Monday, February 28, 2022

Why Bother With NO Fasting Rules?

 Edit: Novus Ordo fasting rules seem pointless to me.  Why bother?  Found this at a site on FB.

I remember reading about how Evelyn Waugh bought scales which were owned by Recusant Catholics for the purpose, to measure his portions during Lent. He must have purchased them at a junk store.  No wonder he was so depressed about what was going on at Westminster and worldwide at the time of the Council. It probably brought him to an early death.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can still recall when my mother (RIP) told me that I was now old enough to participate in Lenten obligations. It was such a thrill. I think it stirred in me my first desire to reject the things of this world that should be rejected. That was over 60 years ago. My convert husband and I still look forward to Lent and would never forego the fasting even though we are above the age. We continue in the fasting for the sake of souls besides our own.

Thank you for posting the clipping of the Lenten rules. I will be sharing!