Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Sorry Gaybrielle, You’re Gone

Edit: the site’s comments will be moderated till Gaybrielle doxes himself and his vaccine status. We want to make sure he’s up on his jabs, even though they don’t really help and are liable to injure you.

It stands to reason that since Gaybrielle considers himself an authority on everything, and a man whose opinion matters, a “roads” scholar, and all that, we deserve to know who he is.



Anonymous said...

I’m still here

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gaybrielle offers nothing but trollism. Not a loss.

NobodyImportant said...

You have mountains more patience than I could muster in my wildest dreams.

I can't imagine how you've put up with the mess made of your comment section as long as you have, though I imagine your options are limited.

Anonymous said...

Some people don’t have much to do after PT and walking the mall.

Anonymous said...

So brave! If Gaybrielle were to denounce himself for the establishment shill he is. Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe some well-intentioned posters won’t feel like this is a Reddit-tier site that’s haunted by Gay trolls?

Barnum said...

I notice that since Gaybriel is gone, the EU wants posters to register. Hmm

Tancred said...

@Barnum? You must be joking!
