Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Conciliar Possession

By Don Denis Puga, FSSPX
Le Chardonnet
June, 2017
Father Denis Puga is the new parish priest at the FSSPX Church of Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet  in Paris, which publishes the newsletter of the same name.

[Rorate] Shortly before undergoing His terrible Passion, Our Lord solemnly warned His disciples: “Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat” (Luke, 22, 31). This warning is also for us today, as the Church, following Her Master, is undergoing a terrible crucifixion. Our Church has been abandoned and betrayed.  Our Church has been taken over.

The prudence of a combatant requires that he must never underestimate his adversary. St. Paul tells us that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the princes of darkness. Our adversary? The Demon himself, the Prince of this world, as Jesus was to point out often with great precision. 

We cannot sanctify ourselves outside the present concrete situation of the Holy Catholic Church, the Ark of Salvation which, alone, can lead us safe and sound onto the shores of eternal life.

Now, this Church – we have to acknowledge  is in a catastrophic state, like “a boat leaking water in every side” according to a recent Pope despite the fact the he himself, in his lifetime, contributed  in causing many of the leaks. 

Our Church, for some years now, is as if possessed by an alien spirit, not the Spirit of God: this spirit of the Council which has taken possession of everything, which has insinuated its way everywhere. All of it truly resembles diabolical possession.

Some will be shaken up by these words, but wasn’t Christ Himself, at the time of the temptation in the desert, under the physical power of the Demon, who took Him up a mountaintop to offer Him all the kingdoms of the earth? 

Monsignor Lefebvre made a similar analysis. At the time of Vatican II, in 1965, referring to Gaudium et spes, he declared: “This pastoral constitution is neither pastoral nor proceeds from the Catholic Church: it does not feed men and Christians the evangelical, apostolic  truth and besides, the Church has never spoken in this way. This voice, we cannot listen to, as it is not the voice of the Bride of Christ. This voice is not the voice of the Spirit of Christ.  We recognize the voice of Christ, our Shepherd.  This one we ignore. It is dressed in sheep’s clothing:  it is not the voice of Christ, but perhaps that of a wolf.” (I accuse the Council, ed. Ichtys, 2002, p. 126). 



David O'Neill said...

The main part of our post Conciliar Church seems to admit that any religion even Islam can lead to God. It was bad enough when our pastors began to preach that even Protestantism could lead to God when older Catholics know that there is Salvation only through the "One, True Church". As a young man I had to receive express permission (in writing) from my bishop before I was allowed to sing in a choral concert in a non Catholic church. We can only blame Vatican 2 for the parlous state of the Church today or at least we can blame those who misread the Council edicts.

Anonymous said...

Great post and I get so tired of hearing it was just a "problem with the interpretation", or the classic "abuses". That's all BS.

From Nostra Aetate:

3. The Church regards with esteem also the Moslems. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all- powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth,(5) who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God. Though they do not acknowledge Jesus as God, they revere Him as a prophet. They also honor Mary, His virgin Mother; at times they even call on her with devotion. In addition, they await the day of judgment when God will render their deserts to all those who have been raised up from the dead. Finally, they value the moral life and worship God especially through prayer, almsgiving and fasting.

That's a COMPLETE LIE. Do mohammedens believe in the Holy Trinity? : A: NO

If they don't believe in the Holy Trinity do they worship the SAME "one God" Catholics do? A: NO!

That's blasphemy and heresy, that one part of the Vatican II document is wrong (among many many others) but just this one is enough to throw the entire document in the TRASH.

Anonymous said...

Spoken by the rector of St. Nicholas de Chardonnet as a true Catholic pastor of souls and worthy son of the great man and pastor that was Marcel Lefebvre. Let Bishop Fellay take heed and behave like a man and a bishop and not a puppet in the hands of the Machiavellian Puppeteer in Rome.

Sam Sham said...

Yes, thank you Archbishop Lefebvre. Without him there would be no SSPX, FSSP and others of the remnant of the true Church. Many are called, few are chosen. Even Pope Benedict emphasized this, probably without recognizing just how soon this would become obvious. Most of today's hierarchy simply occupies traditionally Catholic real estate. They are not the Church.

Anonymous said...

In the words of St.Athanasius, they have the buildings, but we have the faith. Also, I will not contribute to the Peter's Pence collection in our parish this weekend. I won't give Francis the means to spread heresy. Why would any faithful Catholic help these blasphemers to destroy more souls?

Peter W said...

The first Council of the Church, the 'Jerusalem Council' issued its own Nostra Aetate (Acts 11) which both acknowledged the richness of Christianity's Jewish roots and laid the foundation for the movement away from the Judaism to embrace the Gentile world.

Anonymous said...

This year is 40 years since the SSPX "occupied" St. Nicholas du Chardonnet.

May Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Nicholas, St. Michael and all the Angels and Saints beg Our Lord to preserve the SSPX from all sin, error, heresy and schism.

Monsignor, pray for your spiritual sons and daughters!


Anonymous said...

Any Catholic who still supports Peter's Pence should know they are contributing to the destruction of the Catholic Faith. What will they argue at the judgement, since most of the evidence of Modernist perfidy and apostasy is in?

Anonymous said...

The Seer of Ghent prophesied that Cardinal Schonborn will be the next Pope and restore the Church to it's former glory, restoring the ancient rite and so on. He will take the name John-Paul III and undergo a radical transformation after his election.

Jack D said...

And don't forget the predictions of the Devout Pelbart that the Cardinal will first undergo a lobotomy.

susan said...

history (in Church time) will one day record Lefebvre as being the St. Athanasius of this present crisis. He was the ONE who stood in the breach. He will be raised to the Altar (publicly)....I have no doubt he already is ontologicaly.

If these aren't end days (which I strongly believe they are), the Church historians will use a modified phrase to explain this time of diaboloical disorientation....

