Thursday, July 13, 2017

Evil Editor of La Civiltà Cattolica Attacks Church Militant

Edit: The fact that Spadaro, a man of very dubious orthodoxy but great power in the Church, is angry with Church Militant, is a positive indicator that they are doing the right stuff.  It's a sign of sanctity, even, isn't it?
VATICAN CITY ( - An influential Vatican advisor is slamming Church Militant as belligerent, an apostolate that employs "shocking rhetoric" to allegedly impose a "ultraconservative" political agenda in Catholic dress.
Father Antonio Spadaro, S.J. is Editor-in-Chief of La Civiltà Cattolica, considered the official voice of the Vatican and whose contents are reviewed and approved by the Vatican Secretary of State before publication. Spadaro is also one of Pope Francis' closest associates and an influential advisor. In an article titled "Evangelical Fundamentalism and Catholic Integralism in the USA: A surprising ecumenism," published in the current issue of the journal, Spadaro goes on the attack against American conservatives, Evangelicals and President Trump, and laments "Catholic integralists" who allegedly insert politics into their work of saving souls.
"There is a shocking rhetoric used, for example, by the writers of Church Militant," Spadaro writes, "a successful US-based digital platform that is openly in favor of a political ultraconservatism and uses Christian symbols to impose itself. This abuse is called 'authentic Christianity.'"


JBQ said...

"Church Militant" is a light weight in the obstructionist movement. For Spadaro to target them is absolutely insane. As Shakespeare opined, "methinks thou dost protest too much".

Tancred said...

Spadaro is the lightweight.

Anon said...

Spadaro is correct in calling out the hubris and hypocrisy of the sexually compromised and gender confused Voris.

Anonymous said...

They want to align themselves with the UN. They realize that the big money and worldly power comes with bringing their apostasy into the open. They don't need us peasants. We even have the audacity to question their disgusting sodomy. Why take our dimes when they can get dollars from the (((wicked))) husbandmen.

David O'Neill said...

Carry on putting things into perspective. God will reward you!!

Steve Dalton said...

Well, I wonder how Voris, the Papal butt kisser, will respond to this criticism? LCC is the Pope's own newspaper. So, will Mikey man up, and dare criticize the Pope, or will he continue to be Papal butt kisser in chief, and tell the Pope his butt smells like a rose? My guess is Voris will stop and smell the roses.🌹

Anonymous said...

Political ultraconservatim? Trump? He obviously knows nothing about American politics if he thinks Trump is an ultraconservative. Stay in the safe zone and stick to Italian politics.

Blotto said...

Anon@7:51pm, After St. Damien of Molokai had contracted leprosy himself, he warned a visiting priest who had come to hear his confession not to disembark from his ship but to remain on board. He then proceeded to shout out the whole of his confession from the dockside. Michael Voris has also made a very public confession of his past sins and for people, especially fellow Catholics, to regularly rake up his frailties is deeply unchristian. Michael Voris is part of the solution, not the problem and this criticism from the regime occupying the Vatican demonstrates that fact.

Catholic Mission said...

Do we all have to violate the Principle of Non Contradiction in the interpretation of Vatican Council II to be not considered fundamentalist?
JULY 14, 2017
Ralph Martin, Robert Fastiggi, John Martignoni and Fr. Stefano Visintin osb indicate Pope Francis has violated the Principle of Non Contradiction in his interpretation of Vatican Council II

Catholic Mission said...

JULY 15, 2017
Experts agree.No denial from Vatican.Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise.Violates Principle of Non Contradiction

Anonymous said...

And most Catholics couldn't give a damn for your principles of non-contradiction or invisibility and they will happily go to heaven. Eipikeia will get the better of all this tortured ens rationis.

Catholic Mission said...

Most people are on the way to Hell according to John 3:5 since they die without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.
Most people are on the way to Hell since they do not believe and are condemned as Jesus said in Mark 16:16.
Most people are on the way to Hell since the road to Hell is wide and most people take it.(Mt.7:13)
Most people are on the way to Hell since they die without faith and baptism which is needed for salvation(Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II).
Most people are on the way to Hell and in Heaven there are only Catholics( Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441).
-Lionel Andrades

Anonymous said...

The big challenge Lionel is for you to arrive at an understanding that you are not God, you cannot possibly know the mind of God and if you did, you would spend considerably more time attending to the state of your own soul and quit bleating about documents or scripture quotes determining God's saving plane for humanity.

Catholic Mission said...

