Monday, July 31, 2023

Cardinal Marx Offers Thanksgiving Service for Aberrosexual Prince

 [Gloria.tvMunich's Cardinal Marx presided over a "thanksgiving service" on 22 July to mark the 90th birthday of Duke Franz of Bavaria on 14 July.

The service took place in St Michael's, a Jesuit parish church in Munich.

Marx praised the Duke's "openness" and work "for the Church and society." He thanked him for his "beneficial commitment" and his "testimony of life" (sic).

Von Bayern is the head of the House of Wittelsbach, the ruling family of Bavaria.

As a child, he spent the National-Socialist era in various concentration camps. After the war, he administered his family's assets, art treasures and castles.

He receives the lion's share of the approximately €14M that the family fortune generates annually, is the legitimate king of England, an honorary member of the Munich Marian Men's Congregation and for decades a homosexual concubinist with Thomas Greinwald, which he made public in 2023.


Jim Gasnier said...

Cardinal Marx was following the instructions sent to bishops by Cardinal Ratzinger of the CDF in 1986 on the pastoral care of homosexuals. Read it carefully.

Tancred said...

Did you actually read that document, Gaybrielle?

There are clear denunciations of aberrosexual behavior and inclination as “intrinsically disordered” and that attempts to consider it as neutral or even benign are to be condemned. So I’m not sure how Marx’s typical celebration of aberrosexual behavior and culture, as well as a kind of endorsement of the Duke’s relationship with boyfriend Thomas Greinwald, is acceptable by virtue of the document you’re citing.

James said...

Rich queers can do anything that they want.
Royal queers are untouchable.

Anonymous said...

Ain’t that the truth! Just like at Pedo Spacey’s accusers dying under strange circumstances and the way the court case in UK panned out!

Patrick Keenan said...

Cardinal Marx has a duty of care for all in his jurisdiction. That includes pastoral ministry to all, without discrimination, including the 'disordered' and even those who define their existence by attacking and ridiculing the 'disordered.' The compassion of Christ knows no boundaries. Tough eh, Tucker.

Anonymous said...

Oh. I forgot that Jesus told the woman caught in adultery to go ahead and continue in her sin.

Anonymous said...

You and priests like you ridicule the faithful all the time on here, in your degenerate revels at the rectory, and on vacation in Toulouse.

You have a lot of nerve shedding those crocodile tears about who’s mean spirited and unchristian here. Comes off as a touch hypocritical, my gay old chap.

PK said...

Turker can't handle anything like the Church's duty of care even to those written off by the self-righteous as reprobate and hell fodder, but good Pharisees do that, don't they, Tucker.

Anonymous said...

Duty to publicly endorse two old benders in their disgusting proclivities? I don’t think so.

Why does Marx cover up for a aberrosexual priest who was involved with kiddie porn at his seminary in Austria?

Patrick Keenan said...

Did you actually read the document, Tucker?

The rampaging gay bashers are invited to read very closely the 1986 statement of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which said, “It is deplorable that homosexual persons have been and are the object of violent malice in speech and action. Such treatment deserves condemnation from the Church’s pastors wherever it occurs” (Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons). []
It was to demonstrate appropriate pastoral for all his people that Cardinal Marx excludes no one and no section of his community.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as "homosexual persons". There are people with perverse attractions to their same gender who can and should get help .

Anonymous said...

"There is no such thing as "homosexual persons"."
Complain to the CDF Nemo

Anonymous said...

You can complain to God Himself and 2000 years of true Saints and true Popes if you have a problem with that.

PK said...

"....2000 years of true Saints and true Popes if you have a problem with that."
Name them all for the reader, Nemo.