"The whole world groaned and marveled to find itself Modernist".

Anonymous said...

As a small aside, but also regarding the True Church, there is news today sweeping the INternet and thru Europe of the Heralds of the Gospel (some of them), being exorcists who rather than combatting Satan, invoked him. This is both scandalous and horrifying....but apparently what the devil said about this particular Pope...Francis..is that he(Francis) is the devil's glory. He does everything the devil wants him to do. This is horrible.
Also, there is a report that some of these Heralds were plotting to in some way, conjure up the means to kill Francis. That part I think is nonsense....but the devil speaking of Francis as his servant....who knows? By his agenda and what Francis has done...maybe he is.
Damian Malliapalli

Anonymous said...

1st Council of Jerusalem didn't state the Jews are correct in awaiting on the Messiah and it definitely didn't say the old covenant still stands!

Anonymous said...

Surely you jest. Never heard of that person.

Anonymous said...

Good points. Is the God of the Old Testament the same God as the new Testament? A: Yes, of course. Do Jews believe this? A: No, so there is no way they worship the same God Catholics do.

Unknown said...

Interesting. I'll be in Paris in September and was going to try to go to Mass there---if I can ascertain that the priest is ordained in the old rite. SSPX stopped conditionally re-ordaining Novus Ordo priests some years ago---another traitorous act to LeFebvre who stated that the new ordination rite was doubtful and that the bishop consecration rite was invalid.

Seattle kim

Anonymous said...

Dont just blame Vatican Council II. We need to specify if we are referring to Vatican Council II Cushingite or Vatican Council II Feeneyite, Vatican Council II interpreted with an irrational premise or one without it.
Archbishop Lefebvre only knew Vatican Council II Cushingite.
He did not know that there was a choice. Neither is this known to EWTN, Catholic Answers and Raymond DeSouza of St. Gabriel Communications.

JUNE 20, 2017

Raymond de Souza at EWTN and HLI also says invisible people are visible exceptions to EENS : affirms Cushingite theology

JUNE 20, 2017

EWTN is in a rupture with the magisterium of the 16th century according to Pope Benedict XVI

JUNE 20, 2017

Catholic Answers keep assuming invisible people are visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Blotto said...

With respect, that's minor league prophecy. Much more significant is that the widow of the son of Guido the Gimlet has said that Easter will start on a Sunday in April next year and three days beforehand, the reigning pope will spend at least two hours scrubbing the feet of Emma Bonino, Paul Ehrlich and Al Gore - though she wasn't sure if it would necessarily be in that order.

Unknown said...

To Blotto--tee hee hee hee.

Seattle kim

Unknown said...

How did they 'occupy' it? Guns? Force?
Just curious.

Seattle kim

Peter W said...

Look up the Catechism of the Catholic Church. You'll possibly get an education. Ignorance of the faith does not excuse.

Thomas A said...

All invisible Catholics go to Heaven.

Anonymous said...

Blotto in name; Blotto indeed.

Anonymous said...

You're right Peter so you should probably try to learn and overcome your ignorance:

841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."

Together with us Peter? I don't worship a moon god do you? The Koran compares the very idea of the Holy Trinity "ecremental".

Anonymous said...

Thomas A.: a utopic idiot who does not even know the basic tenets of ontology. "Invisible Catholics" do not exist and to claim that they all go to heaven only shows the pre-kindergarten level of your "theology."

Anonymous said...

Long live in our memories and in Heaven the courageous and true bishop Marcel Lefebvre, defender of the Catholic Mass, true sacraments, and sound doctrine.

Anonymous said...

Troll alert! Another Leftist Fascist is lurking in the corners of this blog to "upset" Catholic contributors. He must be hurting for a little cash as his latest anti-Trump, Soros-paid protest did not yield enough for his hallucinogenic kicks.

Jack D said...

Don't adjust your minds. There is a fault in reality.

susan said...

read the Church's teaching on times of emergency ya dolt. Guess you would have been one of the idiots railing against and calumniating St. Athanasius. Lefebvre, like he, kept the Faith. Follow your modernist vipers into hell if you wish, but understand this....they ain't Catholic. I think this fall will make that very clear to even the most dense and willfully deluded.

Peter W said...

What do you say to those who accused Catholics of 'sun worshipping' after the alleged strange solar behavior at Fatima?

Anonymous said...

True---the reality that liberal insanity refuses to acknowledge: hence, the liberals's perennial misery and anger. What a plight: miserable in this life and very likely even more so in the next (unless they repent, that is).

Anonymous said...

The priest, deacons, acolytes and lay people gathered next door to the church in a large conference hall not affiliated with the parish on a previously agreed date and time and simply marched, in liturgical manner, into St. Nicholas du Chardonnet, a historic and grand Paris church, and Monsigneur Ducaut-Bourget started saying mass (I think it was a high mass) while the Modernist rector was locked up in the sacristy under guard; the church then remained in traditional hands and 24-hour guard for some time. A glorious day and episode indeed where the Modernist bullies and usurpers got a taste of their medicine---just what is needed everywhere. If the rest of the world's Catholics had had this dignity, manliness, and courage we would have rescued many more moribund churches from the Modernist vipers who infest them. But, no, false obedience and false charity were preached and the Catholics kept quiet like sweet lap dogs while their Mother Church was being raped. No wonder God SEEMS to have abandoned us now---we deserve no less.

Anonymous said...

I would say that you, "Peter W" are a malevolent nut and a liar.

Anonymous said...

@Seattle I agree w/you and I do not attend the SSPX.
We will never know but IMO Bishop Lefevbre would be against the Novus Ordo if he were alive in 2017.
He Bp.Thuc (Bp.Mendez to a lesser extent) were last of the old school.

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