The big challenge Lionel is for you to arrive at an understanding that you are not God,
Lionel: The Holy Spirit guides the Church. I am repeating magisterial and traditional teachings of the Church.
You find them difficult.
You are playing God...or rather Satan.

you cannot possibly know the mind of God and if you did, you would spend considerably more time attending to the state of your own soul and quit bleating about documents or scripture quotes determining God's saving plane for humanity.

Lionel: This is what the Catholic Church teaches it is not my personal opinion.

Anonymous said...

What's with the parentheses? Just say Jews. Everyone knows what you mean.

Anonymous said...

Catholic no more, after generations of my family being Catholic, I was a Alter boy and I sent my sons to catholic schools, no more. The Church is no longer Church and my Grandchildren will not be brought up in Francis's Church.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, popes come and popes go. None of them lasts forever. The Church will, though. Do not deprive yourself or your grandchildren of the sacraments, their means of grace, over this Pope or any other priest. Follow Christ, and He said we must eat His Body and drink His Blood to have life eternal.

Anonymous said...

Francis operates like a dictator. His firings left and right of church leaders who are orthodox show he has ZERO tolerance for opposing views. He is the danger not the daily mass attending Catholics who dislike this popes protestant stance on everything Catholic.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked at hearing so little of Jesus from so-called Catholic Christians. Jesus didn't create a club when he made Peter the rock upon which the Church was built. Jesus gave us his body and blood not as a free ticket to heaven, as some seem to think. Communion is to be our strength, our courage, to be Jesus in this world, to do the Father's will, which is not the will or the way of Trump and such. Just the opposite. It's the hard way he described in Matthew 25: 31-46. That's how we are to live, how we will be judged. And it's not just about charity. It's about making sure all our sick have access to and can afford health care; that we feed the hungry by ensuring that all workers are paid living wages; that people have clean water to drink because we are taking care of God's gift of the earth. Spend some time reading the Gospels, though I warn you, they are frightening because they demand that we love our neighbors. --John V

Tancred said...

I'm not shocked at all to hear almost nothing rational from people who repeat the same tired cliches.

TommyD6of11 said...

Many of our great saints were dismissed as 'light weights' by contemporary thinkers.

TommyD6of11 said...

What bizarre logic you have, or, perhaps disingenuous would be more accurate.

Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future.

Voris had lead a life of homosexual hedonism. But, then he found Jesus and saw the light.

Voris now preaches against the evils of homosexuality.

How ironic, how insincere, that you attempt to smere Voris for past which he renounces.

TommyD6of11 said...

If Jesus was a Socialist, then the 12 apostles would have been the 12 bureaucrats. He woukd never have said "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and give unto God what is God's.

Socialism is the opposite of charity.

Nationalized healthcare is a failure. Its promises are all lies.

England's national healthcare kills off 125,000 people each year who are deemed by the State to be no longer worthy of the expense [Google Liverpool Care Protocal].

Clear air and water, yes.

But, Global Warming is the greatest scam in the history of the world. GW is all about two things, money and power, especially power for an ever bigger, more intrusive State.

Anonymous said...

You are just repeating the usual right wing BS out of very un-Christian selfishness and callousness. You will end up in Hell for your attitudes.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Voris and C. M.will NOT engage in the vile name calling and character assignation that got Mr. Galt Excommunicated from the RC faith in Colombia. He Voris has skewered the liberal clowns like Sparando, Roisica and Donahue etc.. This is why there is a increasing vile attacks by the liberal clowns in the liberal cino media on him and his exposes on bad cino clergy the Vatican etc.... Voris work is like what he did with Dolan, Weurhl and Gomez in the USA and Cocopalmeiro and Maradiaga etc. at the Vatican. He must have struck a nerve. Great increase in the whine and wail about him and Church militant to say the least..

Anonymous said...

Suggest you read the bio. of St. Augustine. As a Pagan young man St. Augustine live3d separately in sin with two pagan women and had a out of wedlock child with one of them..... He St. Augustine became a Catholic , priest , died as a bishop and one of the great writers of the church. His bastard son became a Catholic priest. Like St. Paul and St. Columba etc.. reformed sinners make great Catholics. Mr Voris is a reformed sinner, like the Prodigal son etc.. That is the best kind of Catholics. That is why he is despised by CINO Catholics like Sparando and Donahue of NYC..

Tancred said...

Do you even believe in Hell, anonymous 11:33?

Tancred said...

Do you even believe in Hell, anonymous 11:33?