world religion, but a “semi-clandestine” homage to the Mother of God upon a genuinely Catholic festival? Why did the “health emergency” at the beginning of September not allow trips abroad for the whole of 2021, but a trip to Iraq at the beginning of December?

Iraq, the central region of what was once Mesopotamia, has long been a fairly stable country. In the past 40 years, however, it has been torn apart by wars, civil war and religious war. It belongs to those predominantly Islamic areas in which the Christians were still a strong minority at the beginning of the 20th century, whereas today they are threatened with extinction.

1200 years of Islamic rule were less fatal for the country's Christianity than the past 100 years since the Anglo-Saxon powers began to interfere there. The numbers speak for themselves: at the beginning of the 20th century, almost 30 percent of today's Iraqis were Christians. Before the first Iraq war in 1980 there were about ten percent, before the second war in Iraq in 2003 still more than five percent.

Open Doors complained in 2013 that there will be "no more Christians" in Iraq in 2020. It didn't turn out that bad, but almost. The end of the Christian community on the Tigris and Euphrates seems only a matter of time. Were before the start of the Obama operation Arab Spring in Iraq (2014), with its appearance of Jihadi Islamic State (IS) or 2.7 percent of the residents Christians today it is not even one percent. The Vatican itself only speaks of 250,000 Christians.

But Francis does not seem to be traveling to Iraq because of the persecuted and shrinking Christian communities. The main motivation is the "dialogue with Islam". Even the Papal Aid Organization Church in Need, which is familiar with the sad fate of the persecuted Christians, names the "strong interreligious signal" as the main keyword of the planned papal trip.

By signing the declaration on the Universal Brotherhood of All People in Abu Dhabi, which was added by enthusiastic Freemasonry, this "dialogue" entered a decisive phase in February of 2019. Pope Francis seems determined to continue on this path, also by taking a trip abroad to Iraq in March 2021, although he actually doesn't want to go abroad in 2021 because of the corona virus.

Or in Santa Marta the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing?

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Avvenire (screenshots)

Trans: Tancred