Thursday, March 14, 2019

Poland’s Bishops Oppose LGBT Charter

The Polish Catholic Bishops' Conference contradicts the LGTB Charter, which is currently much debated in Poland with a powerful statement - the charter promotes homosexual situations, but stigmatises people with a different view of the world or other religions

Warsaw ( Poland's bishops emphasize in a joint statement that they lack respect for the dignity of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals, but they have the "common good of society as a whole and, above all, the rights of parents and the Polish Catholic Bishops' Conference writes in its statement against the "LGBT Charter,” which is currently heavily debated in Poland and proposed by some local governments: "The Church does not use the name 'LGBT' because it calls into question the Christian image. In the scriptures it reads that, God created man according to his image and image, as man and woman, different in vocation but equal in dignity, and the divinity desired by God is the foundation of marriage and the family built on it, which is the basic cell of society. The proposed vision of the human images does not count toward the truth about human nature and only refers to imaginary ideological ideas. Not only are they completely alien to European civilization, but if they were to become the basis of social norms, they would be a threat to the future of our continent.”

The Polish bishops further explain that the LGBT Charter proposes activities "that promote homosexual environments or initiatives that stigmatize people with a different worldview or religion. In other words, although the Charter requires the fight against discrimination, it nevertheless promotes discrimination against others. "Moreover, the bishops criticize that" these projects would be funded by public funds, but raise doubts about respect for the principles of social justice.”

The most worrying, according to Polish bishops, is the demand for "the introduction of sex education courses addressing 'issues of psychosexual identity and gender identity, in line with WHO (World Health Organization) standards and guidelines. This project can easily take away parents' influence on their children's education and become a corrupt program for them,” say Catholic Church Pastors.

Link to the statement of the Polish Episcopal Conference in full length on its homepageStanowisko Konferencji Episkopatu Polski w sprawie tak zwanej Karty LGBT

Trans: Tancred


  1. Alright! So someone fill me in? Until now the Law and Justice Party is ruling with crackdowns on lgbt ideology in schools and government. How does this charter suddenly become so prominent?

  2. The LGBT charter is promoted by the left wing of the opposition to mobilize its electorate before the election. They are member of the coalition in the local government in liberal Warsaw, so their voice is noisy. The mainstream opposition distances itself from these ideas for fear of losing votes (70% of Poles are against liberalization of rights for LGBT), but they can not cut themselves off from the LGBT because of their dependence on Brussels. Leftist radicals facilitate the victory of the right wing.
