Sunday, November 27, 2016

Update on John Vennari's Serious Medical Condition

Edit: here's an update on John Vennari.  Please help him if you can.

[CFN] Here is a recap and slight update regarding my medical condition. Thank you for showing such overwhelming concern for my situation. 

On Aug. 11 I received a grave prognosis. I have a cancerous tumor in my colon and the cancer has spread to the peritoneum.

The only thing the cancer institute offers is chemotherapy. And even this is not something that will cure, but only contain it for a time.

As I am not interested chemotherapy, I am now pursuing alternative/natural means under the guidance of competent medical personnel, including an MD. It is a comprehensive protocol that has been helpful to others, but also involves an abrupt change in dietary and daily routine. I tell people I'm like a right-handed guitarist who suddenly must learn to play left-handed. It's all a matter of developing new habits. So far so good.

Link to CFN site...


  1. I offer my prayers and Holy Mass today for this valiant, true Catholic soldier who, unlike the majority of Catholics, responded most seriously to the graces he received at confirmation as a "miles Christi." May God heal and comfort him and his dear family.

  2. This is what the Remnant posted yesterday:
