Thursday, March 14, 2019

Francis Has Handed the Helm of the Church to Gay Lobby

Pope Francis with sodomite group of the Archdiocese of Westminster.

(Rome) The LGBT + Catholics Westminster Pastoral Council met with Pope Francis. "An encounter that weighs like an encyclical," said Riccardo Cascioli, editor-in-chief of Nuova Bussola Quotidiana (NBQ). The problem is not the reception of people with homosexual inclinations, who are anchored in the bosom of the Church to know and struggle for their sinfulness. The problem is the reception for organized homosexual groups whose goal is to change the teaching of the Church and to entertain their deviancy.

The Pope of gestures

Pope Francis knows that gestures and above all media propagated images of these gestures have more effect than a thousand words. His pontificate is founded in no small portion on this conception. Pope Francis is the "Pope of gestures".

"That's why there's little to interpret," says Cascioli, when one sees the warm welcome Francis granted to Westminster's gay community. Francis can also be very different, as the reception for US President Donald Trump showed.

The homo community of Westminister, which is sponsored by Cardinal Vincent Nichols, was already the subject of a review by the Congregation of the Faith, as Cardinal Gerhard Müller had the say there. The instructions given by him seem to have received little attention.

It was the homosexuals themselves who joyfully announced the papal attention on Monday.

Desired meeting

The meeting took place on March 6 and formed the conclusion of the pilgrimage to Rome, which was led by the Jesuit, Fr. David Stewart.

There has been no shortage of preferred treatments in Rome. At the general audience on St. Peter's Square, the Homo group received "privileged seats". At the end of the general audience they were invited to an "encounter with Pope Francis".

Good-humored Pope with "LGBT + Catholics Westminster"

These are not "random photos" that have been distributed on the Internet, but a planned meeting that was desired by the Holy See. This is confirmed by the attached message from Cardinal Nichols. If it was not the Pope himself, the gathering was favored, at least by his entourage. Martin Pendergast, the well-known homosexual activist, was able to introduce the group to a beaming Pope Francis.

An obvious "sign of acceptance and humanity" as Pope Francis asks of the Church, Cascioli says with an ironic undertone.

Of course, the method is "exhausting," according to the NBQ editor-in-chief, "to pretend that nothing will change so that everything changes." It is exhausting for contemporaries to see through the observers, those affected, the bishops, the faithful, and to understand what is being played at. The method consists in hollowing out the doctrine of faith through practice until it is empty, without ever admitting it, ever speaking about it, and without giving any justification for it. So one day comes the moment when it is determined that everything has changed and no one knows or wants to know how it could have happened.

A sin yesterday, today a virtue?

Until yesterday, practiced homosexuality was an unnatural sin, even an outrageous sin calling for the vengeance of God. This is how St. Pius X taught it, and so it is still today in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (KKK, 1867). This is not the invention of a pope. It is the Holy Scripture that teaches it.

Today, however, homosexuality seems to be a virtue.

On what basis did this change occur? What has changed? Maybe nature?

There are no answers to that, at least not from the Vatican. There it was simply decided, without saying it, without admitting it and without explaining that it is simply different now. Just because. Anyone who criticizes this, who - as Francis speaks - is a "rigorist", a "teacher of the law", a stickler for the law, a stubborn dogmatist, a "hard-hearted" who throw stones.

The Pope's requests to speak frankly and freely, to cultivate the synodality, on closer inspection, quickly turn out to be cheap words that the facts can not match.

The Jesuitization of the Church

The essential feature of papal action "is the ambiguity,” says Cascioli.

"Let your yes be yes, your no a no; everything else comes from evil” (Mt 5:37).

This message from the Lord who delivers the Gospel seems to be nothing more than an "impossible" relic of the past - according to Pope Francis. Jesuit general Arturo Sosa will argue that there were no tape recorders at that time, which is why these words may have been handed down incorrectly. Who knows exactly.

Some critics speak of a Jesuitization of the Church, and do not mean that positively.

From Rome it echoes differently, and many babble about it: "The Pope takes all. We are all sinners.” Does he help people with that, or is it simply bowing and scraping as the price of relativism? There is no doubt that Francis sets his gestures out of this spirit of acceptance, according to Cascioli.

"But the gesture also has an objective message, and that goes way beyond. Objectively, this gesture legitimizes sin.”

The gay lobby has taken command in the Church 

The Pope did not meet individuals on 6 March, to whom he personally turned. He met with an organized group that considers and promotes their homosexuality for something good and great. He met with a structured lobby that denies human nature and aims to change Church doctrine and Scripture. The latter is even clearer as far as God's plans are concerned, as larger parts of the Church doctrine since the Second Vatican Council. The clear statements of Scripture begin with the Creation account (Gen 1:27), where it is plain that God created man "as a man and a woman".

At least he could  justify the paradigm shift practiced. Was God wrong? Has the Church taught wrong things for about two thousand years?

"There is no escape from such questions. It can not be that an act is a sin in one day and the most natural thing the day after. This is not a deepening of the doctrine but its denial," says Cascioli.

The meeting with the Homo group wanted by the Pope makes it even easier to understand later why the anti-abuse summit in February avoided the issue of homosexuality, although several bishops raised the problem. For Cascioli, one thing is clear:

"If it's still not clear, the gay lobby has taken command in the Church."

For those who are too innocent in thought, and for those who do not want to admit it, there are two more comments to better understand what is happening.

Note 1

The English aberrosexual group celebrated the morning praise "in memory of the victims of homophobia and transphobia" during their stay in Rome in the Church of San Bartolomeo all'Isola. The church is run by the community of Sant'Egidio. In it, however, the Church does not remember this "sacrifice" but "the martyr of our day". If you grasp this point, you have understood something.

"I think that no one can escape the fact that there is an attempt to put the alleged victims of even more alleged discrimination against the Christian martyrs of the twentieth century, who were killed for their love for Jesus Christ, on a par."

Here an ideologically motivated operation is taking place to profane the place that Pope John Paul II intended to commemorate millions of Catholics killed by the totalitarians of the previous century.

Note 2

The meeting of the Pope with the Homo group and their press release revealed that the Archdiocese of Westminister even has a "Pastoral Council of LGBT + Catholics". Probably, according to Cascioli, this is not even an isolated case.

"That means that in different dioceses the language of the Church is no longer spoken, but that of the world. The gender ideology has fully invaded pastoral care. "

Every second and fourth Sunday in London, there is a Mass for the LGBT + at Farm Street Church, dedicated to the Immaculate Conception. The church was chosen by Cardinal Nichols. The Mass is celebrated by Jesuits.

At the World Family Meeting in August 2018, for the first time, program items sponsored by aberrosexuals were honored. The "wish" came expressly from Rome. In the Youth Synod in October 2018, there was found in the preparation document, the aberrosexual self-description  LGBT. It was missing in the final document because the pressure on the synod was so great.

"As you can see, the reality is much greater. There are already bishops and cardinals who, out of conviction or convenience, have adapted to the new dictatorship and want to impose it on the whole Church. "
[+Nichols has always been an enabler of sodomy and its glorification.]

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: lgbt-ca-w (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred


  1. One of those traitorous prelates burning in hell should come back and give Bergoglio a sulphurous "Midas" touch as a memento.

  2. His friend is teaching at St. Joseph´s University far away from Rome.

  3. Lord, How can we go on like this ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

  4. They smile now but what awaits them.....

  5. One of the biggest supporters of gays and homosexuality, the infamous Cardinal Godfried Danneels died today in Belgium. He succeeded in 1979 the equally bad Cardinal Suenens.
    Danneels was one of the Sankt Gallen mafia, and a key member in the election of Francis.....remember him standing on the balcony in 2013 next to the new Pope? We should have been suspicious of Francis right then and there.
    Daneels has gone to his reward...whatever that may be...joining the also corrupt and rotten Cardinal Martini...both men forced the jelly-fish Benedict XVI to resign.

    Anyway, with a heavyweight supporter of Francis like Danneels gone, and another, McCarrick disgraced and laicized.....Francis has almost no one left except a pack of the crowd he posed with.
    Maybe he'll be gone soon too.

    Damian Malliapalli

  6. The prophecy of La Salette was fulfilled: Rome lost faith and became ungodly. The penalty for ungodliness is sodomy. Rome is punished right now.

  7. spirit of vatican2 is janus the two faced god and his rep here on earth is francis bishop of ambiguity
