Monday, November 28, 2016

Pope Seeks to Restore the Old Fashioned Flaccidity of 70s Seminary formation

Edit: there was a real attempt to roll back the mentally sick seminary formations that complained about "rigidity" and wanted to do away with rules.  You always knew you were dealing with a communist of he complained about "rigidity". Now we have a pope who does this repeatedly.  Surely he must be a communist. It could also be noted that clergy who complain about rigidity are suspect when it comes to the concrete demands of living a celibate life.  Examples abound.

[Rorate] One of the increasingly prominent themes of the Franciscan pontificate is the need to combat "rigidity" among seminarians, the need to teach them "discernment" (especially by Jesuits) and the need to exercise "vigilance" over new vocations, so that "quality" is valued over "quantity". In early 2015, Francis spoke about the "problem" posed by "traditionalist" diocesan seminarians and their "imbalances" as reflected in the liturgy. Later that year (November), during an address to a major conference on priestly formation he again returned to this theme, using even stronger language that compared "confident, rigid, fundamentalist" seminarians to criminals and insinuated that they might be mentally ill:

Speaking off the cuff, Francis told a story about when he taught the novices of the Society of Jesus. A “good” boy didn’t pass the psychiatrist’s test and she said to Bergoglio: “These boys are fine until they have settled, until they feel completely secure. Then the problems start. Father, have you ever asked yourself why there are policemen who are torturers,” the doctor apparently asked Francis. The Pope told clergy that they must think twice when a young man “is too confident, rigid and fundamentalist”. Hence, his invitation to them to beware when admitting candidates to the seminary: “There are mentally ill boys who seek strong structures that can protect them”, such as “the police, the army and the clergy”.


  1. Bringing back the 1970s priestly formations?

    Well, I guess once a hippie, always a hippie.

  2. The Mentally Sick is ,no other than,Bergoglio and his Modernist Vatican 11 minions.Lord may this end soon!!

  3. "My sheep know my voice..."

  4. The reason the clergy have been guilty of the crisis of Faith brought about in the late 1960's 1970's are the seminary deforms that removed all structure. I recall seminarians in the 1970's being told do what you feel. Don't repress any inclinations. You don't have to attend seminary morning and evening prayer, say the rosary or attend Mass. The prominence given to psychological reports to block seminarians that were virgins, who had ideals, that were innocent is one of the many great violations of lives imposed under the spirit of Vatican II. So sexual abuse flourished. Seminarians dated and were sexually active with females, eachother and others. I point all this out because the fruits of the abuses, doctrinally, spiritually and physically all started in the seminaries. Francis is a product of those times and the contradictory guff he comes out with in which things are just mouthed then undermined. Hippie Frank is the gasping last breath of the 1960's and he is promoting men to perpetuate the hermeneutic of confusion. May God deliver us from Frank the hippie pope! These vile men us their authority to destroy and will crush any individuals who get in their way.

  5. Seminaries right before Vatican 2 were pretty bad because they gave us thousands of hippy dippy priests who left the church after Vatican 2.

    Remember that at Vatican 2, all those modernists were ready to strike. They were formed in seminaries before Vatican 2.

  6. Here's an important interview with Alice von Hildebrand. Just in the 1920's and 1930's alone, communists were filling the seminaries. The seminaries before Vatican 2 were just as bad as they are now. We need a pope that'll clean things up.

  7. As a former seminary student and Navy veteran, I have to label the pope as misguided. Just why do boys gravitate to sports as a form of "rigid" training. Are they "mentally ill"? Are their parents mentally ill? Are mothers too ridid to want a stable environment in which to raised their family. To label the military, police officers, and the clergy as mentally ill is just too much. This guy needs a heavy dose of reality and needs to get out of his penthouse mentality with its rarified air.

  8. That any individual could come out with this tripe exceeds my ability to summon patience.
    The man is revealed to be at least cognitively disabled and emotionally compromised. He lives in an alternate universe at best. The only other alternative is that he is maniacal and mendacious. Doubtless the latter is true if those who have decided to take advantage of the hayride he provides. The Church is merely here to provide them a fluffed up position and financial security – their cash cow, and they are milking it.

  9. Looks like the False Prophet wants a new mass exodus of Priests. The feared schism is here, Bergoglio and his ghouls have defected from Christ's Church. We Traditionalists must remain faithful to Scripture and the Teaching Tradition of the Church.

  10. Until the Vatican implements the traditional rite of holy orders for priests & bishops,don't expect anything to change.

  11. If they're going to restore the 70's flaccidity they're going to need to bring back many felt banners with doves on them, and start singing "I am the bread of life" more often.

  12. This thrust for "non-rigid" seminaries (as if discipline, healthy self-denial, and adherence to the Faith and Holy Tradition were rigidity) is part of Bergoglio's destruction plan. The clergy who keep silence before this attack on their Mother, the Church, deserve God's harshest judgment. Francis is an evil, old man---and he will not back down. I think a case for demonic possession in his case could be made by those who are competent to discern such things: the signs of rage, contumacy, heresy, arrogance, and deceit are all there for the world to see.

  13. Huuuge sigh of relief at the Jesuit theologate Loyola School of Theology in the Philippines. Nothing to change; it's gonna be fun and games as usual, and overnight vacations with seminarians at the beach house in Boracay!

  14. St. Edmund Campion and St. Francis Xavier are glories of the Jesuit Order. The very mention of their names must make Bergoglio and modern Jesuits cringe. Pray to these great Saints for their modern(ist) brothers who DISGRACE the Order and the whole Church!
