Sunday, November 5, 2023

Dragon Lady Fired at Church Militant

 Edit: it’s not clear why, but according to their long-time nemesis Mike Parrott, Dragon Lady Niles has been “fired”.

We didn’t know that Parrott had lost his case against Voris and had to apologize for saying what was basically true about these vile opportunists.

What’s in your future Christine? Do you still have deep feelings for Mike?

Parrott discloses Budgie firing but doesn’t say much more at 45:00.


  1. Not convinced that Mike Parrott would know anything about this.
    C.M. made him look like a sniveling clown in front of the whole world.
    He would say anything to make them look bad.

  2. Parrott basically destroyed Voris. Voris really scored an own goal by going after him in the end.

    Why would he risk another lolsuit from Voris and Budgie if it weren’t true?

  3. So am I to understand that the same zipperhead who left her husband just got dumped by a fudge packer who was paying her dirt wages anyway?

  4. They all richly deserve one another. What a collection of exotic weirdos.

  5. Can we get confirmation?

    1. Canon212 has picked up on the story

  6. She is still broadcasting as of today, Nov. 6, 2023.
    She didn't look "fired" to me.

  7. Her FB posts seem a little cryptic. You get the sense she doesn't want to reveal when they were made. Keep in mind, that when 40% of the staff got axed about a year ago, you couldn't tell for a few weeks because it took a while to exhaust all the shows in the hopper. The last Pink Panther movie was made after Peter Sellers assumed room temperature and the Three Stooges had a reservoir to pull from when one would die and they only had two on the payroll.

  8. "She didn't look "fired" to me." Who really cares whether it's true of not. It's not the first time fake news generated a vigorous discussion.
    Bonker T and Tucker the Lard do it all the time.

  9. You cared enough to say something vapid.

  10. I thought she was a dyke

  11. Parrott looks like he gets a little loaded on his podcasts.
    He calls Niles his stalker, but he can't seem to stop taking about her.


  12. "He calls Niles his stalker, but he can't seem to stop taking about her." It's like Bonker T with all that shit racing around in his head. It's not new.

    Read: 2 Peter 2:22

  13. He might eat vomit 🤮 but she eats scat 💩

  14. ".....but she eats scat 💩"

    It is evident, then, that you are privy to inside knowledge of this behavior.
    Don't hold back on your naughty little fetishes.

  15. She’s baaaack!

  16. Userted, video unavailable

  17. Probabaly working out her two weeks notice.

  18. "Fired" people do not give two week notice.

  19. Anon 12:36, you’ve probably never worked at a real job that doesn’t involve, “want fries with that” and “step n fetchit “.

  20. Fake news taken off of Canon212
