Thursday, December 14, 2017

Slovakian Bishops: Catholics Can Not Be Liberal

Bishops reaffirmed their rejection of the legal recognition of homosexual partnerships in Advent Letter

Bratislava ( The Catholic bishops of Slovakia have confirmed their negative attitude to the legal recognition of homosexual partnerships in their Advent Letter and have come under media criticism. In the daily newspaper "Dennik N" (weekend edition), for example, the Protestant theologian Ondrej Prostrednik turned against an episcopal "rhetoric of conflict and battle that does not strengthen Europe, but weakens it and makes it vulnerable to the most diverse forms of extremism."Prostrednik, who teaches at Comenius University, had criticized in August the negative attitude of his church (Lutheran Church of Slovakia / EKAB) in the partnership question, after which the church leadership had deprived him of permission to teach at the Faculty of Theology.

The Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Bishops was published on the 3rd of December. Both the choice of themes and the tone were critically examined. The pastoral letter can be understood both as a summary of the previous positions of the Church and the Church policy guidelines for the next few years, thus the tenor of the comments. 

Based on the responsibility of the faithful, as outlined by the Second Vatican Council, the bishops refer to the "effort for the harmony between our lives with the grace of membership in the Catholic Church of Christ, from the beginning, as a 'Catholic Identity'". The Church is aware of its "human weaknesses" but is "deeply convinced that it is precisely the community founded by Christ Himself that is most visible". For Catholics, Mass on Sunday and the required holy days and the reception of the sacraments are a matter of course. 

Today, however, the Church must "fight for values ​​that seemed natural for centuries". The country is already "heavily marked by the millstone of the abortion law". The Catholic identity also contradicts "liberalism, which relativizes the fundamental human and natural values". 

Incompatible with the Catholic identity, however, is also "a form of patriotism that raises the people beyond any other values," as well as racism and anti-Semitism. (There are some one must not offend at all costs.) From all this we can see that "in no election are we allowed to support candidates whose attitudes on fundamental issues contradict our beliefs," it said. 

Trans: Tancred


Anonymous said...

You expect me to believe this apostate Pope to have a good end when his time on earth is up? The way I see it,only by a visit to hell and be burned by its fire for a little while would he repent and fight for the cause of God.

Carl said...
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Anonymous said...

Traditionalists hold the liberal position on extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Mattei will not affirm Feeneyite EENS.
DECEMBER 15, 2017
The traditionalists in general have made an error.They have made a major error in theology and doctrine.

The traditionalists in general have made an error.They have made a major error in theology and doctrine.
For Roberto dei Mattei for example invisible cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) are visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
So he will not affirm Feeneyite EENS.
So Vatican Council II is a rupture with Tradition for him.If he affirmed Feeneyite EENS Vatican Council II would not be a rupture with Tradition.
He would be saying Lumen Gentium 16(LG 16) etc are not physically visible cases.SO they do not contradict the old ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.
Vatican Council II does not contradict Feeneyite EENS.
-Lionel Andrades

Traditionalists are liberal on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
DECEMBER 14, 2017
No contradiction or correction from Roberto dei Mattei

Anonymous said...

Pledge of Fidelity liberals.

DECEMBER 15, 2017
Pledge of Fidelity reject de fide teachings of the Catholic Church and support a new irrational theology

Barnum said...

Amazing dynamic, that-- the Commie-Protestant tail trying to wag the Catholic dog of named Slovakia. Good for the Slovakian bishops!

BTW: isn't the term "Protestant theologian" an oxymoron? Well, perhaps not as egregious as "Gay Catholic."

JBQ said...

I made a Navy visit to Romania which was Orthodox before the Communist takeover. Slovakia also has a great deal of Orthodox influence by being in Eastern Europe. We all know the history of the Sudetan land and the takeover by Hitler.---They do not believe in Vatican II. Poland is the most visible rebellious unit. That is why Francis is visiting Poland. He does not care (to put it mildly) for the legacy of John Paul. He is evaluating Poland in order to break it down by putting "Cupich" type bishops in positions of authority.---It is called world socialism with a deal made with Communist Russia at Vatican II. That is why there has always been a refusal to release the true contents of the Third Secret of Fatima.

