Saturday, August 13, 2016

Horrific Sex Abuse in Anglican Church

Edit: Despite this being an issue with the Anglican Church in Australia, it will either be largely ignored or blamed on religion in general. It's not entirely clear how sincerely religious the perpetrators in this case are, but we'd be very surprised indeed if they were deeply or sincerely religious in any sense.

One of Australia's most senior Anglican's has admitted he didn't act on complaint of a paedophile ring operating in the Newcastle diocese, which he led for more than a decade. Roger Herft said he regretted he had not been more alert to what was going on.


  1. Pederasty is part of the homosexual life. Buggering little boys and young men is part and parcel of it, and this is unavoidably true. Our beloved Catholic church is chock full of rampant homosexuals, so connect those dots and figure out the problem. Poor little boys and young men, they are preyed upon by predatory monsters who will burn in Hell for the pain and suffering they have inflicted on these vulnerable children. Do we care enough for these boys and young men to state the truth?? Or are we enablers as well.
    I will not give a dime to the Catholic church for any more special "collections", until this house is clean. It may not come in my lifetime, ensuring that many more boys and young men are going to be sexually molested by our priests and bishops. This is a horror.

    1. This was about Anglicans, not Catholics. Don't look for reason to bash the Church.

  2. The story concerns the High Anglican diocese of Newcastle and it theological college at Morpeth. The Anglican Church has an extremely high incidence of gay clergy and all sorts of sexual vice. It has basically caved in and stands for little but externals and aesthetics. It gets a much easier time culturally because of the Protestant ascendency, femal clergy, pro divorce remarriage, married clergy, pro contraception and abortion. Basically the Anglican Church of Australia except for perhaps Sydney is corrupt.

    1. My understanding is grand majority of anglocatholic or high church anglicans are lefty liberals (google their term for themselves, "affirming ""catholicism"") and are full of homosexuals.

  3. Yeah, THIS TIME it was Anglicans.

    But we CATHOLICS still have way too many sodomite priests out there. And way too many lefty liberals who refuse to recognize that "intrinsically disordered" includes vile perversion, narcissism, and "killing the soul as well as the body."

    May God make this right. We're all gonna pay. But still, may He make this right.

    1. Maybe it's time to recognize that the problem has more to do with the moral relativists using ecclesial institutions as a meal ticket, and the media that exploits this phenomenon in the Catholic Church?
