Friday, January 29, 2021



  1. There are four dead Trump supporters who attended the Stop the Steal rally killed by the DC police or FBI? or BLM? and nobody is allowed to know anything about the identity of the killer cops. Democrats love the Stasi.

  2. On this particular browser, the offering will not unmute. On a previous day, an EMJ posting played for 20 minutes and then went mute. I went to a different browser than "Google". Previously, I was able to pick up on it. However, there was a loud overplay from TV 10 Columbus, Ohio. It was hard to hear but I managed. I presume that you tube would play it accurately like the last time.---EMJ has an interesting perspective that needs to be explored. His connection of "Urban Renewal" with "ethnic cleansing" is masterful. This goes with one of his book offerings.

  3. Anonymous: We all knew the name of the cop who is accused of killing Leroy Floyd in Minneapolis within minutes. Why is the DC cop still anonymous?

    JBQ: The Columbus cathedral protest was only mentioned briefly and midway through the podcast. Try finding the original copy up at the website Our Interesting Times

  4. @Unknown: I did find the website. You misunderstand my reference to Columbus. This was an overview for the tape and served as static for two broadcasts at the same time. I believe that it was a way to "black out" the controversial broadcast without censoring. It is obvious that EMJ is being "blocked" on the original browser.

  5. Trump's criminal thugs are insurrectionists who have attempted to destroy the foundations of democracy. The rabid brain cracked mongrels are being brought to heel one by one. They have brought nothing but shame to the US which is now regarded by the civilized world as a place of lawlessness and profound social dysfunction.

  6. 2:23pm
    HA! And the rest of the "civilized" world is such a reasonable, calm, intelligent Judge.
    What civilized place did you have in mind? Start by excluding all countries that regard abortion on demand, with a yawn. Or perhaps the "civilized" countries that now euthanize the inconvenient people with not so much as a tear from the citizenry.
    Enlighten me.
    Did you mean that paragon Justice...China?, The Congo?, El Salvador?

  7. Jimmy learned that tirade of lies from Commie School. Idiot!

  8. @Jim Hoffnung: Contrary to your vision of a warped reality, there are two evils here. Police have identified some 400 violent protesters and most will get deserved jail time. Reports have indicated that some 1500 housing structures were burned down in Minneapolis. Evidently, no one went to jail.---Yesterday, Cori Bush US Representative from my home district claimed that she was being harassed and stalked by Marjorie Greene of Georgia.----Bush is at least 5 ft 7, 160, and probably more like 5 ft 10, 200. Greene is shown next to the 6 ft 3 Trump and comes across as 5 ft 2, 11o.---This is not about truth. It is all about creating a Communist state. You have evil on the right just like in Nazi Germany. Nevertheless, the true nature of the conflict lies with the Bolshevik takeover of Russia. Post Nazi East Germany should send shivers through the body.----West Germany was rebuilt by the West. Now, the Bolsheviks want to destroy America. My brother worked in post Communist Germany. Their factories were one tiered. If they wanted to make air conditioners, they would have to shut down the one making stoves and then retool.----The proletariat of Cori Bush want to destroy capitalism. Read Alexander Solzhenitsyn to see how that will be done. He was a member of the Communist military and made an "off the cuff" remark for which he was imprisoned and then sent to the gulag.

  9. Trump and his deranged followers have done an outstanding job of destroying the fabric of US society and the very institutions of freedom and democracy that allowed him to do it.
    It's not the Bolsheviks you have to fear Popeye, it's the Nazis within.
    The US is regarded as the sick man of the civilized world.

    1. I’m afraid you’re the deranged one Jimbo. There is no cure for TDS and you are living proof of that

  10. One thing Gaybrielle does is portray an exemplar of the modernist heretic in the wild what with his defamation, infantile rejoinders and narcissistic attention seeking.

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  12. Trump did a great job exposing the corruption in the US government. Long term, that can only be a good thing. The Biden regime already looks weak and illegitimate. Benedict XVI also did a great job in publishing Summorum Pontificum. That had the effect of both recognising and reinstating the Old Mass. In time, that decision will grow the true Catholic faith worldwide.
