Saturday, January 30, 2021

Can I get an AMEN?


  1. This appears to be an older posting since the gentleman keeps quoting Barack Obama. Nevertheless as someone with extensive experience working in the Black community, I support his realistic assessment of crime. It is "salty" to be sure but accurate and to the point.----I moved some years ago from a multi ethnic neighborhood which had deteriorated. I recently noted that the current resident of my apartment in a six family flat had been murdered. He was an African-American former Marine. He brought in a white prostitute who brought along a black thug who robbed and killed him. He then took the woman across the river and got rid of the witness by killing her.---This guy is accurate in his assessment of black crime. I worked for three years in a lockup juvenile institution. One day a social worker gave a talk. She asked just how many of these male individuals had murdered someone. Out of 30 participants, all put up their hands.---Part of the initiation into the inner circle of a gang is a murder. One fourteen year old had murdered twice and could only be sentenced under current law to 6 months since the crimes occurred when he was 12. At 14, he was already a big time drug kin pin as verified by one of the staff who was a former Marine and brought him home for a visit. He stated that he witnessed the entire neighborhood walking up to him and handing him money. He guess that there was at least 10,000.00 involved.

  2. The foul language aside, he lost me as soon as he call abortion “an option”.

  3. OOOOOhhh, we don't like darkies, do we?

  4. Gaybrielle: you are a reprobate priest. Your only hope to escape hell is to resign the clerical state and undertake a life of penance. Trolling while drunk is an unwise use of the little time left to you.

  5. Anonymous:

    Isn't it an option? I'm not clear that he thinks it's a moral option but he does show that it doesn't prevent black criminality. I'm sure he's aware that many do, in fact, avail themselves of this "option."

  6. The unwritten reality is that many African blacks are terrified of American blacks. Coming from a country albeit poor, even much much poorer in africa, and then seeing these uncivilized peoples who were raised with all the benefits the African could not have, and still the American complains, and can't get their act together. Another example, of how excessive wealth and secular democracy creates spoiled and corrupt generations.

  7. Darkies seem to be totally absent from QAnon. I wonder why?

  8. "KRUGER RAND" what a racist comment!
    QANon is not a right wing group. It's against the Social Reign of Christ the King. But what would you know? You sound like you are not Catholic. What would you know about "Quas Primas" and the "Syllabus of Errors"?

  9. "Kruger Rand" "Dignitatus Humanae" and "Gaudium et Spes" were labeled by Jihn XXIII, Paul VI, and Cardinal Perricle Felici as strictly pastoral, approaches to the modern world, which are not given infallibility, and "are to be viewed in the Light of Tradition"(their words). Infallible Teachings of the Church, especially condemnations of homosexuality and abortion, although it may upset you, however, are not subject to personal tastes. The Church has always condemned perverts,, and feminists, because people have no Rights. Only God has Rights, objectively speaking, and we are all condemned to death. But God can grant His Life to those in the tomb, if the persons renounce claim of emancipation from God-given Authority and legitimate and Objective Law.

    1. Well said and Amen! and lets hope Kruger Rand disappears from this blog just like the eponymous gold coin advertisements that ran on late night TV back in the 1970s

  10. "There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then (I) look around and see someone white and feel relieved."

    The Rev. Jesse Jackson ~ Nov. 1993
    Shadow Senator Washington, D.C.

  11. @Spook Jones: "Priceless" from someone who has worked extensively in the black community. "Bleeding Hearts" with homosexual priests and lesbian nuns in the lead with their own hidden agenda are leading the destruction. EMJ with his views on "Urban Renewal" and "ethnic cleansing" is completely right as obnoxiously as he says it.

  12. Much truth. Hate the language and his support for abortion.

  13. His pro-abortion talk seems to be men's rights driven. Logical but immoral.
