Sunday, June 9, 2024

People Are Starting to Notice



Anonymous said...

Then they haven't been following E.F.
E.F. has been on the J.P. for years.

Anonymous said...

That’s nearly 3hrs long! Do you expect me to sit and watch a marine agitprop who says he’s a flat-earther and a Yid with a goyish GenX name?

Summary PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

Basically, the first 10 minutes, then they start talking about Orange Man Bad News after attacking trads for hating everyone who’s not perfect. I didn’t know Ryan was a nevertrumper, but it checks out.

Anonymous said...

The way these two smoke remind me of kids hiding behind the barn sneaking cigarettes.
Create as much smoke as possible in the shortest amount of time.

If you listen to the end, it sounds like a scam in the off'ing.
$100 each raffle tickets on a Kia.

Traddy Traddington said...

Whenever people say, “I hate Trads. Trads are horrible,” I assume the worst about them, especially if they have a financial interest in that demographic.

Simon North said...

Why am I only hearing loud raucous music on this video?

Anonymous said...

That’s the intro !

Anonymous said...

It’s really annoying, sophomoric, and gay.

Anonymous said...

I would agree.