Saturday, April 2, 2022

#276: Reactions to My “Francis Is an Anti-Pope” Video

While the topic of who is the real pope? is interesting enough, we find the reactions that discussing it engenders very entertaining and revealing.  Coffin has ripped the face off his erstwhile colleagues in mainstream apologetics.  He has also exposed Church Militant as a homo-cult led by a narcissistic pied piper of young men and assisted by a Vietnamese kapo.   Surprisingly, Thug Gordon comes across as fair and eager to get on camera to discuss the issue with anyone.   Perhaps, we shouldn't be surprised that he'll accept any exposure since he was promoting himself via Wikipedia.  He's done shows with Jimmy Akin and is probably game for skateboarding with Mark Shea.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Patty-cakes is as big of a crank as Tay-Tay.
They never should have gone there with the "Pope is a heretic" stuff.
Never aim too high...and miss.
It's fun watching them both melt into irrelevance.
Thug has always been irrelevant.