Tuesday, August 1, 2023

New Jersey Lt. Governor “Dies Suddenly”

Edit: looks like the authorities aren’t reporting a cause of death. Naturally she must have gotten the death vaccine, just in case you need it spelled out. 



Anonymous said...

Hey Tucker.
How many idiot YouTube handles are
you using to suggest it was the COVID shot that did this?

Tancred said...

The first step of Alinsky’s Rules is to accuse people of doing what you do, Gaybrielle.

Jim Hoffnung said...

Barnum is not a well man.

Zbigniew Stresleky said...

Some Lt Governors will do that.

Tancred said...

My guess is that Gaybrielle’s late stage AIDS is kicking in as he races to the grave ahead of Michael Voris.

Anonymous said...

Am not dismissing the Covid shot angle to this, but 71 year old African American women are at a much higher risk of Heart Failure and it's complications than the general population. This was true before Covid or the vaccine came along.

JH said...

"Am not dismissing the Covid shot angle to this, but 71 year old African American women are at a much higher risk of Heart Failure and it's complications than the general population. This was true before Covid or the vaccine came along."

A reasonable, straightforward explanation is far to complex for Tucker to handle so he comes out swinging with all sorts of lazy commentary about AIDS, the exotic Voris and any other burr he has up his bum. No wonder Tucker is in awe of Bonker & crew.

Tancred said...

Gaybrielle was urging everyone to get the death vaccine and predicting a mass
casualty incident, but the only appearances of a pandemic is among those who followed the science and believed monsters like Gaybrielle.

The speculation on the death of this soul sister, may she rest in peace, is that the authorities, the same authorities Gaybrielle worships, are remaining sotto voce about the cause of death.

It’s especially noteworthy, since she was ever so eager for blacks to get the death vaxx at the height of the so-called plague in the first place.

Jim Hoffnung said...

"....death vaxx at the height of the so-called plague in the first place...."
This kind of baseless gibberish is just another example of the cyclic ideology that stokes the irrationality and denialism of the Right in the USA, secular or religious.
What Bonker, his MAGA sycophants, the dissembling Fox news, most of the GOP and the oligarchs of Tom Monaghan's Catholic plutocrat pals, Leo Leonard and the GOP's fixers for Supreme Court really can't deal with is to see American national self-indulgence and messianic destiny in any way limited or thwarted.
All that conceited American Dream stuff is falling apart much to the bemusement of the democracies of the developed world. That's what Tucker & Friends should be examining closely and dispassionately.
Vaxx and stolen elections etcc are confected excuses for not facing the underlyingsocial and spiritual decay in American life.

Anonymous said...

Like your baseless claims that Tucker Carlson took the death vaxx, or that those who refused it should have been dead two years ago?

JM said...

"......those who refused it should have been dead two years ago?"
Lucky you have had the full spread plus boosters, Tucker, because Part II is underway now and accounting for thousands every week.

Anonymous said...

Prove it, Gaybrielle.

Anonymous said...

Another little bit of justice, God's Justice, in the filthy sewer of evil and depravity that the U.S. has become.
Live by the sword, die by the sword! 💉💉💉

Elias Stavrou said...

It puzzles me that despite the sudden deaths of thousands of pilots that the US still has a viable commercial airline sector.
How about an update, EF.

Anonymous said...

Have you tried flying commercially in the past year?

ES said...

Yes, several times in my own country and with pilots who were alive and fully vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

Many pilots refuse the death Vaxx. How would you know?

ES said...

"Many pilots refuse the death Vaxx."
Outlandish ambit claims based on glaring false premises and ideologically skewed caricatures of COVID-19 vaccines are the hallmark of infantile sand pit games.
BTW, those who rubbish vaccination against COVID are the ones who have quietly slipped into clinics for the full spread just like Tucker. Isn't that so, Nemo?

Tancred said...

Ambit claims like assuming the vaccination status of the pilots, Gaybrielle?

Anonymous said...

Who is Nemo???

Jean Benoit said...

Who's "Gaybrielle" beyond Tucker's diseased imagination?

Gaybrielle’s Twink Curate said...

Father “Gaybrielle” is so annoying and fuddy duddy. I keep telling him to get out and have fun, but he’s committed to spouting boring cliches on this racist trad blog.

JB said...

Evidently this fictitious "Gabrielle" character has the cabal surrounded.

Anonymous said...

You can always create more sockpuppets to pretend, Gaybrielle.

JBQ said...

The Covid shot could very well have been spiked with fentanyl. That is the sickness that is tearing up the black community along with venereal diseases.