Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Did Gary the Fairy Fall Off The Wagon?



Church Narcissistic Gone!


Looks like it’s related to a lawsuit against Gary.

Edit: Michael Parrot at RTF is declaring victory.

I guess he was wrong about just who was being fired!

Power struggle? 

Update: according to Simpchimp Fischer’s House husband, it looks like Voris was threatening witnesses.

One of the reactions from the traitorous Neocon, Janet E. Smith is presently cautioning people to be nice, if not actually Christian. Did she extend this kind of charity to E. Michael Jones when she called Jones an anti-Semite? One wonders if there’s another allegiance Smith is loyal to beyond her appearance of Catholicism?

It’s this kind of reveal that people often miss, and others will attempt to glaze over with a slimy film of faux caritas. Budgie Niles shows the  devilish hoof beneath a tight fitting silk dress. For her part, when Voris and Christine Niles, like the Marxist gangsters they are, doxxed Parrott to the Marine Corps, Niles told military authorities that she thought he was insufficiently committed to GLBT values.  Is that the true allegiance that binds these bad actors together and laid them bare to the possibility of blackmail and coercion?

Does Janet E. Smith recall how Voris and Niles gloated when they got Parrott a less than honorable discharge from the Marine Corps?

Is Dragon Lady Niles going to a new “Catholic” news agency? 

They should've taken EMJ's suggestion to step down back in 2016  

 And, by the way, none of this stuff got any better after 18 years of Gary Voris twirling his pencil.


  1. Oops!

    Could Gary have been caught playing in park bathrooms?

    (Darn those cell phone cameras!)

    1. Are you supposed to be catholic ? Sick

  2. Not as sick as "Catholic" Voris.

  3. We must pray for Voris

  4. He made so many enemies over the years calling various high-ranking prelates, homosexuals, I wonder if this was a revenge set-up.
    Of course, being a homosexual himself, he should have known how vicious they can get.

  5. He was far more vicious and unjust to Catholics than Joseph Sciambra or Archswishop Weakland.

    Boy, do I ever feel stoopit for defending this malevolent false Catholic.

    Congrats to RTF for bringing about this magnificent entlarvung.

  6. What purpose does this serve?

  7. @640 What purpose does this serve?

  8. What arrogance possesses some people to curtly demand that a blogger "take down" a post. If you don't like it, just don't visit the blog, easy.

  9. Couldn’t have happened to a better scumbag. Is that nice enough for you, Janet?

    Guess Voris isn’t “formerly gay” anymore.

  10. How is Niles taking it, on bread or in the arm?
    For more than a decade, people Voris has canned have been saying, he didn't go to the TLM, he had no observable prayer life, he still hung out with his gay buddies, he'd miss Mass for football etc. etc.....

    What the hell changed exactly?

    Sure, you could dismiss it as sour grapes, but when all of the ex employees said the same thing consistently you had to wonder.

    Add Voris to a long list of charlatans: Fr. Ken Roberts, Francis Mary Stone, Fr. Corapi, Mark Shea, Marcial Maciel, Josémaria Escrivá....

  11. Budgie aka Christine Niles threw Voris under the bus and implied that there was a relapse.

  12. Man - wait until your sins are made manifest. You know what I'm talking about.

  13. His arrogance continues.
    Listen to his "X" explanation of what happened.
    Implies that he will be back someday. (Doubtful)
    Implies that he voluntarily quit. (No, snookums. You were fired).
    Says that none of what he did is anyone's business. (That is rich, coming from the tattler queen).

  14. Oh man, I knew you guys would be on fire!!! LOL!!! Where do I start???
    "Loyalty to Catholicism"...LOL...its being loyal to Catholicism to hate jews and bash jews?? Or just worshipping (((Jones))) like you guys do?
    Gay Gary is a narcissist and queer, and always will be...just like you guys are narcissists, right (((Tancred)))?
    LOL...yeah Gay Gary may be gone, and who is next.......

  15. Oh, look who joined us.
    The jew-loving jerk who flunked punctuation class.

  16. LOL...(((ANONYMOUS))) did not waste any time attacking me....hating jews is Catholic on this website...LOL...oh man you guys are funny...you are supposed to love Jews, your hero (((e michael jones))) says that doesn't he.....?? do you hate (((Jones))) now? LOL

  17. Does your stutter kick in when you type parentheses?

  18. Budgie, sort of, threw him under the bus regarding his lack of prayer participation at the Apostolate.
    Although, I think that her explanation pointed to him just being lazy.
    Was she fired too?
    Did she "resign"?
    Maybe she can "freelance" by being a reporter for RTF Media.

  19. Maybe his health issues are HIV related

  20. (((Anonymous))) is back...oooohhhhh...you got me....LOL....you got a future as a comic for (((theeponymousflower)))

  21. Maybe the little thug brother can take over the reins

  22. He should’ve taken Jones’ advice

  23. The apostolate got a shot in the arm when the McCarrick scandal broke. It had been tanking fast after Voris was outed

  24. https://youtu.be/LDIYJMAi2mw?si=aEztcadkogR53X9P

  25. Yes, after eighteen years of pencil twirling, it's still all the same.
    Bishops are corrupt and Voris is still gay 🌈🫃🏼

  26. Go to 3:25 in Budgie’s video, she’s totally throwing Voris under the bus, and yes, Budgie was FIRED 🔥. 😂

  27. Dragon Lady has set up a new endeavor on 90s style graphics called Stella Maris.


  28. November 21, 2023 at 8:36 PM how embarrassing for you, that you’re such a Voris fandiot that you’d try to slander a nobody like me.


  29. Tancred:

    I take back what I said. You were right when you broke the news that Nazi Niles had been canned.

  30. You should buy this book.

  31. That was a fantastic book!

  32. Hi John! Thanks for that! Thanks for sticking around.

  33. I'll never leave now. This is the most reliable site after Canon212

  34. Isn't Jones an anti-semite?

  35. How long before he returns again as the prodigal son?

    This is why you need to keep your kids away from Drag Queen Story Hour. Can you imagine how fucked up today's children will be when they're in their sixties!

    Jones was 100% right on this back in 2016. But, let's not overlook Saigon-Sally Niles. She may be more screwed up in the head than Voris who can be treated alone. Christine has four fatherless children.


  36. Kids are already f#€¥ed up!

  37. It strikes me that the staff and readers of this blog are sexually frustrated

  38. The news that Voris had crashed and burned was celebrated by many, from the SSPX faithful to the staff of American Magazine to the den of Holy Skojec.
    There is one person who has been quiet though: Mark Shea. A decade ago, Voris lived rent free in his brain 🧠. But, when Voris was outed in 2016, you hardly heard a peep from Shea. Could it be that he believes in Gay privilege just as he believes in Jewish privilege?

    Also, how is it that Milo knew about this before anyone else? It makes me wonder if Voris was able to break news stories on the Lavender Mafia so early because he never severed his relationships with that underworld.

  39. Still nothing up on Shea’s stupid site. You might have a point.

  40. Shea and Voris are birds of a feather.

  41. Looking back, there were plenty a red flags with Voris. But, honestly, I thought Shea was gay first .
    I imagine they can recognize one another just like male fleas can spot female fleas but we can’t
