Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Were Gary & Budgie victims of moles?


Anonymous said...

what's the difference between a mole and a vole?

Ed Shields said...

Bunkum Barnie, the 'Roads' Scholar would most probably know.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line:
Tattle Patty told us nothing that we did not already know.
Everything she said is only her suppositions/guesses.
If the most egregious thing they did to her was tell her to change chairs in the Chapel, her case for outrage is pretty flimsy.

Anonymous said...

The ones who could really spill the beans about Gary are all of the young, good-looking men that he surrounded himself with.
I am sure that they are cowed in to silence by the NDA's that they signed.

Anonymous said...

She "revealed" that Voris was a petulant, demanding, screaming, foot-stomping, vicious queen.
Not news, sweetie.

Tancred said...

I said that teaming up with Milo was going to be a disaster for Voris’s charade.

Gabe Mikkelson said...

I don't think Milo screwed Voris. There's a saying in that community: Once you go black, you never go back

Anonymous said...

You were right, Tanc.
Like throwing gasoline on a fire.

Gaybrielle said...


Amen to that!

Tancred said...

I don’t know if Milo and Gary had a romance. Is it really important? Yet Milo is good at collecting information and disseminating it to journalists.

Anonymous said...

Whether or not they had a romance is immaterial. Flamboyant Milo was going to arouse suspicions, deliberately place both of them (assuming they were sincere in their renouncing their homo ways) in a place of temptation/speculation. Voris is just another false prophet herding the Trads under the Jorge-church umbrella. There's no end to these people. But they all have that in common, stay in the Vatican 2 Church, just hate the pope, remove the pope, ignore the pope, the pope can't do this, can't do that. Then comes the scandal that shows the world how corrupt these Trads are. You'd think they'd see the pattern.

Anonymous said...

Gary isn’t a trad.