Harry T said...

More sui generis BS and Christless Christianity from the marine dullard himself.

Carl J said...

No, Barney, the oxymoron is you presenting yourself as an authority when in fact you conduct yourself like a poorly catechised, pompous, self-referential git.
BTW, a number of German and French protestant theologians and biblical scholars had a profound influence on Eugenio Pacelli when he was Apostolic Delegate in post WWII Germany. That influence shows when he, as Pius XII, published 'Divino Afflante Spiritu' which, among other things, opened up the application of the historical critical hermeneutical methodologies.
Read about it, Barney.

JBQ said...

@'arry T: My momma said "if you can't say somethin' nice, then don't say anything at all". Read the "handwriting on the wall".

Harry T said...

Read the Gospels. It will be a new experience.

JBQ said...

@'arry T: You might try sniffing reality. Being a lemming is not the same as reading the Gospel.

Harry T said...


Barnum said...

Read Miss Manners and Dale Carnegie, Deborah Harry T, They are for people of your ilk. After that, read "Dear Abby," then take your own advice and get help. But please, not in a homo setting.

Barnum said...

JBQ's observation about Poland is true, thus Deborah Harry T's acrimony. The truth hurts, eh, Jimbielle?

My apologies for the typo, above it should have read "take her advice." Jimbielle regrets that Sarah Silvers, or whatever her name is, isn't an advice columnist and his swishop.

Harry T said...

Poland is hurtling into secularization at a rate neither the bishops or the rest of their clericalist and secular ideologist camp-followers will be able to halt.
Poland has been a priest ridden society for a thousand years, so has the rest of eastern European Catholicism. Secularization is delivering the Polish laity with the knife to cut the umbilical cord just as the French used another knife to liberate themselves from the anointed aristocracies.
Read about it Barney. It might give you a bit of a culture shock out of your indolence, self-obsessiveness and presumptuousness.
BTW, the 'homo' jibes are just a charade for your own identity confusion on every level.
As I said, get help. It's even more urgent than I first thought.

Barnum said...

Never presented myself as an authority on anything, but evidently you see right through me! You really do see what you want to see. And it might be the first time you are right about anything!

There's that homo-neutrical again. Now let's talk Pacelli. I am impressed with your Knowledge!!!!! Fwench and Gewman theowogians!!! WOWWWWW!!!! How many??? What were their names??? Inquiring minds want to know: Why would Pacelli put any credence in the thoughts of the spiritual descendants of the spiritual ancestors of the Nazis and Commies he loathed so much? Eugenio was ignorant of history? Did you learn that at Sts. Will & Grace University? At the Pajama Party Homoneutics class, maybe?

I rather suspect these 2 Proddiehomo theologians that you are most likely dreaming of are just 2 guys that Eugenio asked for directions to Rue St Germain. You can see anything you want to see, Just like when you think those 9-year-old altar boys "are coming on to you."

Here's a little self-reference: I seldom watch TV, like, I am certain, most of the commenters here, but watched my first football game of the year. After the game, the local station couldn't put a show called "Will and Grace" on the air fast enough. What a load of Satan's dung it was. If you haven't yet watched that show, you'll see how deeply homosexual sentimentalist fantasies are infesting the Church.

Barnum said...

Educate me, who has forgotten more about French history than you ever knew, about this knife that in your misabstraction called "the French" used.

Oh, no the "priest-ridden" meme about Ireland from 150 years ago and earlier! Is that what you learned at your Will and Grace University Pajama Party Posing Seminar? Really, over the 5 or so years that I've been reading this site, you've said nothing new and repeated the rhetorical tricks learned at Catholic colleges that working students can no longer afford. You are a part of so many problems in the Church, you leech.

You've never been to Poland, unless on a guided tour, and you don't speak Polish, or know much about Poland or its history, so shut your Preparation H'd face up.

Run your comments and analysis of Eastern Europe by S.Armiticus,, some Merkelkrauts, and the Russkis, then we'll all have a good laugh.

ID confusion? Another limp meme from the 60s. I guess, Moses, Lot, and God Himself, to name greater lights, must have ID confusion as well, according to you.

Ponce geopolitics... You really shouldn't have left Canada.

Harry T said...

You're way out of your depth Barney. That's evident by the level of anger and confusion that so clearly surfaces in your stings of free association and non-sequiturs. I suggest some serious reeducation in the area of Catholics post demise of Christendom or even basis catechesis. You're confusing the Faith with Polish and French monarchism.

Barnum said...


Polish & French Monarchism? Yet another non-sequitur that shows you don't know what you are talking about. Evidently, you don't know the difference between comments and a thesis.

Now mince off, you confused homosexual nongentleperson.

Harry T said...

Clearly when coherent conversation is beyond you, the automatic default of position of thoroughly baseless personal invective clicks in. That a dead giveaway for one who is far too fragile psychologically, spiritually and personally to conduct themselves as a self-possessed adult.
You don't cut the mustard, Barney.

Anonymous said...

Protestant tehologian, ha! That's like... Swiss refugee :) Hint: It doesn't exist.

P.S. Thanks to blog owner for allowing instant comments.

Carl J said...

Barney, the conflicted and confused wrote and inquired:
"Inquiring minds want to know: Why would Pacelli put any credence in the thoughts of the spiritual descendants of the spiritual ancestors of the Nazis and Commies he loathed so much?"
Among the mostly protestant German scholars read avidly by Eugenio Pacelli were:
Bornkamm, Fuchs, Kaesemann, Gunkel, Harnack, Zerwick, Wrede, Conzelmann and even Bultmann. Pacelli was a man interested in the Truth and resisted the tempatation to have his judgment dictated by bigotry and ideologies of all kinds.
It is a pity that they only responses you seem capable of making are teenage name-calling, misplaced aggression and witless reactiveness. The habitual dismissal of those who argue with you as 'homos' etc betrays not only rash judgment about those individuals but your lack of maturing and competency to have a conversation. You are not alone in this regard. It is an observable trademark of those who have nailed their flags to the mast of Traddie sites especially the invert, neurotic and very toxic Mundabor.

Barnum said...

Wow, what a classic example of projection!

Harry T said...

All talk and no trousers from the captain of P & W.

Anonymous said...

"...burned by its fire for a little while..."? You sound like him. Try burned for ETERNITY!

Barnum said...

I have no idea what you're saying, Deborah Harry T, as I am not homolingual.

Anonymous said...

DECEMBER 19, 2017
In this year of the 100 anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, 'the dogma of the faith has been lost' even with the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and other traditionalists denying it

Barnum said...

Carlie Jo, I'll tell you what's juvenile: Your total dishonesty. The argument went from "a number of German and French protestant theologians and biblical scholars" to 8 guys with Protestant opinions; I never heard of Eugenio saying "hmmm, I think Gunkel is as good as Aquinas." Bultmann???? Come on, man, grow up. Your pal Jorge is the only Pope I know that has an affinity for Lutherans. Speaking of growing up, I have never seen you criticize Gaybriel or Deorah Harry T. for "teenage name-calling, misplaced aggression and witless reactiveness [and t]he habitual dismissal of those who argue with you..."
OHHHH, I see...

Barnum said...

BTW, that is not to say that a Protestant can't contribute to good solid Bible scholarship. A few do, just as a few Catholics do, you not among the good ones. I am contesting the theologian part of your pseudoscholarly twaddle and assertions, Gayb.

Anonymous said...

Liberal Worcester bishop.

DECEMBER 20, 2017
Bishop Robert McMahon Bishop of Worcester makes change in Decree on St. Benedict Center deletes original reference to Vatican Council II ?

Administrátor said...

Don´t get your hopes too high. Slovakia is actually germany/austria 40 years ago. People are leaving cat. church and number of new priests is going down every year. This country was saved from modernism by ehm "communism" We´ve got extra 40 years. In same bishop´s letter they warned against the only REAL catholic political party /publicly consecrated to Virgin Mary/, while silent about homo, pro-abortion and other parties. For bishops catholic nationalism is biggest problem. On latest synod slovakian representative voted with a looney germans. Good news is that people are still ashamed of sin and they will stop to receive Eucharist and they will go to confession. May God come and clean his vineyard. If it means fire, war, famine and death of millions I am for it! Don´t expect help from Slovakia /Central Europe/- we are going down too!